Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): Yapois - BMM and Andromedae - Gateway; Noobone - Liberty Navy and Justice - Liberty Navy
Owner's or organization's affiliation and a brief description of the owner's or the organization's activities: Yapois, miner BMM ; Dr. Tooth, OSC - transports and commerce and others allowed by Liberty government.
System and exact location for base (coordinates can be sent privately): 3F in the midle
Reason(s) for Construction: ore commerce
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests: Sir William Hawthorne, I just received a message from you about the base built in Cortez. When I joined the Discovery server, I was extremely delighted with everything that you developers have done so that we, fans of this incredible game, will again find a great incentive to return to play. But it was not only that, there were the bigger ships that we could acquire and ... even more incredible, the possibility of building a base ... so I was eager to read everything to finally build this much desired base, I looked for the CORTEZ system for being my family's surname (in the original game I already thought it was legal to have a system with that name), so I saw that I should apply for the building permit from the Breton government and I did so. I figured it was enough to ask them for a building permit. I apologize for my ignorance, as I did not know that I would have to ask you for this license as well.
What should I do to comply with the Liberty government as well?
Follow the release link:
By filling this application you hereby agree to the taxation and complying with the regulations as stated by the Laws of Liberty and will be held responsible for any violation.
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be adding your permanent license after payment of credits is made to Liberty-Bank-001 and evidence provided.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center
(06-07-2020, 06:31 AM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote:
14BIS 4D&A Comerce;
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be adding your permanent license after payment of credits is made to Liberty-Bank-001 and evidence provided.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center
Base Name: 14BIS 4D&A Comerce
Base's Affiliation (IFF): BMM
Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): Yapois - BMM and Andromedae - Gateway; LN-Rock - Liberty Navy and Justice - Liberty Navy
Owner's or organization's affiliation and a brief description of the owner's or the organization's activities: Yapois, miner BMM ; Dr. Tooth, OSC - transports and commerce and others allowed by Liberty government.
System and exact location for base (coordinates can be sent privately): 3F in the midle
Reason(s) for Construction: ore commerce
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests: Good morning, in accordance with the provisions of the reassessment and granting of a license for the installation of our humble base (we thank your landlords immensely for this), the payment to Liberty-Bank-001 the stipulated amount of 1000000000 would grant us the much desired permanent license.
After borrowing some money and a lot of work, we were able to find out what was needed and today we made the deposit through our friend Yapois (BMM), then follow the receipt of this transaction, in advance we thank your landlords.