There has been a large increase of smuggling activities lately and they are becoming more sneaky with avoiding our normal patrol routes. Be sure to keep an eye out.
Name of claimant: 46th|LNS-Retribution Name of target vessel: GS|MNS-Castrovillari, HS>Santiago-Compostela, XA-Ridgenose Identification:XA-Ridgenose Proof of disabling the target/dropped cargo:
[13.05.2021 20:14:02] Death: GS|MNS-Castrovillari was put out of action by 46th|LNS-Retribution (Gun).
[13.05.2021 20:16:28] Death: HS>Santiago-Compostela was put out of action by 46th|LNS-Retribution (Gun).
[13.05.2021 20:38:27] Death: XA-Ridgenose was put out of action by 46th|Bravo-6 (Gun).
Brief report/link to mission debrief: First a Maltese Fleet appeared in range of Manhattan's Grid, then Xenos came up at Norfolk. OPTIONAL:Roleplay proof for 2.0X multiplier
[13.05.2021 20:32:17] 46th|Bravo-6: Well here is another one.
[13.05.2021 20:32:27] XA-Ridgenose: Funny.
[13.05.2021 20:32:33] 46th|Bravo-6: What is?
[13.05.2021 20:32:35] XA-Ridgenose: Was about to say the same thing.
[13.05.2021 20:32:44] 46th|Bravo-6: Seems like we share the same thought process.
[13.05.2021 20:32:55] XA-Ridgenose: Fancy gear you have there.
[13.05.2021 20:33:10] 46th|Bravo-6: Why thank you, although these aren't that great.
[13.05.2021 20:33:16] XA-Ridgenose: Think I'm going to strip it off and hand it over to the boys to play with.
[13.05.2021 20:33:26] 46th|Bravo-6: That's not very nice of you.
[13.05.2021 20:33:32] XA-Ridgenose: Not for you.
[13.05.2021 20:33:39] XA-Ridgenose: The boys will love it though.
[13.05.2021 20:33:48] XA-Ridgenose: They could use the entertainment.
[13.05.2021 20:34:09] XA-Ridgenose: Let's get this over with then shall we?
[13.05.2021 20:34:13] 46th|Bravo-6: I guess.
[13.05.2021 20:34:25] 46th|Bravo-6: Preparing weapons.
[13.05.2021 20:38:27] Death: XA-Ridgenose was put out of action by 46th|Bravo-6 (Gun).
Name of claimant: James Reyna Name of target vessel: INS-Infernal Identification:Scan Proof of disabling the target/dropped cargo:Destruction Brief report/link to mission debrief: Found a floating Insurgent warship beneath Manhattan, appeared dead at first but it was a trap and it began firing. OPTIONAL:Roleplay proof for 2.0X multiplier
[15.05.2021 14:17:17] 46th|LNS-Retribution: Reyna: Woah.
[15.05.2021 14:17:43] 46th|LNS-Retribution: Reyna: Now that's one big fish floating around.
[15.05.2021 14:19:08] INS-Infernal: I see you fell into my trap!
[15.05.2021 14:19:15] 46th|LNS-Retribution: Reyna: Trap? What trap?
[15.05.2021 14:19:31] INS-Infernal: Well done crew
[15.05.2021 14:19:40] INS-Infernal: Playing dead made them come out!
[15.05.2021 14:19:49] INS-Infernal: Now to end you!
[15.05.2021 14:19:49] 46th|LNS-Retribution: Reyna: Ah so that was your plan?
[15.05.2021 14:20:08] INS-Infernal: A genius mastermind at work
[15.05.2021 14:20:14] INS-Infernal: Are you ready to say goodbye?
[15.05.2021 14:20:21] 46th|LNS-Retribution: Reyna: Well thought, now let's let the guns do the talking.
[15.05.2021 14:20:29] INS-Infernal: Indeed
[15.05.2021 14:20:29] 46th|LNS-Retribution: Reyna: All crew to battlestations, code red.
[15.05.2021 14:20:35] INS-Infernal: Gunnery, Light him uop
[15.05.2021 14:29:33] Death: INS-Infernal was put out of action by 46th|LNS-Retribution (Gun).
Name of claimant:46th|Weis.G_M Name of target vessel:Damlack Identification:Pirate and smuggler Brief report/link to mission debrief: Drop in the lane and attaking the authority OPTIONAL:Roleplay proof for 2.0X multiplier
Name of claimant: James Reyna Name of target vessel: Piratebomber03, GS|MNS-Amalfi Identification:Bomber, Destroyer Proof of disabling the target/dropped cargo:Boom, Big Boom Your bank: 46th|LNS-Retribution Amount Owed: 17,000,000
Name of claimant: 46th|Yuki.Sinon Name of target vessel: Piratebomber03 Identification: Was a rogue (my cam ship did not work) Proof of disabling the target/dropped cargo:
Brief report/link to mission debrief: Kemp, Will and I were on patrol and Will told me he spotted a rogue near West Point so we rushed there Martin and I from Missouris. Then once I saw the rogue well I immediately engage him. Result: the rogue's ship was destroyed by me. OPTIONAL:Roleplay proof for 2.0X multiplier
[29.05.2021 13:37:32] Piratebomber03: It is time for all you Navy bogs to die!
[29.05.2021 13:37:32] Piratebomber03: Weapons ready, firing
[29.05.2021 13:37:33] Piratebomber03: Your loot and scraps all will be mine!
[29.05.2021 13:37:35] 46th|Will.Brook: : Weapons ready.
[29.05.2021 13:37:52] 46th|Will.Brook: wt shall we do?
[29.05.2021 13:37:52] 46th|Yuki.Sinon: Be gone you punk!
[29.05.2021 13:38:06] Piratebomber03: Si. cowards come here then.
[29.05.2021 13:38:12] Piratebomber03: Scared of dark?
[29.05.2021 13:38:15] 46th|Yuki.Sinon: You are.
[29.05.2021 13:38:16] 46th|Will.Brook: He is most wanted on list
[29.05.2021 13:38:16] Death: 5th|Nazawo.Ayato was put out of action by Sniffer.Raider (Gun).
[29.05.2021 13:38:17] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: Yuki can engage
[29.05.2021 13:38:31] 46th|Will.Brook: its shot on sight for that guy XD
[29.05.2021 13:38:33] Death: A.German.Guy was put out of action by [RHA]Ellias.Muller (Gun).
[29.05.2021 13:38:40] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: Or we could combined ruin him
[29.05.2021 13:38:44] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: then get nova rammed
[29.05.2021 13:39:03] 46th|Will.Brook: lets gank this mf
[29.05.2021 13:39:09] 46th|Will.Brook: : Weapons ready.
[29.05.2021 13:39:15] 46th|Will.Brook: : Ready to engage the enemy.
[29.05.2021 13:39:18] 46th|Will.Brook: : Engaging the Enemy
[29.05.2021 13:39:32] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: Standing by.
[29.05.2021 13:39:49] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: Stay on opposite ends of joust
[29.05.2021 13:40:46] Death: Tai-hang suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.05.2021 13:40:58] 46th|Will.Brook: my net range gone
[29.05.2021 13:41:07] Death: A.German.Guy was put out of action by [RHA]Ellias.Muller (Gun).
[29.05.2021 13:41:29] Death: Itou.Makoto suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.05.2021 13:41:45] 46th|Will.Brook: fking hell u all tpying all over place
[29.05.2021 13:42:13] 46th|M.Kemp-Smith: Let's finish this scum-bag off. Powering up weapons, going offensive!
[29.05.2021 13:42:41] Death: Tai-hang suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.05.2021 13:43:02] Death: Piratebomber03 was put out of action by 46th|Yuki.Sinon (Mine).
[29.05.2021 13:43:07] Piratebomber03: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh
Your bank: 46th|Yuki.Sinon Amount Owed: 10 000 000
Name of claimant: James Reyna Name of target vessel: [Hunter]Charlie.Jukins, [R]-Diamonds.and.Spades Identification:[R] Proof of disabling the target/dropped cargo:[Hunter], [R] Brief report/link to mission debrief: Inspector was under fire by the notorious Charlie Jukins, a wanted criminal for various offenses. Went out to assist the inspector and shortly after joining, another famous name came to help our wanted man. Did not end too well for them. Your bank: 46th|LNS-Retribution Amount Owed: 16,000,000
Name of claimant: Martin Kemp-Smith, Lieutenant Name of target vessel: GS|MNS-Amalfi Identification: Not captured - Rear Admiral Van Leer present. Proof of disabling the target/dropped cargo: Brief report/link to mission debrief: Report came in of Outcast Capital vessel sighted. Anchorage and Condor, commanded by myself and Rear Admiral Van Leer respectively - intercepted, engaged and destroyed the vessel. OPTIONAL:Roleplay proof for 2.0X multiplier
[30.05.2021 21:50:08] Blair.Comstock: Vaguely resembles a vessel.
[30.05.2021 21:50:18] GS|MNS-Amalfi: RO: I'm in good mood and give you an option to leave this area now, navy boys.
[30.05.2021 21:50:20] 46th|LNS-Condor: Well, we must try to take the Ourcast down!
[30.05.2021 21:50:31] Callahan: Right. *laughs*
[30.05.2021 21:50:33] 46th|LNS-Condor: Well,
[30.05.2021 21:50:37] GS|MNS-Amalfi: RO: How rude.
[30.05.2021 21:50:45] 46th|LNS-Condor: We are not used to fight here
[30.05.2021 21:50:50] 46th|LNS-Condor: but you cannot invade our homeland!
[30.05.2021 21:50:52] Callahan: Weapons charged, engaging if necessary.
[30.05.2021 21:50:59] 46th|LNS-Condor: let's move in
[30.05.2021 21:51:04] Blair.Comstock: Roger that, weapons primed.
[30.05.2021 21:51:10] GS|MNS-Amalfi: RO: You brought an invisible backup?
[30.05.2021 21:51:23] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: CIC: Initiating decloak procedure. Target enemy Battlecruiser and open up and you bear!
[30.05.2021 21:51:34] Cloaking device off
[30.05.2021 21:51:36] Blair.Comstock: Intercepting hostile crafts.
[30.05.2021 21:51:48] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Basil
[30.05.2021 21:52:19] 46th|LNS-Condor: let me have at it
[30.05.2021 21:52:27] 46th|LNS-Condor: me and the cruiser
[30.05.2021 21:54:25] 46th|LNS-Condor: I got him ancchorage
[30.05.2021 21:54:40] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: CIC: Roger. Standing down.
[30.05.2021 21:55:34] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Blair, how you doing over there?
[30.05.2021 21:56:18] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: CIC: This damned nebula is so dense.
[30.05.2021 21:56:35] Death: {S}Freya suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[30.05.2021 21:57:25] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Let me know if you want me to light him up Lem.
[30.05.2021 21:57:43] Death: 46th|LNS-Condor was put out of action by GS|MNS-Amalfi (Gun).
[30.05.2021 21:57:52] 46th|LNS-Condor: HELP!
[30.05.2021 21:57:52] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: CIC: Reengaging hostile. FIRE!
[30.05.2021 21:57:53] 46th|LNS-Condor: :d
[30.05.2021 21:58:15] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[30.05.2021 21:58:39] Death: GS|MNS-Amalfi was put out of action by 46th|LNS-Anchorage (Gun).
Your bank: 46th|LNS-Anchorage Amount Owed: 24,000,000