The Academy has received your application, and I'm pleased to say it has been accepted. Please make your way to the Hecate Academy on Yuma for finalization and proper outfitting, and we'll see about getting you your orders and other items processed.
Welcome aboard, Ensign.
Commander Benjamin Miller
Hecate Academy
Planet Yuma
ID:Caryter Location:Planet Harris To:Yuma - Enlisting and Employment Offices
Full name: Jastrzab Faststar
Date of birth: 3.9.790
Place of birth: Somewhere in Omicron Delta, aboard Junker frigate "PP-102"
Current nationality: Have none.
Note: Enlistment within the Crayter Military will grant you citizenship within the Crayter Republic after 2 years of service.
Personal background:
I'm born Junker, my life was hard, and graysh. I became an engineer by necessity. I often flew for junk hunting. Some foul day the PP-102 got ambushed by nomads and destroyed, hopefully i managed to run away.
After about 20 years of wandering I found wreck of Crayterian freighter. I fixed it and decided to join Crayter Republic.
Military/Para-military background: I often was i need to fight for whats mine.
Combat skills: Sniper out of passion i love rifles and stealh actions, Self educating in ship to ship fight. High abilites in strategic use of enviroment.
Reasons for enlisting: Harsh treatment of Cryter people by no more superior Houses in Sirius. They deserve their dignity and justice!
//ooRP section
Once you've filled out one of the above forms, inRP, please add responses to the below questions as well.
1) How long have you been on Discovery?
Well I've been around from late 2019-010
2) Any characters you've had or factions you've been part of that you wish to mention?
Orbital Spa & Cruise, Hitmans
3) How often do you normally play/come online for? Also, what's your time-zone?
My zone is GMT+1, I play almost everyday and I guess I spend 5 and more hours daily.
4) What is your discord username?
Orzel Faststar#5462
The Academy has received your application, and I'm pleased to say it has been accepted. Please make your way to the Hecate Academy on Yuma for finalization and proper outfitting, and we'll see about getting you your orders and other items processed.
Welcome aboard, Ensign.
Commander Benjamin Miller
Hecate Academy
Planet Yuma
Full name: Unknown, but i have always been called Nightwolf by the ones who flew with me. Because of my skills to command a pack and my fighting will
Date of birth: unknown, age unknown
Place of birth: Planet manhatten i think, New York system
Current nationality: None
Personal background: I dont know where i was born, i have no familiy. The only thing i know is that i grew up on planet manhatten on the streets. When i was old enough i took to space. I commanded my own traiter plain when i was just 14 years of age and therefor i will say that i am an born fighter.
I took up the work of a bounty hunter to make my self a living. The bounty hunters was a rough place to grow up. So i left them when i by accident went through a strange jumping hole to the system og Coronado. Through hard work i got myself a job in the crayter millitary and granted the right to hunt criminals within the system. I think i might finally have found my family and my true calling in the brotherhood of the Crayter Military.
Combat skills: I can hold my own, used to command Freighters and small hunting partys of fighters at a very young age
Reasons for enlisting: Finding myself a family and give my life if i have to, too the Crayter faction.
The Academy has received your application, and I'm pleased to say it has been accepted. Please make your way to the Hecate Academy on Yuma for finalization and proper outfitting, and we'll see about getting you your orders and other items processed.
Welcome aboard, Ensign.
Commander Benjamin Miller
Hecate Academy
Planet Yuma
Current nationality:
Bretonian, Republican Residence (ID attached)
Personal background:
I'm from Bretonia, Leeds. Not really keen on giving you the full story - you can probably guess most of it anyway. I've been on Yuma for around a year. Now I'm the one with the funny accent. At least it's nicer here than Leeds was. But I'm still trash to most of you people.
Military/Para-military background:
I've seen "War" back home. Shot a lasgun once. I like playing dogfighting sims nowadays.
Combat skills:
I fragged a clan member in the CentauriStrikeForce 11 once. You know, the hologame. I've flown a real shuttle a few times, too.
Reasons for enlisting:
"Home" is no more, and so is my direction in life. I slave away in a dead-end low-skilled job for a "resident-appropriate" wage. Brother says enlisting's the only way out, or in, depends on how you look at it. Let me make Crayter Republic a new home. I mean it. I feel ready - it's this, or fading away as a no-one with no future. Kind of dramatic, but hey, that's the times we live in. I need structure, direction, a reason to do stuff and to do it right. I want to go out there, learn to be a pilot, shoot some Gallic animals - maybe that will make me feel better. Maybe I'll start to care about all this business after all.
I don't want to be pitied, I want to have a chance to be proud.
//ooRP section 1) How long have you been on Discovery?
On and off for around 9 years under different usernames. This here is my first actual forum account and the first time I'm actually getting engaged into player factions and community (with some degree of disappointment, but there's fun moments too.)
2) Any characters you've had or factions you've been part of that you wish to mention?
I'm a member of K'Hara and as of now that's the only official faction I belong to. I have quite a lot of indie characters with some degree of backstory and personality developed. I like to RP and try out different environments for that. I would like to find a more active group who has a serious attitude towards roleplaying. I also enjoy the bountiful lore and history around Crayter Republic, that's a solid base for roleplaying as well.
3) How often do you normally play/come online for? Also, what's your time-zone?
A few times per week, depending on my shift schedule. On days off I can play for a few hours straight. I am able to be very active every other weekend currently. UTC +/- 0
The Academy has received your application, and I'm pleased to say it has been accepted. Please make your way to the Hecate Academy on Yuma for finalization and proper outfitting, and we'll see about getting you your orders and other items processed.
Welcome aboard, Ensign.
Commander Benjamin Miller
Hecate Academy
Planet Yuma
Growing up in Cambridge, I applied to join the local armed forces division, which saw me serve some time as the rear guard during the Gallic war. After spending some years in there I applied for and was accepted as part of the BIS, where I was assigned to assist local law enforcement for the interception of illegal items and vessels through the tradelane network in Cambridge and New London. I didnt really have a family so I immersed myself into whatever group I could find in the unit I was assigned to. Recently though I am wanting to leave Bretonia for a number of personal reasons. This has led me to Crayter, and what they may have to offer me.
Military/Para-military background:
Time spent in a number of skirmishes taught me much, in how to both fight on my own and coordinate with a group in several different settings.
Combat skills:
I have had extensive experience with piloting both Support and Light combat vessels, I've been around the block and know how to handle myself in a fight.
Reasons for enlisting:
With CR operating primarily beyond most house space, I feel this will open up new avenues for me to explore and put down roots in some place new. I look forward to seeing what Crayter can offer.
//ooRP section
1) How long have you been on Discovery?
Since October of last year
2) Any characters you've had or factions you've been part of that you wish to mention?
I have not joined any other factions before.
3) How often do you normally play/come online for? Also, what's your time-zone?
I am playing almost everyday right now. Timezone is Pacific American
The Academy has received your application, and I'm pleased to say it has been accepted. Please make your way to the Hecate Academy on Yuma for finalization and proper outfitting.
Welcome aboard, Ensign.
Commander Benjamin Miller
Hecate Academy
Planet Yuma
Current nationality: --- Note: By entering the work-force of the Crayter Republic, you are allowed to apply for citizenship in the Crayter Republic after 5 years.
Personal background: --- Uh, real quick... before we get started, they said there would be donuts and coffee here. Can I... oh they... oh... okay, for after? Okay, okay.
Uh, yea. So I was born on Planet Manhattan but most of my life I grew up on Planet Pittsburgh. I come from a family of miners, am a miner myself. Tried to climb the uppity corporate ladder in Liberty, but those jagoffs ain't wanting a good worker even if it punches them in the face. Not literally, sort of. But uh, anyway... I tried serving in the Liberty Army but I might have received an early out for... get this... getting into a fight. Hah!
Work experience: --- Heavy Machinery, Large Transport, Infantry Equipment
Preferred field of work: --- All of the above. Shoot, I'll do it all. Just feed the man! Possible choices: cargo transportation / passenger transportation / relief efforts; (Multiple choices are permitted.)
Motives for applying: --- *Sniffs* Liberty sucks. Heard yous was hiring over here. Few of my pals joined up, said good things. I ain't got no loyalties to Liberty. Shoot, if the pay is good, food is good, you got yerself a meal ticket for transport. I can be called a Crayterian...Crayterer... whatever you want me to be. Might be rough 'round the edges. But figure sometimes people need a boot in the a** to keep the gears turn'n, know what I mean?
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.