Battleship La Riche, Roussillon System
13. Mars, 743 AGS
Sender:Prévôt Viviane Dior, La Maréchaussée de Gaule. Recipient:Zoner Station Administrators. Topic:The Information.
Pilots keep reporting to the confusion of Zoners when they are being additionally taxed or killed. Some of them mentioned some administrators.
Zoners are refusing to give docking rights to the Enclave while hosting all sorts of our enemies, including Bretonians and the Outcasts. Zoners are failing to be the neutral entity as you clearly support one side of the conflict. It's surprising to me that you let Bretonians to dock over us, considering they have annexed your planet, while we are fighting them.
Zoners will stay the legal target for the Enclave forces until our docking rights with all Zoners installations are restored in full. Please provide your pilots with the explanation of why exactly they are being killed or taxed, that's not our job.
Honneur et patrie,
Viviane Dior
Prévôt des Maréchaux
La Maréchaussée de Gaule
Personally, i think you are trying to bite way more than you can chew.
Antagonising all of Sirius is not going to do you any good, no matter how full of yourself you are. Lower your guard elsewhere and your enemies will crush you without delay. Shallow threats are not going to make you anything good either.
What you need to know is that Zoners maintain strict neutrality and the reason our installations are denying docking rights for your pilots is a source of confusion for me. The reason behind this is likely the lack of any prior contact. Before we proceed - i suggest you familiarise yourself with our No-Fire Zone regulations. If we are to talk about access to our Freeports - those are to be followed unconditionally at all times.
~Stella Hoshii.
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Blaine Chara
Location: Administrator's Office, Freeport 6, Tau 29
To: Prévôt Viviane Dior, La Maréchaussée de Gaule
I will be brief on this. I will not deny docking rights to anyone at Freeport 6 but I will bugger people along who loiter around my base. Why? All too often I've seen people sit in their big war ship, claiming that they are testing systems or running coms. That "big war ship" only invites trouble more often than not so if you need to dock, do it, settle your business, undock and move along.
I have two ships tagged [FP6] which patrol the Taus in Zoner interest only. If you have a problem with them it is because you created it, not them when all they're doing is patrolling.
To: Enclave From: Administrator Sun Koken Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta Subject: Enclave Requests Encryption: Hard Message: Sun speaks with earnest friendliness and kindness.
"It is unfortunate that you have resorted to such, unkind and violent ways. You aim your weapons, you aim your ships to put down the poor and the weakened and to kill those who are against your views. You shall only further your own suffering with such obtuse ways and language.
I shall not be angry at you, I shall not harm you, I shall only be mindful of you in hopes that you reconsider the roads you aim to travel down, anger cannot be overcome by anger"
Sun places her hands together and does her customary Buddhist bow.
La Maréchaussée de Gaule
Bob Bobberson the third, Esquire.
[SCRAMBLED] █ █ █ █ █
The Information.
*the screen flickers on, showing a distorted image of a wild eyed looking Bulldog*
"Hail Vivveh!"
*A loud boisterous laughter could be heard*
"Ya damn right tha Zoners are confused! Here we all are mindin' our own business and then you houses show up out o'nowhere and start blastin' us!
Practically every faction can dock on our stations as long as they agree ta play by the rules and what do ya know, we have bases everywhere so they're willin'
to do so. Now ya show up after wha, a decade o' war with tha brets without even announcin' yaself properly and ya blast us for not lettin' ya dock!?
If ya want to dock I advise ya listin ta miss Hoshii, all ya had to do was let us know ya didn't have dockin' clearance yet and ya were willin' ta stick to our rules
while in tha no fire zone."
*Bulldog shook his head as several people walked behind him, seemingly crossing to another room. Bulldog immediately turned around and tossed
what appeared to be dog biscuits at them, shouting*:
"Oi get out of here! I'm bein' diplomatic!"
*With a sigh Bulldog turned around again and faced the camera once more*
"Sorry bout tha', ders times I miss Milleh, things were easier back then ya know? Ol' Bulldog had an easier time back then lemme tell you.
Build a fleet, make some designs, shout at people, good times...Wait, why are you still here? Go read the regulations!"
*With that said Bulldog tossed a dog biscuit at the camera, howling in the background as he did so.
Once the dog biscuit was close enough to the camera to reveal it was the shape of a cartoonish frog.
It was in those last moments where one last shout was added before the transmission ended.*
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comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General and Research, Baffin
To: Prévôt Viviane Dior, La Maréchaussée de Gaul
Bonjour, Prevot,
I recently had the privilege of speaking with a Colonel Saint-Just, a meeting that was quite productive so I speak in peace. I will not defend individual base administrators but I will say that many of us have taken this way of life because of house governments. We built stations or took over stations that no one else wanted to be away from the very houses that were not interested themselves in such areas of space. With the constant conquest of territory by these houses, often competing and going to war over them, we find ourselves in the middle or worse, casualties of those wars and again, bullied and pushed around.
I will make a kind suggestion, one that you will find surprisingly successful.........treat the Zoners you meet as equals. Yes, that is right, as equals. A true Zoner does not care about one's affiliations, what side of the law they walk or even someone else's politics. If you want docking rights, I think being more of a friend and less of an enemy will yield better results.
Taxing? Well, you do that and word gets around. Big deal? When one finds themselves in hostile territory and the only place to land is a Zoner facility but word is out that Zoners are being taxed, you will not find yourself welcome.
So please, take a listen. I think a softer touch with those people who are not your enemies will benefit you later.
Dr. John Henry Holliday
Founder, Med Force Enterprises
Well it seems that you have not travelled very much in the way of Freeport 12 and its Extension.
Our facilities welcome everyone but my concerns about your'e attitude towards the general Zoner population is quite alarming and may I just say that as Zoners, we at Freeport 12 are quite happy to have anyone BUT alien life forms aboard our facilities as long as they are civil to my staff and do not cause trouble.
I feel you may be causing trouble because you think ALL Zoners are blocking you out well I can tell you we are not ... well not up to now and I am hoping that non of my Zoner transports are targeted by your so called operatives because quite frankly why should we be targeted when our Whale transports are unarmed and cannot hurt you in any way shape or form so the aggression you are showing is quite unreasonable in my view and I am sure there will be alot more Zoner organisations very alarmed at your'e attitude which ..... well ...... it's totally uncalled for and as stated above all you had to do was ask for permission to dock at certain installations and have you not considered that the security protcol of said facilities may have been malfunctioning.
The Zoner people are friendly courteous and considerate and do not go around threatening other installations so the very thought of the angry attitude from you is puzzling to say the least.
Communication is a good thing and also a good way to make good relationships so really before spouting off and being agressive why not try the diplomatic approach.
MUCh easier
SO JUST TO MAKE THINGS CLEAR We at freeport 12 show a neutral stance .........
Many Thanks
Leon Dante
Chief of Operations
Zoners of Galileo
Freeport 12 Main Base
Freeport 12 Extension
Enclave Forces
If someone comes banging at your door, demading to be let in and then threatens you with a Gun for trying to explain the situation and how to be let in, would you want to let them in?
This is the experience i had with your operatives outside Nichols Trade Centre. They Came demanding to know why they could not dock with our station and other Zoner stations, when i tried to explain that each station is run by its own Administrator and that its up to them who they dock with, they presumed i would speak with every Zoner base and get them to allow your forces to dock.
This is not how it works. You should of, like everyone else we deal with opened up a dialogue with a communication and talking to us, instead of bringing in the guns, as we are now all less inclined to even consider letting your ships dock.
You should do your homework before presuming anything about us Zoners, yes our bases can and do play host to your "enemies" but we also play host to your enemies enemies, its part of our neutral stance. DIfference is, we have ongoing communication with these parties, they respect our place as much as we respect theirs.
You can threaten us as much as you like, but i think you will find quite quickly that we have a fair amount more friends around here then you do.
Battleship La Riche, Roussillon System
14. Mars, 743 AGS
Sender:Prévôt Viviane Dior, La Maréchaussée de Gaule. Recipient:Zoner Station Administrators. Topic:The Information.
This is no diplomatic negotiation. We will open the diplomatic process once our ships are allowed to dock. Since our forces are disallowed to dock on all Zoners installations, we will hold all Zoners accountable. If you are unamused with this situation, then you are to bother those who are responsible within Zoners and can fix the situation. I will only repeat myself that until the point of docking rights being restored, there's no room for diplomacy or negotiations.
We demand no special treatment, but equality. As long as you provide shelter to our enemies and refuse to provide one to our ships, you cannot be neutral. And so, repeating myself once more, all Zoner ships are becoming the legal targets.
You of crouse have many friends and can fight back, you have shown it very well at Gran Canaria. Please spare my time.
Honneur et patrie,
Viviane Dior
Prévôt des Maréchaux
La Maréchaussée de Gaule