Les Salopards might have built and own Martinique - but it is on Brigands/Maquis/Corse that use it to help supply and maintain it. And get rewarded for it.
Virerzon in Orkney took a liking to us Corsicans. Don't ask me why as I'd rather not say. I have hauled 19725 units of Reinforced Alloy from them.
Along with 15780 units of Robotic Hardware and 5916 units of Hull Segments from other sources.
Met [TAZ]Jonathan.Seabourne on the way and GMS|Michelle.Meuse. First one seems to be taking Gallic Pilgrims to Baffin. And the latter was courteous but was a little in the way when I tried to talk to Seabourne about taking more than pilgrims from Provence to Baffin.