RECIPIENT: Ensign Maia SENDER: Commander Alisa Tereshkova LOCATION: OCV-Shezmu, Drake. PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: New assignment FREQUENCY: Encrypted Internal
Commander Tereshkova on channel.
Great job, Agent! The data you received only once again confirms our fears about infection in Gallia and
specifically in the Enclave. I express to you my greatest appreciation for your, without exaggeration, act of bravery!
I hope that you will not stop there and continue to do your service with the same dedication and loyalty to the cause of the Order.
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RECIPIENT: Commandant Alisa Tereshkova FROM: Lieutenant Maia SUBJECT: New Assignment - report no. 2 PRIORITY: Low ENCRYPTION: High
Greetings Commandant,
I've done sorties around Drake system and even in the neighboring systems - namely Alberta, Newcastle and Coronado. However, I have nothing new to report as I only met already reported contact "Boogeyman". I wasn't intercepted and my only complications were hostile weapon platforms stationed near jump holes.
Thank you for my chance commandant as I now feel more meaningful than during my time in the secondary fleet. I'll keep doing my recon sorties in the Drake system and report when I find anything new.
RECIPIENT: Ensign Maia SENDER: Commandant Alisa Tereshkova LOCATION: OCV-Shezmu, Coronado. PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: New assignment FREQUENCY: Encrypted Internal
Commandant Tereshkova on channel.
Take your time, Agent. I highly recommend you to visit the battleship Atum before you set off again. The forward troops received a batch of stealth field generators, better known as the "cloacking device", and I was able to convince the command to allocate some of them for my squadron. Check into the Atum's maintenance hangar to receive this unit. Your device number is #0012997, present it to the duty officer or senior engineer
and they will install and configure this device.
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RECIPIENT: Commandant Alisa Tereshkova FROM: Lieutenant Maia SUBJECT: New Assignment - report no. 3 PRIORITY: Low ENCRYPTION: High
Greetings Commandant,
I followed your instructions and got my new cloaking device installled. I'm little surprised how big it is on my Onuris, and it required additional modifications to firmly secure it to the ship. I'll properly test it before next flight.
However, I'm about little concerned about sacrificing countermeasure launcher, which could make my future disengagements much more difficult. Sadly, technicians were unable to attach countermeasure launcher instead of a mine launcher which I never used.
As with my recon duties, I detected one nomad-human hybrid gunboat in the Inverness system. It tried to lure me into combat unsuccessfully, but even as I got closer, I wasn't able to properly identify callsign of such vessel. I captured its footage with all relevant sensor data for analysis.
I will update this report as soon as I find and record another nomad contacts.
During my next sorties I haven't met any larger enemy vessels or lifeforms. I was chased again by "Boogeyman" and later by rheinland Wraith-class very heavy fighter with callsign "Justiz". I properly field tested newly issued cloaking device and helped me to shake-off hostile fighter from my six. However, it also confirmed my fears and I miss my countermeasure launcher dearly as I'm now much easier target for enemy missiles.
As I was returning to the battleship Atum from my patrol from nearby systems, I stumbled upon group of battlecruisers with Bretonian markings. I don't know how they are relevant to our mission in Drake system, but given their proximity to our operations and our allies, I include their footage in my report.
Conclusion - Heaviest enemy tactical asset I spotted today was hybrid gunboat in Inverness system. My pursuers in the Drake system were very heavy fighters at maximum and even battleship OCV-Ra from secondary fleet wasn't able to provoke enemy heavier units to action.
RECIPIENT: Overwatch High Command SENDER: Commandant Alisa Tereshkova LOCATION: OCV-Shezmu, Coronado. PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: Project "Haurun" FREQUENCY: Encrypted Internal
Commandant Tereshkova on channel.
Greetings, honorable high command. I report that I initiated the launch of the Haurun project. I gave the order to begin preparatory works. The LV-Nefertem and SD-Prometheus ships, by my order, were sent to Coronado, to the site of the upcoming excavations. I'm requesting to this project be given the highest priority status and additional forces should be allocated to protect the excavation site. My own Crimson Squadron already received an order to patrol the region, but their strength may not be enough if someone decides to intervene.
Excellent work. With the Nomad forces distracted by the operations in Drake this indeed seems like the ideal time.
Most of our forces are still busy 'cleaning up' the remaining Nomads, though what resources are available at the location will
be allocated to ensure Hauruns success.
⧫ Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ 06/21/827
⧫ FROM: Commandant "Ba'alat Gebal"
⧫ TO: The Order Central Communications
Patrol Report
The wild presence within the Drake sector, alongside with the Nomad influence, has reached the point where actions must be taken. My arrival at the Battleship Atum's battlegroup was swift and was immediately dispatched to scout the region for hostile activity. Drake seemingly embraced diverse Nomad installations blended with infected stations. Due to excessive hostile activity as an obstacle, we were desperately making efforts to strike the weakest points. The operation[ was commenced, and fighters were dispatched with heavier support to defeat the opposing fleet. During the operation[1], I flew my "Lich" fighter, as it's pretty agile against the menace that it could face.
Upon my first patrol protocol, hostile activity was increased in the sector, indicating they were undoubtedly bracing for our intervention. They kept upon grouping in large numbers contained out of different mixtures of ships, that were confirmed infected. It was difficult to perform any significant damage even with the assistance of the Crayter Republic. Nonetheless, we fought as knights defiantly mercilessly, repudiating the presence of the Nomad threat. Unfortunately, we took many casualties. The ongoing battles were oft occurring, sometimes abruptly endeavoring to catch our battlegroup off guard, which was certainly close to impossible. With my belligerence and dedication to finally put a dot to their presence, I succeeded to disable several infectees[2] and Nomads[3], even whilst being heavily outnumbered. Tactical disadvantage did occur whatsoever, however, due to their incompetence, we'd usually turn the tables. A rather strange event took place in Drake, where the wormhole seemingly collapsed for unknown reasons. Before the event, I had taken hard hits during a tactical disadvantage[4]. Thanks to my skills in the martial field, I managed to make it out of there barely breathing, swiftly escorted by a powerful battlegroup under the Order's banner, towards the Atum.
That's where my actions have ended in this operation, where I was urgently jumped by a manmade hyperspace breach towards our homeworld, Akabat, to receive medical threatenings and recover from the strikes I had taken. After the recovery, I will need to meet up with one of our generous and loyal operative I've known for decades, and take a brief break to dedicate the time for ourselves before commencing further operations. I'm satisfied with the operation I partook in, and I reckon the Nomads have taken a heavy beating to initiate anything serious presently. However, In terms of damage I'd taken, engineers haven't informed me how my vessel is doing. I hope it's alright, and that it'll be able to roll over any infected imbeciles sooner or later. Commandant "Ba'alat Gebal" signing out.
Commandant "Ba'alat Gebal"
Black Fleet, The Order Overwatch
RECIPIENT: Overwatch HC LOCATION: Fort Carthage, Omicron Epsilon PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: General report 22/06/827 FREQUENCY: Encrypted Internal
Greetings, Overwatch. Commodore Storgen reporting for the recent 3 weeks of intense actions in the war theater.
1. Nekhbet taskforce current status:
- Battleship Nekhbet and its battlegroup dispositioned on Fort Carthage in the preparation process.
2. Assessment of the situation:
- After two weeks of battles in OMICRON MINOR, Nekhbet managed to breach the Nomads defense line near the Knossos portal heading to OMICRON IOTA system.
- OCV Mafdet with its squadron, alongside with Crayterinas and Atum taskforce, have been participated in the operation against Nomads and infected in TAU-117(DRAKE) with the purpose to eliminate their forces and station named BOTTROP DEPOT. Currently, we have no idea what happened but the charging Knossos portal there has been depleted. As a result, the environment, and passage there have been collapsed. A jumphole in CORONADO is no longer active and very close to collapse too. The situation in CORONADO now looks stabilized.
3. Combat status:
- 01/06/827. Charlie squadron faces Nomads near Knossos Portal in the OMICRON MINOR and successfully deals. (Videorecords 1)
- 06/06/827. Order strikegroup under OCV Nekhbet command moving to attack Nomad forces in the OMICRON MINOR in attempt to clear positions for further movements (Videorecords 2)
- 14/06/827. We finally spotted a nomad carrier that was capable to deploy large fighters group. OCV Nekhbet started to attack the huge Nomad ship and finished with success (Videorecords 3)
- 19/06/827. OCV Shezmu prepared its crew to attack Bottrop defenders and partially managed to push them back. (Photorecords 1)
4. Important spotted infected and sympathizers:
During the purging of Drake, Order operatives collected lots of intel data, what was going there and now I can represent results:
Battleship Embrun. It's an enormous situation when we see something like that near station full of renegades and nomad puppets. This is a "Valor" - gallic battleship mostly used ny Royal forces during the war against Liberty and Bretonia. There is no doubt anymore - Royalists known as Gallic Enclave has infected agents inside and Nomads have powerful Gallic technologies in their hands. We have no choice - Embrun must be eliminated.
Tarasque|Aoi. Looks like it's a part of Embrun's battlegroup - Gallic "Triumph"-class destroyed used by Royalists. His movements were spotted in DRAKE and CORONADO during the operation. Was helping Nomads and infectees in Drake. Status: Unknown. (Audiorecords 1)
HMS-Amazon|Aoi. Now we've seen Bretonian "Crecy" destroyer accompanied by mentioned gallic destroyed and Nomad forces. Interesting fact: its captain called us "Miners" or so. You can found more information in blackbox. Status: Unknown. (Audiorecords 2)
Oscar-6|Aoi. Gallic fighter "Lynx" class participated in Bottrop defense. Equipped by hybrid organic weaponry. (Audiorecords 3)
Holfenhauer|Aoi. Old Rheinland "Wraith" class fighter accompanied Gallic destroyer and participated in Bottrop defense several times. Equipped by hybrid tech. (Audiorecords 5)
Oscar-3|Aoi. Another bomber accompanied Gallic destroyer in the CORONADO. (Audiorecords 6)
Capriano.Adimari. Unknown aggressive nomads pawn flew on "Sabre" BW series fighter, equipped by hybrid tech, and attacked Order forces in the DRAKE system. (Audiorecords 7)
Crimson.Jewel|Aoi. Another pawn accompanied nomads forces in Drake. Ship has been disabled by OCV Shezmu. (Photorecords 1)
Prinzessin|Aoi. Nomad puppet tried to stop Order forces. Disabled by commander Luciano Marquez. (Audiorecords 8)
5. Illegal settlements.
- 01/06/827. Junior officers received an order to investigate any unknown installation within Order Overwatch controlled territory. Results are in attachments. Recommendation: Contact and investigate. (Communication 1)
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RECIPIENT: CommandantAlisa Tereshkova FROM: Lieutenant Maia SUBJECT: Long range patrol 22/6/827 PRIORITY: Low ENCRYPTION: High
Greetings Commandant,
I've been doing my long range recon duties as I was looking for any nomads or infected vessel we don't have recorded right now. My journey started from battleship Atum to Liberty, Kusari, Taus, Bretonia to Coronado again. My mission was unsuccessful, as I haven't find any new signs of the nomad's or infectee's activity.
However, I managed to get across two new operational freeports, which can provide our agents with needed services in case of emergency without needing to rely on an everchanging faction relationships. Both freeports are hidden away from usual traffic.
First one identifies itself as Noshima Freeport, located in Shiun Cloud at C5, in the Shikoku system. Second one is Halifax Freeport, located in East Leeds Smog Cloud at F6, in the Leeds system.
From my short visits there I can conclude, that Noshima Freeport is more luxurious than the other one, which could prove handy in need of place for various dealings with more important or prestigious individuals.
As always, I include captured data even if there aren't any infected or nomad vessels recorded.
After my aforementioned long recon, I done another much shorter recon sortie through Liberty space. All went well and almost nothing to report, save for one probably important thing for our operatives in Liberty space.
Rochester Base near planet Manhattan in New System is damaged and does not accept docking requests, which leaves us without operational safe haven in New York system.
RECIPIENT: Overwatch HC LOCATION: Planet Curacao, Cortez PRIORITY: Important SUBJECT: General report 22/06/827 FREQUENCY: Encrypted Internal
Command, Commander Marquez checking in following a successful internal operation passed by the Grand Admiral.
1. Assessment of the situation:
-Offensive in Drake labelled as unsuccessful so far, infested presence in the system is at a maximum. Recommend withdrawal of more assets from home-ports or additional support from local inhabitants to remove infestation.
2. Combat status:
- 12/06/827. Offensive begins, flight tactics and lessons from Spouse - Annabelle Heinrich put to use in the field prove effective. Recommending lessons and tactics to other solo operatives in the Overwatch to benefit overall effectiveness.
Combat situation proves more complicated than anticipated, significant number of drones along with the missing R.N.S-Embrun's infected garrison successfully barricades an overwhelming and quick victory.
- 19/06/827. Operation ends, I have returned to Planet Curacao, my initial request still stands and has been submitted to the Grand Admiral for approval or denial.
The Photorecords should speak for themselves in regards to applied flight skills.