ID:Joe "Zigzag" Notia Location:Somewhere in Coronado system Subject:Ship Upgrade
Ahoy Dear Sisterhood. I am Joe, Joe Notia, called Zigzag by landlubberrrs, captain of The Loyal Serpent. Im reaching to you to ask for... uhmm help i guess. My Liner in fact is still intact but I know her well... and her engine is on its last kicks. Its only a matter of time before it will tear apart engine comparrratment. During travels in Kusari space I often have seen your ships with so briliant, efficient and ofcourse not rusty like my one engines. Im interested in gaining such so called Nagareboshi engine for my Ol' Serpent and an license to use it. Please tell me if its possible and how much both will cost.
I don't believe we had the pleasure yet. I am Ikeda Yume and sent to handle this affair on behalf of the Gen'an Sisterhood.
Coronado is a long way from Kusari.
First of all. We have no prior records of any kind with your name in it. We don't know who you are or who you work for.
We are also curious if you expect us to go all the way to Coronado and deliver the engines.
So you see. We really need to have more information before we can talk business.
ID:Joe "Zigzag" Notia Location:Somewhere in Baffin system Subject:Nagareboshi engine
Ahem well, sorry madam Ikeda I really should tell more about myself... true... *cough* So, my prrrimary employer is Orbital Spa and Cruise organisation however I'm not sure if this will stay like it is as sallary is prrretty low... My most recognizable feature is that I love to sing shanties with crrrew and passengers and as I've told earlyer I am Captain of Palace class brrretonian cruise liner, my trips are sometimes even going into deep space like The Omicrons or The Omegas however not everybody like me, and my ship. All through these who like me can count to get up-to date inforrrmation on... everything where Cruise Liner or my little personal shuttle can get to. About delivering engines to Coronado, I guess this isn't needed as my ship can still fly and as I am speaking right now we are in The Baffin system with load of Liberty Ale and Diamonds so its short way to Kusarrri where we can meet and discuss things perrrsonally if needed.
Sorry for the late reply. We were rather occupied lately.
With the information you provided, we have decided to extend you a business deal. These are the same terms provided to other Orbital Spa and Cruise captains. You will pay the Sisterhood a contribution of 15 million credits and we will add your ship to the database of ships that are licenced to use our engines. This will prevent our Sisters from flagging you using stolen hardware.
This will not prevent your ship from getting asked contributions when flying in GC space at a later date. But these will be unrelated to the engines and will prevent unneccesary hostilities regarding them.
The price for this is 15,000,000 credits wired to GC-Kirisame. The price of the engines themselves will be added ontop of this. We will need the identification callsign of the ship to register it under. Any changes to the name and possible affilition can always be changed in the database free of charge
ID:Joe "Zigzag" Notia Location:Somewhere in Baffin system Subject:Nagareboshi engine
Its clearly underrrstandable that such influecing faction in the Sirius can be very busy, You dont need to sorrry me madam. True, time is money but thats not so important for me and I am willing to pay with pleasure any contrrributions to the Gen'an Cell and maybe even perform some special deliveries for you.
Callsing of my ship is "The.Loyal.Serpent" Prrroff of payment for the license can be seen in the file attached to this message.
Our database has already been updated to include your ship and indentification.
I will keep you in mind should we require something that is difficult to obtain for our own Sisters. For now, it has been a pleasure doing business with you.