Disco was more enjoyable for the average player when ''idle roleplay'' was the norm. Where you encountered, roleplayed and contributed/formed RP related ingame and forum material without any expectation of it having any sort of end goal or impact on the server.
When player-driven content was made more popular, almost all active RP was measured and weighed with ''how does this benefit me/my group/my id/my story'' and only that. People were afraid of failure because it would, in their eyes, have lasting results in what they could obtain in the future. They were afraid of trying something new. They were afraid of starting up a dead ID just to screw around with the concept a little. After all, why bother writing up a faction if you weren't going to get it official. Why spend all that time and effort for ''no reason''.
People in disco are afraid to RP for RP sake anymore, since everything now must have a purpose of some sort.
This is, I think, somewhat understandable as we all get older and we aren't in our school-times before, where Disco was a leisurely activity. These days we come home from uni/work and the time we'd throw into a game like disco feels wasted if it is not for a ''good purpose''. So I can sort of understand it.
Still a shame though.
My two cents.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Also, recently I looked back at a certain old game I once picked up from a Demo disk, it is called Savage: Battle for Newearth.
It is a game I used to play long before I found Disco and last week I decided to look at it to see how it went. The population was declining over the last 10 years until there is only a single server ever filled up (out of an active 200+ being hosted) and only on a specific date pre-agreed to by the surviving community.
Because diehard fans will always remain. Disco will ''exist'' as long as a single person gives a crap about it. My visit to Savage was a sobering example as to what will happen to Disco at some point, sooner or later. That the game, forums, server and whatever characters exist remain, but populated by people who cannot give up on it for one reason or another.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502