To: "Phi" Sensor Network
From: Istituto di Ricerca Militare Maltese
Subject: Research tasks
Greetings Professors, Doctors and Engineers,
As per the last message, The IRMM will be increasing it's capital assets amount and deploying them for use in Maltese space. With this amount of traffic it will be much easier for all of you to work alongside our Intelligence to gather usable scientific data from both Sirius and Gallia. There's also a keen interest in procuring Nomad energy cells or Nomad hybrid weapons along with rare materials like Ultralloy from Gallia. Charting anomalies or bringing new species is always encouraged to maintain your expertise within your respective fields.
13th January 827 (tomorrow) at 09:00 a meeting of Maltese researchers will be held at Malta in the city named Sicily. Refreshments will be provided free of charge as is the access. You may present your own work there or see the research in other scientific fields.