To RHA Leaders and all associated within the decision making, we as group of well based Rheinlander's and open minded, would like to share our profits with you. We see the recently changes that happened in Rheinland, the high demand of Aluminium ore in the area , and the high potential of making profit out of it, we would be interested to get to understandings and your security as per building our future station and keeping it alive nearby the mining zone in your controlled Frankfurt system. We haven’t been so sure about which group that would be so eventually we went for Imperial shipping that came from the government requirements but we really have no interest of politics and we are not into makin any conflicts and causin issues with your systems and people.
Some technical information:
Name of the base: Soul Shipping & Co.
The purpose of the station: Mining and Supply of Rheinland and Beyond.
Location of the base: Frankfurt, nearby the Aluminium Field (about 4-5k from the central mining buoy).
We would like to discuss about the terms and how can we proceed from this point.
How amusing... yet another person wants to construct a base in the Hessian territory. Mr. Alpha is it? This is Generalmajor Njáll Östberg of the Red Hessian Army.
You say you don't have interests in politics yet you choose the associate yourself with the Imperial Shipping? Contradicting your own statement, but alas, perhaps we could come to an agreement.
In order to build and keep your base alive, you must agree to Hessian terms, which are:
ᛜ ᛜ The base must be at least 25K from the central buoy, Jump Gates and holes or any other dockable Planets or bases.
ᛜ ᛜ Red Hessian Army ( [RHA] ) must be whitelisted from your base.
ᛜ ᛜ The construction of Weapons Platforms will not be permitted.
ᛜ ᛜ The sum of 100.000.000 credits must be wired to [RHA]RHT-Kebnekaise before the construction
ᛜ ᛜ The tax of 70.000.000 credits per month must be sent to [RHA]RHT-Kebnekaise starting from the month of July with proof.
If these terms are not met, the permission for you to construct your base shall not be given.
We thank you very much.
We appreciate the positive decision and your precious time considering it, we agree to all of your terms. your protection is priceless and would be much valuable to us and in return we will put a hand on the hessian economics to get it thrive and get to the wanted prosperity of yours in short time.
Lets prove it to you that we can be valuable too and this agreement worth it.
My name is Drax Stahlbrecher, we appreciate your cooperation with us, from now on all future payments will be sent to a different Neural-net account - [RHA]RHT-Weimar will now receive your donation.
This is all for now.
Undirritaður, Direktor
Drax Stahlbrecher