I hope all is well. One of our liners had an unfortunate encounter with a Navy ship, the "Inceptor." They attempted to shake down the Reverie for carrying Envoys and "accidentally" fired two torpedoes at her. Fortunately, her shields took the majority of the hit, but her Captain alleges about $800,000 in damages. Captain Franklin filed a more detailed formal report here. This vessel doesn't seem to be in your branch of the fleet and I know that communication is limited between said branches, but I wanted to reach out in case there was anything you knew that could shed light on the situation.
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Spa Lines Division
SUBJECT: Possible misconduction from a Navy warship
This is Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day Captain Seabourne, I must say you directly contacting me is a real suprise, but not an unwelcome one.
Usually these matters are handled by more senior members of the Navy Primary Fleets, more specifically High Command personnel, still, I'll answer as best I can.
I've personally encountered this Navy ship already, I believe it so happens to be a Bounty Hunter Gunboat, which is uncommon even for the Secondary Fleet quite frankly. Well, to put it simply, as you mentioned for that matter, "Inceptor" is a Secondary Fleet vessel, sadly beyond our authority. Sadly the Seconday Fleet can be...unpredictable at times. Another even more concerning instance of this for example would be the "SDF-Macross_Police" a Navy Atlantis, with an LSF transponder, I recommend you and your associates avoid that vessel if possible, and call us if you spot it.
Still, I'd like to thank you for reporting the issue, and I encourage you to do so in the future, because despite the difference in which Fleet they may belong to, we could contact them regarding the matter to give us an explanation, or at best declare them as dangerous to the safety of others, and act accordingly, obviously with the authorization of High Command personnel.
I'll try to contact "Inceptor" if I can and see if I can get an answer from their point of view on the matter.
And about the damages, we'll see if perhaps your colleauge(s) can be compensated, but I can't make any promises on that, at best I'll personally compesate the cost of the repairs. Contact me in case you would accept the compensation.
That is all I've got to say at the moment, in case you have more questions, feel free to contact me on this channel.
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
To:Lt Jeremiah Sawyer, Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Subject:Re: Possible Misconduction From a Navy Warship
Greetings Sawyer,
I hope I wasn't too forward with the original message. You have a knack for getting messages to the Navy in the right inboxes, and your conduct in the past with the Breezewood has shown you're a competent officer who takes their oath to defend Liberty seriously while still being pragmatic. A natural choice to turn to for sorting out unfortunate incidents as this one.
As for the rogue gunboat (lowercase 'r'), I figured it was some secondary fleet shenanigans. I don't hold the primary fleet responsible and I know that justice will eventually be served. Your offer to compensate Captain Franklin is a generous one, though unnecessary. Given enough time, I know the navy will pull his bacon from the fire. All debts are repaid in time. I only included the number to show the seriousness of the issue, not to imply a desire for compensation. Captain Franklin may make an appeal directly to the powers that be, but that is his prerogative.
Thanks for the heads up on the Atlantis, I'll give them a wide berth and pass along the message. If there's anything OS&C can do to be of service to House Liberty, know that this channel goes both ways.
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Spa Lines Division
Always a pleasure helping out the Liberty Navy. My apologies my crew wasn't quick enough to scan more thoroughly. It makes me appreciate law enforcement training all the more! In any event, I hope this helps with your report: evidence
Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Spa Lines Division
SUBJECT: Possible misconduction from a Navy warship
This is Lieutenant Jeremiah Sawyer of the Liberty Navy First Fleet
Good day Captain Seabourne, thanks for the evidence, I'll re-direct it to the Liberty authorities in general soon.
Additionally, I have contacted the First, and 5th Fleet about this. Maybe that will speed things is up.
That'd be all for now.
Sawyer, Jeremiah
Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.