' Wrote:Requesting a permission for a Liberty Gunboat.
Reason: Looks cool
ID: MasterZ
Incoming transmission...
I apologise, Director Copeland, but I couldn't let this one go.
Let me make sure I understand this right. You want a gunboat because it "looks cool". You want highly advanced, multi-million credit military hardware because it "looks cool". And you have no other reason for this.
Okay, first off, that reasoning should get you bludgeoned with a reinforced pipe if you're taking this request seriously. Secondly, I disagree with your taste in ship aesthetics.
The decision isn't mine, but I'm confident the answer will be no. But thank you for that request. After yesterday, I needed the laugh.
Today the Medusa finally *Hic* put in at Norfuk Shipthingies and had lots of people in shiny ourtifts look at her *Hic*
Unfourtentaly, or actually, fortunately the water sypplies ran out *hic* and we had to drink Alchohol *Hic* for three solid days....Ah that was...I mean, we shouldn't have had such intixicating substances in large 'mounts
My lovely GB is getting fixed, at least thats what that guy over there said!
--Sender: Valence Harper--
--To: Liberty Navy High Command--
Another eventful day in Liberty. Rogues, and, a Nomad today. A rare sight.
Firstly the Rogues. I recieved a distress signal from =LSF=Internity, stating that he needed help in Texas. I then opened a channel with Elvis Perkins, and we both headed to Texas. After I jumped, I took the lane to Houston, and, after 3 lanes or so, I saw 3 Rogues attacking the LSF. I then engaged them, but, the moment I did, they all started fleeing.
I mean come on, I'm not scary. Unless I have a reputation of sorts with the pirates, or, they had something to do. Well, the latter is what they said.
Anyway, we pursued them into the debris field, but, once they were inside, I disengaged and returned back to New York.
Once docked at Missouri, I headed to the bar to get myself a drink, when my aide started beeping. Seems some people said that there was a Xeno at Colorado. I entered my ship and flew past Fort Bush, and jumped to Colorado.
In the lane to Pueblo, I caught him on long range scanners. But, he was too far to catch by then. Elvis Perkins then formed on my wing at Pueblo, and we proceeded to return to New York, as there were reports from one of our Gunboats of Rogues at California, most probably the ones that we chased out of Texas.
Imagine, to our suprise, we saw a Nomad fighter, at the New York gate in Colorado. I quickly activated my weapon systems and engaged, which Elvis did as well. After 5 minutes of fighting, =LSF=Internity jumped into Colorado and engaged the Nomad.
One independant Navy pilot, by the name of MasterZ came along, and assisted us in the fight against the Nomad intruder. All of a sudden, the Nomad started pulling away, obviously trying to escape. As he was 2 km away from me, I disengaged and returned to New York.
Heading to California, I met up with Perkins, who had gone ahead of me, at Riverside. We were joined by Commander Malaign, and we were ordered to patrol.
After patrolling, the area was clear, and I headed to Yukon to finish my beer.
--Sender: Valence Harper--
--To: Liberty Navy High Command--
Right, another day in NY, means another day of action, alot of beer, and whatnot.
I was doing my regular patrol around NY when I recieved a distress signal from Curtis Elwood. Said that there were Rogues at West Point.
Naturally I rushed over there, and my mouth just dropped. Looks like 4 of them were ganging up on Curtis. I powered my weapons and engaged.
We managed to destroy 1 of them, that's when one of the others, Valdar, I think, started running. Some BH pilots came and were somehow silenced by the Rogues. The fight carried on, and a BH GB was destroyed.
CJ Edwards came up with his newly equipped ship and engaged. We quickly finished another one off, and started to engage the Outcast that came to join in.
After a short time of being fired on, the Outcast decided to retreat, then, we focused on the last one, which proved to be a tough one.
He destroyed one of our Navy pilots and engaged me, and after a short moment, I find myself plunged into space, in my escape pod. Well, he managed to fight us off, but, he left right afterwards. I guess he was just looking for the thrill.
As described above, this was my first major combat situation with LN and whilst my vessel didn't last too long after acquiring it, I was fortunate to survive the torpedo and can look back on the fact that I was instrumental and possibly the final shot in inflicting one of the opposing bomber casulties. Our last three vessels went down within seconds, to our utter dismay as we were almost within grasp of success.
Comm ID: Liberty Dreadnought Independence
From: Vice Admiral Simon Marshall
To: Valence Harper
Good work Ensign! Due to your bravery, courage, excellent behaviour, punctuality and a number of other factors i am hereby promoting you to the rank of Lieutenant. Congratulations.
--Sender: Valence Harper--
--To: Vice Admiral Simon Marshall--
Thank you sir, for the promotion. I shall keep up my work within the Liberty Navy, to the best of my abilities, and will work hard to keep Liberty as clean as possible from pirates.
--Message Closed--
--Incoming Message--
--Sender: Valence Harper--
--To: Recruit CJ Edwards--
I would like to thank you for your participation against those Rogues earlier today. I appreciate your support, and your skills when flying alongside us. I hope to fly with you again, for many missions.
===========incomming transmission priority one======
comme id:lns niagara falls situation room
to military command
this is lt patterson to naval command or anybody we need support we have myship a bounty hunter battlecruiser and an lpi fighter but theres a gunship two falcatas and basslisk may have his gunship as well were a tad bit out gunned fighters would me nice alert theres now an order battleship in liberty the ships is nomad killer!
Now I have to remember to keep tabs on the communications, 36 hours later I see this.
' Wrote:--To: Recruit CJ Edwards--
I would like to thank you for your participation against those Rogues earlier today. I appreciate your support, and your skills when flying alongside us. I hope to fly with you again, for many missions.
Thanks for your good words, it has been a pleasure working with you already and I look forward to my future in LN.
Congratulations on your promotion!