This thread exists to notify of things that were already fully-added to the server
(So you could know it exists, or new commands appeared)
P.S. I didn't see any changelogs anywhere about stuff added to the server directly.
On server:
Hyper scanner fix
Base ship without restrictions
Docking bug fix
Bank deposits without restrictions
Miner notifications
Base crafting cancel
Triggering WPs by sum of damage
Pausing and resuming facmod and buildmod
IFF-based docking rights
Autobuy fixes
Description: Previously usage of hypersurvey /survey could be disrupted by any bump, because disrupting happened if you had more than 5 speed. The change allowed to move freely within 500 distance from the position where you started survey
Example: You started /survey. You were bumped or moved less than 499 from where you started. The survey is not disrupted.
Description: Previously your base blocked you from purchases due to min_stock, max stock restrictions, even if you were logged as admin. It is not blocking now.
Example: You logged to base /base login Password, you try to buy something restricted by shop settings, you are able to buy it
Related commands:/base login <pwd>, pob shop dealer
Header:Miners and transports get audio and console notifications
Description: Previously only miner had audio notificated, that he can't fill transport anymore. From this change miner and his targeted transport both get audio and console notifications.
Example: Miner filled transport to the bottom. Miner was notified in console and audio about it. Transport was notified in both formats too.
Description: You could not cancel thing you craft. /base facmod clear was removing only second and later things in queue, but not the first one already in progress to build. New command /base facmod cancel allows to clear current active recipe (and only active recipe!)
Example: You started crafting docking module at module 2. 30-60 seconds passed and you see consumed materials. You wrote /base facmod cancel 2, to remove active crafting. You lost already consumed materials. First in the queue (active recipe) is removed.
Description: Ability to nulify your reputations for fresh restart. It has a very strict cooldown, you aren't supposed to avoid. Current cost 10 million credits, cooldown 2 weeks
Example: You had ruined reputations by enclave ID disappearance, which became Gallic lawful. Your make /resetrep while in a base, and you gain fresh reputations like you just made restart. You try to do it again, but always will encounter cooldown you can't avoid until the time passed.
Related commands:/resetrep
Changable configs:set_iResetrepCost //price of the command
ResetrepTimeLimit //cooldown in seconds
Description: This change makes neutral or friendly aligned weapon platforms triggered to hostile state not just from any damage
but from certain sum of damage performed by one player during 24 hours
for example, 400000 (float setting damage_threshold is added for config file)
Every player has separate counter remembering how much damage they did to base (attached to their ship name)
Example: You chase some enemy which hidden himself behind some neutral or friendly station to you. You try to fire at him but accidentally hitting the base. Shield is activated, base is not dockable, but it is not firing at you until you made 400'000 damage in total (before shield modifier), which is 2-3 nova torpedos.
Description: pause and resume ability for module and device construction
Example: You started building core upgrade, but needed to pause it in order to defend your base or quickly build some device. Great. You can do It now!
Or well, started building a lot of devices, but wished to pause it in order to finish core upgrade or factory or whatever, you can do it too now.