There are many times when having an "obsolete" ship has advantages! After all, foes already underestimats us because we are women! Yet we have many fierce pilots!
Thankfully, we've managed to repair or replace many of the parts you'd procured elsewhere, fixing burned out parts, and getting these systems back online. Also we're in the process of updating your cannons to the new models, with newly modified interfaces, built new to purpose. You'll have a custom ship all your own with all these custom built parts!! Much of this work is easier because of our full yard capabilities.
Replacing the armour with modern, lighter weight, but more effective plating is under way already, as we tend to keep that in stock, since fellow sister pilots are worth more than plating, and we like to keep them alive.
Your engine, I am afraid, has run it's last however. I was up half the night hunting for the leak when I discovered cracks in the engine itself. They are small, but enough that she should not fly with this engine anymore. That it didn't explode on it's own is amazing, and I am glad you made it home safe! We have a few replacement options, and as the hulls of the Iris and similar fighters are smaller, fitting one into your ship shouldn't be difficult. Depending on if you want efficiency or sheer power, or some form of balance will decide what type of engine you prefer. Our engines are a good balance, but some of our allies offer more speed at the cost of more fuel consumption.
As for the Cheetah, if it is within your means it is a fantastic thruster, and with the extra space your ship offers in hull capacity, upgrading shouldn't be a problem.
As for your shield generator, I feel that your best best it to place it with the engine in the museum! But our newer model generators take up much less space, and offer more protection per ton. Much like armour, we keep a good stock on hand, so again, replacing it will be easy. Though what type of shield you get issued would depend on your main operating area. if you fly escort in Kusarai space most of the time, then the standard shields many of us use will work great, and is DEFINITELY an upgrade.
As always sister, feel free to reach out with questions! if I don't reply, i am probably in the shipyard somewhere working on something.....
I decided I would hop on my gunboat once again earlier today as I had knowledge of Crayterian ships operating in Tau-23, again. I arrived at the jumpgate leading to Tau-31 and was greeted by the cruiser Beegan, the same one that engaged me and Sister Tanaka Aishi along with other allies yesterday. I decided I'd have a chat with the Crayterian to figure out the reason behind these hostilities by their side.
It seems to me after today's conversation that the Crayterian was not actively seeking hostilities, but instead thought that we'd engage him or his allies and thus engaged us. The Captain didn't go as far as to apologize, but it's a good start to know that yesterday's events weren't entirely intentional by Crayter's side.
While discussing with Beegan, an LSF Battlecruiser showed up, her Captain seemingly pissed of Crayter's discussion with me. The LSF went as far as to try and enforce the Laws of Liberty on me, something which I could honestly not care less about. After a rather heated discussion the Battlecruiser left the vicinity - probably to file a report to it's officials about how Crayter 'betrayed' Liberty - with Beegan doing the same a few moments later. Oh, and not to forget - an Outcast lone bomber seemed rather angry about Beegan's presence in Tau-23 and decided to engage the cruiser on it's own, noting that here so there is no confusion following the logs I will be attaching below.
I hope the information I gathered is useful to the Sisterhood.
[27.11.2020 12:35:34] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Konnichiwa.
[27.11.2020 12:35:52] John_Bigboote: careful, crayter at the jg
[27.11.2020 12:35:58] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: That's what I am after.
[27.11.2020 12:38:34] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Konnichiwa.
[27.11.2020 12:38:35] Beegan: CIC: Greetings.
[27.11.2020 12:39:05] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Quite deep for Crayer once again.
[27.11.2020 12:39:12] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: What business do you seek here? [27.11.2020 12:39:33] Beegan: CIC: Right. We're here to stop the cardamine smuggling into Bretonia.
[27.11.2020 12:39:53] Beegan: CIC: *cough* Crayter.
[27.11.2020 12:40:10] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Based on Crayter Laws I don't think you should be out here enforcing them.
[27.11.2020 12:40:49] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: And if you are here to stop Cardamine why did you engage me and my Sisters yesterday?
[27.11.2020 12:40:54] Beegan: CIC: Uh-huh. Anything else?
[27.11.2020 12:40:59] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: None of us had any Cardamine aboard our ocombat ships.
[27.11.2020 12:41:08] Beegan: CIC: We defended our ally.
[27.11.2020 12:41:14] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: We weren't attacking anyone.
[27.11.2020 12:41:20] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: You came cruisin' down the lane and engaged.
[27.11.2020 12:42:50] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Cat your tongue, comms officer?
[27.11.2020 12:43:08] Beegan: CIC: No, no.
[27.11.2020 12:43:36] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Then what? Realized you engaged for no reason and feel bad for it? [27.11.2020 12:44:01] Beegan: CIC: We merely defended our allied craft. [27.11.2020 12:44:16] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: We weren't engaged on -any- of your allied crafts, Beegan.
[27.11.2020 12:44:27] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Kind of ironic of you to say that since you're the one who engaged.
[27.11.2020 12:44:57] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: surveying situation. [27.11.2020 12:45:18] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: Allied Crayter force seems to be ignoring Criminal hostile.
[27.11.2020 12:45:23] Beegan: CIC: Anything else you seek?
[27.11.2020 12:45:32] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: You must be out of your mind. [27.11.2020 12:45:40] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Crayter and Chrysanthemums aren't hostile.
[27.11.2020 12:45:54] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: Can you confirm this Crayterian
[27.11.2020 12:45:56] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: And I am here to figure out why Crayter overextends and attacks us for no rason. [27.11.2020 12:45:59] Beegan: CIC: Indeed, no hostily has been declared.
[27.11.2020 12:46:00] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Reason, even. [27.11.2020 12:46:13] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: Pardon? Are you openly allying with The Enemies of Liberty?
[27.11.2020 12:46:24] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: This Agent has to be retarded.
[27.11.2020 12:46:24] Beegan: CIC: No.
[27.11.2020 12:46:30] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Probably too early in the morning for him.
[27.11.2020 12:46:39] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: But he's irrelevant to our discussion, Crayterian.
[27.11.2020 12:47:00] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: You were not defending any allied ship yesterday because we attacked nobody.
[27.11.2020 12:47:35] Beegan: CIC: That's irrelevant. Our craft was engaged when we arrived in the system. [27.11.2020 12:47:42] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: This is Tau Twenty-three in case you are lost. You are within Gen'an zone of operations.
[27.11.2020 12:47:44] Manny.Mendoza: Engage me! Scum!
[27.11.2020 12:47:47] Beegan: CIC: We had to protect our men. [27.11.2020 12:47:51] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: And your Laws don't state the application of them here.
[27.11.2020 12:48:03] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: This isn't Tau thirty-one or fourty-four.
[27.11.2020 12:48:09] Beegan: CIC: Uh right. [27.11.2020 12:48:46] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Unless you want to have your Laws changed I suggest you to not overextend.
[27.11.2020 12:48:53] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Could yield trouble that neither you or us are up to.
[27.11.2020 12:49:03] Beegan: CIC: Right. Engaging!
[27.11.2020 12:49:25] Beegan: CIC: Fire at will!
[27.11.2020 12:49:42] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: You're gonna run after a Bomber on a Cruiser?
[27.11.2020 12:50:16] Beegan: CIC: He fired without us provoking him.
[27.11.2020 12:50:22] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: I am aware.
[27.11.2020 12:50:25] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: I was there, you know.
[27.11.2020 12:50:53] Manny.Mendoza: Provocation, you said
[27.11.2020 12:50:57] Manny.Mendoza: We are at war!
[27.11.2020 12:51:19] Beegan: CIC: Careful, 'amigo', you're gonna blow yourself up that way. [27.11.2020 12:51:33] LSFBC-Mystery: Well
[27.11.2020 12:51:40] LSFBC-Mystery: Hishohokori
[27.11.2020 12:51:43] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Mhm?
[27.11.2020 12:51:48] LSFBC-Mystery: according to Liberty law section three paragraph one
[27.11.2020 12:52:01] Manny.Mendoza: What is Liberty law? [27.11.2020 12:52:05] LSFBC-Mystery: it is illegal to equiplent you currenty are flying
[27.11.2020 12:52:11] LSFBC-Mystery: equipment
[27.11.2020 12:52:14] Manny.Mendoza: Bla-bla
[27.11.2020 12:52:14] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Is that Battlecruiser trying to apply Liberty Law in Tau-twenty three..?
[27.11.2020 12:52:17] LSFBC-Mystery: and your faction can be considered as hostile.
[27.11.2020 12:52:50] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: And what are you going to do about it? [27.11.2020 12:53:13] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: Frankly I'd assume our Crayter allies would deal with criminals like you [27.11.2020 12:53:37] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: How many times do I have to tell you that Gen'an and Crayter are not at war?
[27.11.2020 12:54:00] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: Explain Cryterian. Why are you not treating these despicable criminals as hostile.
[27.11.2020 12:54:37] Beegan: CIC: They've aided us in the past. As such, we seek peace with them.
[27.11.2020 12:54:44] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Oh the irony. [27.11.2020 12:55:03] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: You? Aided by pirates and criminals?
[27.11.2020 12:55:20] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: noted.
[27.11.2020 12:55:25] Beegan: CIC: Against the hostile Kusarians, at that time.
[27.11.2020 12:55:37] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Seems to me like a butthurt Agent. [27.11.2020 12:55:39] LSFBC-Mystery: Agent S: I see. thank you for the intel.
[27.11.2020 12:55:49] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Who's gonna angrily type a report to his officials later on in the day.
[27.11.2020 12:55:57] Beegan: CIC: Time to leave this area.
[27.11.2020 12:56:02] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Right.
[27.11.2020 12:56:05] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Safe flights.
[27.11.2020 12:57:26] GC-Hoshihokori: ?: Konnichiwa.
During some trading runs aboard the Hatsuyuki last night we had a few note worthy encounters.
The first of these was a Crayter Small ship who thought he could stop the Hatsuyuki from continuing it's deliveries of Cardamine into Bretonia. He was warned that this was merely a transitory path, yet insisted on attempting to stop the Hatsuyuki. He failed and was forced to withdraw. See Black box 1 for the encounter.
Later I flew for a few trips with a regular Golden Chrysanthemum member known as Golden.Bloom. She was quite polite though she seemed worried about our recent actions against both the KNF and Crayter though I reassured her that we always took all precautions to ensure safe recovery of our sisters even should the worst come to past in a fight. See blackbox 2 for the recording.
[28.11.2020 05:00:44] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Konbanwa Radicals
[28.11.2020 05:00:46] Radicals: Halt GC
[28.11.2020 05:00:58] Radicals: You have contraband in your cargo
[28.11.2020 05:01:13] GC-Hatsuyuki: It is not destined for crayter
[28.11.2020 05:01:27] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: We are just passing through
[28.11.2020 05:01:33] Radicals: We don't want you to do this
[28.11.2020 05:01:45] Radicals: you are in our domain
[28.11.2020 05:01:54] Radicals: we don't want you to smuggle throough
[28.11.2020 05:02:01] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: If there was another safe route we'd use it
[28.11.2020 05:02:01] Radicals: halt now or i open fire
[28.11.2020 05:02:16] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Are you sure you want to try this?
[28.11.2020 05:02:23] Radicals: alright, you want to do it the hard way i see
[28.11.2020 05:02:41] Radicals: prepare to open fire
[28.11.2020 05:02:52] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Don't make a mistake
[28.11.2020 05:03:13] Radicals: mistake will be yours
[28.11.2020 05:03:21] Radicals: Open fire!
[28.11.2020 05:03:23] GC-Hatsuyuki: Prepare for Combat Sisters, hostile Baka on approch
[28.11.2020 05:03:24] GC-Hatsuyuki: Hakai
[28.11.2020 05:08:55] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Know your fights
[28.11.2020 05:09:23] Radicals: Enemy is too strong
[28.11.2020 05:09:28] Radicals: I'm retreating
[28.11.2020 05:09:38] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: You are no threat to the Hatsuyuki
[28.11.2020 06:40:18] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Konbanwa.
[28.11.2020 06:40:21] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Konbanwa Golden.Bloom|Aoi
[28.11.2020 06:40:38] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Safe travels today I hope?
[28.11.2020 06:40:49] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: So far so good
[28.11.2020 06:41:02] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: How about you?
[28.11.2020 06:41:05] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Good. Need some company? Stargazing gets lonely.
[28.11.2020 06:41:24] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Sure,
[28.11.2020 06:41:49] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: the route can be repetitive though, take note
[28.11.2020 06:42:04] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: That's fine. Having company makes things morre lively.
[28.11.2020 06:42:21] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Indeed
[28.11.2020 06:43:34] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: How have you been lately, sister? I've heard some have been attacked in the Taus.
[28.11.2020 06:43:44] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: If only this system weren't so Blinding..
[28.11.2020 06:43:47] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: ah yes
[28.11.2020 06:44:18] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: My Sister Tomoyo as been called upon to remind KNF that Taus are not Kusari
[28.11.2020 06:44:38] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: I've thankfully had my trade route be peaceful
[28.11.2020 06:45:03] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Hopefully Kusari learns soon.
[28.11.2020 06:45:10] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: And Crayter
[28.11.2020 06:45:34] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Crayter is more stubborn. Rumors around say they're in Liberty's pocket, which means endless funding.
[28.11.2020 06:46:13] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Well this one overzelous fellow thought he could enforce the "Laws of Crayter" in Tau-31
[28.11.2020 06:46:23] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: With a Nyx
[28.11.2020 06:46:48] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: They try. Not too successfully all the while. Still, a small vessel does not mean it's not dangerous.
[28.11.2020 06:46:56] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: ....he ran with his tail between his legs when he attempted to "Arrest" the Hatsuyuki
[28.11.2020 06:47:04] 2020-11-28 06:47:04 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Hatsuyuki has requested to dock
[28.11.2020 06:47:34] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Most tend to flee when they realize the situation is not in their favor.
[28.11.2020 06:47:40] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: I'll give him credit, He tried
[28.11.2020 06:48:02] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: A mere fighter is no threat to the Hatsuyuki
[28.11.2020 06:48:09] 2020-11-28 06:48:09 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Hatsuyuki has requested to dock
[28.11.2020 06:48:21] You have entered the event: Orange Hammer
[28.11.2020 06:48:48] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: and so the Cardimine River continues to flow
[28.11.2020 06:49:00] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Hai. Just like always.
[28.11.2020 06:50:47] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: On the Bright side, the Junkers of Trafalgar pay a fortune for this
[28.11.2020 06:51:22] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Junkers can be good friends when it comes to moving such things.
[28.11.2020 06:51:56] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Their installations prove to be convenient Storage facilities
[28.11.2020 06:52:30] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Hai. A shame their base in Liberty as struck.
[28.11.2020 06:52:43] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I used to purchase weapons from there.
[28.11.2020 06:52:51] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: It has been restored to a functioning state
[28.11.2020 06:53:06] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Has it? Guess it's been some time since I visited.
[28.11.2020 06:53:27] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: We've begun making deliveries to Rochester again, though it's been on hold with this opportunity
[28.11.2020 06:54:17] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I see. Be careful though. Liberty doesn't take kindly to outside smugglers. A pain they are.
[28.11.2020 06:54:50] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: If you ever need extra protection, I would be glad to help protect my sissters
[28.11.2020 06:55:08] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Would you like to follow as escort?
[28.11.2020 06:55:38] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Hai. Liberty suffered little in the last great war. They have many veterans who are a danger.
[28.11.2020 06:55:58] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: This load is en route to
[28.11.2020 06:56:40] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: This load is enroute to Bretonnia
[28.11.2020 06:57:16] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: It's been a long time since I visited Bretonia. Perhaps some tea would do well.
[28.11.2020 06:58:09] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: You're welcome to get some while we make our delivery
[28.11.2020 06:59:19] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I'll see if the Junkers have some while you deliver.
[28.11.2020 06:59:24] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: there are not many systems that allow peaceful travel
[28.11.2020 06:59:40] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: I quite apreciate this of traveling in Bretonia
[28.11.2020 07:00:00] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Bretonia is one of the few ssympathetic to us.
[28.11.2020 07:00:05] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: It's nice.
[28.11.2020 07:00:52] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Fear repurcussions should they learn the extent of Gen'an aid in bringing in Cardimine to Bretonia
[28.11.2020 07:01:20] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I fear not only external trroubles would come from such a thing.
[28.11.2020 07:01:49] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Our less radical sisters may desire retribution for such a thing.
[28.11.2020 07:01:59] Tip: Exploration can be very rewarding. The game world has hidden bases and wrecks that do not show up on your map. Find them and the loot is yours to claim.
[28.11.2020 07:02:01] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: No matter what, the Outcasts remain reliable in their support
[28.11.2020 07:02:25] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: well the less radical sisters have failed to acheive anything
[28.11.2020 07:02:51] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Eh. Perhaps.
[28.11.2020 07:03:08] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Rumors claim they've infiltrated the Kusari government during the Republics age.
[28.11.2020 07:03:22] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Though I haven't seen anything come of such rumors.
[28.11.2020 07:03:32] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: they certainly have not secured improved equippement performance
[28.11.2020 07:04:17] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: From speaking with them, they are aiming to achieve their goals not by open conflict, but by subvsersion.
[28.11.2020 07:04:27] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Time will tell who'ss methods are more effective.
[28.11.2020 07:04:37] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: The Gen'an Sisterhood has managed to work out the issues that were plaguing us b with the use of Outcast=
[28.11.2020 07:04:52] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: -Equippement
[28.11.2020 07:05:33] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Oh we've merely Maneuvered to enable Open conflict with Kusari Forces
[28.11.2020 07:05:59] 2020-11-28 07:05:59 SMT
[28.11.2020 07:05:59] Death: Ataman_Tamigin was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.11.2020 07:06:00] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: They fear the Gen'an Sisterhood
[28.11.2020 07:06:02] 2020-11-28 07:06:02 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Hatsuyuki has requested to dock
[28.11.2020 07:06:38] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: No tea.. but one kindly offered me a bottle of gin as compensation.
[28.11.2020 07:07:16] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: They fear the Gen'an sisterhood sufficiently to be constantly deploying Battleships against us
[28.11.2020 07:07:24] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Still though. Scaring Navaal Forces reservists is one thing.
[28.11.2020 07:07:31] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: When the spearhead of the Gallic war returns..
[28.11.2020 07:07:59] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: I've heard the Kusari forces were on the verge of colapse
[28.11.2020 07:08:17] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: News articles are split from what I find on Hacker bases.
[28.11.2020 07:08:26] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: One front collapsed, the other successful.
[28.11.2020 07:09:14] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Based on the fact we face units turning back from Gallia in Tau 23
[28.11.2020 07:10:18] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: We question why these units would be back in Tau 23 if the front is so successful
[28.11.2020 07:10:38] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Or if they aren't securing a withdrawl corridor
[28.11.2020 07:10:41] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: It's really a matter of which front of theirs collapsed. Kusari claimed to have annihilated Gallic ship building in Dauphine.
[28.11.2020 07:11:44] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: With the Size of Gallia as a whole I highly doubt that move is as crippling as the loss of Southhampton was for-
[28.11.2020 07:11:46] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Though I haven't been inclined to check where the Kusari fleet is right now. Perhaps it would serve us well to know more.
[28.11.2020 07:11:53] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: -Bretonia
[28.11.2020 07:12:47] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I simply fear a catastrophy may come. We don't need out friends leaving Crayterian space after bloodying them only to find
[28.11.2020 07:12:54] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: The bulk of the Kusarian fleet.
[28.11.2020 07:13:21] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: The Outcast will find a way to escape with their fleet intact no matter whjat
[28.11.2020 07:13:29] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: they always do
[28.11.2020 07:14:02] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: We shall see. Rumors speculate the Outcast offensive in the Sigmas was foiled.
[28.11.2020 07:14:37] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Considering it was a 3 way free for all they're happy to have anything go their way
[28.11.2020 07:15:49] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: The Taus are far from secure. Crayter, the IMG, potential Gallic and Kusari militaries.
[28.11.2020 07:16:19] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Early warning to protect our friends would never hurt.
[28.11.2020 07:16:39] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Thus why the Gen'an keep a presence out here
[28.11.2020 07:19:04] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: I think this trip will be it for the Hatsuyuki for now, Her engines need some maintenance and we require rest as well
[28.11.2020 07:19:24] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: We'll call it a day once we reach Valletta Shipyard
[28.11.2020 07:19:43] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Alrighty. I'll follow to ensure a ssafe final leg.
[28.11.2020 07:20:30] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I apologize if I seem.. sspeculative. I simply worry for the safety of my sisters is all.
[28.11.2020 07:20:52] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Completely understandable
[28.11.2020 07:21:09] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: We always take all precautions nessessary
[28.11.2020 07:21:22] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: As much as we are cappable of
[28.11.2020 07:21:25] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: That's good to hear.
[28.11.2020 07:22:07] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: If we are convinced of high likelihood of success then we push forwards
[28.11.2020 07:22:15] Tip: The ''Laws of Sirius'', are a collection of in-roleplay laws for each house. They mention things such as contraband, punishments and fines and are enforceable by lawful IDed ships.
[28.11.2020 07:23:19] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: And here we are, safe harbor.
[28.11.2020 07:23:31] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Indeed
[28.11.2020 07:23:37] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I hope you rest well, sister.
[28.11.2020 07:24:05] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: I wish you farewell, and safe returns to you home
[28.11.2020 07:24:10] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: I'll be around the Taus, monitoring things.
[28.11.2020 07:24:21] Golden.Bloom|Aoi: Arigato. Be well, sister.
[28.11.2020 07:24:37] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Noted, Ill let other sisters know you will be around
[28.11.2020 07:24:40] GC-Hatsuyuki: S: Arigato
Earlier this evening I saw my sister landing frantically on Cali base, seemingly terrified about an invasion. Hearing this I took of from there to be greeted by sisters Aishi, Aeru and Mariko, no doubt responding to the same call. we split up in search of this invader, finding him as he attempted to flee the system. We had a short chat with him before electing to teach him a lesson. I was initially going to allow Aeru and Misaki to handle him but this mongel chose to attack both me and Aishi so I just began to fire away at him. He attempted to flee and call for back up, jumping to Tau-31, where we gave chase. Before long a Fighter for his side joined in but was too late to save the cruiser. As Aishi and Aeru kept the fighter busy, Misaki and I returned to Cali Base and swapped to our fighters.
With Misaki and I prepared we hurried back towards the Tau-31 jumpgate, however we heard news of Aishi's bomber being unfortunately disabled by this mongel...
Thankfully her pod was secured by Aeru who immidiately jumped to Tau-23 where Misaki and I were rushing to her aide. This Baka decided to persue her right into our angry Katanas. Finding himself outnumbered he elected to flee back, at which point we pursued him. Fleeing like that cowards they all are he ran all the way to Tau-44 before we could close the gap to to finish him off.
These Crayter folks really need to be put back into their place, they're getting greedy with their claims to space and are trying to stop our trade! We need to ensure we continue suppressing them!
[29.11.2020 03:40:11] GC-Sada.Aeru: Something interesting to report here?
[29.11.2020 03:40:50] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: I've heard from sister that she has observed Crayter enter this system again
[29.11.2020 03:41:42] GC-Sada.Aeru: Interesting, I'll do some patrols to verify that.
[29.11.2020 03:47:35] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: all he sees is a group of gc
[29.11.2020 03:47:45] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: Interesting. Your lack of methods to provide income are not our concern.
[29.11.2020 03:47:51] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: Pumping drugs through the Taus is
[29.11.2020 03:47:55] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: They are now
[29.11.2020 03:48:02] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: What have we here sisters
[29.11.2020 03:48:10] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Trouble
[29.11.2020 03:48:11] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: Perhaps some creativity are in order?
[29.11.2020 03:48:12] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Pumping them into the taus?
[29.11.2020 03:48:16] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: We can not allow this disruption.
[29.11.2020 03:48:31] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: It is not unknown that dozens of transports come through here and 31 on a daily basis
[29.11.2020 03:48:32] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Clearly you don't know taus are only transitory
[29.11.2020 03:48:36] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: taking tons of Cardamine with them
[29.11.2020 03:48:47] GC-Sada.Aeru: Nice finding, sisters!
[29.11.2020 03:48:50] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: And why do you care?
[29.11.2020 03:49:00] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: Regardless
[29.11.2020 03:49:04] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: We aren't even taking it into the taus
[29.11.2020 03:49:11] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: It is but a highway
[29.11.2020 03:49:14] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: We have to do what we can
[29.11.2020 03:49:22] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: So do we
[29.11.2020 03:49:31] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Clearly he needs a taste of the dream, no?
[29.11.2020 03:49:36] Death: Dak1300 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.11.2020 03:49:38] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Maybe
[29.11.2020 03:49:45] GC-Sada.Aeru: Probably, yes.
[29.11.2020 03:49:47] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: And i lesson could be learned from it here.
[29.11.2020 03:49:50] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: No thank you. Hostility is not the intent of the Republic
[29.11.2020 03:49:54] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: The possibilities will blow your mind
[29.11.2020 03:50:00] A bounty pool worth $20.000 credits for 1 kill has been deposited in your account.
[29.11.2020 03:50:08] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: no hostility? We have witnessed otherwise
[29.11.2020 03:50:13] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: And yet you come HERE in OUR space to stop OUR Transports
[29.11.2020 03:50:19] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: Interdiction of drug runners is not the smae
[29.11.2020 03:50:24] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: Your space?
[29.11.2020 03:50:37] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Yes our space
[29.11.2020 03:50:37] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: You just said the taus are a transitory highway
[29.11.2020 03:50:43] GC-Sada.Aeru: You are missing such a good product, peaceful CR.
[29.11.2020 03:50:49] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: This system borders on Kusari
[29.11.2020 03:51:01] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: ooof that npc keeps bumping him
[29.11.2020 03:51:08] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: This part of the taus are home to us by virtue of bordering Kusari
[29.11.2020 03:51:13] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Percy_Montana
[29.11.2020 03:51:32] =CR=FV-Hermes|216: and home to us by virtue of bordering 44 and our territories
[29.11.2020 03:51:47] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Let me
[29.11.2020 03:51:53] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: Well Sisters what do you figure here?
[29.11.2020 03:52:05] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: Shell we give them a lesson not to mess with us?
[29.11.2020 03:52:07] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: By your orders, sister
[29.11.2020 03:52:14] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: yep
[29.11.2020 03:52:15] GC-Sada.Aeru: I don't know, maybe we should just kill them, just in case.
[29.11.2020 03:52:22] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Lets kill it before more arrive
[29.11.2020 03:52:23] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: Well then
[29.11.2020 03:52:32] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: You have my clearance to remove this pest.
[29.11.2020 03:52:39] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Weapons hot!
[29.11.2020 03:52:45] GC-Sada.Aeru: Ok, then.
[29.11.2020 03:52:46] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: As you wish sister
[29.11.2020 03:52:47] GC-Sada.Aeru: SHINE!
[29.11.2020 03:56:02] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: fighter
[29.11.2020 03:56:10] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: time to buy time
[29.11.2020 03:56:15] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: GET EM
[29.11.2020 03:56:27] GC-Tanaka.Aishi: Moving to assist
[29.11.2020 03:57:23] Death: =CR=FV-Hermes|216 was put out of action by GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo (Gun).
[29.11.2020 03:59:07] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: lure him back to T23
[29.11.2020 03:59:16] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: I'm swapping to Fighter
[29.11.2020 03:59:23] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: I have one on Cali
[29.11.2020 03:59:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: same
[29.11.2020 04:00:52] 2020-11-29 04:00:52 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Yunoki.Misaki has requested to dock
[29.11.2020 04:01:17] 2020-11-29 04:01:17 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo has requested to dock
[29.11.2020 04:01:52] 2020-11-29 04:01:52 SMT
[29.11.2020 04:01:52] Death: GC-Tanaka.Aishi was put out of action by =CR=Thunder-Wolf (Gun).
[29.11.2020 04:03:06] GC-Yamada.Mariko: We are ready to take him over
[29.11.2020 04:03:16] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: Sister!!!!
[29.11.2020 04:03:17] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Hostile on sight
[29.11.2020 04:03:26] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: Get away from her you BAKA
[29.11.2020 04:03:26] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Assiting Sister Aeru
[29.11.2020 04:03:34] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: We have a hostile Gaijin insight, Prepare weapons!
[29.11.2020 04:03:35] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: HAKAI!!
[29.11.2020 04:03:36] GC-Yamada.Mariko: weapons hot
[29.11.2020 04:04:17] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: GET BAK HERE
[29.11.2020 04:04:24] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: no
[29.11.2020 04:04:32] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Yes
[29.11.2020 04:04:35] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: no
[29.11.2020 04:04:41] GC-Yamada.Mariko: hunting mode engaged
[29.11.2020 04:04:43] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: You will pay for you crimes to the sisterhood
[29.11.2020 04:04:54] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: your sister pay for her crime
[29.11.2020 04:05:12] GC-Sada.Aeru: Your cruiser paid for yours.
[29.11.2020 04:05:14] GC-Sada.Aeru: Baka.
[29.11.2020 04:05:27] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: go on ya wale piper
[29.11.2020 04:05:31] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Bad move to come here yo uknow
[29.11.2020 04:05:58] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: sure, chase me
[29.11.2020 04:05:58] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: You invade sisterhood teritory and expect respect?
[29.11.2020 04:06:05] GC-Yamada.Mariko: How about this. You surrender
[29.11.2020 04:06:14] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: never asked for anything from ya
[29.11.2020 04:06:27] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: And we asked you stop interupting our trade
[29.11.2020 04:06:28] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: how about this, nah
[29.11.2020 04:06:31] GC-Yamada.Mariko: We found you engaging a Sister of ours
[29.11.2020 04:06:34] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: Which you refused
[29.11.2020 04:06:42] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: And that too
[29.11.2020 04:06:43] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: huh?
[29.11.2020 04:06:53] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: you waste your time here
[29.11.2020 04:07:01] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Doubt it
[29.11.2020 04:08:05] GC-Tanaka,Aishi: danke
[29.11.2020 04:08:09] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: You will pay
[29.11.2020 04:08:17] =CR=Thunder-Wolf: let me give you a tour
[29.11.2020 04:08:41] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: HAKAI!!
[29.11.2020 04:09:56] Death: =CR=Thunder-Wolf suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[29.11.2020 04:10:02] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Good work
[29.11.2020 04:10:06] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Lets go home
[29.11.2020 04:10:08] GC-Sada.Aeru: THAT'S FOR MY SISTER!
[29.11.2020 04:10:11] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: Baka has been removed
[29.11.2020 04:10:14] GC-Tanaka,Aishi: right
[29.11.2020 04:10:20] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: I agree with that
[29.11.2020 04:10:33] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: This way
[29.11.2020 04:10:36] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: to t-23
[29.11.2020 04:10:41] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Forming up to Tomoyo
[29.11.2020 04:10:49] GC-Sada.Aeru: Following you, sisters.
[29.11.2020 04:10:58] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Great hunt
[29.11.2020 04:17:19] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: Great news, Tanaka-san! The Mongel that disabled your Bomber has been punished
[29.11.2020 04:17:26] GC-Tanaka,Aishi: Awesome.
[29.11.2020 04:17:38] GC-Tanaka,Aishi: I am so glad for my Escape pod
[29.11.2020 04:17:49] GC-Tanaka,Aishi: They Deserved it
[29.11.2020 04:18:10] GC-Yamada.Mariko: Tomoyo blew up his mine as it dropped. Wont see him again soon
[29.11.2020 04:18:42] GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo: He had a taste of Justice
[29.11.2020 04:19:05] 2020-11-29 04:19:05 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Ayakura.Tomoyo has requested to dock
The Gen'an is prospering. Our influence grows by the day and many independant Golden Chrysanthemums and smaller cells have been joining our cause. With this, Gen'an has become the leading Golden Chrysanthemum movement.
To manage our growing movement, our current chain of command is no longer sufficient. It has simply become too large to encompass the entire of our organisation. We have therefore developed a new organisational structure:
The leader of the Gen'an Cell and the main authoritive figure of our movement.
Commander are responsible for the territories that are under Gen'an influence and its logistics. The commanders are the overseers of large scale incursions against hostile forces and the general security of Gen'an as a whole.
A mid leadership rank in the Gen'an Cell. They are GC who have proven themselves and have advanced enough to be able to take up some the duties to manage the internal affairs like the training and study of new recruits. While the Matriarch and Commanders handle the concerns of the faction as a whole, the Taisa mostly manage the affairs on squadron and individual level.
This rank is a minor leadership rank which is comparible to lieutenants. Gen'an Sisters who attained this rank and up have earned the right and duty to carry gold plated katanas. These blades are a sign of rank and signify the Sister's devotion to the cause. The sword itself represents how Amaterasu's light has protected them in their battles.
Death Flower
Shinibana has a dual meaning, "a blooming cut flower" and "glorious death". Sisters who reach this level have taken part of many skirmishes and have a fierce reputation of being fearless combatants. Gen'an operatives of this rank are frequently assigned as squadron leaders or as assassins.
Yūrei who have proven themselves in the field several times and survived may achieve this rank.
Newly initiated Gen'an Sisters are given the rank of yūrei, who are trained to be adept at infiltration, espionage and sabotage. Besides the implication that the yūrei are invisible to most government agencies, they are are given this rank as many new fanatical GC are willing to die to avenge their mistreatment by Kusari society.
Minarai means learning by observation and refers to a new arrival seeking to join the Gen'an Sisterhood. These women can come from other GC cells or from outside the GC. They will be educated and tested before they are allowed to initiate into the Gen'an Cell.
To implement this new structure, we will have to reassign many of our operatives. The current Hanchō (Squad Leader), rank will become Shinibana (Death Flower) and the current Lieutenant rank will be filled by Katanamochi (Swordbearer), while the Taisa rank will from now on refer to Colonel rank.
As the transport of the Pure Cardimine now comes to a conclusion, I have brought back some Ship Hull Pannels fresh from Trafalgar Base to Ainu in the hopes that these will be helpful in assisting with the repairs to the hull of Saya-san's Ship. If it can also be of asistance, I can see if our Maltese allies have Engine Components to restock Ainu's parts storage. I'll make sure these pannels get marked so that Aika-san has them fresh and whole to work with.
With the end of this opening in the Cardamine trade into Bretonia, I decided to visit Liberty and being aiding in the restocking of Rochester. We picked up a load of Cardamine on Malta and dropped it of to our Junker friends on Rochester. Heading out for round 2!
While on patrol in Tau-23, we found this libertonian thinking he could enforce Liberty laws out here. He had begun to engage one of our Outcast allies and so I immidiately moved in to support them. During all of this a Crayterian ship only know as Beegan decided to chip in against our Outcast allies, and while we were able to remove that lost libertonian from space we were not able to prevent the disabling of the MNS-Messina, and the Crayter ship was able to get away due to the asteroid blocking interdiction....
Regardless we ensured the safe recovery of our allies before going to Cali Base for a resupply before continuing to guard the Cardamine river. It continued to flow uneventfully until the stocks of Pure Cardamine on Malta ran out.
With this task complete I began to relocate both ships back to Ainu, taking a shuttle back to Cali base to collect my Iris. Now back on Ainu, I took my Blossom out for a spin and to relax a bit, when this KNS_Kongo Battlecruiser of the flew RIGHT UP TO AINU to attempt and disable my ship. Misaki-san quickly undocked and drew this Baka's attention while I swapped over to my trusty Waran. Between the two of us he was outmatched and went down after attempting to flee to Kyushu, although he managed to disable Misaki's own Bomber before I could swoop in for the final blow. With that ship destroyed and evacuating I quickly secured Misaki's Escape pod and returned to Ainu, where she was found to be completely unharmed.
And so our revolution continues!
Arigato, Sisters!
[29.11.2020 23:03:35] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: HE WILL TASTE THE INCAP TORPS!!!
[29.11.2020 23:03:58] -|-Antelao: Hostiles Sighted
[29.11.2020 23:03:58] MNS-Messina: He runs
[29.11.2020 23:04:06] -|-Antelao: LSF??
[29.11.2020 23:04:51] MNS-Messina: ?:They run!
[29.11.2020 23:05:07] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: What have we here.....
[29.11.2020 23:05:17] MNS-Messina: someone intercept him
[29.11.2020 23:05:54] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Where is that Liberty ship?
[29.11.2020 23:06:08] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: I have a personal vendetta with that one....
[29.11.2020 23:06:14] MNS-Messina: He will dock
[29.11.2020 23:06:35] MNS-Messina: ?:Attack when in range!
[29.11.2020 23:07:16] MNS-Messina: He stopped next to the base
[29.11.2020 23:07:46] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Oh look if it isn't a familiar BAKA
[29.11.2020 23:07:50] GC-Sada.Aeru: position?
[29.11.2020 23:07:58] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: On the Base
[29.11.2020 23:07:59] GC-Hyozan: i wont get involved
[29.11.2020 23:08:05] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: what base?
[29.11.2020 23:08:37] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: going
[29.11.2020 23:08:42] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Prepare to meet your Maker, BAKA
[29.11.2020 23:08:47] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: HAKAI
[29.11.2020 23:09:14] Beegan: CIC: Outcast on scanner.
[29.11.2020 23:09:16] -|-Antelao: Beegan nearby
[29.11.2020 23:09:21] Beegan: CIC: Weapons ready to fire!
[29.11.2020 23:09:25] -|-Antelao: Hostile sighted
[29.11.2020 23:09:27] Beegan: CIC: Fire at will!
[29.11.2020 23:10:38] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Crayter joins the fray
[29.11.2020 23:11:06] Death: LSFBC-Mystery was put out of action by GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo (Gun).
[29.11.2020 23:11:39] Death: MNS-Messina was put out of action by Beegan (Gun).
[29.11.2020 23:11:51] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Sisters
[29.11.2020 23:11:59] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: You again
[29.11.2020 23:12:02] Beegan: Denied.
[29.11.2020 23:12:03] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: HE'S RUNNING!
[29.11.2020 23:12:04] GC-Sada.Aeru: Konnichiwa, sisters!
[29.11.2020 23:12:05] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Moving in to interceot!
[29.11.2020 23:12:07] GC-Sada.Aeru: Ready to assist!
[29.11.2020 23:12:14] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: He's running to t-44
[29.11.2020 23:12:18] Beegan: Catch me if you can.
[29.11.2020 23:12:26] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Sorry xD
[29.11.2020 23:12:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: weapons hot!
[29.11.2020 23:12:32] GC-Sada.Aeru: Shut up and die!
[29.11.2020 23:13:22] MNS-Messina: That's just a dessie. It should be easy
[29.11.2020 23:13:24] Beegan: Shame.
[29.11.2020 23:13:25] GC-Sada.Aeru: What's the matter, Beegan? Scared?
[29.11.2020 23:13:26] -|-Antelao: looks like hes running to java
[29.11.2020 23:13:34] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Typical Crayter
[29.11.2020 23:13:47] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Jump on a weakened foe then flee
[29.11.2020 23:13:55] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Cowards all of them
[29.11.2020 23:13:59] Beegan: That's the best strategy!
[29.11.2020 23:14:52] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: oh well
[29.11.2020 23:15:03] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Sada jumped lol
[29.11.2020 23:15:16] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Lets return
[30.11.2020 01:36:11] KNS_Kongo: KNS Kongo to pirate vessel, cut your engines
[30.11.2020 01:36:29] GC-Ayakura:Tomoyo: Pirate? Outaide My own installation?
[30.11.2020 01:36:42] KNS_Kongo: You are in Kusari jurisdiction
[30.11.2020 01:36:47] GC-Ayakura:Tomoyo: HA!!!!
[30.11.2020 01:36:54] GC-Ayakura:Tomoyo: You're funny
[30.11.2020 01:37:02] KNS_Kongo: You stand accused of cimes against the state, how do you plead?
[30.11.2020 01:37:17] GC-Ayakura:Tomoyo: I plead your Idiocy
[30.11.2020 01:37:22] KNS_Kongo: Very well
[30.11.2020 01:37:31] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Hello
[30.11.2020 01:37:38] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: This needs to die I believe
[30.11.2020 01:37:54] GC-Yunoki.Misaki: Fine weapons hot!
[30.11.2020 01:38:42] GC-Ayakura:Tomoyo: How addorable
[30.11.2020 01:43:14] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: well now he will pay
[30.11.2020 01:43:45] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: Prepare to meet your Maker, BAKA
[30.11.2020 01:43:46] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: HAKAI
[30.11.2020 01:46:50] KNS_Kongo: Mark my words, we shall meet again
[30.11.2020 01:50:52] Death: GC-Yunoki.Misaki was put out of action by KNS_Kongo (Gun).
[30.11.2020 01:50:58] KNS_Kongo: I still have teeth
[30.11.2020 01:51:13] Death: KNS_Kongo was put out of action by GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo (Missile/Torpedo).
[30.11.2020 01:51:18] KNS_Kongo: For Kusari!
[30.11.2020 01:51:25] GC-Ayakura,Tomoyo: That's for my sister You BAKA
My thanks for the time that you have taken to arrange for the repairs of my ship. After some work the armour has been upgraded and is stronger than it ever was! The suncannon's are far more effective than the previous models which were installed as well!
The new shield generator is also far more effective. As for the drive system I decided to go with parts from our Outcast allies with a matched thruster and engine system. Not only are the engines far more efficient than the previous one, they also have quite a pleasing colour which I think goes well with the paint scheme of the ship.
I've just taken it out for a test flight and can't believe how well the ship flies now! No more constantly monitoring the drive and power core temps. As I was out that way I thought I would send you a picture or two of the ship in flight in Tau 23.
As I must transform my ship must transform to suit my needs. Your advice and experience has allowed me and my craft to continue our journey together. Thank you for the time and experience offered by yourself and your engineers. Furthermore, I would like to thank Sakura-san for providing stocks of the relevant hull panels and engine components that made the repairs possible.
While the Maltese were attacking Tau-44, the Gen'an Sisterhood used this opportunity to increase our finances in a dramatic way. Our Cardamine Fleet was sent into Taus for the sole purpose of transporting Pure Cardamine towards Bretonia. Following the initial successes, we began purchasing and fielding more and more transports, greatling expanding our Cardamine Transportation Fleet's potential as time went on. Operation Orange River became Operation Orange Tsunami.
During this time, the Crayter Republic began intercepting our transports and our operatives clashed with them in several Systems along the cardamine trade route. As the Crayter Republic is interfering with our business and attacked Sisterhood vessels, they are now considdered a hostile entity by the Gen'an Cell.
Following is are the shipment logs of our vessels that have reached their destination:
As we bought the Pure Cardamine on Planet Malta for 798 SC per unit and sold them in Bretonia for 10,815 SC per unit, my calculations say that the Gen'an Sisterhood made the grand total of 12,578,296,815 Sirian Credits.
Reducing this with the costs of expanding and maintaining our transport fleet, we still have a rough profit of 9 to 10 billion credits
These new funds will be partially directed towards the construction and armament of our new Command Vessels, currently codenamed as Project Akechi and Project Naginata. A contribution shall also be put aside for Tomiko-san's starflea project.