Comm ID ..... Dr. Alejandro Diaz
Location ....... Omega 3
To ...................... Jill Xi
CC ..................... MFE
Subject .......... Base construction
My dear friend
It's been a long time. As you know, I'm almost back, I've had a lot of work saving lives, now I'm back to start my own institute to help us develop. I need people for this project, I need them for the hospital that's going to be build in the Omega system. I hope you can make it possible for me. I'm glad we're going to work together again.
Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Dr. Alejandro Diaz
CC ..................... MFE
Subject .......... Re: Base construction
Good evening Alejandro,
It certainly is good to hear from you again and it makes me happy you are doing well and still on the frontier of saving lives.
While I think you chose the perfect location for an institute I must honestly say that it does make me worry a bit. The reason is that I'm worried that the factions already 'claiming power' in the system may object to a new station. Take this from someone who experienced this first-hand with the Academy, I suggest you invest your time heavily on diplomatic arrangements prior to the construction of your facility.
Now back to the doctor I am... For this one merely says: "Just build it and see where it goes from there". You see, when you make sure you can always evacuate the people on your station you can provide healthcare to anyone in need. There will always be a bigger bully who doesn't agree with our goals. For that reason I will dispatch a freighter to your location.
Regarding the people you requested. While I trust you I will not send people to a region without having at least some insurance on their safety. Furthermore, I need to know what these people need to do. So please be specific and let me know what you need, where you need it and when and I'm sure I can help you out.
As you transmitted this message to MFE in CC I will do the same and perhaps some colleagues will contact you regarding your request.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General and Research, Baffin
To: Dr. Alejandro Diaz
CC: Dr. Jill Xi, MFE
Encryption: Heavy
Dr. Diaz,
Considering the action in Omega 3, it is a fitting location for a base. To assist, I have ordered [MFE]Med.Force.Two back to Omega 3 from its mission in Liberty space. Commander Alicia Cook patrols the Omegas and will assist where she can. Those of us with cargo ships will help as well. Just let us know what you need. Also, if needed, there is a base building ship docked in Omicron Theta that can be dispatched to your location.
I share Dr. Xi's concern. Omega 3 is heavy with activity. Bretonia claims the system and is busy with Sprague. No doubt if they find the base they will take delight in taxing especially when you consider there is very little love between myself and the Crown. Our history is not that great.
Then there are the Hessians, the Corsairs, the Core, IMG and even the Rheinland corporates. All will want a piece of the action and will extort for protection. Hopefully diplomacy prevails. These groups know that medicine and research is not cheap and what little we do get for income goes towards it.
I also share her concern as to the base's mission and its people. Do keep us informed.
Comm ID ..... Dr. Alejandro Diaz
Location ....... Freeport 1 Omega 3
To ...................... Jill Xi and Doc Holliday
CC ..................... MFE
Subject .......... Base construction
Good day my friends
Well i am aware of risk i am taking building the base there, but it can increase our research in Omegas. Dr. Jill i am aware that you consider about your people but don't worry they are in safe hands i will personally arrange a group of my most loyal friends to escort them here. And about your people i will need them for unpacking medical stuff that we need for base, there will be a lot of stuff my man can't do by themselves if you have to spare some man that will be wonderful.
Dr. Holliday i want to thank you for your quick reaction sending your commander to provide us a support if anything goes wrong, well the problem with Crown can be solved peacefully, about other people well i will figure it out something, i hope diplomacy will win in that case, i will arrange everything so this operation will go smoothly.