*Incoming Transmission*
Com ID: Colonel Picaroon Diablo, Shadow Outcast Brigade
Location: Classified - Alpha System
Callsign: {SOB}JollyRoger
Transmitted to: Commander of Red Hessian Army
Transmission Begins
Honorable Commander,
I am Colonel Picaroon Diablo, Commanding officer of the Shadow Outcast Brigade.
We are a organized group of Outcast pirates, assassins, & hired guns.
I am contacting you in regards to a couple requests we would like to discuss with you & your respected
First, we would like to offer our services to your fine organization. We can offer fighter escorts through various systems defending your transport ships and aiding your fighters when needed. We can also offer contract assassinations at a discounted rate to you as an ally. We will also assure none of our groups pirating division shall ever knowingly extort funds from your ships. We would as well be willing to aid in any attacks against mutual enemies.
Our second request, We would like permission to purchase 2 or 3 of your older yet well respected battle cruisers to refit & ad to our growing fleet. We of course would pay a fair price & may throw in some incentives if needed.
If this would be acceptable to you, please send a return comm message on our comm link or yours, which is ever more accessable to you.
Repairs of the damage we received in Omega 5 are complete a so we set off from Dresden on our normal patrol route. New Berlin was clear for the most part other than one VT being attacked by the accursed Wild. We cleared out the infestation then moved to Hamburg where we intercepted a Harvester in a Corsair Gunboat. After we took down the Robot we moved to Frankfurt and destroyed a small Corsair raiding party consisting of a Cruiser and Titan.
In all it was a quiet night and my crew enjoys the change.
To the SOB, the largest ship we produce is a cruiser and we are very protective of said ships. Very few of them exist and are prized by our military. The fine Outcast destroyer is on almost on par with our beloved ship and is more readily available to you. With our fight for the Omegas and Rhineland raging, we have very few to spare.
On behalf of this crew, I welcome your help defeating the Cannibals, but I cannot speak for the rest of the Hessians. If we see you in space, you can expect the support of this ship.
Message to: Flottekapitan Kaspar Meisnerr
Comm ID: Rekrut Wulf Sternhammer
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden
Wulf is out of der hospital and ready to do der smushing.
So I meet some unusual cucumbers today in Stuttgart, called the =FR= Free Rangers, dey are saying dey are friendly with der Hessians but only cause dey have to, but dey seem like nice fellows.
Vagen radio me and is in der poop vith der Corsairs in Sigma 13 and Wulf goes dere in der Loki and helps vith der smushing. Dey not be expecting der razor from der little Loki, Wulf is thinking. Even der Corsair bomber Grimly must be scared of der Loki chasing him and knocking der shields all der time. Haha.
But den I am finding der loot in a wreck as I am on der way back to New Berlin. I return it to Vogtland immediately. Is der weapon. Der name is Yade, I think. Wulf not read so good. What Wulf do vith dis?
Der outcasts are der great friends of us, ja? To help with der stinky Corsairs? Sure are friends to me und Vagen, sure as der cucumber.
Message to: Flottekapitan Kaspar Meisnerr
Comm ID: Oberleutnant Johannes Farb
Location: Vogtland Base, Dresden
I'm proud to report Kapitan that I've almost finished fitting out my new bomber [RHA]Red.Autumn. Once it gains name and notoriety in Rheinland with the right companies a bit more it's ready to commence operations.
Before I took my brand new ship to the long trip to Dublin I instructed Herman Schnitt in rudimentary skills in space combat. I feel that he needs more practice and I advised him to contact other RHA requesting training, but I think you need to remind him about that too Kapitan. He was a very quick study on the arts of combat so he'll do fine once he gets proper tutoring.
I managed to contact my Molly friend who arranged, for the right price of course, the Supernova Antimatter Cannon to fitted in the ship at their base. Upon on my return trip to I was hailed by call sign TopHer. The captain asked me discreetly in PM to supply him 3 x Mini razors. First I rejected him flat out, but he seemed to be legit arms dealer flying a train.
I was in need to some better weaponry to make the Red.Autumn fulfill it's role more efficiently as a capital ship threat, so I asked if he could get me something in return. Then he offered to make a switch of 3 x minis for 3 x Infernos. Not a bad deal on our part. I asked him then where would he get those and he just said through his supplier, which he promptly flew to meet at Sigma-19. Apparently his source used still another guy to get the Infernos. They ran a very efficient logistics chain it seemed.
He got stopped by our Outcast ally making very good and pointed questions about why he had those 3 Infernos in his hold. Luckly for him I told him to tell the alert Outcast pilot that he was hauling them for the Red Hessian Army.
The actual switch went smoothly at the Dresden trade lane. I feel there's a potential to use his services in the future also when aqcuiring more specific items since he seemed to be well connected.
The weapons procurement flights were eerily quiet. Omegas were devoid of any corsair presence. I liked it that way.
I decided to drop by the bar to get my nightcap and was pleased to see our friend in revolution, Olaf Streithorst, sitting at one of the tables. We changed a few words contemplating the future of Rheinland while we drank a couple of glasses.
It's true what they say in the news. More and more people are flocking to our just cause.
It's a definite sign that people of Rheinland have had enough. I feel the Autumn coming when the green leaves of people of Rheinland will turn bright red.
Com ID: Red Hessians Major Matt Black
Location: Freital base, Omega 11 system
Callsign: Red Hessians Grey 1. "Sitting Bufallo".
Transmitted to: Vogtland base, Dresden system.
-Open transmission-
Today I found myself in Dresden system, where Oberleutnant's Johannes Farb new bomber named Red Autumn was launched for practice in the Giftnebel cloud. After we dealt with issues regarding the ship, Red Autumn joined me in a strike of Bautzen station --> New Berlin gate trade lanes.
As you know in such cases, first attempts of piracy promise largest gain, as the time flows, traffic becomes aware of situation by the lanes and alter-courses are set.
I must regretfully inform you that this theory has been proved yet again. A lone Junker passed us, who we hailed on system channel. Of course, Oberleutnant Farb and I let him go, but next time I will not cover my eyes. This Junker proved to be most ignorant of all that I know. Ally or not, if one does not stop upon request, he does not think properly of Red Hessians authority and is ought to be taught a hard learned lesson.
Soon after Jupiter Guild mercenary appeared on scanners. I have no love for these guys, but sometimes even mercenaries can find a use. We let the individual go.
At this moment Bautzen must have been aware of situation as traffic decreased rapidly.
Making sure that Oberleutnant Farb has enough H-Fuel left, we set course to Frankfurt, but as soon as we moved deeper into the fields, system-wide transmission was received about the Junker's, who passed us earlier, death. Soon after that, a death message of the mercenary followed.
I gave an order to move back to the lanes. Something had to be out there. The mercenary survivor proved to be most useless in providing information, he was ambushed and failed to recognise his executionier.
We moved back to the lanes, but it was hard to maintain the position and the 'hero' did not show his face. Red Autumn was about to run out of H-Fuel and I ordered him back to Vogtland. I returned to Freital myself.
Upon return to Freital I've spotted an unidentified ship called [SIMAS] in Solarius vicinity. Setting ambush in Jescke fragment was useful before and I decided to do the same. However, this time the pilot seemed brighter. He soon shut down energy upon his ship and I lost him from scanners. He must have docked with Solarius to avoid unnecessary confrontation.
Today was most uneventful. At least the Red Autumn is running in full capacity right now.
Message to: RHA
Comm ID: Flottekapitan Kaspar Meisnerr
Location: Vogtland, Dresden
Logistics has sent me a report that a number of transport ships have been acquired from the Junkers, and are ready for duty. For now, I advise them not to be moved far from Vogtland as they will be required once our requisitions from our allies are completed.
I must advise all patrols to pay attention to our long range scanner readings of Omega-15. Word is circulating around on Kreuzberg, and our sensor operators confirm there's a lot of presence there lately. I want to see recon reports, gentlemen. We need to evaluate the strength of the force in the area, and why exactly are the Junkers so damned excited about it all of a sudden. Open fire only if attacked first, and try not to remain in the area for too long.
Do not divert operations from our Omega-5 front at any cost however. Recon has pinpointed a large Corsair force on the way to the system, and it looks like we are going to have to blast it to bits sometime soon.
Com ID: Red Hessians Major Matt Black
Location: Freital base, Omega 11 system
Callsign: Red Hessians Grey 1. "Sitting Bufallo".
Transmitted to: Vogtland base, Dresden system.
-Open transmission-
Guten tag, comrades.
I found my old "friend" today, while undocking from Vogtland. It was he SWAT guy I popped about two weeks ago with his buddy...twice. Its seems the bastard is resilient.
It did not take long before I was on his tail. Bounty Hunter in a Destroyer of some sort. He still fled, though...
Then I returned back to scan that other guy from before. He did not respond or submit his ID and so I went closer, taking a scan only to find out he had Hessian on his cargo hold. The pilot could have dropped the Hessians and he'd be free, but now Im afraid I will have to hunt him to the last. The fool...
One way or another, Omega 11 was clear after I end my patrol. A good thing too. If any of you, fellows see one of these individuals, do not hesitate to turn them into scrap, Im looking forward to it. Auf Wiedersehen!
Com ID: Red Hessians Major Matt Black
Location: Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin system
Callsign: Red Hessians Grey 1. "Sitting Bufallo".
Transmitted to: Vogtland base, Dresden system.
-Open transmission-
Guten tag, comrades. Ja... submitting report. I was on my way to Dresden to meet Rekrut Herman and Oberleutnant Hagen, when I noticed a Wilden flying close by. I did not engage this hybrid, he seemed to be following me, though. I ordered Hagen and Herman to set an ambush by Dresde-Omega 11 jump hole. I clearly stated my intentions.
"You'd be a fool to follow me, Wilden"
"Im on a task and that task does not involve you"
I do not know if the Wilden expected for an ambush or was indeed heading in other direction, but he turned to Stuttgart jump gate and dissapeared.
Upon arrival to Vogtland I've ordered to move to Stuttgart, where one Bundschuh was sent to our aid. Taxing local traders was not an easy task. We had 4 millions donation from a Zoner and met the Wilden again. My aim was to catch RepEx, so we did not chase the hybrid. Very generous donation from that Zoner, indeed. Republican convoy has also donated a million, to my surprise, he did that willingly too, informing us about his intentions. Or was it fear?
Either way... Hagen and the Bundschuh has left us at this point. Bundschuh seemed to be anxious to catch the Wilden that passed us before, I sent Herman to their aid. His chase, I was told, was to no avail and the Bundschuh together with Rekrut Herman moved to Sigma 13 jump hole. I was on my way too and joined Herman soon after. The Bundschuh already had a Zoner convoy redirected to Kreuzberg to get rid off his previous and buy Junker goods of the same kind. It went fluently.
I and Rekrut Herman decided to attack a shipment ourselves, in less polite, Hessian way. All we caught was a Corsair fighter, though. He tried to run at first, but was forced into a fight. The fight took merely half a minute, before the pilot was sucking space dusts. Thats how Corsairs are welcomed in Rheinland space.
Comm ID: Oberleutnant Hagen von Seelenburg
Location: Vogtland Base
To: Flottenkommando
As Major Black ordered me, I am hereby reporting about our past funding operation in New Berlin.
Shortly after the events Major Black just reported and the ion storm was over, the major took the RHT-Raeuber for a spin, backed up with a squad of three pilots, ordering me to take command. At first, we moved to the lanes of Stuttgart, to seek our first funding sources. But as long-range scanners didn't indicate any activities in the Omegas or Cambridge, I ordered our squad to move on to New Berlin. On our way, we met two traders who we had to chase back two Stuttgart twice. Our only Pilot who was holding a CD, Unioner Hanna Farbar, did a good job keeping the traders at a short leash. The whole day, only one trader actually managed it to escape.#
After milking a zoner who made us fallow him though half of Stuttgart, we finally could move to New Berlin, taking a pit stop at Kreuzberg at first. Unfortunately, an Ion storm scattered our squad all over Rheinland. But we managed to regroup again at the lanes to the sigma-13 jump hole.
By the time, our squad has been reinforced by the Tear Lukas Krause and Leutnant Ferdinand Gryneus. The next 20 minutes, we came only across cooperative traders, all donating willingly Three Million to our great cause.
A situation occurred as another two Unioners (Felix Zimmer and Bernd Schuster) showed up. I sent them our com frequencies, but they didn't make a use of of them. They flew by, scanned us, moved two lanes away from us and held their position. I didn't care about them until they actually dared a rubbing attempt on one of our precious Donaters! Spontaneously caught in rage, I threatened them to leave their criminal hands off our cooperaters - but found my manners again quickly after reminding my self of Frau Farber still being grouped up and relyable, offering those Unioners to split the pot.
Luckily, they accepted. Even though they are nothing more but generic criminals to me, I wouldn't have liked to order the Hessian Squad to rip their vessels into shreds.
Shamefully, before we could transfer anything to the Unioners, We were suddenly hit by an Ionstorm. A royal shame, indeed.
On the end of the report I want to recommend the promotion of Rekrut Hamlin Loewenhardt and Rekrut Herman Schnitt into the Rank of Leutnant to Red Hessan Army High Command. Both fallow their orders with their best knowledge and conscience. They are fairly relyable soldiers, effective combatants and most importantly, revolutionaries by heart.
Com ID: Red Hessians Major Matt Black
Location: Kreuzberg Depot, New Berlin system
Callsign: Red Hessians Grey 1. "Sitting Bufallo".
Transmitted to: Vogtland base, Dresden system.
-Open transmission-
After a long trainng practice in Omega 54, Mr.Schnitt and I decided to patrol Omegas with intentions of bringing someone down.
The patrol went through Omega 5, Omega 7 and of course Omega 11. This is where I spotted a Corsair fighter. Having no disruptor whatsoever, I've ordered my wingman to engage him. The Corsairs struggled hard. He entered several jump holes during the time he was dodging Mr.Schnitt's disruptor missiles.
The Corsair took a good beating, but I ordered to disengage, as we entered Omega 5, due to Corsairs presence in the system.
hessian chasing corsair fighter
Time to evaluate success.
Rekrut Herman Schnitt to Leutnant
Herman Schnitt is most resilient when it comes to catching an enemy. His devotion and activness requires acknowledgment. Not only Mr.Schnitt is a good fighter, but also a tough and determined Hessian at heart.
Rank of Leutnant allows you access to Thor bomber and flight codes to Raeuber's - our Borderworlds Transport deck. Keep that attitude and also keep up the good work, Leutnant.
-End of transmission-