Suzuki Himari and Matsumoto Akira have both been passed their trials and after the initiation ceremony will be assigned the rank of Yūrei. Lets just hope Yunoki-san didn't corrupt them too much.
Sender: Furutani Izanami Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums Subject: Joining the Cardiflea team
Just to inform to the sisters that instead of slowing down the process of training for combat, wanting to distract myself of something really important and that is intel on most factions in every system I could provide. I wanted to join the recon team also known as Cardiflea team, alongside Adachi Masako and Tomiko Saya. I see it interesting and instead of slowing the training process, just wanting to take a break from combat training and trying to do recon instead. Also had enough credits and wanting to try out the Starflier ship, it's really fast to turn compare to Very Heavy Fighters, so why not just giving it a go and see what's next.
Sender: Furutani Izanami Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums Subject: Meeting with a Cryer terminator
The most unusual thing that I encountered was Cryer person. He was doing his duty to hunt and terminate so called "Parasites" in every system. I was just trying to be friendly and gone towards him, but my kindness went too risky on this one. He tells me that what I was offering has something to do with Cardemine, which I cannot confirm. Yet he refuses to take our gift and I told him if he doesn't want it, then I'll leave him be. He decided to chase me in order to get to Misaki-san and Hoshizora, here is the image and the logs and it's a good thing I distracted him and most of his lousy shots he didn't damage my ship. My dodging skills was improved with the Light Fighter easily against a Very Heavy Fighter.
[21.12.2021 22:48:36] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Konnichiwa
[21.12.2021 22:48:42] Cain:Kirlian: Good evening.
[21.12.2021 22:48:49] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Fancy meeting you here!
[21.12.2021 22:48:54] Cain:Kirlian: That's a rather peculiar annoyance.
[21.12.2021 22:49:05] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Oh, why is that ?
[21.12.2021 22:49:21] Cain:Kirlian: I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.
[21.12.2021 22:49:25] Death: HS>Bayonet-1 was put out of action by L\-'Rax' (Gun).
[21.12.2021 22:49:35] Cain:Kirlian: Then again, I shouldn't be surprised.
[21.12.2021 22:49:53] Cain:Kirlian: Meeting a substance abuser so far out is to be expected.
[21.12.2021 22:49:58] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I see, well eitherway I'm here to actually to give you a drink, if that's ok ?
[21.12.2021 22:50:17] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: It's not a drug nor some substance to make it worst.
[21.12.2021 22:50:33] Cain:Kirlian: Isn't that your recent "development", laced with Cardamine?
[21.12.2021 22:50:41] Cain:Kirlian: I'm not exactly sure what you are taking me for.
[21.12.2021 22:50:52] Cain:Kirlian: Or how easy it is to fool me.
[21.12.2021 22:50:56] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: No no not at all, it has nothing to do with Cardimine
[21.12.2021 22:51:09] Death: HS>Bayonet-1 was put out of action by L\-'Rax' (Gun).
[21.12.2021 22:51:12] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I'm just showing some kindness, if you don't want it then I'll leave you be.
[21.12.2021 22:51:18] Cain:Kirlian: Everything you do has to do with Cardamine.
[21.12.2021 22:51:29] Cain:Kirlian: Pardon me if I don't believe a work of what you are saying.
[21.12.2021 22:51:30] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I'm just showing some kindness, if you don't want it then I'll leave you alone.
[21.12.2021 22:51:47] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Not every sister is like that.
[21.12.2021 22:51:51] Cain:Kirlian: Sadly it's not exactly that simple.
[21.12.2021 22:52:16] Tip: To interact with other players, open up your Chat Window (default button Y). The default chat type for all players is LOCAL and will be visible to all players currently on your scanner. You can privately message another player by selecting their name in the Chat Window.
[21.12.2021 22:52:19] Cain:Kirlian: You alligned yourself with them, and it is company policy for me to get rid of such nuisances.
[21.12.2021 22:52:49] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: welcome to the most dead hour of disco
[21.12.2021 22:52:49] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: If you want to prove that this is what I am offering is a drug, you're very mistaken, it's a refreshing drink from Kusari's-
[21.12.2021 22:52:56] Cain:Kirlian: I'd like to express my sincere regrets, but I'm afraid I can only fake it.
[21.12.2021 22:52:57] GC-Hoshizora: lol
[21.12.2021 22:53:04] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: -best of what to offer.
[21.12.2021 22:53:14] GC-Hoshizora: see i do work during the day you know
[21.12.2021 22:53:25] Death: L\-'Rax' was put out of action by 5th|Dayvon.Bennet (Gun).
[21.12.2021 22:53:28] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: No excuses
[21.12.2021 22:53:31] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.:
[21.12.2021 22:53:32] Cain:Kirlian: It's not too hard to get samples from other ships we have shot up before.
[21.12.2021 22:53:37] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Very well pilot, I won't give it to you if it's too suspicious to you, hopefully in christmas you find something to make-
[21.12.2021 22:53:47] Cain:Kirlian: Doubt this poison has changed at all.
[21.12.2021 22:53:48] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: -you happy.
[21.12.2021 22:53:50] GC-Hoshizora: uh huh
[21.12.2021 22:54:02] Cain:Kirlian: I still have a job to do.
[21.12.2021 22:54:16] Cain:Kirlian: Regardless of whatever holiday cheer and well wishes you offer.
[21.12.2021 22:54:23] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Very well, I'll leave you to it. Sayonara pilot.
[21.12.2021 22:54:35] Cain:Kirlian: I'll go with that termination order.
[21.12.2021 22:54:40] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: Rules of the game are simply. Find any ship and give shige to it. Save screenshot evidence and logs
[21.12.2021 22:54:42] Cain:Kirlian: Whether you like it, or not.
[21.12.2021 22:55:11] Cain:Kirlian: I won't mind being lead to others of your kind either.
[21.12.2021 22:55:21] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Try and catch me
[21.12.2021 22:55:27] Cain:Kirlian: I have to get the headcount, one way or the other.
Sender: Furutani Izanami Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums Subject: Attacked by a DTR and TBH pilots over a Shige
I was waiting for Misaki and Hoshizora in Munich system, we communicated each other to meet up before I proceed to go to Omicron Xi. As we grouped up we proceeded to the Jump Hole, however we encountered two members of Corsair ID by the name of Deterrence also known as DTR. Both of them were harsh, as if they're looking for trouble. Sadly we were no match for that armor compare to us, so it would be a good idea to spread and flee, sadly I didn't made it. They cut off my cruise and wanting to dispose all of the Shige in my cargo hold, unlucky for them I traded it with Hoshizora secretly, the operation was a success, for me I sometimes like to play the bait, despite it's an unnecessary thing to do. I got into the escape pod and manage to survive, one of our sisters brought me home safely back to Kyushu.
[21.12.2021 23:57:31] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: look what we have here
[21.12.2021 23:57:40] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: So no shige takers?
[21.12.2021 23:57:43] GC-Hoshizora: H: hello good folks could we interest you in some shige?
[21.12.2021 23:57:55] GC-Hoshizora: H: it's free -shrugs-
[21.12.2021 23:58:04] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: youll drop everything you go in hold if you wanna leave with ye life
[21.12.2021 23:58:18] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Why so hostile !?
[21.12.2021 23:58:25] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: We came here to offer a drink ?
[21.12.2021 23:58:33] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: We come with the christmas spirit
[21.12.2021 23:58:53] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: enough with the chatters, you drop them all for immediate destruction and we will let you go
[21.12.2021 23:58:54] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I gave one to your colleagues, Marocco
[21.12.2021 23:59:05] DTR-Nox: Oh yeah, just had a nice chat with him
[21.12.2021 23:59:13] DTR-Nox: he'll be disciplined for interacting with your folk
[21.12.2021 23:59:17] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: before or after he drank it?
[21.12.2021 23:59:23] DTR-Nox: Thankfully before
[21.12.2021 23:59:33] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: and was destroyed
[21.12.2021 23:59:41] DTR-Nox: The drink is now part of the local star
[21.12.2021 23:59:47] GC-Hoshizora: H: hai hai so harsh
[22.12.2021 00:00:21] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: now drop all
[22.12.2021 00:00:22] GC-Yunoki.Misaki.: the gunboat has nothing
[22.12.2021 00:00:46] DTR-Nox: Then I suppose Gunboat can leave
[22.12.2021 00:00:49] DTR-Nox: You on the other hand
[22.12.2021 00:00:59] DTR-Nox: Drop it
[22.12.2021 00:01:07] DTR-Nox: I won't ask again
[22.12.2021 00:01:16] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: kill her thats enough of chatter here
[22.12.2021 00:01:27] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: There now leave me
[22.12.2021 00:01:30] DTR-Nox: Nice try
[22.12.2021 00:01:35] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: we said all
[22.12.2021 00:01:37] DTR-Nox: I really tried
[22.12.2021 00:01:45] DTR-Nox: But you're just so uncooperative
[22.12.2021 00:01:58] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I was being nice to you, yet this is how I was treated.
[22.12.2021 00:02:13] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: last time we ask
[22.12.2021 00:02:44] Gato.Negro[TBH]: Alberto: engage them at will im bored
[22.12.2021 00:02:46] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I'm sorry to say it
[22.12.2021 00:02:59] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: But I don't have none, the last one you already shot it
[22.12.2021 00:03:16] DTR-Nox: Looks like you have it handled
[22.12.2021 00:03:43] Death: GC-Furutani.Izanami: was put out of action by Gato.Negro[TBH] (Missile/Torpedo).
Furutani Izanami has proven to be able to handle herself out in the field and willing to make sacrifices for her Sisters. Therefore she will now hold the rank of Karyūdo. keep up the good work
I received an alert about suspicious activity in Shikoku just a few moments ago, and guess what? There were LSF! Four ships of them, three Snubcraft vessels and one Gunboat. All three of them piled on Hinohara-san's gunship. Me and some other sisters intervened, scattering their assault and giving Hinohara-san some room to breathe, which allowed her to annihilate their gunship. Meanwhile, we were taking care of the LSF ships, and to no surprise to anyone, an Aoi unit "Fury" also jumped in. Although, they were shooting LSF as well, they were still a big nuisance to us.
Anyway, the LSF attack was repelled, with only one of them managing to escape. A small victory for today, for more victories to come!
[22.12.2021 21:22:28] Death: Ume.Okami was put out of action by Fury|Aoi (Gun).
[22.12.2021 21:23:03] Death: =LSF=Fort.Irwin was put out of action by GC-Ho-Ho-Hoshihokori (Gun).
[22.12.2021 21:23:22] Death: =LSF=Comanche was put out of action by Fury|Aoi (Gun).
[22.12.2021 21:23:52] Death: GC-Furutani.Izanami. suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[22.12.2021 21:26:26] Death: GC-Adachi.Masako; was put out of action by Fury|Aoi (Gun).
[22.12.2021 21:27:33] Death: =LSF=Excelsus was put out of action by GC-Ho-Ho-Hoshihokori (Gun).
That was four ships, Anita-san, not three. Aside from that, it's always a pleasure to hand some gaijins their own rears for dinner. Surely they'll visit Kusari again after that.
I'll be looking forward to next time we get to cooperate in battle, hopefully Misaki-chan will be present.
Following the recent battle in Shikoku and her earlier contributions to the Sisterhood, Arasaka Anita has proven herself to be an asset in liberating Kusari from its oppresive regime. She will undergo her initiation as a full member and carry the rank of Yūrei.
Sender: Furutani Izanami Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums Subject: Interrogated by a Royalist and a Bretonian Services Inteligence
Greetings sisters.
As I mentioned in the subject tag, I was encountered by a Royalist and a BSI. Gonna start of the Royalist, I was traveling through Kyushu and decided to go through Tau-23, after I used the Jump Hole I met him and she was suspicious of me just went through it. Of course, she wasn't even pleased to see me, however I wasn't having intentions to fight her as I know she is with double the size and buffed Very Heavy Fighter for a Gallic soldier, compare to me with a Starflier Light Fighter. I was completely outmatched, but manage to talk it out civily. I was trying to give some Shigeakiki before the contest is over. At first she was interrogating me where and when it's made, I lied about everything of what I said and I refuse otherwise to tell her about our secret. Here is the logs. It was too risky for me to be in this position, so I managed to lie to her and let me go for now. She was reasonable, despite the harsh words I've took, which to be honest here .. I heard worst.
[26.12.2021 17:18:15] Dominique.Leclerc: Hmph.
[26.12.2021 17:18:24] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Konnichiwa
[26.12.2021 17:18:39] Dominique.Leclerc: Bonjour.
[26.12.2021 17:18:56] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Fancy meeting up with you sir.
[26.12.2021 17:19:12] Dominique.Leclerc: I don't see anything fancy in that, lady.
[26.12.2021 17:19:14] A $210.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[26.12.2021 17:19:25] A $210.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[26.12.2021 17:19:35] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: You might be very suspicious of me but hear me out.
[26.12.2021 17:19:48] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: If you wish to scan my cargo, you have permission.
[26.12.2021 17:19:59] A bounty pool worth $420.000 credits for 2 kills has been deposited in your account.
[26.12.2021 17:20:03] Dominique.Leclerc: That's something people do without permissions.
[26.12.2021 17:20:07] Dominique.Leclerc: And I've already done that.
[26.12.2021 17:20:36] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I'm actually giving out the drinks for the holidays, yes the holidays are still a thing even today.
[26.12.2021 17:20:47] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I'm not here to fight as you can tell by my ship.
[26.12.2021 17:21:04] Dominique.Leclerc: I am not really interested in Kusarian holidays.
[26.12.2021 17:21:11] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Even christmas ?
[26.12.2021 17:21:48] Dominique.Leclerc: Haven't had these since childhood, so not really at the moment.
[26.12.2021 17:22:17] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I understand, are you interested to give you a gift atleast to boost up some positivity ?
[26.12.2021 17:22:31] Dominique.Leclerc: What is that?
[26.12.2021 17:22:32] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: No payment and it's certified non alcohol and drug
[26.12.2021 17:22:52] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: It's called Shigeakiki, refreshing drink in Kusari and just giving out to ships we meet.
[26.12.2021 17:23:06] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Just for the fun of it and instead of constant fighting
[26.12.2021 17:23:12] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: and having some conflicts.
[26.12.2021 17:24:17] Dominique.Leclerc: I literally doubt your words, no offense. But I can't really expect any good coming from someone in possesion of Cardamine.
[26.12.2021 17:24:44] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: So .. you do not wish to have atleast one bottle ?
[26.12.2021 17:25:03] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I tasted your wine in Gallic system
[26.12.2021 17:25:25] Dominique.Leclerc: If you can repeat with clear mind and no doubt that's not an alcoholic nor drug beverage.
[26.12.2021 17:25:33] Rules Tip: Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks against another player must be the result of some form of written role play. One-Word engagements such as "Engaging" or "Halt" are not considered sufficient.
[26.12.2021 17:26:11] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I swear to you and your Royal Navy of the Gallic system, this drink is certified as NOT alcohol or drug involved.
[26.12.2021 17:26:25] Dominique.Leclerc: Certified by whom?
[26.12.2021 17:26:28] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I believe I can be as honest I can be, it's your choice for you to believe me
[26.12.2021 17:27:02] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: We own our orginisation, it has a ticket that is made homemade.
[26.12.2021 17:27:25] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: But I'm sorry I cannot say it where under any condition, because of Kusari law of ownership.
[26.12.2021 17:27:44] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: If you wish you can take one for samples and see for yourself as investigation.
[26.12.2021 17:27:52] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: You don't have to drink it.
[26.12.2021 17:27:57] Dominique.Leclerc: Why would Chrysanthemums own their own organisation.
[26.12.2021 17:28:10] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Because you know our history with Kusari government.
[26.12.2021 17:28:12] Dominique.Leclerc: Now be honest, what are you really trying to achieve here.
[26.12.2021 17:28:26] Dominique.Leclerc: Because more you talk, more I am suspicious.
[26.12.2021 17:28:45] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I like to give out drinks, nothing else. I gave to numorous people on my list, yet they come back
[26.12.2021 17:28:52] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: They're fine.
[26.12.2021 17:29:26] Dominique.Leclerc: And why would they come back? Taste or addiction?
[26.12.2021 17:29:37] Dominique.Leclerc: You can see, you can get a lot of questions from few words.
[26.12.2021 17:29:42] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: They like the taste of a fresh fruit fizzy drink.
[26.12.2021 17:29:56] Death: Dall-ker was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[26.12.2021 17:30:05] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Ok and I'll try and answer them as politely as I can possibly be.
[26.12.2021 17:30:29] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Heck you can take notes of me
[26.12.2021 17:30:46] Dominique.Leclerc: Well you know I could just take you down and take all these bottles for inspection anyway.
[26.12.2021 17:30:55] Dominique.Leclerc: Aren't you afraid of that?
[26.12.2021 17:31:05] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: So you wish to harm me, instead of having peace for one day.
[26.12.2021 17:31:20] Dominique.Leclerc: It was just a simple question.
[26.12.2021 17:31:29] Dominique.Leclerc: Stop jumping on conclusions so fast.
[26.12.2021 17:31:35] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I've faced many battles and I was bullied many times.
[26.12.2021 17:32:04] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Even got a gun on my head once I was kidnapped.
[26.12.2021 17:32:40] Dominique.Leclerc: And a musket of the Royalist?
[26.12.2021 17:33:22] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Any gun for interregation, as I mentioned I was kidnapped, bullied by gangsters, even graduated in the army in Kusari.
[26.12.2021 17:33:40] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: DelibirdBeta
[26.12.2021 17:34:05] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: What else do you need to know, other than just trying to know me of who I am.
[26.12.2021 17:34:06] Dominique.Leclerc: And yet for some reason you pick the faction almost everyone wants to destroy.
[26.12.2021 17:34:08] Dominique.Leclerc: Funny.
[26.12.2021 17:34:28] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: But it is my choice, either it's bad or good.
[26.12.2021 17:34:46] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: As you have picked to be one of Gallic's great navy, right ?
[26.12.2021 17:35:07] Dominique.Leclerc: I am just following my beliefs.
[26.12.2021 17:35:14] Dominique.Leclerc: And I am not a traitor.
[26.12.2021 17:35:28] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I believe I've been civilised with you and being real with you, it's obvious to me that you don't want to take it.
[26.12.2021 17:35:55] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Don't get me wrong, I won't call my sisters to hunt you, in fact I won't do such a thing because I am in a good mood.
[26.12.2021 17:36:01] Dominique.Leclerc: I am suspicious and I would rather not try something coming from someone I cannot really trust, nor would befriend at whim.
[26.12.2021 17:36:16] Dominique.Leclerc: If I weren't in a good mood, we wouldn't be talking.
[26.12.2021 17:36:44] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Then my question stands, I know this ain't your thing to answer.
[26.12.2021 17:36:59] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Will you accept this gift, drinking or not
[26.12.2021 17:37:07] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Atleast a token of respect.
[26.12.2021 17:37:32] Dominique.Leclerc: I can't take it if I don't respect you. I am just an honest person.
[26.12.2021 17:37:51] Dominique.Leclerc: And I don't really believe your words as much as I'd love to.
[26.12.2021 17:37:58] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Then I know my answer, then I won't bother you or do things that I might regret.
[26.12.2021 17:38:09] Dominique.Leclerc: Now that's smart.
[26.12.2021 17:38:36] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I'm maybe in a bad faction that Kusari hates, but not all of us are dumb and stupid to attack someone with experience.
[26.12.2021 17:38:47] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Maybe that will put some honesty to you.
[26.12.2021 17:39:28] Dominique.Leclerc: It depends on if you believe you can achieve anything.
[26.12.2021 17:39:45] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: For me, just a mini event that we all cheer for.
[26.12.2021 17:40:04] Dominique.Leclerc: Mini event?
[26.12.2021 17:40:04] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: It's for charity.
[26.12.2021 17:40:23] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Some respect us, some don't like yourself
[26.12.2021 17:40:32] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: We just giving out drinks for the heck of it.
[26.12.2021 17:40:37] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: No disrespect.
[26.12.2021 17:40:45] A $210.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[26.12.2021 17:41:11] Dominique.Leclerc: At least you understand I don't respect you.
[26.12.2021 17:41:17] Dominique.Leclerc: Plus five points to you.
[26.12.2021 17:41:43] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Oh I know you don't, but alteast out of all people you listened.
[26.12.2021 17:42:06] Dominique.Leclerc: Listening to a lady while killing Kusari soldiers.
[26.12.2021 17:42:09] Dominique.Leclerc: Almost like a poem.
[26.12.2021 17:42:13] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: So my question is as of right now, am I free to leave ?
[26.12.2021 17:42:27] Dominique.Leclerc: Do as you wish.
[26.12.2021 17:42:40] Dominique.Leclerc: For now.
[26.12.2021 17:42:43] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Very well, safe flights sir .. Sayonara.
[26.12.2021 17:42:54] Dominique.Leclerc: Au revoir.
Next up is from the BSI Amelia Lockhart in Cambridge system, of course minding my own business with the contest and giving out Shigeakiki as I met her, she was also reasonable person and pretended to be lost. I was on the trade lane and ordered me to be away from it, stated my ID and designation and everything went smooth and well, until the police force arrived and trying to take me out. She was kind enough to escort me back to New London and head to Leeds and Tau-31. Here is the logs.
[26.12.2021 21:06:20] AmeliaLockhart: hmm, crysentium
[26.12.2021 21:06:36] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Konnichiwa vessel
[26.12.2021 21:07:00] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: If you wish to interract with me, come somewhere alone with me!
[26.12.2021 21:07:09] Death: \*/~Elroy.Brice suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[26.12.2021 21:07:42] AmeliaLockhart: I think you should stay away from the tradelane girl
[26.12.2021 21:08:03] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I am a bit away, what do you mean ?
[26.12.2021 21:08:23] AmeliaLockhart: I think you're too far from home
[26.12.2021 21:08:33] AmeliaLockhart: please submit your ID code and designation
[26.12.2021 21:08:55] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: This is Furutani Izanami from Kusari
[26.12.2021 21:09:06] AmeliaLockhart: trasmission received
[26.12.2021 21:09:18] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: You're permitted to check the cargo for contraband.
[26.12.2021 21:09:22] AmeliaLockhart: what's the purpose of your visit?
[26.12.2021 21:09:47] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Traveling and exploring, yes it's dangerous of me to do so in this light fighter
[26.12.2021 21:09:56] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: And being attacked
[26.12.2021 21:10:00] A bounty pool worth $60.000 credits for 1 kill has been deposited in your account.
[26.12.2021 21:10:11] AmeliaLockhart: startflier is a deadly ship
[26.12.2021 21:10:23] Death: \*/~Elroy.Brice was put out of action by \*/~Gaston.Corbeil (Gun).
[26.12.2021 21:10:31] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Yes indeed, but I use it for traveling mostly.
[26.12.2021 21:10:41] AmeliaLockhart: looks like the police don't like you, what have you done?
[26.12.2021 21:10:56] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
[26.12.2021 21:11:07] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Nothingreally
[26.12.2021 21:11:26] AmeliaLockhart: that's why I told you to stay away from tradelane
[26.12.2021 21:11:39] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I'm sorry
[26.12.2021 21:11:43] AmeliaLockhart: bretonia police are aggresive
[26.12.2021 21:11:51] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: I can see that
[26.12.2021 21:12:32] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Is it possible to go somehwere safe please
[26.12.2021 21:12:50] AmeliaLockhart: yes, proceed to Leeds then head to Tau-31
[26.12.2021 21:13:09] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Confirm, will do
[26.12.2021 21:13:29] 2021-12-26 21:13:29 SMT Traffic control alert: NSE|=Anaconda has requested to dock
[26.12.2021 21:13:33] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: am I free to leave ?
[26.12.2021 21:13:42] AmeliaLockhart: yes you are
[26.12.2021 21:13:51] GC-Furutani.Izanami:: Arigato, take care
[26.12.2021 21:13:54] AmeliaLockhart: you're no threat, at least for now