SOURCE..................................................Konstanz Boder Station, Stuttgart System
COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police
Quote:Vessel name:
Vessel affiliation:
Neutral affiliation with DSE ID
Violation committed:
§5. In case of a corporate vessel being intercepted with unlicensed goods, the cargo is declared contraband and dealt according to the criminal code. The violator's entry permit in such cases is blocked.
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
§2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems.
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: ***
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 01st October
Location: Dortmund Station, New Berlin
On my patrol in system New Berlin I encountered a DSE vessel named Cawa carrying diamonds in his Boderworlds Transport.
Although I ordered the captain of the Cawa to drop his cargo he refused and instead docked at Dortmund station has since this not been seen again.
I highly advice to register this vessel for the criminal data base.
Quote:Vessel name: Spoiler
Vessel affiliation: Interspace Commerc
Violation committed:
§5. In case of a corporate vessel being intercepted with unlicensed goods, the cargo is declared contraband and dealt according to the criminal code. The violator's entry permit in such cases is blocked.
§2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems.
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 01st October
Location: Near Dortmund Station, System New Berlin
Continuing my patrol took me to Hamburg and back to New Berlin. On my way to Bonn station I met an IC vessel named Spoiler in a Bretonian Shire transport hauling superconductors.
Informing him about the cargo restrictions of IC vessels he claimed to have smuggled these superconductors out of Liberty. I doubt that he did that as he was flying from Bonn to Dortmund. I ordered him to drop but he refused to comply and fled to Dortmund station. Although I ordered alle stations nearby to revoke docking rights for the Spoiler the captain somehow mangaed to hack into the docking procedure and could land on Dortmund. I have attached the communication protocol and guncamshots of this incident.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
The transport Travis.Green smuggled cardamine into New Berlin and we perused. We saw him and the other cardamine smuggler at the tri-lane at Planet New Berlin and he started heading for the lane up to the mining facilities. We met up with a military agent ID ~Cody~ planet side and communicated that he stop those transports. when we reached Planet New Berlin, Travis.Green and his friend were still there, with the Rheinland Military agent ~Cody~. When we communicated for the agent to stop the smugglers, the two had already taken the lane and were off to the mining facilities. Approaching the lane, ~Cody~ deliberately disrupted the trade lane, preventing us from perusing the smugglers.
[] Communication closed []
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
Priority: Medium
Encryption: Medium
Name ID: RFP|Kad.Stan.Stone
Location: Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Date: 3rd October 819
Subject: Law violators
#1 Vessel name: Arbeitstier
Vessel affiliation: Unioners
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.2.3. Equipment and ships that belong to terrorist groups and criminal organisations such as Red Hessians, Corsairs, Bundschuh, Landwirtrechtbewegung or Unioners.
Article 2 § Any person spotted in piracy or in performing acts of terror is to be executed.
Article 2 §2.4.3. Public swearing.
Article 2 §2.4.4. Insulting the Kanzler, the Republic or the representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Article 6 §1. A number of organizations is declared extremely dangerous and all the members of those organizations are to be arrested or eliminated (...) - Unioners for sabotage and repeated acts of piracy and terror.
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 2nd October 819
Location: Stuttgart system near Planet Sttutgart
Circumstances: He sweared and insulted law authorities on public channel, attacked civilians and destroyed one ship (details in my report from 3rd October, event 2).
#2 Vessels names: ^*Garbuz*^, Help_for_Garbuz
Vessel affiliation: neutral, ^*Garbuz*^ with Freelancer ID, Help_for_Garbuz with unknown ID
Violation committed:
Article 2 §2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
Article 2 §2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems.
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: #1, #2, #3, #4,
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 2nd October 819
Location: Stuttgart and New Berlin system
Circumstances: They exited the trade lane when saw me at the end of it and started to fly to open space. I repeteadly ordered them to stop but they didn´t follow my orders. I pursued them to The Ring Station where they hacked docking systems and docked. (details in my report from 3rd October, event 3).
SOURCE..................................................Konstanz Boder Station, Stuttgart System
COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police
Quote:Vessel name:
Vessel affiliation:
Neutral affiliation with Inderspace Commerc ID
Violation committed:
§2.4.4. Insulting the Kanzler, the Republic or the representatives of law enforcement authorities.
§3. The above regulations applying to Interspace, Ageira, DSE, Orbital spa & cruise and Cryer are valid for the entirety of Rheinland unless otherwise specified, which means the above corporations are only allowed to haul these goods legally within and out of Rheinland.
§ For the vessels of Gunboat class or Transport class with 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold or less - cargo confiscation and 2.500.000 SC fine.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):[/b]
Time: 05th October
Location: Bonn Station, New Berlin
I stopped this trader for a regular scan. When ordering the kapitaen of the vessel main to drop the cargo he wanted to know the reason for this. It seems like, that Interspace Commerce still does not teach its personal the laws of Rheinland. After some small talk the kapitaen dropped the cargo but refuse to pay the fine of 4 million sirius credits that I levied for this incident.
As the Rheinwehr gunboat RFS~Darkedge needed help against a rogue mercenary called Lord_of_Water I had to let this smuggler go, but not before informing him, that the fine would increase. He acknowledged this and left system New Berlin.
Quote:Vessel name:
Vessel affiliation:
Violation committed:
§2.2.3. Equipment and ships that belong to terrorist groups and criminal organisations such as Red Hessians, Corsairs, Bundschuh, Landwirtrechtbewegung or Unioners.
§2.4.4. Insulting the Kanzler, the Republic or the representatives of law enforcement authorities.
§2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):[/b]
Time: 05th October
Location: Between Bonn station and Stuttgart jump gate, New Berlin
The mercenary interfered in the investigation concerning the IC vessel Main and had loaded some artifacts in his cargo. Those were dropped by him but refused to leave Rheinland space when ordered by me and Rheinwehr kapitaen of the RFS#Darkedge. The Rheinwehr gunboat activated weapons and engaged the mercenary who answered with his turretes. Although I assisted the Rheinwehr gunboat with my nuclear mines the mercenary could destroy the RFS~Darkedge and escaped into the trade lane.
Open Transmission
From: Wachmann Nic Becker
Located: Planet Stuttgart
Callsign of ship: Charquer
Carrying Military Vehicles (violation of Article 8 §1 of the Law)
Hacking into Mooring cntroll system (violation of Article 2 §2.5 of the Law)
Attachment: Cargo:
I let him the choice of 3 options:
Quote:[09.10.2011 14:42:26] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: so there 3 ways for you, first you drop cargo and pay the fine and proceed
[09.10.2011 14:42:44] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: second you turn back sell it and pay the fine
[09.10.2011 14:43:07] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: third you can flee but last makes id very bad for you
[09.10.2011 14:43:19] Charquer: hmm
[09.10.2011 14:43:54] Charquer: ok i chosse [09.10.2011 14:44:04] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: all stations i revoke docking rights for charquer
[09.10.2011 14:44:50] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: the fine is 2.5m SC
[09.10.2011 14:45:20] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: so what you choose?
[09.10.2011 14:45:32] Charquer: id can cargo this?
[09.10.2011 14:45:43] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: in no way
[09.10.2011 14:46:06] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: i told you your options and you can choose one of it
[09.10.2011 14:47:00] Charquer: hmm
[09.10.2011 14:47:08] RFP|Wach.Nic.Becker: you have 10 seconds to choose der herr
[09.10.2011 14:47:19] Traffic control alert: Charquer has requested to dock
From: Wachmann Nic Becker
Located: Mainz Storage Facility, Frankfurt
Quote:1) Callsign: Maestro_D
Carrying Military Vehicles (violation of Article 8 §1 of the Law)
Quote:2) Callsign: lunch.time
Carry Nomad Material (violation Article 2 §2.1 of the Law)
Ship belongs to Corsair (violation Article 2 §2.2.3 of the Law)
Denid to follow my orders (violation Article 2 §2.4.1 of the Law)
SOURCE..................................................Konstanz Boder Station, Stuttgart System
COMM ID.................................................Officer Selitz, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police, Co-Pilot of the Geilenkirchen
Quote:Vessel name:
Vessel affiliation:
No affiliation
Violation committed:
Mercenaries / Freelancers / Civilians / Junkers attempting to engage in acts of piracy or assault, but do not visibly belong to any criminal organization.
§2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 13th October
Location: Near Dortmund Station, system New Berlin
Due to Officer Wolthers in hospital I took the Ragnar freighter Geilenkirchen on patrol on this day. A freelancer called Vigilante in a gunboat informed me about a gathering of Pirates named Rorry's Renegades in New Berlin under the lead of a someone called Rip.Riot.Rorry. I asked Wachmann Becker for assistance, but unfortunately his bomber was attacked by the pirate force alone near Bonn station. The freelancer gunboat Vigilante and a Bundschuh-pilo, who wanted to support us against those pirates flew to Dortmund. The pirates had disrupted the lane. Within seconds a battle against the pirates broke out, during which the Geilenkirchen was severly crippled.
Quote:Vessel name:
Vessel affiliation:
No affiliation
Violation committed:
Mercenaries / Freelancers / Civilians / Junkers attempting to engage in acts of piracy or assault, but do not visibly belong to any criminal organization.
§2.4.6. Assault on civilians or representatives of law enforcement authorities.
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence: *
(See also the guncam records for The.Freezing.Star as a suppliment)
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 13th October
Location: Near Dortmund Station, system New Berlin
Due to Officer Wolthers in hospital I took the Ragnar freighter Geilenkirchen on patrol on this day. A freelancer called Vigilante in a gunboat informed me about a gathering of Pirates in New Berlin under the lead of a someone called Rip.Riot.Rorry. I asked Wachmann Becker for assistance, but unfortunately his bomber was attacked by the pirate force alone near Bonn station. The freelancer gunboat Vigilante and a Bundschuh-pilo, who wanted to support us against those pirates flew to Dortmund. The pirates had disrupted the lane. Within seconds a battle against the pirates broke out, during which the Geilenkirchen was severly crippled.
Quote:Vessel name:
Vessel affiliation:
Violation committed:
§2.1. Contraband possession: Shipping of the following list of goods in Rheinland is illegal
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities' representatives.
§2.4.2. Denial to provide of law enforcement authorities' representatives with information concerning your identification, documents on your cargo or your intentions in Rheinland space.
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Time: 14th October
Location: In orbit of planet New Berlin, system New Berlin
This smuggler was spotted near New Berlin carrying artifacts without permission and landing on New Berlin, before he could even be hailed and ordered to stop. After undocking from New Berlin again, the smuggler was stopped by me and Oberst Bommel with the Rabenstein. The smuggler denied his deed and after a long discussion he was put under arrest for Vierlande. Wachmann Daniel met us in system Hamburg and escorted the smuggler to Vierlande.
This entry is not for the registering itself, but to provide evidence of the smuggling, as the pilot of the JuKiLa denied his violation of Rheinland law.
From: Wachmann Nic Becker
Located: Planet Stuttgart, Polizeistation
Quote:Vessel name: .:JCL:.Eagle123
Vessel affiliation:
Violation committed:
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
Deleting the enty of Vessel
Quote:Vessel name: FalconAiHwaks
Vessel affiliation: Freelancer
Violation committed:
Carry Military Vehicles (Violation Article 8 §1 of the Law)
Don't follow my orders to stop (Violation Article 2 §2.4.1 of the Law)
Guncam shots that may serve as evidence:
Circumstances and notes (time, location, additional info):
I stopped the Trader in front of Planet Stuttgart but he flees thru tradelane out of Rheinland Territory.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Rheinland Criminal Database Information System SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin SUBJECT:1 Row removed
The following rows are now removed:
Violator fine for amnesty Transmission
.:JCL:.Eagle123 = 8.500.000 #88