All pilots wishing to become a members of LTSG LTD must fill the following form. The leadership reserves the right to deny any application.
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[color=#444444]Loyola Tactical Solutions Group LTD[/color] [color=#aaaaaa]Application Form L-331[/color].
[u]Personal Information[/u]
[b]Your name:[/b]
[b]Date of birth:[/b]
[b]Current location of residence:[/b]
[b]Current or previous occupation:[/b]
[b]Motivation for joining Loyola Group:[/b]
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group LTDApplication Form L-331. Personal Information
Your name: Emilie-Sophie de Belmond. Date of birth: 16th of November, 717 A.G.S. Birthplace: Planet Nevers, Burgundy. Current location of residence: Freeport Ten.
Current or previous occupation: Capitaine de Corvette of Marine Royale Gauloise. Motivation for joining Loyola Group: Seems like a good place for a former military to go on with her career.
Short biography: Born slightly away from the bustling center of Gallic civilization, in a family of hereditary military, she spent most of her time in the vicinity of planet Nevers - raised on it's surface, later as she grew - moved over to the Dijon/Avallon complex, where she lived, studied and later - based off her flights from there as a Naval ensign, following the creed of her family; with the time passing and her skills polished further, de Belmond have finally decided to go for a transfer to the operations on the front line.
As the decade-long Gallic War came to it's inevitable end, Belmond found herself stranded - after sticking with a rather radical Maquis cell that have soon met it's untimely demise, which ultimately brought Emilie-Sophie away from the concerns of the civilisation as she temporarily settled among the Zoners of the Freeport Ten, bidding her time for an opportunity to apply her skills elsewhere.
// ooRP section
What is your Discord?
You have it.
Have you ever been sanctioned?
Yes, but the most recent one was so petty it's not even worth mentioning.
Application End
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
Sender:Enma of the Loyola Familia. Recipient:Emilie-Sophie de Belmond. Topic:Your application.
Dear Emilie-Sophie de Belmond,
experienced war veterans are always welcome in LG. It's rare to see Gauls in our ranks, we are not yet able to service the Gallic technology. So I am afraid you will have to switch ship, for now, our instructors will give you some hours on models we have available. Pick which suits more for flying style, I am sure that with your experience, retraining will not take a lot of time. I will add you to our IMS server, feel free to say hi and make some friends.
Posts: 3,119
Threads: 271
Joined: Dec 2009
Staff roles: Server Administrator
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group LTDApplication Form L-331. Personal Information
Your name: Sarita Ybañes Date of birth: 795 AS Birthplace: Ruiz Base, Omicron Beta System Current location of residence: Lentini Outpost, Tau-53 System
Current or previous occupation: Captain of independent raiding squadron Partenope, based out of Lentini Outpost Motivation for joining Loyola Group: Seeking fame, fortune, and to hone my skills by flying with the best of the best
Short biography: I was born to a religious, Spanish-speaking, lower-class family on Ruiz. We survived off of the easy pickings of GMG convoys and escorting the noble traders who spread the Orange Dream. I learned to fly at a young age, and I imagine I shall do it as long as I live. I mostly worked freelance escorting those who spread the Dream, though I served for two years in the Maltese Border Patrol alongside some of the greatest patriots Malta has ever seen. I chose to depart the wing when it was subsumed into the 101st, and later formed my own squad, Partenope, with some other talented pilots. The dangers of space have claimed enough of them, and now la Escuadrilla Partenope is also no more. I have bigger hopes than to forever be a small-timer, flying independently or with only one or two wingmen. I crave bigger adventure, and to truly be a warrior among warriors.
Sender:Enma of the Loyola Familia. Recipient:Sarita Ybañes. Topic:Your application.
Dear Sarita Ybañes,
My family will always help those who are in need for something more, my girl. I will give you a job and my personal protection. Welcome to the Group. You are added to our IMS server, updates on the situation are usually there.
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group LTDApplication Form L-331. Personal Information
Your name: John McMurphy Date of birth: 28 November 754 A.S. Birthplace: Planet Houston, Texas System, Liberty Current location of residence: Barrier Gate, Coronado
Current or previous occupation: Previous: Liberty Rogues, Division 9, (National Council) Motivation for joining Loyola Group: Operations calmed down a lot. I seek the thrill of fights again, not just undercover intelligence gathering. That's what I look for here - knowing you - I will surely find fights.
Short biography: Born as the first son of a poor family on Houston, I've searched for every opportunity to get out of this hell. I was doing well. Studying and all, until the LPI shot my younger brother down. No process, no arrest, simple plain murder. I made it to the Liberty Rogues, barely 23 years old. Hatred blinded me back then, but it made me successful, so did the Cardamine I took ever since. Successful enough to become a person of interest to some Maltese families. I ended up as tactical officer on a RM-2A "Storta" Destroyer at the age of 47, just to command my own one at a later point a few years later.. Battles over battles led me ever closer to Nomad territory. I got to hate them. I am the founder of the now-called Maltese Exiles, the person responsible for their sole Battleship and everything. I left them after a full strategical disaster caused by myself, which included the loss of my precious old RM-2A. I flew for the National Council briefly after it was formed but I did not stay long. Tasks called me elsewhere. Well, here I am now. Tired of power plays, all I seek for is a good fight to spend my old days with.
// ooRP section
What is your Discord? Do I need to send you another pic for confirmation?
Have you ever been sanctioned? Uh.. Only bastilled for 5 minutes for fun some years ago. Indie Nomad in NY, good times.
It is not often that someone applying for a job spends a fourth of their application detailing their fickle personal loyalties and the magnificent (and shockingly expensive) strategic blunders they have committed. While the tenacity required to found a terrorist organization devoted to secession from a people that does not even have its own central government is astounding, it also displays an utterly stellar lack of good judgment, to say nothing of listing it on a resume. As such, the Loyola Group will not be offering you employment. Perhaps you would find yourself in better company returning to the Rogues?
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group LTDApplication Form L-331. Personal Information
Your name: Andrade Vega Date of birth: 12 November 803 A.S. Birthplace: Ruiz Base, Omicron Beta System Current location of residence: Ruiz Base, Omicron Beta System
Current or previous occupation: Lieutenant of renegade squadron who defect after being accused!! Motivation for joining Loyola Group: Looking someone to follow, a true motivator like Loyola!! true hero a someone who can say NO!!
Short biography: Born on Ruiz station, even in young age my father started to train me to be soldier to serve a good guys, like he does, He was fighter and teacher he was captain until his death. After his death i become a Lieutenant i lead my own group had couple man loyal man who follow me everywhere but things on Malta didn't go so good they accused us for murdering man who even we didn't know trying to capture us but i defect, then i heard for Loyola group i heard she is fearless leader!!
Sender:Enma of the Loyola Familia. Recipient:Sarita Ybañes. Topic:Your application.
Dear Andrade Vega,
I admire your loyalty and dedication but please calm down. You will be given a chance of proving your loyalty with deeds, let's say one month of the test time will be enough. If you fail to prove that you are worthy, I will have to say 'farewell'. I will add you to our IMS server, people are usually getting briefed there.
Loyola Tactical Solutions Group LTDApplication Form L-331. Personal Information
Your name: Rina Como-Contari Date of birth: April 24th, 780AS Birthplace: Planet Malta Current location of residence:MNS-Achaea (various locations), Como Familia Compound (Planet Malta)
Current or previous occupation: Scientist? (current), Contari diplomat to Golden Chrysanthemums (prior), National Council member (prior), Comandante of the Contari Lance (prior) Motivation for joining Loyola Group: Even in my secluded lifestyle I have heard about you guys making waves. You guys seem to be the ones to be with these days.
Short biography: I was born a slave on Planet Malta where I was forced to work for over half my life. The only thing that saved me from being there forever was the Contari family taking over my "master's" land. They set me free thanks to Alessan's drive to no longer be an incel, but I was able to show Aurelio that I was worth more than just a concubine for his son. After being adopted to the Contari family I was sent to Ainu Depot to be a diplomat for the Golden Chrysanthemums where I still have contacts today. I was called back to Malta after the formation of the Lance where I loyally served, becoming the Comandante next to Signore Orsini. Once the influence of the Lance started to wane I felt it was time to leave, so I've been drifting since then. I oversaw cardamine shipments through the Sigmas, flew with the Council for a short time, and have sold research data to whatever lab will buy it. That's where I am today.