The law changes thread has been reworked to better fit with the other existing government threads. Please treat this thread as purely ooRP.
Consult the first page, respectively first post, for details on recent amendments and others that may come in the future. We also ask that any feedback on these changes is put into the feedback thread.
Thank you and good luck in your ventures in Bretonia.
The Charter has been updated to mirror the Law Change of the Gallic Union insofar as Tau skirmishes go, with the intention of including civilian (transports, non-military IDs) IDs as viable targets.
- Index added for quicker navigation.
- Laws now numbered.
- Section on Nomads in foreign policy moved into a classified annex.
- Contraband list expanded. Commodities marked with * can be shipped with appropriate licence:
New application form for registrations; new required information includes the name of the character(s) administering the base.
New zoning system that scales cost of registrations based on number of existing bases in system.
New voluntary registration system for bases in Bretonian border systems.
Some base operational rules removed as now managed directly through game mechanics instead.
New rules on mandatory (free) re-registration if the base affiliation / owner changes.
- Foreign warships updated to include Amaterasu Liners.
- Prohibited technologies clarified to include "pirate" tech, such as Bullmastiff, Pitbull, Grendel.
- Base registration thread updated.
- Restricted cargo registration thread updated.
Expired licenses removed.
Removed Medical Research Licenses (no qualifying commodities).
Gallic Appropriation Licence created for Gallic-produced commodities.
Military Materials Licence updated to include additional commodities.
Special Xenoarchaeology License created for Azurite, Xeno Relics and Earhart materials.
Alien Biomass, Equipment and Weapons Licence moved into Classified Annex.