Type: Heavily Modified Geb-Class Order Light Carrier. Gravity: Complex, Full. Docking: Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats, Transports. Amenities: Full. Population: [color=#FF0000]CLASSIFIED. Weapons: [color=#FF0000]CLASSIFIED. Sensors:CLASSIFIED. Known to have a Resheph Sensors Suite. Capabilites:CLASSIFIED. Known to have a jumpdrive and electronic cloaking capabilities.
[font=agency fb]The Khonsu started as a Resheph Order Reconnaissance Cruiser that was placed under the command of the as-of-yet mostly untested Doctor. Perhaps one of the first expeditions it took part in was a practically suicidal foray into Omicron Iota and Omicron 99. It was crippled in the orbit of planet Xerna, and all pods had to be launched.
What was realistically the Seker II was built shortly thereafter, with all the information from the computer core of the Seker I beamed into it from the blackboxes stored in the pods launched. Firepower was reduced for enhanced armour and a second engine core was installed in the place of the forward cannon dynamos. A research lab was crammed into this cruiser, and the medbay was expanded, for the Doctor's activities.
This improved vessel lasted quite a while longer in the hands of the Doctor, and saw service from Tohoku to Omega-41 to Newcastle to Coronado and even the footsteps of Gallia. It was perfect for his uses of roaming Sirius, gathering information. It was an invisible fortress from which the workings of the galaxy were visible to his eye, through the myriad wormholes he peered through.
This was adequate for his uses...
At least for a time.
His research grew and expanded, as did his need for protection and additional crew. A larger, more powerful ship was in order, and thus it was that the Khonsu was christened several months after the Seker was left crippled in the orbit of the suns of Omicron Delta during a solo charge at two Nomad battleships during the Battle of Freeport 11 in early 817. The computer cores, research banks, bridge chairs - everything possible - were salvaged from the Seker and placed into the Khonsu, which was being built from the frame of a Geb class Order Light Carrier - but ended up being a unique blend of Geb strength and Resheph capabilities. This was exactly what the Doctor needed.
The Khonsu, to date, has never experienced major damage of any sort, despite it having taken part in several engagements with enemy forces. It has traveled everywhere in Sirius, quite literally, with the Doctor on board. Despite his extensive travels within known space, he usually travels beyond The Edge and keeps to the unknown (to anyone else) systems out there. He has supposedly had many harrowing adventures concerning Nomads, natural phenomena, even other humans once in a while... and things even more dangerous - those which can not be classified into any of the preceeding categories. He has gathered much information for the Order whilst out in the unknown, and continues to do so. The Khonsu is not seen very often within Omiron Minor - the closest he likes to bring it to civilization is Omicron Lost. Wherever it is, though, you can be sure the Doctor will be as well, and that there will certainly be tales to tell concerning either.
The Doctor, or "Doctor Inpu"
[color=#FF0000]Commander, Head Research Officer
The Doctor is an old man who makes quite a secret of anything that happened before he joined the Order. It's known that he was an itinerant smuggler of some sort, but there is little that can be confirmed past that. He often brags that he is "the man who knows the most about Nomads" and that he's "been in the middle of this thing longer than anyone who still has their soul." It's quite possible that he was one of the scientists within Rheinland when the first Nomads were brough back from Pygar by the infested scientists.
As another member of the Order, David Freisener, said: "The Doctor...? He is a strange man to be sure. Physical appearances aside, his personality seems to be filled with dark mists, revealing nothing, hiding something. There seems to be a profound dark streak in him, but every now and then, a shaft of light emerges from within and shows a completely different side of him. He can be cold, and ruthless, but he is efficient and competent."
He's a bit of a loose cannon within the Order, always off in uncharted space exploring and researching Nomads more and more. He often pursues his own objectives and diplomacy. He's allowed freedom, mostly because he knows what he's doing and is quite irritable.
Scott is Gallian. He and The Doctor somehow have close ties that neither will explain. He is a brilliant commander and tactician, obviously with some sort of military background. He's also quite the scientist who is very solidly grounded in all sciences. He's quiet, reserved, but has a good sense of humour.
Will is quite the Junker. He's rough, tough, mean, and lean. He's taken the worst life can offer and come back for seconds with a fork and knife. (At least according to how he puts it.) As dramatic as he might make his life seem, he refuses to go into details about why exactly he's in the Order and what exactly he went through.
It's common knowledge that he at least spent several years on Yanagi base. It's hypothesised that he had some sort of an encounter with the Wilde in the darker, denser regions of the Sigma 13 Nebula - places where few men dare to tread. He doesn't confirm these statements, but he doesn't deny them - and his skills as a navigator seem to hint toward a past of steering a ship through rather dangerous territory that takes a good deal of skill - like Sigma 13.
He and the Doctor seem to know each other from some point in the past, which is a fact that leads to even more assumptions being made. As the Doctor put it, though "Will and I know each other, from long ago. I was... surprised, pleasantly, when I found him here in the Order. He hasn't told me the entire story, nor does he need to. He's a loyal, strong, courageous, and skillful man. That's all I ask of my crew."
Miles is an incredibly talented Lane Hacker - which even more incredible, given his young age. It should only be expected that someone as talented as him would eventually find out something he shouldn't... and he made a habit of doing that. One day, he stuck his nose too deep into LSF files, which just happened to do with Nomads and the LSF's research involving them, and was caught. Normal Hackers were not important enough to warrant the sort of tracing and hunting Miles was almost instantly subjected to - but he knew what no man outside of the LSF should.
He tried hiding in Liberty and, as the LSF got ever closer and closer, fled to Vespucci.
That only threw them off the scent for a while... but they soon were bearing down upon him, and he had to leave - lest the LSF actually attempt to infiltrate Vespucci. He headed north, into Galileo, and then even further, using contacts the Lane Hackers maintained with the Hogosha for artifact smuggling to gain himself permission to move to Kabukicho. Even this did not stop the LSF, though, and they kept shadowing him, getting closer and closer.
There was one night when Miles knew he couldn't hidust wait for them any more, and flew from Kabukicho, heading north. LSF were behind him, and they were waiting at Shinjuku station for him... he had been cornered - but a squadron of Hogosha had launched and followed him from Kabukicho, and they attacked the LSF, proclaiming that they would "cleanse Kusari of the treacherous Gaijin." Miles was able to escape north, to Yokohama, but was again cut off by LSF coming from Narita. A massive dogfight erupted. It ended with Miles shooting down three fighters through using the dry-docks as a battleground - his light fighter was able to gain a considerable advantage there. He escaped the other LSF and continued north into Hokkaido, not knowing where he was headed. He eventually came into contact with a Blood Dragon patrol somewhere in the northern areas of the system, and was forced to explain himself. They were remarkably understanding and barely threatened to kill him. They then directed Miles through Tohoku, and into Omicron 92. After that, he was quite lost, and wandered around blindly for days within the electromagnetic blackout that was the system.
An Order patrol heading to Tohoku found him there, however, much to his relief. This group was lead by none other than the Blood Dragon Namura, who had been working for the Order for some time.
Soon, Miles realised exactly who the Order was... and he joined them, perhaps only to save his skin.
Namura was a Blood Dragon - an engineer, scientist, and shipwright. He was particularly interested in energy-based engineering, and worked actively to repair the Dragons' aging weapons, create new ones, and bolster shield generators. He was devoted to his cause entirely without question - there was no doubt in his mind that Kusari was under a usurping emperor, and he devoted his time and energies entirely to the cause of deposing said impostor.
A fundamental change in his perception of Siris came with the arrival of Edison Trent on Chugoku Base in late 800 AS. He, intending to simply fight for the Order temporarily, was involved in the battle at Heaven's Arch in 801, during the Nomad war. He was, in fact, one of the Blood Dragons who analysed the shielding technology on Tekagi's Arch during the frenzied firefight - it wasn't as easy as "shoot the generators." After this fight, however, he did not return to Chugoku with the rest of the Blood Dragons, but followed the Order back into the Edge, joining them - temporarily, he thought, just to make the stand for humanity. His zeal for the Blood Dragons was occluded by a zeal to see humanity delivered from the alien menace that threatened it.
When the Nomads were temporarily vanquished, he lent his mind to the teams of engineers and scientists working to expand the Order's technology and equipment. During this lull in the combat, he became a respected member of the Order, even though he was not a lead designer in any capacity. What is truly a claim to fame is that, during the alliance between the Order and the Blood Dragons, Namura was indeed the creator of the Blood Dragon's Cruiser Forward Gun. He was always looking to strengthen the relations of the two groups... but when the alliance fell apart, and the Order allied with the Corsairs instead, he felt betrayed by the very group he'd worked so hard to help - and, in truth, the Blood Dragons felt betrayed by him.
He secluded himself from the rest of the Order, either within the titanic confines of his towering, cluttered workshop on Toledo, or by himself on a practically suicidal patrol into Tohoku, where he battled the Wild on the edge of what used to be his home - a samurai, fighting the demons above the jade clouds where his people lived... hoping, one day, that he might be able to bring the Order and the Blood Dragons back together into their old alliance, and crush the blight of the Kusari Wild once and for all....
And then, maybe... he could focus on deposing the Emperor.
Once he saved the universe from the Nomads.
Mara is the single child of two members of the IMG. They lived on Freistadt, and made quite a living there, working with DSE in the silver industry. When Mara came of age, they sent her to Cambridge. There, she went through medical school near the top of her class. Perhaps she wasn't the brightest or richest of them all - what can be said is that she was determined to become a doctor. She knew how badly they were needed back in the Borderworlds.
She moved back to Freistadt, and became one of the medical staff on base.
She identified as Zoner, not IMG. She didn't care for civilisation, the chaos and ruckus back on Cambridge. She often professed her dislike of the complicated governments required to look after large amounts of people, and stuck to Freeports out in the Egdeworlds.
She began to be more of an itinerant doctor - starting to move further out into the Omegas - first Freeport 5, and then Freeport 9. She even took trips into Omicron Delta. She was smart enough to survive her way through any situation that presented itself to her. That is, until her transport was suddenly attacked by Nomads in the isolated depths of Omicron Kappa.
It was completely destroyed, and only herself and handful of her staff survived. The Doctor, who had yet to join the Order, picked her up in his transport. He was coincidentally passing through with a few tanks of Deuterium bound for Toledo.
He let them on board without a second thought, and proceeded to Toledo.
He left them there quickly, literally marooning them with the Order. Perhaps he didn't want to deal with them any more, or perhaps he knew that it would be best for them. Whatever the case, Mara and her crew quickly joined the Order, and even got over the Doctor's deserting them.
He would ironically follow in their steps a few months later.
Richter was nothing special when he was growing up. Son of a snub pilot and a secretary to a general, it was inevitable that he'd be pushed into the Rheinland Military when he came of age. His penchant for mathematics and inquisitive mind led him to refuse the pushes of his father, and he instead went to the University of New Berlin, studying engineering. He became specialised in the areas of energy and weapons technology.
He was continually badgered by the Military to join and aid them in a certain project they needed his expertise in. He refused time and time again... he worked at the university, on his projects, teaching students. He forged a life for himself, found a girl - the daughter of a Rheinland Military general.
She proved to be his downfall... she would marry no man who hadn't been in the Rheinland Military. He very literally joined the military overnight to satisfy her request. That was 796 and became a part of the Rheinland Military's secret research initiative which attempted to reverse engineer old Codename weapons - all under the command of a certain general. All their attempts were not entirely successful, but he remains one of the few non-infected humans to have expansive knowledge of Codename weaponry.
He assigned as weapons officer to an advanced, experimental siege battleship that was sent to attack Kusari in 801. The entire crews of the battleships were not infected by the Nomads - only the leaders had to be. Richter was lucky enough to be deemed "unimportant."
As the mindshare fell, however, and the fleets turned around to retreat to the Omegas, he led an attempt to escape the ship with what crew were not infected. Several pods were launched with the few who miraculously survived what Richter refers to as "The most hellish thing a man could hope to experience, blood and demons and darkness. A desperate bid for survival, a fight through hell to get off a ship headed somewhere worse." He does not know what happened to them.
The Order picked him up some days later, during their mop-up operations in that area.
He was never mentally well after that entire situation, but he managed to secure a position on a battleship soon after he joined the Order - the battleship on which a certain nameless Doctor was serving.