Roster updated. Xenos have also been removed from the event as it seems there was no interest in taking part. Xenos are still free to show up, but they will be prohibited from taking part as per Faction Right 3.
Further changes to the event roster may be made as confirmation from other reserve players comes in. Registration is still open.
@Pentshire, expect a PM regarding special technology that will be needed for the event.
Less than two hours from the event. Unlawfuls will be gathering at Planet Veracruz. Lawfuls will likely gather at Denver, then lane down to the event area. Unlawfuls will start the jump sequence once all lawfuls are on scanner for the prison ship.
Registration will remain open until 30 minutes before the event (1830 UTC). This is the final call for any last people who wish to take part.
Registration is hereby closed. If any registered participants don't show up, reserve forces will be asked if they can take their places. Otherwise, anyone else who is interested in seeing the event go down is more than welcome to watch on a fighter or camera ship.