PRIORITY: High ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Wachman Klaus Schmidt SOURCE:Brandenburg Station, New Berlin
Vessel name: Holy_Fragger
Vessel affiliation: Deep Space Engeneering Freelancer ID Papers
Violation committed: Smugling, Assasination atempt on Rheinland officer,Hacking of Docking Systems
Data that may serve as evidence: Loading Data Atachment~~ ~~ ~~
Circumstances and notes:A ship calsignHoly_FraggerBison classhas ben cought smugling Black Market Munitions through stutgart system.
He was ordered to stop several times, once i aproached close enough he opened fire on my ship with no provocation.
I had no other alternative than to fight back.
He was flying directly towards planet Stutgart opening fire on me along the way und ignoring mein orders to keep away from docking ports.
In the end somehow he bypassed morring points und docked at the planet Stutgart.
Vessel name: Dynamo
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer ID/IFF
Violation committed: Smugling, Atempt to bribe police officer, Assasination atempt on Rheinland Police officer,Hacking of Docking Systems
Data that may serve as evidence: Loading Data Atachment~~~~
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info): Ship calsignDynamoFreelacer affiliation It's cargo hold was full of artifacts.
After short discusion und bribing atempt by this smugler he refused to obey the orders of Rheinland lawenforcment und opened fire on my ship.
The smugler flew straight to the Daumann Oder shipyard were he docked opposing mein directive not to.
Wachman Klaus Schmidt
User was banned for: Editing ini files
Time left: (Permanent)
PRIORITY: High ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Wachman Klaus Schmidt SOURCE:Brandenburg Station, New Berlin
Vessel name:CashMaker
Vessel affiliation:Junker
Violation committed:
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives.
§2.5.2. Hacking into secure channels on the Neural Net or transferring information from secure channels to third parties.
Data that may serve as evidence:Loading Data Atachment:~~~~~~
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):I was on my routine patrol when i noticed him on the scaners. I decided for a contraband scan but never had a chance for a clear scan cause the Junker refused to stop it's engines afther he was ordered to several times.
I warned him few times und issued a fine for him for disobeying the orders of Police Officer also stating him not to atempt to dock anywhere especialy not at the Brandenburg station were he was heading.
The Junker completely ignored everything und docked at the Brandenburg station right in front of me obviously hacking the docking ports.
I informed the Brandenburg flight control und docked aswell with intentions to arrest the junker inside the station while we reached the hangar with junkers ship he was already taking off from the station und disapeared in the direction of Dresden Jump Gate.
Wachman Klaus Schmidt
User was banned for: Editing ini files
Time left: (Permanent)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Report of third party: On an ordinary trade run I came across a Civilian Heavy Tanker carrying loads of illegal ammunition types within your borders, namely New Berlin.
Quote:Vessel name: Sigman
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer ID
Violation committed:
Article Two:
§2.1. Contraband possession: Shipping of the following goods in Rheinland is illegal: Artifacts of any sort
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Report of third party: Recently while shipping some materials for ALG through Stuttgart one of our transports noticed first one disturbing thing and then another. (...) The second thing which concerns the RFP is obviously the individuals cargo.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Report of the third party: As I was awaiting for a Daumann convoy to clear the tradelane From Frankfurt to Planet New Berlin, I came upon this disgusting sight of a Junker, iie, 2 junkers in their distasteful wrecked ships. As if the disgusting sight of meeting them wasn't enough, they added mental horror to the visual one, as both of them were carrying huge amounts of that foreign drug that follows their path everywhere, Cardamine.
Vessel affiliation:
Unknown; classified as smuggler.
Violation committed:
§2.1. Contraband possession: Shipping of the following goods in Rheinland is illegal (note the exceptions below): Cardamine.
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives.
§2.4.2. Denial to provide of law enforcement authorities’ representatives with information concerning your identification, documents on your cargo or your intentions in Rheinland space.
§2.4.8. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
I have been doing my patrol on the way from Battleship Westfalen, when I have seen a ship that haven't been registered as a legal Rheinland Corporate vessel (568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth).
The pilot behaved very suspicious so I began pursuit, as the vessel started to run away. After multiple hails, vessel neither stopped nor responded until I got to the Bering Jumphole, where I have concluded cargo scan. At that point, I have been fired upon and I began the pursuit into Kepler System. I have been forced to retreat from Kepler System due to the heavy damage and possible Liberty Navy patrols in the area. I have cancelled my patrol route and landed on the Battleship Westfalen for repairs.
The vessel is also likely to be stolen or bought on the black market.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info): Captain Sebastian Stein of the military gunboat RMG-Hessen: We were on patrol in Frankfurt system when ship j.ramon which is listed in criminal database with death sentence entered system from New Berlin accompanied with another junker pirate train ElveronPT. We engaged the criminal and during fight, other junker tried to help him by attacking our ship. After destroying j.ramon I tried to get him too but he was able to flee in Sigma-13.
Quote:Vessel name: Scrab.Yard|Jacob Vessel affiliation: Junker ID/IFF Violation committed:
§2.1. Contraband possession: Shipping of the following goods in Rheinland is illegal: Cardamine of any sort
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (3x)
§2.4.4. Insulting the Kanzler, the Republic, the representatives of law enforcement authorities (2x)
Vessel name: Scrab.Yard|Enrico-DE Vessel affiliation: Junker ID/IFF Violation committed:
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives.
§2.4.4. Insulting the Kanzler, the Republic, the representatives of law enforcement authorities
Vessel name: Scrab.Yard|Rocco-DE Vessel affiliation: Junker ID/IFF Violation committed:
§2.1. Contraband possession: Shipping of the following goods in Rheinland is illegal: Cardamine of any sort
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
After trader reported that he spotted three junkers hauling cardamine, three officers took off to stop them. One of them - Scrab.Yard|Enrico-DE - was stopped with contraband by the detektiv Olpenitz and handled the case according to laws. Other two tried to escape and I saw Scrab.Yard|Jacob near Bonn heading to Kreuzberg. He refused my order to stop but I was able to scan his cargo before he reached the base and got rid of the contraband hier. After that he didn´t pay the fine despite I repeatedly ordered him to do so. Also they started mentioning some base of theirs hidden in Rheinland. After that, two Hessian ships appeared on the spot and attacked us. All three junker ships abused this fight and fled. I ordered them via system channel to stop at nearest base and report position but they didn´t obey, hid somewhere and two of them started talk in system channel where they multiple times insulted Kanzler, republic and me personally as well.
Report edit: Another violation of Scrab.Yard|Rocco-DE added after evidence about smuggling was received from third party.