I have just checked it again to check the ping times. The Discovery RP 24/7 server has a ping time of between 55 to 58ms. I vaguely remember it being about 56ms before I switched ISP's. The Russian server has a ping time of 101 to 102 ms. The UK Freelancer 1.0 server, the one that I can remain connected to has a ping time of 28ms. I have tried disabling my software firewall but it made no difference because I still disconnect immediately on connection with the message "The connection to the server has been lost. Either the server you were connected to has crashed, or your internet connection to that server is not working. This is usually an intermittent problem. Please try again later."
I would appreciate it if someone could give me some recommendations on how to test this and any ideas about where the problem might be.
Can anyone provide any help or suggestions on how to get this working or where the problem might lie? I just tried it again and it will not connect. The ping times are mostly the same as they were when it worked and the fact that it disconnects instantly suggests that there is a problem. Very rarely would I disconnect previously after long periods of time.
Anyone have any ideas on what I can test to work out were the problem lies and how I am going to get this working?
Seeing as your Thread was about other Servers, and I had already had previous input to it, I have not really taken any notice of it until now.
Having done some checks, it would appear that you are on about connecting to this Server.
I would suggest that you do a complete new install and try from there.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
(12-07-2021, 09:37 PM)St.Denis Wrote: Good evening.
Seeing as your Thread was about other Servers, and I had already had previous input to it, I have not really taken any notice of it until now.
Having done some checks, it would appear that you are on about connecting to this Server.
I would suggest that you do a complete new install and try from there.
Yes it might be worth starting fresh. Do I need to backup anything before re-installing Freelancer and Discovery? I don't want to lose my characters, not that they are much use due to big mistakes made which keeps getting my ass shot at wherever I go.
(12-07-2021, 09:39 PM)Crazy Lou Wrote: Have you modified any files on the Discovery folder? Being disconnected immediately seems to me like you are getting hit by the anti-cheat...
Ping has nothing to do with it cuz in my crappy 3rd world internet I get 240ms and I can play no problem (except getting a disadvantage in pvp).
Yes the ping did seem a little unlikely seeing as it is pretty close to what it was when it worked. With regards to anti cheat I am a little surprised that it gives no indication of cheating. I have not made any attempts at cheating so unless the alterations for the servers detailed in this thread, which I was using before successfully, and/or recent system restore have messed something up then I really do not know.
Do I need to delete any folders to make sure that I reset everything?
Well that didn't work. After lots of messing around to get it all working it doesn't get any further.
Has something been changed with the cheat detection which makes it find the regular freelancer 1.1 updates as cheats?
That is all that I can think of. The basic freelancer is unusable without a few basic updates such as a fix for 16:9. Strangely I did not do any of the updates for the servers like mentioned in this thread and yet all the servers show for some reason. I did rename the Discovery Freelancer folder and installed to a folder with a slightly different name. I even renamed the older Freelancer folder so it did not get overwritten but still the servers show even in Freelancer.
BTW this might explain why there are so few people are playing it now if a lot of people are having problems connecting.
I think that it could be some crazy cheat detection which was preventing me from connecting and staying connected. I am not certain what was doing it, I stopped using Riva Tuner Stat server which displays the frame rate on screen and other stats when used with HWInfo. Certain configs when using that can be detected by some games as cheating. I was also applying some basic Freelancer patches which are not cheating in any way. I do not cheat. I am not even certain what ones I applied TBH. For my current install of Freelancer & Discovery I did not apply any of those, only the Gfx card config file so that the game recognises my Gfx card.
That seems to of sorted it however ATM I do not have any other servers displaying ->Which is why this thread exists. I do want to be able to play Freelancer 1.0 and possibly other mods and certain patches are needed to get Freelancer working in widescreen. It is not usable as it is ATM. A server update is needed for Freelancer because ATM it is not showing any servers.
Does anyone have any idea what I need to avoid doing so that Discovery will not disconnect me like it was doing previously? From what I understand, adding dll's can make Discovery believe that cheating is happening.
BTW the game just crashed and hung while I was approaching the helium mining zone in Pennsylvania. I am sure that zone has moved since the last time I played this. I am certain that it used to be over on the right of Pennsylvania and not at the bottom left. It seems to work differently too. My asteroid miner filled up the cargo hold in seconds whereas it would take some time when I last played it. I hope that the crashing does not happen again.
It is the Global Server Workaround which is causing Discovery to deny connections! It looks like the anti cheat is stopping other servers because if it detects any additional dlls added to the dacom.ini file then it will not connect. I did no other mods or additions other than the GSW and when I manually added the 2 dlls needed to the dacom.ini file Discovery disconnects instantly that I connect. Before adding those two links to that ini file I could connect and play it. Therefore it looks like the developers are determined to stop other servers from working. This did work when I used this shortly after I started playing Discovery. It's no wonder people are rejecting how Discovery is working now and stopping playing it. I will think about this and as it stands I am highly likely to stop using it myself. I have been considering moving to other mods and the Russian one looks interesting. Or move to other more modern space games which I have a few.
Thanks to those who tried to help but unfortunately the developers have stopped it from working.