It was a good day to fight with honour to help free our brothers and sisters in the Blood Dragons and Golden Chrysanthemums from the prison liners. Many were saved and many corrupt where removed.
While removing the corruption and freeing our brothers and sisters we came across a very strange individual. Wanted me to tell them if I was friends to the Order and asked me to prove it, if he must ask me to prove my friendship to the order then they must have no idea on us. They also asked If I have honour like the fake Blood Dragons that appeared, really? You must ask if I have honour.
This person is starting to really annoy me. Though with how they acted and talked, I believe this is not a human but a A.I. Though I have no proof on this matter it is only what I believe.
We also came across a very interesting Rouge individual near the Golden Chrysanthemums base in Shikoku. I must say they were very close to being forcefully removed for existence. Lucky for them I held off, they get to live another day.
You can find the attached black box logs bellow and judge for yourself.
[24.09.2021 21:56:19] CV-2400: K: Mhm. Supposedly the Police ain't much to your liking.
[24.09.2021 21:57:10] CV-2400: K: ...I take that back. Bit. Weaken them.
[24.09.2021 21:59:15] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: What a strange individual.
[24.09.2021 21:59:21] CV-2400: K: Mhm.
[24.09.2021 21:59:51] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: strange indeed
[24.09.2021 22:01:03] CV-2400: K: That all of them?
[24.09.2021 22:01:30] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: You seem to be not from around here are you
[24.09.2021 22:01:38] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Got strange weaponry.
[24.09.2021 22:01:40] CV-2400: K: Not exactly. Got a problem with that?
[24.09.2021 22:03:03] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: To what brings you out here sneaking around
[24.09.2021 22:03:21] CV-2400: K: I'll be blunt. Boredom.
[24.09.2021 22:05:28] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Simple boredom?
[24.09.2021 22:05:45] CV-2400: K: Pretty much. There isn't much to shoot down in Liberty as of late.
[24.09.2021 22:05:50] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: So bordom brings you out to find others in the middle of nowhere.....hmmmm....
[24.09.2021 22:06:03] CV-2400: K: Supposedly.
[24.09.2021 22:07:31] CV-2400: K: What about you? What brought you in the middle of nowhere?
[24.09.2021 22:07:53] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Not sure if we trust you with that information.
[24.09.2021 22:08:08] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: So, are you going to just sit here taking our bounties?
[24.09.2021 22:08:14] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: Telling info about myself to someone unidetified, I do not think so
[24.09.2021 22:08:16] CV-2400: K: ...have it your way, then. Don't say jack.
[24.09.2021 22:09:03] CV-2400: K: You want to have a jab at the police by yourself? Have at it. Just say so.
[24.09.2021 22:09:56] CV-2400: K: I don't have a sudden lack of cash of sorts. I've mostly weakened every fighter. Minus about three or four.
[24.09.2021 22:10:46] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: To someone I just met, telling plans is not a good idea
[24.09.2021 22:11:23] CV-2400: K: ...I mean, I can tell you're mostly here to score hits and get a coin out of it.
[24.09.2021 22:11:31] CV-2400: K: Doesn't take rocket science to figure that out.
[24.09.2021 22:12:51] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: Right think I have gotten my loot for the day
[24.09.2021 22:12:56] CV-2400: K: I would've said the "the friend of my friend is my friend". Though I'm not so sure you have the same stance towards-
[24.09.2021 22:12:59] CV-2400: -The Order.
[24.09.2021 22:13:38] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: The Order is my friend yes.
[24.09.2021 22:13:44] CV-2400: K: Prove it.
[24.09.2021 22:13:57] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: Really?
[24.09.2021 22:14:04] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: If you must ask then you have no idea
[24.09.2021 22:14:28] CV-2400: K: I've had fanatical Dragons claim they were friendly to The Order before. Instead they were conspiring behind their backs.
[24.09.2021 22:14:41] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Then those are mere posers.
[24.09.2021 22:14:44] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We are the real deal.
[24.09.2021 22:15:09] CV-2400: K: Uh-huh. How "real"?
[24.09.2021 22:15:13] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: So you met some fake dragons, dishonorable the lot of them.
[24.09.2021 22:15:19] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Want to find out?
[24.09.2021 22:15:26] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: They have no honor
[24.09.2021 22:15:28] CV-2400: K: Do you?
[24.09.2021 22:17:59] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: What a strange falla
[24.09.2021 22:18:07] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: asking me if I have honor ha
[24.09.2021 22:19:16] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: and he returns
[24.09.2021 22:19:24] CV-2400: K: Having less than the ideal amount of Heat Sinks sure is uncomfortable.
[24.09.2021 22:19:25] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: Kon'nichiwa again
[24.09.2021 22:19:31] CV-2400: K: Mhm.
[24.09.2021 22:22:10] Queen.Viper: Intrested to see a Junker out here.
[24.09.2021 22:22:25] Queen.Viper: //Woops
[24.09.2021 22:23:00] CV-2400: K: Theoretically.
[24.09.2021 22:23:11] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Pardon me if this is rude, but I don't see what we have to prove to a gaijin stranger.
[24.09.2021 22:24:48] CV-2400: K: You either do, or don't. Whichever answer you pick answers my question either way.
[24.09.2021 22:25:01] Queen.Viper: Amy: What was your question?
[24.09.2021 22:25:25] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: None that require answering.
[24.09.2021 22:27:52] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: Days done for now, time to head out
[24.09.2021 22:27:55] Preparing to cloak...
[24.09.2021 22:28:16] Cloaking device on
[24.09.2021 22:31:26] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: I thing I am far enough to be safe now. Disengaging cloaking drives now.
[24.09.2021 22:31:26] Cloaking device off
[24.09.2021 22:34:10] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: I would watch your fire if i were you
[24.09.2021 22:34:34] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: Make your choice a wise one
[24.09.2021 22:34:44] Budsie.&.Louie: Amy: Just a little bit of, sticky hands. *She giggles*
[24.09.2021 22:34:59] Budsie.&.Louie: Amy: Sorry tho.
[24.09.2021 22:35:13] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: Good chocie
[24.09.2021 22:35:47] Budsie.&.Louie: Amy: I think that ship of yours needs alittle bit more, of a better look..
[24.09.2021 22:36:33] Budsie.&.Louie: That's almost a bigger and blocker mess than my Bargs.
[24.09.2021 22:36:56] >BD<Kuchikn-Kan: To each their own
[24.09.2021 22:37:06] Budsie.&.Louie: That's true.
I'm just here to notify that we have received and completed the delivery of recreational items that our glorious Shogun ordered from Orbital Spa & Cruise. You'll find the transcript down below as well as the proof of delivery here. This'll last us a long time!
[26.09.2021 16:03:05] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: You'll find us down behind Kurayoshi awaiting pickup, unless you have a preferred location
[26.09.2021 16:05:48] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: Ah, you must be the delivery driver?
[26.09.2021 16:06:05] >BD<DT-Ishizuchi: ?: Sure.
[26.09.2021 16:06:20] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: *chuckles* Well you'll find it all there, as requested
[26.09.2021 16:06:51] >BD<DT-Ishizuchi: ?: And your price? I believe you were given the liberty of naming it yourself.
[26.09.2021 16:07:16] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: Oh we'll call it an IOU for now, you never know when we'll need a favor or two
[26.09.2021 16:07:52] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: Cait, the Chairwoman will be in touch soon enough to continue, discussions
[26.09.2021 16:08:16] >BD<DT-Ishizuchi: ?: The Dragons don't do "IOUs".
[26.09.2021 16:08:30] [2021-09-26] 16:08:29 You have sent 40.000.000 credits to OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila.
[26.09.2021 16:08:35] >BD<DT-Ishizuchi: ?: There.
[26.09.2021 16:08:54] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: Oh? Well I'll happly take credits in that case
[26.09.2021 16:09:52] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: Ah, spot on for space, I guess we'll save the extra party favor for next time *chuckles*
[26.09.2021 16:10:07] >BD<DT-Ishizuchi: ?: No need for that cardamine anyways.
[26.09.2021 16:10:23] >BD<DT-Ishizuchi: ?: We'll be in touch.
[26.09.2021 16:10:27] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: I mean it says its 'all natural' on the bottle
[26.09.2021 16:10:40] >BD<DT-Ishizuchi: ?: Nothing natural about it.
[26.09.2021 16:10:50] OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila: Larry: Hmm, I'll have to keep that in mind
[26.09.2021 16:11:54] 2021-09-26 16:11:54 SMT Traffic control alert: OS&C|ONE-Liable.Tequila has requested to dock
[26.09.2021 16:15:41] 2021-09-26 16:15:41 SMT Traffic control alert: >BD<DT-Ishizuchi has requested to dock
A hostile warship was detected by long-range scanners in our home system. As a part of a squadron, I took my tour to an approximate encounter area and we had luck to intercept the Ashigara before their escape to Tohoku: we followed, hoping to destroy another pawn of the false government.
In Tohoku, the battlecruiser, while being attacked by our men, managed to receive reinforcement in face of Battleship Yondaime from the Secondary Fleet, however, the Captain of the latter had acted weird during the entire combat. As the result of combat, damaged Battlecruiser Ashigara managed to escape the battlefield, leaving the Yondaime alone. It is appears, the KNF is no longer pretending to be "honourable warriors that follow traditions of Kusari", as their propaganda says but embraced the cultural degradation coming from other houses. Nevertheless, with the help of Battleship Tsukuyomi the Yondaime was taken down of action, leaving the now silent battlefield and the Arch behind.
岸任 | Kishi Tamotsu
錦鯉 | Nishikigoi
The obvious lack of intelligence shown by the Captain of Yondaime
[20:28:43] >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu: Violator detected, moving to intercept and investigate.
[20:28:58] KNF_Ashigara: All hands rebels on scan
[20:29:17] >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu: You dare coming here?
[20:29:38] KNF_Ashigara: All of Kusari is ours Dragon
[20:30:02] >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu: I don't think so. Proceeding to remove.
[20:30:22] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Well, time to remove some scum.
[20:30:24] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Weapons hot.
[20:30:38] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Konnichiwa brothers
[20:30:44] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: moving to engage
[20:30:53] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Weapons hot
[20:31:55] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Oh, red contacts on a radar
[20:32:08] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: I will take that guy
[20:32:52] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Yo: crew, power up guns ... there's some barbeque to do
[20:33:02] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Crew: Ok
[20:33:20] KNF_Ashigara: Greetings Commander
[20:33:41] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Hello there, I guess you need some hand against these insects
[20:33:46] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Opening fire
[20:36:37] 2021-10-27 20:36:39 SMT Traffic control alert: KNF_Ashigara has requested to dock
[20:36:45] >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu: Pathetic coward.
[20:36:48] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: What a coward. Can't face tiny bombers?
[20:37:01] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Why snapping me? I don't go anywhere
[20:37:55] >BD<Sasumata-1: Brothers time to engage
[20:37:57] >BD<Sasumata-1: Weapons hot
[20:39:03] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Those insects just wasting their novas
[20:44:40] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: One is moving away....
[20:44:43] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Now you/
[20:44:58] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Kid don't waste your energy on me
[20:47:03] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Raging already?
[20:47:10] >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu: Returning in combat with some presents to the big guy.
[20:47:18] >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu: Attacking in 3... 2... 1... engage.
[20:47:18] >BD<Sasumata-1: Raging?
[20:47:25] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Good, my Flaks are ready
[20:47:28] >BD<Sasumata-1: Nope
[20:51:50] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Such a waste of potential :
[20:52:10] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Oh, you are bringing a big one
[20:52:44] >BD<Tsukuyomi: All hands on deck. Unwanted enemy presesnce in the sector.
[20:52:53] >BD<Tsukuyomi: Follow up to engage. Stay frosty.
[20:53:15] >BD<Tsukuyomi: Man battlestations! Today, we fight as warriors.
[20:53:21] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: They Tsuku, retreat these snacks they just wasting their energy for nothing
[20:53:53] >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu: The Naval Force now recruit degenerates incapable of speaking like a normal person? What a waste of resources.
[20:54:08] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Huh as you wish
[20:54:12] >BD<Tsukuyomi: Approaching event horizon.
[20:54:22] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: You are already here, wake up
[20:56:32] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: LOL
[21:01:10] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Keep running
[21:02:00] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: What a brat
[21:02:06] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Your fat boy is scared of me
[21:02:19] >BD<Tsukuyomi: Cry about it.
[21:02:28] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: Be proud of being scary one
[21:02:44] >BD<Tsukuyomi: You're going down, tubby.
[21:06:45] SWSK-SW-Yondaime: and you run away
[21:07:21] Death: SWSK-SW-Yondaime was put out of action by >BD<Kishi.Tamotsu (Gun).
Tessen Wing reporting our latest endeavors. On our recent operation we got tasked under the command of our Shogun sensei to perform an escort run, accompanying and safeguarding transport vessel of the Order on a trip through kusarian and edge worlds space.
RV point was at Sendai Research Complex where we cordially greeted them to our space and our dear shogun introduced them to our cause, we linked up after initial organizational talks with the convoy and went tour to the Omicrons. Along the way we couldn't make out any hostile activities and the escort made it to safe havens at Order and Pheonix installations. It appears this Outworlder Zoners formed a paramilitary force called "Phoenix" which cooperate with the Order to contain the alien menace.
Every helping hand to contain the grimm menace lurking in the Edge Nebula can be seen as a welcome one, we let alpha command decide any further progression with developing any diplomatic relations. We came across a lot of Omicron systems which beholded marvelous mystic sights, however we stayed vigilant and performed our duty.
Nothing out of the ordinary would be there to report, as everything went smoothly and no casualties can be reported.
Point of Origin: Battleship Watatsumi moored at Mito Shipyard
Encryption Level: 並み
Importance: 並み
Yoi tsuitachi brothers and sisters.
This evenings combat report is of the joint operation between Gen'an and Outcasts 11 6 828 A.S. for the siege of Nomura Station.
The background intel that led to this conflict towards an Interspace base is believed to be the result of negligence on Interspaces part.
Our own forces involved in this conflict were;
Battleship Okayama
Battleship Tsukuyomi
Battleship Watatsumi
Kamiyama Kano
Miyazaki Yuyuko
For this operation it was required that the Watatsumi unmoored from Mito under my guidance once again as its Kaigun shōsa with Kaigun chūsa Otsuka overseeing full command of the vessel. With the ship moored at Mito once again we can offer command our report of the siege that had occurred.
The Watatsumi had arrived late as a bulk of our Gen'an and Outcast allies with the Tsukuyomi had stationed themselves closer to the target in the Seiran Dust Cloud.
Shortly after our arrival the Tsukuyomi under command of our Shogun had to depart temporarily to attend other matters.
Throughout the operation we had several interruptions both humorous and challenging.
The first of note was a freelancer vessel with the identification 'Floro' a transport that paused it's journey and remarked the besieged station to be that of a squid.
He or She then discharged their weapons at the station for a few minutes and stopped after the Gen'an had convinced the transport that this was not a safe area for them to be.
They had fortunately dispersed soon after without incident which allowed us to continue.
The second incident had occurred when small mix of Police and Naval Fighters had introduced themselves.
Their identifications were 'Gaijin-4' 'Ravage' for the Police and 'li.Seiho.Isayama' for the navy.
Though a troublesome group they inflicted minimal damage to the hanataba fleet thanks for the efforts of Myazaki Yuyuko who had aided the Gen'an greatly in the fighter fight.
In between these events the battleship Tsukuyomi had returned under it's second in command to continue with the siege.
The third incident quite bizarrely occurred with another large fleet mix of battleships, a cruiser and some fighters under the Corsair and Hogosha IFF.
The enemy ships logged of this flotilla were 'DTR-Nox;' 'HR-Dept' 'DTR-Penumbra' 'DTR-Obstinate' 'DTR-Kepler' 'DTR-Michal_Mittsury' and 'Gaiko_Gifuto'
Having heard much about the Corsairs and their crude but effective tactics the hanataba fleet as a whole were cautious but quite surprised when it turned out to be nothing more than a myth. Once their support vessel had been destroyed the capital segment of the fleet had quickly did away with the Corsair vessels in quick succession until the Cruiser remained.
In a desperate attempt the remaining cruiser had lunged towards the fleet only to have the Watatsumi from above quickly ravage it's upper hull and then finished by the Outcast Dreadnoughts superior firepower.
The fourth incident had occurred with some Gallic Royalists at first a 'Jade.Paris' had encountered the fleet gesturing random questions which had been returned in kind from one of the outcast members. This had turned out to be a scout as later they had returned in a mix of bomber and fighter squadrons. Newer additions of note were 'Aurore-V' 'Chasseur' and 'Aurore-II'
A very persistent group that had lead to patrolling the surrounding area with reports that they were attacking vessels away from the fleet in order to cut off any exterior support.
During this a transport by the iff 'Gugubell' had entered the area of operation but had quickly left after being warned not too intefere.
The Royalists eventually closed in with a newcomer 'Woriaki' 'Kamaboki.Gonapachiro' and 'Tyre' all assumed to be Hogosha and Samura affiliated.
After a long firefight they had dispersed only assuming that they eventually realised the futility of their efforts.
The Battleship Okayama had arrived at this point to lend assistance towards the siege.
After this the siege had continued well underway the hanataba fleet had cracked the stations exterior armour in which after it had folded quite quickly once it's core had been breached. With the stations destruction. With the destruction of the station the hanataba fleet had split and made way back to their territories.
Combat logs are unavailable but a visual recording of these events will be attached in this transmission.
On our daily interception missions patrolling the lanes close to the New Tokyo gate, I have two transports to report. The transports in question are US|USV-Stockton which was carrying 5,000 units of Helium-3 bound for Planet Pittsburgh in New York, and {DHC}Hirm which was carrying a full load of robotic hardware. After some negotiations, I managed to get both transports to donate an amount to our cause. 8 million from the USI, and 3 million from the DHC. Both were especially cooperative, so they will be registered on the whitelist for our targets temporarily. Remember that we are not greedy barbarians like the Hogosha, and that this money goes towards our fight against the unjust.
[08.02.2022 21:26:57] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: Greetings >BD<Kanabo-5.
[08.02.2022 21:27:01] >BD<Kanabo-5: Well, konbanwa.
[08.02.2022 21:27:34] >BD<Kanabo-5: Care to save me the chase, gaijin?
[08.02.2022 21:27:46] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: What can I do for you?
[08.02.2022 21:27:57] >BD<Kanabo-5: State your destination with this cargo, first off.
[08.02.2022 21:28:17] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: Planet Pittsburgh, New York
[08.02.2022 21:28:41] >BD<Kanabo-5: Okay, no complaints there.
[08.02.2022 21:29:01] >BD<Kanabo-5: Secondly, at how much is your cargo valued at the destination?
[08.02.2022 21:29:42] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: My last run I think it was selling for a bit over 9000 per unit.
[08.02.2022 21:29:55] US|USV-Stockton: I would have to check my papers to get an exact number.
[08.02.2022 21:30:17] >BD<Kanabo-5: Is that something you can do in a brief amount of time?
[08.02.2022 21:30:38] US|USV-Stockton: Sure, give me just a second. Cockpit is a bit of a mess...
[08.02.2022 21:30:57] US|USV-Stockton: Let's See Helium-3, earlier today....
[08.02.2022 21:31:07] US|USV-Stockton: 9829 per unit it appears.
[08.02.2022 21:31:23] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: higher than I remembered
[08.02.2022 21:31:39] >BD<Kanabo-5: By my calculations, that racks about 50 million sc. Seems quite a nice payout.
[08.02.2022 21:31:50] >BD<Kanabo-5: Oh, have I got a twofer?
[08.02.2022 21:31:55] US|USV-Stockton: Well, it isn't all profit you know, I have to purchase the stuff...
[08.02.2022 21:32:07] >BD<Kanabo-5: Eh, screw it. Too much effort.
[08.02.2022 21:32:08] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: Greetings {DHC}Hirm.
[08.02.2022 21:32:49] >BD<Kanabo-5: DHC pilot, you'll be dealt with shortly. Don't make me chase you down.
[08.02.2022 21:32:57] {DHC}Hirm: Guten tag everyone
[08.02.2022 21:33:02] >BD<Kanabo-5: I'll be brief then, USI employee.
[08.02.2022 21:33:33] >BD<Kanabo-5: What is the net profit of your transaction there?>
[08.02.2022 21:33:43] >BD<Kanabo-5: If you can recall.
[08.02.2022 21:33:54] US|USV-Stockton: Let me get my calculator...
[08.02.2022 21:34:05] >BD<Kanabo-5: Oi.
[08.02.2022 21:34:13] >BD<Kanabo-5: Better halt the engine.
[08.02.2022 21:34:21] US|USV-Stockton: 6329 per unit....
[08.02.2022 21:34:26] {DHC}Hirm: Whats your price Dragon? I've got deadlines
[08.02.2022 21:34:40] US|USV-Stockton: carry the one...
[08.02.2022 21:34:43] >BD<Kanabo-5: State your net profit and I'll give your price as well.
[08.02.2022 21:34:50] US|USV-Stockton: and it is about 31 million.
[08.02.2022 21:35:02] {DHC}Hirm: 9M for optronics
[08.02.2022 21:35:05] >BD<Kanabo-5: Or I'll just start shouting numbers at this point. Damned bureaucrats...
[08.02.2022 21:35:43] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: before other incidentals, lunch, coffee... beer.
[08.02.2022 21:35:55] >BD<Kanabo-5: Very well, USI vessel. I'll require 10 million as a donation to the Dragons. That should spare you room for the coffee.
[08.02.2022 21:36:03] US|USV-Stockton: not that I would ever fly intixicated...
[08.02.2022 21:36:06] >BD<Kanabo-5: As for the DHC vessel, 3 million.
[08.02.2022 21:36:22] US|USV-Stockton: 10 million? that is quite a hefty percentage.
[08.02.2022 21:36:34] >BD<Kanabo-5: It's under half of your net profit is it not?
[08.02.2022 21:36:36] [2022-02-09] 02:36:34 You have received 3.000.000 credits from {DHC}Hirm
[08.02.2022 21:36:39] {DHC}Hirm: done
[08.02.2022 21:37:10] >BD<Kanabo-5: Fine. To be respectful, how does 8 million sound?
[08.02.2022 21:37:17] US|USV-Stockton: Well, yes, but you may not be the only time I have to make a payout to get to Liberty...
[08.02.2022 21:37:22] US|USV-Stockton: I can do 8 million.
[08.02.2022 21:37:33] [2022-02-09] 02:37:31 You have received 8.000.000 credits from US|USV-Stockton
[08.02.2022 21:37:48] >BD<Kanabo-5: Very well. Proceed with your flight. Next time, I'll mark you down for the whitelist.
[08.02.2022 21:37:52] US|USV-Stockton: I hope your organization uses it well. That is a lot of coffee.
[08.02.2022 21:38:11] >BD<Kanabo-5: Cooperative transports don't get their hull breached. Simple.
[08.02.2022 21:38:23] >BD<Kanabo-5: I'm sure it will go towards a lot of.... coffee.
[08.02.2022 21:38:24] US|USV-Stockton: have a good day
[08.02.2022 21:38:39] >BD<Kanabo-5: Sayonara.
Myself and Shogun Ubukuta Tsuya went on a patrol of Kusari and ran into a Spa and Cruise liner codenamed New Horizon in New Tokyo. We had a conversation about AI and Nomads and then New horizon was curious about our territory. Shogun Ubukuta decied to show her Tohoku and the legendary Heaven's Gate as the Shogun told her about the lore of it. Then we escorted New Horizon back to Okinawa then we returned to Kyoto.
[08.02.2022 18:52:36] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Very interesting
[08.02.2022 18:52:47] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: We have Dragons on the scopes... | Anna: ...
[08.02.2022 18:52:54] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Konnichiwa
[08.02.2022 18:53:12] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Can I help?
[08.02.2022 18:53:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: What are you doing with such state of the art tech on board?
[08.02.2022 18:54:05] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Why does that not surprise me? Well... As you can see, it is not a liner like the others.
[08.02.2022 18:54:41] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Surely this isn't the first time you've been given strange looks because of such cargo readings.
[08.02.2022 18:54:53] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We've decided to investigate for ourselves.
[08.02.2022 18:55:07] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I see...
[08.02.2022 18:55:29] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: So what ARE you doing with all that?
[08.02.2022 18:55:40] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It's not typical of orbital to be carrying such things, yes? So what's your story?
[08.02.2022 18:55:59] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: And perhaps we may let this technology live. Threat or not.
[08.02.2022 18:56:14] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: My entire liner is a laboratory. I do my own experiments.
[08.02.2022 18:56:51] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I also have this... artificial intelligence good at nothing. | Pixis: ...
[08.02.2022 18:56:52] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Experiments on what? Or who?
[08.02.2022 18:57:26] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Do your experiments normally involve such dangerous energy readings?
[08.02.2022 18:57:45] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Ok one question at a time.
[08.02.2022 18:58:12] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: So the energy that you are reading, it is from that energy cell that is powering my liner.
[08.02.2022 18:58:30] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: In other words, it is not a danger.
[08.02.2022 18:58:41] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Unless you blow my ship.
[08.02.2022 18:58:58] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And you asked what kind of experiments right?
[08.02.2022 18:59:13] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, actually, I try to make an android.
[08.02.2022 18:59:43] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Interesting
[08.02.2022 19:00:20] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Of what sort?
[08.02.2022 19:00:41] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Secondly, that experimental cell. Is that one of a kind?
[08.02.2022 19:00:52] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You mentioned you made it, so I assume so.
[08.02.2022 19:01:19] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, the one I am trying to build is a basic one and if it is a success, perhaps a body guard.
[08.02.2022 19:01:54] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And the cell... Well, I didn't build it. I just converted it to power the liner.
[08.02.2022 19:02:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: My apologies. The adrenaline has me blending some memories together. I never tire of catching prey in the field.
[08.02.2022 19:02:54] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Anyways, this sucks. I was hoping of some less trivial information other than personal experiments and ventures.
[08.02.2022 19:03:08] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Oh?
[08.02.2022 19:03:25] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: The reading simply piqued my interest. I haven't seen such an energy cell before.
[08.02.2022 19:03:41] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Not since... Well, the blue bastards.
[08.02.2022 19:03:51] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: In fact, its reading is eerily similar to it.
[08.02.2022 19:03:55] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Ahh those things.
[08.02.2022 19:04:18] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Indeed, it reads the same thing. But I ensure you, it is not the same.
[08.02.2022 19:04:31] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Very well.
[08.02.2022 19:04:56] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: To be honest, I never met dragons before.
[08.02.2022 19:05:08] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I guess the rumors were true.
[08.02.2022 19:05:19] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Rumors? Of what kind?
[08.02.2022 19:05:41] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Do you think us madmen? Killers?
[08.02.2022 19:05:50] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I'
[08.02.2022 19:05:58] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: 've heard it all before.
[08.02.2022 19:06:06] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: As have I
[08.02.2022 19:06:27] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I just heard that you were ''rare''. But what you are, I don't really care. Everyone is free to choose his path.
[08.02.2022 19:07:09] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: In any case, if you did not create that cell... who did? Surely you must remember where you obtained it at least.
[08.02.2022 19:08:01] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: A guy on that station in Kepler... I don't remember the name...
[08.02.2022 19:08:08] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Such a mess that system.
[08.02.2022 19:08:43] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: I am free to choose too? | Anna: Stop crying and maybe.
[08.02.2022 19:08:58] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: A 'guy'... how helpful. Well, there's only so many places to search in Kepler, so it's not completely useless.
[08.02.2022 19:09:13] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: That other voice there... Who is that?
[08.02.2022 19:09:38] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Seems like an Artificial Intelligence of some sort
[08.02.2022 19:09:52] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: It's.. | Pixis: I am Pixis and I do essential things on that liner.
[08.02.2022 19:10:21] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: I turn off/on the engine and many things.
[08.02.2022 19:10:39] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And talkative.
[08.02.2022 19:11:01] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: A customized piloting AI? You know your stuff.
[08.02.2022 19:11:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You've even given it a unique voice module.
[08.02.2022 19:11:32] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Yes, I optimize it when I want.
[08.02.2022 19:12:29] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: Anna is good... even if she is impulsive. | Anna: Pixis...
[08.02.2022 19:12:48] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: *laughs* interesting pair
[08.02.2022 19:13:07] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: ... | Pixis: ...
[08.02.2022 19:13:08] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: The impulse and quick decision making of humans is not something an AI can easily replicate. It may both save and take lives
[08.02.2022 19:13:14] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: in a heartbeat.
[08.02.2022 19:13:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I'd be surprised if you understood such a concept.
[08.02.2022 19:13:54] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, we live in a world that requires high reflexes, right?
[08.02.2022 19:14:21] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Especialy faced toward nomads.
[08.02.2022 19:14:43] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Dangerous, but interesting at the same time.
[08.02.2022 19:14:54] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Have you faced them in combat?
[08.02.2022 19:15:02] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: On that thing, no less?
[08.02.2022 19:15:16] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: No, I keep my distances.
[08.02.2022 19:15:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Good. Try to keep it that way.
[08.02.2022 19:15:39] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed very dangerous these nomads
[08.02.2022 19:15:49] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Very few even know of the nomads existence still, let alone know how to fight it.
[08.02.2022 19:16:08] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Have you ever heard about those sentient machines?
[08.02.2022 19:16:49] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I recall vague bits and pieces of intel about them and they're from, but I never see them here.
[08.02.2022 19:16:53] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: I have heard rumors never seen one
[08.02.2022 19:17:20] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Oh... I did see some of them!
[08.02.2022 19:17:55] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Did you now? what was it like?
[08.02.2022 19:17:56] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Of that I'm sure. You orbital fellows tend to go many places...
[08.02.2022 19:18:34] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: There is only one thing I can say. They are interesting. Their knowledge is something that I want to know.
[08.02.2022 19:18:50] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: But, they are not really open on that point...
[08.02.2022 19:19:06] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: However, if you attack them, they will surely attack you.
[08.02.2022 19:19:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I would certainly expect them to.
[08.02.2022 19:19:25] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Of course I would do the same if someont attacked me
[08.02.2022 19:20:01] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Alright, let's say this, you see a machine, what will you do?
[08.02.2022 19:21:13] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Hmmmm....probably learn as much as i could about it
[08.02.2022 19:21:40] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And what about you, the other one? Sorry, I don't know your names.
[08.02.2022 19:22:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I'd opt for testing its intelligence.
[08.02.2022 19:22:45] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I see.
[08.02.2022 19:23:10] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I'd want to see its faults unfold. If it's like any other AI, then it's capable of incorrect statements and calculations.
[08.02.2022 19:23:17] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: And that means it can be killed.
[08.02.2022 19:23:47] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Unfortunately, I can't provide you such information...
[08.02.2022 19:24:03] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I didn't do it myself.
[08.02.2022 19:24:43] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Not many have, I'd bet.
[08.02.2022 19:24:50] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 19:25:14] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Perhaps the Order? They are great people... from those I have met.
[08.02.2022 19:26:23] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You know of the Order as well?
[08.02.2022 19:26:46] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I went into the Omicrons, so of course I do.
[08.02.2022 19:27:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Bravo, bravo! Hahah, what a brave soul you are.
[08.02.2022 19:27:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It's fascinating that nothing killed you on the way.
[08.02.2022 19:27:46] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed omicrons are very.......well i've heard that people disappear out there
[08.02.2022 19:28:16] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well... | Pixis: Anna has lived hell when she was young! | Anna: Pixis!
[08.02.2022 19:29:14] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Well, I'm more curious about this Pixis anyways.
[08.02.2022 19:29:43] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Are they a standard von neumann design, or perhaps something more neurologically based?
[08.02.2022 19:31:05] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: ... | Anna: Pixis is mostly a program able to switch ''vessel''. From the liner to a humanoid one.
[08.02.2022 19:31:54] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Interesting
[08.02.2022 19:32:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I wonder how much potential such a being has.
[08.02.2022 19:32:32] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Probably a lot
[08.02.2022 19:32:33] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: It is not a full ''sentient'' program, but I think I am slowly getting closer.
[08.02.2022 19:32:52] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I just need more knowledge.
[08.02.2022 19:33:16] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: And those other AI constructs you spoke of? Perhaps they could be the key?
[08.02.2022 19:33:43] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Possibly because i heard they are sentient
[08.02.2022 19:34:06] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Yet they refuse to divulge how they function.
[08.02.2022 19:34:15] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Hmmmm odd
[08.02.2022 19:34:18] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: As I said, I am trying. The problem is that the pieces are always falling on the ground.
[08.02.2022 19:35:00] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You'll find a way eventually. Nothing ever goes to plan, you know.
[08.02.2022 19:35:21] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I know, that why I have fun!
[08.02.2022 19:35:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: A friend from my academy days told me once that the road of progress is paved with mistakes.
[08.02.2022 19:35:23] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 19:35:38] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: True.
[08.02.2022 19:36:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: One more thing... Oh, I guess this is standard 'interrogation' protocol I should follow.
[08.02.2022 19:36:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: What's your business in Kusari?
[08.02.2022 19:36:35] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Simply passing through?
[08.02.2022 19:36:57] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I have no real business to be here. Actually, I am illegal.
[08.02.2022 19:37:06] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Really? How so?
[08.02.2022 19:38:05] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I once met a destroyer and the man clearly told me that cloaking devices were only allowed to the naval forces.
[08.02.2022 19:38:57] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: It is ridiculous.
[08.02.2022 19:39:10] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I think I can venture a guess as to which destroyer you're talking of. And yes, he's right.
[08.02.2022 19:39:30] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: By Kusari law, only the Naval Forces can legally operate cloaking devices.
[08.02.2022 19:39:46] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Not that we care, but...
[08.02.2022 19:40:00] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Hmm... | Pixis: It was the Zuiryu.
[08.02.2022 19:40:28] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Yes, a name I recognize all too well. They're quite the goof. Always barking but never biting.
[08.02.2022 19:40:58] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, I don't care to be honest.
[08.02.2022 19:41:21] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Sometime, all scientists and researchers need to break the laws.
[08.02.2022 19:42:16] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: As example, improving technology with alien's technology.
[08.02.2022 19:42:32] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Hah! A scientist that isn't a total pansy. Finally.
[08.02.2022 19:42:40] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 19:43:23] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Well, if you're considered illegal in Kusari, I guess that sort've makes us friends in a sense.
[08.02.2022 19:43:51] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Hai
[08.02.2022 19:44:02] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: ''Friends''. I just have like three.
[08.02.2022 19:44:53] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: The chairwoman of the Orbital Spa and Cruise and her wife and a zoner.
[08.02.2022 19:45:11] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You speak of Cait and Steph.
[08.02.2022 19:45:17] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Yes.
[08.02.2022 19:45:18] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I've met them personally.
[08.02.2022 19:45:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Strange, they never mentioned you.
[08.02.2022 19:45:33] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Maybe this is a chance meeting.
[08.02.2022 19:46:01] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well...
[08.02.2022 19:46:08] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Or fate? Who knows.
[08.02.2022 19:46:30] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: The last time I saw them, it was in their liner during a party.
[08.02.2022 19:46:49] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Ah, now we're onto typical Orbital speak. Parties!
[08.02.2022 19:47:03] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: But it was when? Damnit... I can't remember!
[08.02.2022 19:47:34] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Well, don't force it. Memories like to come and go as they please.
[08.02.2022 19:47:40] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 19:48:04] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Yes... Unfortunately.
[08.02.2022 19:48:05] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: In any case, I don't see any reason to try and eliminate you anymore. Apart from your energy cell being a walking bomb if your
[08.02.2022 19:48:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: hull is blown, you're chill.
[08.02.2022 19:48:39] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Alright. Oh!
[08.02.2022 19:49:09] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Speaking to be illegal, I have heard about a system where there is a huge asteorid.
[08.02.2022 19:49:19] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Somewhere in Kusari.
[08.02.2022 19:50:03] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You don't want to go there.
[08.02.2022 19:50:42] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I won't disclose much, but it is a hotspot for nomad activity. Dangerous for your type.
[08.02.2022 19:50:43] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Ohh... You don't know me. | Pixis: Now, you just increased her curiosity..
[08.02.2022 19:51:46] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I mean that. If you find your way there, it better be with hefty protection.
[08.02.2022 19:52:29] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well... I guess I already have them.
[08.02.2022 19:52:55] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Oh... haha... hahaha! You really are a clever one, aren't you.
[08.02.2022 19:53:30] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I am opportunist. A real bad thing.
[08.02.2022 19:54:36] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Wait a second. Don't tell me you want to do this now?
[08.02.2022 19:55:29] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Yes. But I would understand that you don't want right now, but curiosity is so a strong call.
[08.02.2022 19:56:02] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: So.. I could go alone, but I need the coords to go there...
[08.02.2022 19:56:19] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And my intuition tells me that you do.
[08.02.2022 19:56:41] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Well, I wasn't exactly holding my cards close to my chest, was I?
[08.02.2022 19:56:53] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Oh well. If you want to go there, I'd better make sure you don't die violently.
[08.02.2022 19:57:14] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Alright.
[08.02.2022 19:57:33] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You will follow my lead.
[08.02.2022 19:57:42] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Yes...
[08.02.2022 20:00:26] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Beware of the incoming stationary battleship, Akio-san.
[08.02.2022 20:00:54] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: I see what you mean
[08.02.2022 20:01:51] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Welcome to Okinawa, if this is your first time here.
[08.02.2022 20:02:41] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: From here we will enter cruise formation.
[08.02.2022 20:03:35] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: In the distance is Niiza, originally scouted by our ancestors.
[08.02.2022 20:04:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It is a desolate planet. Old records say
[08.02.2022 20:04:33] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: that it has some form of underground sentient life forms.
[08.02.2022 20:04:50] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Here as well?
[08.02.2022 20:05:16] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We are nearing the jump hole to the system you speak of. Be prepared.
[08.02.2022 20:05:56] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Checking anomaly readings... hole route secure and stable. I'll go in first.
[08.02.2022 20:06:24] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Here we are.
[08.02.2022 20:06:26] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Jump successful
[08.02.2022 20:06:32] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Woow....
[08.02.2022 20:06:55] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Pixis, zoom with the scope.
[08.02.2022 20:07:21] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You
[08.02.2022 20:07:30] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: 're free to get a closer look if you want.
[08.02.2022 20:07:38] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We will form up on you if so.
[08.02.2022 20:07:52] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Ok stop! What? A structure on it? Hmm...
[08.02.2022 20:08:13] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Hehehe.... Now I am more curious.
[08.02.2022 20:08:44] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Alright... Let's take a closer eye.
[08.02.2022 20:09:28] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Consider yourself lucky to have gotten this far.
[08.02.2022 20:09:44] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, you are here.
[08.02.2022 20:09:52] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Not even the Kusari public know of this location.
[08.02.2022 20:10:06] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I see...
[08.02.2022 20:10:29] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Now, I trust that you would not leak the location... Otherwise...
[08.02.2022 20:10:42] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Do not worry.
[08.02.2022 20:11:20] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Pixis, show me again and zoom to the structure.
[08.02.2022 20:11:44] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: Sure...
[08.02.2022 20:12:04] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Interesting... Really interesting.
[08.02.2022 20:12:49] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It is called Heaven's Gate.
[08.02.2022 20:13:05] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I wonder why it is called like that.
[08.02.2022 20:13:23] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Until recently, it used to be the secret fortress of the Emperor.
[08.02.2022 20:13:43] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: In the event of an overwhelming force that destroyed Kusari.
[08.02.2022 20:14:08] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It is still safe to move closer.
[08.02.2022 20:14:43] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Hmm... | Pixis: I do not think it is a good idea....
[08.02.2022 20:14:59] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Afraid? Because I don't.
[08.02.2022 20:15:05] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Neither do i i have heard weird things come out of there
[08.02.2022 20:15:11] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Don't worry. The Dragons are masters of combat.
[08.02.2022 20:15:21] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We can intercept anything that threatens your ship.
[08.02.2022 20:15:49] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Alright, but I can defend myself too.
[08.02.2022 20:16:13] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Of course you can.
[08.02.2022 20:16:52] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Ah! Such a good view.
[08.02.2022 20:17:24] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: The asteroid field we were in prior to this is supposedly the remnants of an old planet.
[08.02.2022 20:17:52] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Oh...
[08.02.2022 20:18:07] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It is possible that these larger asteroids were once part of it as well. But that's only speculation.
[08.02.2022 20:18:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: And history lost to time.
[08.02.2022 20:18:52] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: More I see those asteorids, more they are similar from those in Omega fifty-five.
[08.02.2022 20:19:07] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Such a great time.
[08.02.2022 20:19:16] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: The reason why I've said to beware this place... is because it is currently a Nomad hive.
[08.02.2022 20:20:00] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: ... | Pixis: Why is it still there?
[08.02.2022 20:20:15] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Why, indeed...
[08.02.2022 20:20:22] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: Contacts!
[08.02.2022 20:20:33] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Hmm...
[08.02.2022 20:20:34] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Infected snubcraft.
[08.02.2022 20:20:40] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Oh goodie
[08.02.2022 20:20:48] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Divide and conquer.
[08.02.2022 20:21:05] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: done
[08.02.2022 20:21:14] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Efficient... Remember me to not threat you.
[08.02.2022 20:21:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Those were simple scouts.
[08.02.2022 20:22:04] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I guess for now, I have what I need.
[08.02.2022 20:22:19] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Perhaps another day, I will get closer.
[08.02.2022 20:22:28] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It is more difficult than it seems to cleanse such a place.
[08.02.2022 20:22:35] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 20:22:51] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We've tried once before, and lost many great samurai in the process.
[08.02.2022 20:22:57] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Or so the elders tell me.
[08.02.2022 20:23:16] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Unfrotunate.
[08.02.2022 20:23:21] ''New-Horizon'': Unfortunate*
[08.02.2022 20:23:34] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We'd defeated the majority of their forces then, with the help of some able gaijin...
[08.02.2022 20:23:51] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Gaijin?
[08.02.2022 20:24:23] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Foreigners. Though, their names are not important.
[08.02.2022 20:24:35] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I understand.
[08.02.2022 20:25:17] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Their fleet consisted of infested Naval Forces vessels under the command of former emperor Tekagi.
[08.02.2022 20:25:52] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Was this about the time Tegaki "dissappeared"?
[08.02.2022 20:26:03] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Yes.
[08.02.2022 20:26:29] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It's still unconfirmed whether or not he is certainly dead.
[08.02.2022 20:26:52] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: But what was recovered here was a vital artifact.
[08.02.2022 20:26:55] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I am not a historian, but an emperor that vanished, it is suspicious.
[08.02.2022 20:27:20] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: He was infected by a nomad as well.
[08.02.2022 20:27:43] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: ...
[08.02.2022 20:27:48] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: The people that came before me decided it was necessary to wipe him out, and the foreigners that came to us needed something.
[08.02.2022 20:28:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: That artifact... whatever it was, it was the key to defeating the nomads years ago.
[08.02.2022 20:28:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I believe they called it the Proteus Tome.
[08.02.2022 20:28:59] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I have heard that name before... And I am still curious about it.
[08.02.2022 20:29:30] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I've no clue where it is now. Only that it used to be here.
[08.02.2022 20:29:52] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Inside that arch you see there.
[08.02.2022 20:31:16] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Interesting...
[08.02.2022 20:31:18] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Before Tekagi took the tome here, it was meant to be placed in the Natural History Museum of Kusari on New Tokyo.
[08.02.2022 20:32:11] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: That's about all I know of it.
[08.02.2022 20:32:29] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I see.
[08.02.2022 20:32:30] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: It disappeared after the foreigners took it and the nomad wars passed.
[08.02.2022 20:33:24] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Apart from that... inside the arch, there are various artistic designs that are held within it still.
[08.02.2022 20:33:39] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Were you able to get inside, you'd see perhaps many intriguing things.
[08.02.2022 20:33:47] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: A shame it is deadly.
[08.02.2022 20:33:59] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Indeed...
[08.02.2022 20:34:30] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I wish I had more to tell you.
[08.02.2022 20:34:46] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: But the new generation of Dragons... me, and the other beside us, we've never seen the inside.
[08.02.2022 20:34:58] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 20:35:27] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Actually, what you just told me is enough to satisfy a bit my curiosity.
[08.02.2022 20:35:59] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: By the way, I plan to maybe return here or to study the planet we saw in Okinawa.
[08.02.2022 20:36:27] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Niiza?
[08.02.2022 20:36:33] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Yes.
[08.02.2022 20:37:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Sure, why not. I don't recommend landing on it though.
[08.02.2022 20:37:58] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I will... When it will happen.
[08.02.2022 20:38:05] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Any and all terraforming ventures on that planet have long since been abandoned because of its proximity to the sun.
[08.02.2022 20:39:26] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I see. Time to think of a new conception! A suite resisting of the rays of the star and radiations.
[08.02.2022 20:39:59] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I... think stuff like that already exists. Unless you want to make something that's even more effective.
[08.02.2022 20:40:39] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Yes, something more effective. | Pixis: Now, I wonder who is the human...
[08.02.2022 20:41:12] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Well, if there was nothing else you were interested in, I think we're about done here.
[08.02.2022 20:41:57] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Hmm... I am done here. But I am interested about you right now... I don't even know your name.
[08.02.2022 20:42:32] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Oh, me? I was wondering when you'd ask.
[08.02.2022 20:43:19] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Gee, I hope my appearance is alright... I wasn't expecting a date so soon.
[08.02.2022 20:44:09] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Do not worry about that. I just want to know your name and perhaps to have the chance to talk more.
[08.02.2022 20:44:51] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Guess this is the part where I act formal for once.
[08.02.2022 20:45:44] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: My name is Ubukata Tsuya. Other people call me the Shogun. Although it's only a provisionary title.
[08.02.2022 20:45:53] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You... can just call me Tsuya.
[08.02.2022 20:46:14] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You should be honored to be in my presence! Fufu~
[08.02.2022 20:46:31] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Akio-san, introduce yourself.
[08.02.2022 20:47:20] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: *looks up* Ah yes My name is Takahasi Akio but you may call me Akio
[08.02.2022 20:47:43] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, Tsuya and Akio, nice to meet you.
[08.02.2022 20:47:54] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Likewise
[08.02.2022 20:47:56] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Oh, how plain and humble. But it'll do, Aki-kun. I know you're a bit shy.
[08.02.2022 20:48:34] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And... Tsuya, what is a shogun and why provisionary?
[08.02.2022 20:48:49] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: You must not have paid attention in your history classes.
[08.02.2022 20:49:14] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I was focused on science...
[08.02.2022 20:49:32] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: A Shogun is the leader of what's called a Shogunate, which is a military-centric government.
[08.02.2022 20:49:45] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: And it's provisionary because... we aren't actually a government.
[08.02.2022 20:49:49] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Not yet, anyways...
[08.02.2022 20:50:01] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: But I've been trying to bring proper order and stability to the dragons.
[08.02.2022 20:50:15] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Instead of leaving them as the 'masterless ronin' they're rumored to be.
[08.02.2022 20:50:53] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I see. Well, you have all my support to be a ''real'' government.
[08.02.2022 20:51:16] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Don't let the navy hear you say stuff like that, haha.
[08.02.2022 20:51:22] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 20:51:39] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: It won't happen. Because... I am illegal.
[08.02.2022 20:52:00] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: But joke aside, I will keep it for myself.
[08.02.2022 20:52:24] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Best to be that way.
[08.02.2022 20:53:10] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: If you want to contact us again, I'll give you the net keys for our communications.
[08.02.2022 20:53:29] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Sure.
[08.02.2022 20:53:52] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Don't try to hog up too much of the bandwidth with your pretty little face.
[08.02.2022 20:54:08] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Eh?
[08.02.2022 20:54:22] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Ha, caught you blushing! You aren't as cold as you seem.
[08.02.2022 20:55:02] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: ... | Pixis: Anna is showing something else? | Anna: N.. No... I am normal...
[08.02.2022 20:55:14] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Sure you are
[08.02.2022 20:55:37] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Hehe. Well, I'm sure we've taken enough of your time and you've other matters to attend to.
[08.02.2022 20:55:49] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: If you want, we can see you off to wherever you're headed next.
[08.02.2022 20:56:13] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, I barely quite my liner.
[08.02.2022 20:56:53] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And I am not busy... Well, just the android that needs my attention but I can take my time.
[08.02.2022 20:57:08] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: After all, I work for myself.
[08.02.2022 20:57:40] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Speaking of liners... why do you fly this thing anyways?
[08.02.2022 20:57:53] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I know you're orbital, but it's not like you're carrying tourists.
[08.02.2022 20:58:03] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Could've picked any other civvie transport.
[08.02.2022 20:58:54] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, you see, it has many rooms and two cargo bays.
[08.02.2022 20:59:05] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Only one is opperational though...
[08.02.2022 20:59:18] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: The other one?
[08.02.2022 21:00:15] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: I need to ''fix'' hangar. It is in a mess and I will need to put my liner in the hands of engineers...
[08.02.2022 21:00:42] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Because the hangar's door are not opening.
[08.02.2022 21:00:53] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Probably best to dock yourself with the nearest shipyard then.
[08.02.2022 21:00:58] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 21:01:23] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Like I said, we can see you out to safe space. Once you hit the lanes though, it should be smooth sailing for you
[08.02.2022 21:01:51] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Sure.
[08.02.2022 21:02:05] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Pixis, prepare to move the ship.
[08.02.2022 21:02:38] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Also, I have another ship.
[08.02.2022 21:03:20] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Which is?
[08.02.2022 21:03:36] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: A Raven.
[08.02.2022 21:03:52] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Hm, never seen it.
[08.02.2022 21:04:30] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Well, in that case, I will need to call it or... Pixis, do you have access? | Pixis: We are to far.
[08.02.2022 21:04:45] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Right... bad luck I guess.
[08.02.2022 21:05:37] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Well, not like it's safe to stay here anyways.
[08.02.2022 21:05:41] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Indeed
[08.02.2022 21:05:52] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Right... Let's return.
[08.02.2022 21:07:25] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Where's your next destination anyways?
[08.02.2022 21:07:47] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Hmm... I do not know.
[08.02.2022 21:09:07] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Some far out rumors I've heard in passing bring word that a strange new system has been uncovered in the Taus.
[08.02.2022 21:09:17] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Perhaps there would be a good start.
[08.02.2022 21:09:38] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: In the Taus?
[08.02.2022 21:09:46] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: That's what I heard, yes.
[08.02.2022 21:10:07] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: In any case, we'll see you to the lanes, and that'll be adios, as the Outcasts put it.
[08.02.2022 21:10:32] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Hmm... Maybe next month I will go there. Right now, I need to stay here.
[08.02.2022 21:11:40] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Yes, I suppose you've got yourself a planet to research now.
[08.02.2022 21:11:46] >BD<Takahashi.Akio: Hai
[08.02.2022 21:12:06] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: And perhaps we will meet again and if it happens, I will be glad to share words with you, Tsuya.
[08.02.2022 21:12:30] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: I'm certain we'll see each other again.
[08.02.2022 21:12:53] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Great! Ok Pixis, let's move.
[08.02.2022 21:12:53] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: We won't be far.
[08.02.2022 21:13:00] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Alright.
[08.02.2022 21:13:10] >BD<Ubukata.Tsuya: Sayonara, cutie.
[08.02.2022 21:13:22] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: See you next time.
This is the captain of the Sigma-59 Niigata garrison reporting in.
Coincidentally upon undocking from Niigata, the transport that was reported on earlier, going by the identifcation US|USV-Stockton was on scanner range. Under direct order from the Shogun, I questioned the transport captain on a few matters, and ended by giving them a proposition to relay to their higher ups. I must say that I do not expect this person to do as they've been told to. Oh, well. If they do not do it for us, then we can do it ourselves. With force if necessary. USI has much to gain by entering a discreet partnership with us. Perhaps even a place in our new Kusari. Time will tell.
[14.02.2022 00:18:58] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Ah, this is awkward.
[14.02.2022 00:19:09] US|USV-Stockton: Good day there
[14.02.2022 00:19:20] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Well, you're still on the list, so we don't mind.
[14.02.2022 00:19:35] US|USV-Stockton: Thanks I appreciate it, have a good day.
[14.02.2022 00:20:15] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Well, don't take that to mean I was done with you.
[14.02.2022 00:20:38] US|USV-Stockton: Sidney: oh....
[14.02.2022 00:20:47] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: My superiors wish me to ask a few questions of you.
[14.02.2022 00:20:57] US|USV-Stockton: Okay please do go ahead.
[14.02.2022 00:21:24] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Firstly, what is your position within Universal Shipping?
[14.02.2022 00:21:41] US|USV-Stockton: I am a manager in the logistics department
[14.02.2022 00:22:21] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Secondly, what business does USI have in Kusari, of which you are aware of?
[14.02.2022 00:23:03] US|USV-Stockton: Humm.. that is a tough one, I do not know all of the contracts we have, just the ones I deal with.
[14.02.2022 00:23:24] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Which do you deal with currently, then?
[14.02.2022 00:23:42] US|USV-Stockton: We do import Helium to this system from Penny and export He-3 to Planet Pittsburgh, NY.
[14.02.2022 00:24:06] US|USV-Stockton: We also export optronic arrays quite often from Honshu and Kyushu for various clients.
[14.02.2022 00:24:54] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Optronics... base construction material, no?
[14.02.2022 00:25:08] US|USV-Stockton: I believe that is what they are most often used for yes.
[14.02.2022 00:25:13] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: These clients, any you remember?
[14.02.2022 00:25:21] US|USV-Stockton: Though they have many other uses.
[14.02.2022 00:25:55] US|USV-Stockton: I am not sure I can disclose clients and what we were hired for.
[14.02.2022 00:26:12] US|USV-Stockton: We aren't supposed to tie clients to services.
[14.02.2022 00:26:45] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Nobody's listening, is there? It is just you, and I, and the humble crew upon your ship.
[14.02.2022 00:26:47] US|USV-Stockton: We can list services, and usually clients unless they specifically ask us not to, but not what we do for specific clients.
[14.02.2022 00:27:12] US|USV-Stockton: Well... you know this kind of things gets around. I need to keep my job.
[14.02.2022 00:27:40] US|USV-Stockton: From what I understand about your organiziation, I don't think any of the ones I know would be of particular interest to you.
[14.02.2022 00:27:43] US|USV-Stockton: I can tell you that.
[14.02.2022 00:28:02] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Hm... I see.
[14.02.2022 00:28:12] US|USV-Stockton: Again, i don't know all of our contracts.
[14.02.2022 00:29:04] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: And the position you have. It is of importance? Are you high up within the company?
[14.02.2022 00:29:23] US|USV-Stockton: Middle management.
[14.02.2022 00:29:34] US|USV-Stockton: I am not an officer in the company.
[14.02.2022 00:30:22] US|USV-Stockton: Mostly manage lower ranked staff and push paper for the logistics department.
[14.02.2022 00:30:48] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Hmph. Wonder how long it took you to get there alone...
[14.02.2022 00:30:51] US|USV-Stockton: I don't make deciisons about which contracts to take, sometimes I will calculate pricing for contracts.
[14.02.2022 00:31:22] US|USV-Stockton: I am not sure I get what you mean.
[14.02.2022 00:32:03] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Oh, pardon me. The inner machinations of capitalism can be quite disturbing and I was caught in a moment of imagination.
[14.02.2022 00:32:22] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: It's unimportant, anyways.
[14.02.2022 00:32:38] US|USV-Stockton: They are disturbing if you are poor. If you are rich they are great.
[14.02.2022 00:32:47] US|USV-Stockton: I am somewhere in the middle.
[14.02.2022 00:33:33] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Well... if you're only 'middle management' as you define it... I'm sure there are some ways we could benefit from someone like
[14.02.2022 00:33:38] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: you even though you aren't at the top.
[14.02.2022 00:33:44] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: You don't object, right?
[14.02.2022 00:34:07] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: It would certainly mean you wouldn't be threatened or have to worry about us on your backs in the future.
[14.02.2022 00:34:27] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: I can patch you through to someone more of... that kind of station.
[14.02.2022 00:34:35] US|USV-Stockton: I am afraid I cannot pass you information if that is what you mean. Even if I wanted to our security is pretty tight...
[14.02.2022 00:34:45] US|USV-Stockton: I would get caught very quickly, and that wouldn't do anyone any good.
[14.02.2022 00:35:09] US|USV-Stockton: Also, my job is exceedingly boring. I have very little that would be of interest to you.
[14.02.2022 00:35:29] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Oh, worry not. Surely there is some way we could... 'contract' you. In the future.
[14.02.2022 00:35:44] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Not for information, but for shipping. That is what your company does, right?
[14.02.2022 00:35:54] US|USV-Stockton: It is what we do yes....
[14.02.2022 00:36:16] US|USV-Stockton: I don't make decisiions about accepting contracts, but I can pass along the request.
[14.02.2022 00:36:34] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Good, then. Very good.
[14.02.2022 00:37:15] US|USV-Stockton: I do think our company would be hessitent to say the least though...
[14.02.2022 00:37:38] US|USV-Stockton: But I will pass it along. If you have any information on what you might want, th at might be useful.
[14.02.2022 00:38:17] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Well, I can't tell you specifics, but were we to purchase your services, it would be for something in the realm of...
[14.02.2022 00:38:25] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Base development.
[14.02.2022 00:38:51] US|USV-Stockton: I see, I can pass that along.
[14.02.2022 00:38:54] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Perhaps tell them that there is a lot of money in it for them.
[14.02.2022 00:39:06] US|USV-Stockton: Will do.
[14.02.2022 00:39:12] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: And, were they to agree... They might have a friendlier Kusari to deal with in the future.
[14.02.2022 00:39:33] US|USV-Stockton: Well that part would be good...
[14.02.2022 00:39:47] US|USV-Stockton: If it doesn't make others unfriendly....
[14.02.2022 00:40:18] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: The dragons are the greatest keepers of secrets. If your security is strong, it is nothing compared to ours.
[14.02.2022 00:40:25] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Keeping this discreet would be fairly easy.
[14.02.2022 00:40:50] US|USV-Stockton: I see.
[14.02.2022 00:41:13] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: So you needn't worry about making any of your buddies angry over in Liberty, if that's the problem.
[14.02.2022 00:41:21] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Or anywhere else for that matter.
[14.02.2022 00:41:44] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: All you need to do is fly covertly.
[14.02.2022 00:41:54] US|USV-Stockton: That is probably the hardest part.
[14.02.2022 00:42:18] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Maybe for a simple transport captain such as you.
[14.02.2022 00:42:20] US|USV-Stockton: We typically do not do that, there are probably a handful of transport captians that have any experience with covert operations
[14.02.2022 00:42:27] US|USV-Stockton: in our company.
[14.02.2022 00:42:48] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: We can offer assistance in that regard, if necessary. But all when the time comes.
[14.02.2022 00:43:07] US|USV-Stockton: Okay I will pass along all of this information to the executive offiders.
[14.02.2022 00:43:18] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Now, I'm just the messenger. At any point, our interest in you could be rescinded and I'd have no control over it.
[14.02.2022 00:43:26] US|USV-Stockton: I understand
[14.02.2022 00:43:40] US|USV-Stockton: I also have no authority on this either.
[14.02.2022 00:44:14] US|USV-Stockton: If that is all I should be going, I am a bit behind schedule now.
[14.02.2022 00:44:21] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Well, in any case, I apologize for taking up your time. It may not be much but...
[14.02.2022 00:44:31] [2022-02-14] 05:44:30 You have sent 20.000.000 credits to US|USV-Stockton.
[14.02.2022 00:44:35] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: A gift.
[14.02.2022 00:44:50] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: Perhaps it may compensate for your time lost here.
[14.02.2022 00:44:56] US|USV-Stockton: Thank you, that is very kind, I appreciate it.
[14.02.2022 00:45:11] >BD<Aonyobo-0S: See you soon.
[14.02.2022 00:45:17] US|USV-Stockton: till next time.
It's been a long time since i transsmission my last activities. Since Tokugawa clan established we have a lot of work to do, reinforcing Tohoku, since we have spotted some of the KNF activities. Today we manage to find suspicious base in Tau-53 we dont know who is owner but will make contact, to see is it worth to stand there or not.
More patrols are done nothing special happend, we have some breaching from Tottori side but we manage to deal with it intruders got scared and run away!
Subject: Potential Defector of the Kusarian Police
Point of Origin: Outer Rims of Tohoku
Encryption Level: 重畳
Importance: 並み
Our glorious strike force reinforced by myself in a heavier gunboat have ventured around Kusari in search of potential threats and elimination targets. While our patrol routes were eerily calm, we managed to stumbple upon a rather confused, fairly frightened naval police officers. As an envoy of clanmother shana, I conveyed her thoughts and lead the situation in an advantageous position for our troops. After her assessments of the pilot in question, she came to a conclusion that he would be a fine addition to our ranks given proper care, training and educationon on the current political state of Kusari.
[28.02.2022 22:12:48] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: You wanna fight ha?
[28.02.2022 22:13:05] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Let me take him
[28.02.2022 22:13:07] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: You ask who you want to fight, but do you not realize what's going on?
[28.02.2022 22:13:11] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Well we wont be drinking sake and playing shogu
[28.02.2022 22:13:20] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Surely you notice that the Kusari government is rotten to the core.
[28.02.2022 22:13:34] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: The police are neglected. People like you.
[28.02.2022 22:13:51] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: I hope you know what you doing
[28.02.2022 22:13:53] Mochizuki_Yasushi: See the old police is one thing
[28.02.2022 22:13:58] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: Uryuu: Don't feel alarmed by my presence, I'll let our warriors take you on.
[28.02.2022 22:13:59] Mochizuki_Yasushi: I am the new generation
[28.02.2022 22:14:09] Mochizuki_Yasushi: that tries to get the trash out of Kusari
[28.02.2022 22:14:20] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Then you're barking up the wrong tree, 'officer'.
[28.02.2022 22:14:23] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Trash are you refering to police?
[28.02.2022 22:14:32] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: So why doesn't the new generation return what originaly belong to Hideyoshi? Quite contradictory.
[28.02.2022 22:14:49] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: The trash is who you have thrown in with.
[28.02.2022 22:14:58] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Dont ask me political questions
[28.02.2022 22:15:05] Mochizuki_Yasushi: not my strong side
[28.02.2022 22:15:18] Mochizuki_Yasushi: I am more intrested in stopping smugglers
[28.02.2022 22:15:25] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: It seems the Police is ignorant in every part of the galaxy, I don't blame you.
[28.02.2022 22:15:34] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: But your cause is fairly just.
[28.02.2022 22:15:36] Mochizuki_Yasushi: I am new to the force
[28.02.2022 22:15:42] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: im surprised he's flying a stinger
[28.02.2022 22:15:47] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Yea
[28.02.2022 22:16:06] Mochizuki_Yasushi: //if you guys looking for pvp i am not it i returned here 2 days ago
[28.02.2022 22:16:25] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: I dont give a fak
[28.02.2022 22:16:27] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: Tsuya-sam, I haven't itroducted myself properly. Nesho'en Uryuu, the main captain of most of our medium captial ships and-
[28.02.2022 22:16:29] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: so on.
[28.02.2022 22:16:40] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: So consider my words hers.
[28.02.2022 22:16:45] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: You have a lot to learn about the mechanisms of your nation, officer.
[28.02.2022 22:16:59] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Mochizuki Yasushi new enlist in the kusari police
[28.02.2022 22:17:06] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: WTF he asked for PVP now he dont want hahaha
[28.02.2022 22:17:15] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: I hope last
[28.02.2022 22:17:18] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Also, thanks for introducing yourself to me, Uryuu-san. Guess there was probably a better time for this but, the thought counts
[28.02.2022 22:17:21] Mochizuki_Yasushi: My dream is for Kusari to be a better place
[28.02.2022 22:17:29] Mochizuki_Yasushi: But there is along way for it to get there
[28.02.2022 22:17:40] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: It slippment my mind during patol, I had to keep my eyes sharp.
[28.02.2022 22:17:41] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Why don't you join real cause?
[28.02.2022 22:17:54] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: If you truly want Kusari to improve, you should seek us.
[28.02.2022 22:17:59] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Hai
[28.02.2022 22:18:02] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Guide me
[28.02.2022 22:18:20] Muramoto.Tenshin': That was quick..
[28.02.2022 22:18:30] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: The government and the many lackies such as you are led astray by the puppet strings of the corporations... but yes, that was
[28.02.2022 22:18:32] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: We can guide you, without a problem. But earning trust and building a proper bond with us will take a long ass time.
[28.02.2022 22:18:34] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: quicker than I'd thought.
[28.02.2022 22:18:35] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: You see how people change quickly
[28.02.2022 22:18:36] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Well all i do all day is patrol
[28.02.2022 22:19:05] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: There is a question I need to ask though, may I, Shogun-sama?
[28.02.2022 22:19:09] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Kusari at it current state is not what i though it would be when i got my pilot lisence
[28.02.2022 22:19:19] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Go for it.
[28.02.2022 22:19:48] Mochizuki_Yasushi: I sense a great honor among you dragons somthing Kusari lost long time ago
[28.02.2022 22:19:59] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: Capable pilots are in demand as always within' our cause. So a proper rite of passage would be a combat simulation-
[28.02.2022 22:20:24] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Well i hope i can live up to it
[28.02.2022 22:20:28] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Who will be testing me?
[28.02.2022 22:20:44] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: with the Dragons head, *clears throught with a semi-cough". With Shana.
[28.02.2022 22:21:07] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Oh, I don't believe this newbie would last one minute against the likes of Shana.
[28.02.2022 22:21:19] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: If we sent Hiroyuki he'd kill him, he is a trained Hound and clanswoman Shana's age has deteriorated in skill.
[28.02.2022 22:21:24] Mochizuki_Yasushi: My apologies who is Shana?
[28.02.2022 22:21:28] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: If he does last a minute, that's enough.
[28.02.2022 22:21:34] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Not important. Not right now at least.
[28.02.2022 22:21:36] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: Oh, you're new, and you're learn.
[28.02.2022 22:22:12] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: The most important thing is to show your resolve and hold your ground, it doesn't require a victory. Combat reveals a man's-
[28.02.2022 22:22:14] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: true colours.
[28.02.2022 22:22:26] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: I suppose it's a good idea. We'll have to activate the C.O.N.N. simulation, though... always a hassle.
[28.02.2022 22:22:35] Mochizuki_Yasushi: It will be my honor and i will do my best
[28.02.2022 22:22:39] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: After that, she wouldn't mind adopting you into our clan and training you if Ubukata-sama allows it.
[28.02.2022 22:23:30] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Sounds like she has herself a date, then.
[28.02.2022 22:23:31] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: How about it then, venerated Shogun. Should we lead him to Hokkaido, along to way I'll reach out to our clanswoman.
[28.02.2022 22:23:41] Muramoto.Tenshin': Why aren't you testing your newest recruit here, in the field?
[28.02.2022 22:23:49] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: \
[28.02.2022 22:24:04] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Oh here?
[28.02.2022 22:24:25] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Let's do it. I'm interested in seeing how such a test plays out. Show me how the Nesho'en clan expresses themselves.
[28.02.2022 22:24:27] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: I'm in charge of heavier ships, Nesho'en Uryu, we are of the same clana, Shana is just our head and she is more suited for-
[28.02.2022 22:25:06] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Tsuya-sama allow me to test him, i dont want your to scrach your ship.
[28.02.2022 22:25:09] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: smaller crafts. Its common courtesy to send her, don't jut tell her I said this. She usually sends the Ravenous Hound but he is
[28.02.2022 22:25:19] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Also they aren't a recruit.
[28.02.2022 22:25:22] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Not yet, at least...
[28.02.2022 22:25:26] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Please before you do
[28.02.2022 22:25:27] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Time will tell.
[28.02.2022 22:25:29] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: -young and a natural tallent. I don't want him accidentally killing such a level headed guy.
[28.02.2022 22:25:43] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Let me be tested by somone who knows the light craft combat very well
[28.02.2022 22:26:07] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Well you got no choice here
[28.02.2022 22:26:34] Mochizuki_Yasushi: So i am going against Hidenaga?
[28.02.2022 22:26:37] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: She trained all of our Hounds, she is far bellow her prime, age cant be beaten, but she will asses your skills from a very-
[28.02.2022 22:26:41] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: technical standpoint.
[28.02.2022 22:26:56] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: So, enough chit chat, this is a dangerous area. Shall we lead him to Tohoku?
[28.02.2022 22:27:03] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Tsuya-sama?
[28.02.2022 22:27:10] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: First Hokkaido, now Tohoku?
[28.02.2022 22:27:10] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: Excuse me, Hokkaido.
[28.02.2022 22:27:26] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Yes, let's head there and we will address the testing then.
[28.02.2022 22:27:48] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: As you wish venerated Shogun, let us follow Tsuya-sama.
[28.02.2022 22:29:19] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Tenshin? know KageTenshin?
[28.02.2022 22:29:51] Muramoto.Tenshin': Not him if you hinting on that.
[28.02.2022 22:29:59] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Soz
[28.02.2022 22:30:31] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: so now where are we taking him
[28.02.2022 22:30:39] Muramoto.Tenshin': to isengard
[28.02.2022 22:30:41] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: On open
[28.02.2022 22:30:46] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Follow me
[28.02.2022 22:30:55] Mochizuki_Yasushi: hai
[28.02.2022 22:31:05] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: I'll head to Chugoku to pick up Shana-sama.
[28.02.2022 22:31:05] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Alright then keep your secrets
[28.02.2022 22:31:18] Rules Tip: Pirates can issue only one cargo or monetary demand per encounter. Telling the trader to stop is not a demand, however, if they ignore the request, they can be shot down without issuing further demands.
[28.02.2022 22:31:43] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Here will be perfect
[28.02.2022 22:31:51] Mochizuki_Yasushi: i like the view
[28.02.2022 22:31:55] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: I like this Muramoto guy, later on I wonder if I can convince him to join the Nesho'en
[28.02.2022 22:32:15] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Do you want me to face him?
[28.02.2022 22:32:22] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: get us a new member, I like his spontaneous interactions
[28.02.2022 22:32:27] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Oh so he will do it
[28.02.2022 22:32:32] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Nevermind
[28.02.2022 22:32:52] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Then i will head to CHugoku
[28.02.2022 22:32:55] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: will log off
[28.02.2022 22:32:56] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: Hidenaga, I don't know if you can asses him on a deep enough technical level of manuevering.
[28.02.2022 22:33:12] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Sure
[28.02.2022 22:33:17] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // this chat turn to a mix of oorp and inrp
[28.02.2022 22:33:25] Mochizuki_Yasushi: my wife felt asleep so i might not go 100% keyboard too noissy LOL
[28.02.2022 22:33:31] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: Will leave that to you
[28.02.2022 22:33:54] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // stick around man, after we do this whole RP thing we can keep flying
[28.02.2022 22:34:12] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: yea still some ppl in the sigmas
[28.02.2022 22:34:14] Mochizuki_Yasushi: //Trying to keep up with the RP =]
[28.02.2022 22:34:24] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: // Nah need to sleep work tomorrow morning, and after that combat drilling
[28.02.2022 22:34:48] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // also Tsuya I want to do a RP about rebuilding and integrating some of the things my clan used to apply to Kyoto and the-
[28.02.2022 22:34:57] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // hirearchy, shake up the diplomatics a bit
[28.02.2022 22:35:04] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // got time tonight to Forumlance
[28.02.2022 22:35:23] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: // pop your ideas into the faction chat so ppl can see what to think about it
[28.02.2022 22:35:36] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // I mean, its nothing extreme
[28.02.2022 22:35:50] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // and plus, its things I want the shoguns thoughts directly
[28.02.2022 22:36:08] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: //ah, just dm me about it then later
[28.02.2022 22:36:25] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // ye when we log off, I'll make the first post ASAP
[28.02.2022 22:36:47] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: //also how are you not in chugoku yet lol
[28.02.2022 22:36:51] >BD<Tokugawa.Hidenaga: see ya
[28.02.2022 22:36:56] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: //bye diaz gn
[28.02.2022 22:37:14] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Diaz?wait from the pvp server?
[28.02.2022 22:37:16] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: I missed the JH sorry about that lol
[28.02.2022 22:37:24] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: P V P server
[28.02.2022 22:37:28] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: might be the same diaz, who knows
[28.02.2022 22:37:34] Mochizuki_Yasushi: there used to be discored pvp server
[28.02.2022 22:37:39] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: the quality of the PvP on this server is terrible and such a server should not exist
[28.02.2022 22:37:52] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: XTF was PvP chat
[28.02.2022 22:37:54] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: among members
[28.02.2022 22:38:08] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: and BHG was a PvP server since all the elite snub people were there
[28.02.2022 22:38:11] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: thats about it
[28.02.2022 22:38:14] Mochizuki_Yasushi: I came back after 8 months without playing fresh start
[28.02.2022 22:38:29] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: welcome to dubai
[28.02.2022 22:38:45] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: wb I'm here after 2 years of absence and more
[28.02.2022 22:38:53] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Daamn
[28.02.2022 22:38:56] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: but I still got some skill left in me
[28.02.2022 22:39:00] Muramoto.Tenshin': So many old faces
[28.02.2022 22:39:07] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: can beat a lot of people they consider good nowdays
[28.02.2022 22:39:44] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: i played from 2015-2019 then quit until feb 2021 and made this faction
[28.02.2022 22:40:06] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: I played from 15 to 20 then stopped till 22
[28.02.2022 22:40:25] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Damn i am a newbie
[28.02.2022 22:40:26] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: ca
[28.02.2022 22:40:26] Muramoto.Tenshin': Neon is that you
[28.02.2022 22:40:28] Mochizuki_Yasushi: hehee
[28.02.2022 22:40:34] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: yes who else lmao
[28.02.2022 22:40:38] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: bingo
[28.02.2022 22:40:40] Muramoto.Tenshin': thought so
[28.02.2022 22:40:46] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: who u
[28.02.2022 22:40:49] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: also how far did you miss the jh by lmao
[28.02.2022 22:40:50] Muramoto.Tenshin': yber
[28.02.2022 22:41:00] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: IBER
[28.02.2022 22:41:02] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: MY MAN
[28.02.2022 22:41:11] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: tf
[28.02.2022 22:41:13] Muramoto.Tenshin': //jk its not iber
[28.02.2022 22:41:24] Muramoto.Tenshin': // just a cover up name
[28.02.2022 22:41:31] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // lmao I thoght so all he plays is Black Desert non stop
[28.02.2022 22:41:36] Muramoto.Tenshin': // yeah, yeah
[28.02.2022 22:41:43] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: tf?
[28.02.2022 22:42:00] Muramoto.Tenshin': I was kidding
[28.02.2022 22:42:06] Muramoto.Tenshin': I'm ofc not Yber
[28.02.2022 22:42:07] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: i have to set up a new ship mine is docked god knows where
[28.02.2022 22:42:18] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: itll take a sec
[28.02.2022 22:42:25] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: if you are not the legendary iber
[28.02.2022 22:42:33] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: then you must be an imposter
[28.02.2022 22:42:39] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: oh actually ill just use my 75% Sabre for a handycap
[28.02.2022 22:42:55] Muramoto.Tenshin': // don't overdo it
[28.02.2022 22:42:58] 2022-02-28 22:42:58 SMT Traffic control alert: >BD<n~)Ketsueki has requested to dock
[28.02.2022 22:42:58] Auto-Buy(Countermeasures): Bought 1 unit(s), cost: 400$
[28.02.2022 22:42:58] Auto-Buy(Repair): Cost 10.605$
[28.02.2022 22:42:59] Muramoto.Tenshin': // maybe you lose
[28.02.2022 22:43:20] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // the character is old and not in her prime anyway
[28.02.2022 22:43:23] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: nice lights on your stinger
[28.02.2022 22:43:29] Mochizuki_Yasushi: ty
[28.02.2022 22:43:36] >BD<n~)Ketsueki: // ill just look at it from a technical perscpecive
[28.02.2022 22:43:38] Mochizuki_Yasushi: i like this ship but its tooo squishy
[28.02.2022 22:43:50] Changing screen mode=windowed
[28.02.2022 22:43:55] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: yeah stinger is a rare sight in pvp these days
[28.02.2022 22:44:07] Mochizuki_Yasushi: My favourite ship so far
[28.02.2022 22:44:15] Changing screen mode=full
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] Welcome to the Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] To type messages and commands, press ENTER.
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] To see past messages and the player list, press Y.
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] To learn about useful features, enter /help or /helpmenu.
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] Discovery is a Role-Play server!
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] Players are required by server rules to roleplay here.
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] Please visit and read the server rules for the best experience.
[28.02.2022 22:44:29] The year is 829 A.S (745 A.G.S), 29 years after the events of Freelancer.
[28.02.2022 22:44:53] Crimson.Hound: rename pass
[28.02.2022 22:44:53] Muramoto.Tenshin': // i have a ship called "Crimson.Ronin"
[28.02.2022 22:44:58] Muramoto.Tenshin': // edgy
[28.02.2022 22:45:28] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: got it?
[28.02.2022 22:45:41] You will be kicked. Reason: Updating character, please wait 10 seconds before reconnecting
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] Welcome to the Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] To type messages and commands, press ENTER.
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] To see past messages and the player list, press Y.
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] To learn about useful features, enter /help or /helpmenu.
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] Discovery is a Role-Play server!
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] Players are required by server rules to roleplay here.
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] Please visit and read the server rules for the best experience.
[28.02.2022 22:45:59] The year is 829 A.S (745 A.G.S), 29 years after the events of Freelancer.
[28.02.2022 22:46:15] /fi >bd<
[28.02.2022 22:46:18] Warning: incompatible technology detected, reducing power plant output to 75% to compensate
[28.02.2022 22:46:35] Muramoto.Tenshin': and navy has more caps than police
[28.02.2022 22:46:40] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Not caps please its Craps
[28.02.2022 22:46:53] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I'm gonna powertrade tonight for a cap8
[28.02.2022 22:47:00] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: thats gonna take a long ass time
[28.02.2022 22:47:03] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I need my Kagutsuchi
[28.02.2022 22:47:12] >BD<Crimson.Hound: doesn't take that long
[28.02.2022 22:47:24] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: what kinda route you got that doesn't 'take that long'
[28.02.2022 22:47:25] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I was with Venks powertrading IC| Corp.
[28.02.2022 22:47:41] Muramoto.Tenshin': just trade pristine ice and iridium ore
[28.02.2022 22:47:41] >BD<Crimson.Hound: its not just about the routes I have ships stocked all over the place
[28.02.2022 22:47:51] Muramoto.Tenshin': on a liberty corp id like dse or ageira
[28.02.2022 22:47:52] Mochizuki_Yasushi: ice and iridium are the key
[28.02.2022 22:47:52] >BD<Crimson.Hound: for trading
[28.02.2022 22:48:03] >BD<Crimson.Hound: like 10 transports all over the important places
[28.02.2022 22:48:09] Muramoto.Tenshin': I use pthe pirate ID for "trading"
[28.02.2022 22:48:18] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: yes but i don't feel like mining im lazy
[28.02.2022 22:48:22] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: i want pobs to be stocked for me
[28.02.2022 22:48:29] Muramoto.Tenshin': ice pobs are stocked
[28.02.2022 22:48:36] Muramoto.Tenshin': at least the DSE) one is
[28.02.2022 22:48:36] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Sir you have one of THE fastest miners in this server here =]
[28.02.2022 22:48:39] >BD<Crimson.Hound: yo Tsuya Nesho'en have 3 PTransports RP'd
[28.02.2022 22:48:47] >BD<Crimson.Hound: so iRP we can have them
[28.02.2022 22:48:52] >BD<Crimson.Hound: for cargo piracy
[28.02.2022 22:49:01] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I'll explain some shit about cargo piracy
[28.02.2022 22:49:04] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: nice but i thought we could already use them
[28.02.2022 22:49:06] Muramoto.Tenshin': yes
[28.02.2022 22:49:13] Muramoto.Tenshin': let's pirate non-existant samura
[28.02.2022 22:49:19] >BD<Crimson.Hound: to motivate people to do RP
[28.02.2022 22:49:21] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: also good because we have some mining routes in the works
[28.02.2022 22:49:25] >BD<Crimson.Hound: nah any ship really
[28.02.2022 22:49:32] Muramoto.Tenshin': but samura >
[28.02.2022 22:49:40] >BD<Crimson.Hound: samura if they ever log
[28.02.2022 22:49:40] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: but where's the best pob route then? phoenix don't mine iridium in delta anymore
[28.02.2022 22:49:52] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I rarely do Iridum
[28.02.2022 22:49:55] Muramoto.Tenshin': iridium is the real problem
[28.02.2022 22:49:55] Mochizuki_Yasushi: i can setup a iridium miner its easy
[28.02.2022 22:49:59] Muramoto.Tenshin': because nobody mines it
[28.02.2022 22:50:01] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I'll pull up my routes
[28.02.2022 22:50:03] Muramoto.Tenshin': with the field being really bad
[28.02.2022 22:50:09] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Iridium ice and gold are my favourite
[28.02.2022 22:50:09] Muramoto.Tenshin': you can do ice to delta and h3 to ny
[28.02.2022 22:50:13] >BD<Crimson.Hound: is there an Iridum PoB
[28.02.2022 22:50:16] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: how hard can it be to just mine iridium? is the drop rate poor or what?
[28.02.2022 22:50:23] Muramoto.Tenshin': yeah the field is bad
[28.02.2022 22:50:24] >BD<Crimson.Hound: or should we build one and RP with the siege factions
[28.02.2022 22:50:27] Mochizuki_Yasushi: EASY AF
[28.02.2022 22:50:32] Muramoto.Tenshin': and npcs spawn there and fuck up your loot
[28.02.2022 22:50:42] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: im already dealing with 1 pob dont need another
[28.02.2022 22:50:43] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Oooosu!
[28.02.2022 22:50:47] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Nah just some cute little nomads
[28.02.2022 22:50:48] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: if you wanna build one go ahead lol
[28.02.2022 22:50:59] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Well hello there
[28.02.2022 22:51:02] Death: Daniel.Freeman was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.02.2022 22:51:12] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Are you ready to give me the honor and test my gutt?
[28.02.2022 22:51:16] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: well either way i need to make some dosh
[28.02.2022 22:51:24] Muramoto.Tenshin': just ask impy for a loan
[28.02.2022 22:51:27] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Hello Tsuya-dear. I brought my flying bathtub here to test this one. Take in mind, I am of age and giving out somewhat.
[28.02.2022 22:51:30] Muramoto.Tenshin': or St.Denis
[28.02.2022 22:51:32] Tip: To interact with other players, open up your Chat Window (default button Y). The default chat type for all players is LOCAL and will be visible to all players currently on your scanner. You can privately message another player by selecting their name in the Chat Window.
[28.02.2022 22:51:32] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: i already have loans irl
[28.02.2022 22:51:37] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: i dont want fake loans too
[28.02.2022 22:51:43] >BD<Crimson.Hound: But I can asses how you fight from a technical viewpoint.
[28.02.2022 22:51:44] Muramoto.Tenshin': just don't pay them back
[28.02.2022 22:51:54] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Lets not kill eachother, half repairs is enough.
[28.02.2022 22:51:59] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Alright
[28.02.2022 22:52:02] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I want to see your style.
[28.02.2022 22:52:09] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Oh, you aren't as old as you let on.
[28.02.2022 22:52:16] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Age hasn't slowed you down one bit.
[28.02.2022 22:52:27] Mochizuki_Yasushi: if i can get him to 80% hp its a miracle
[28.02.2022 22:52:37] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Dearie I'm addicted to so many painkillers and I have cybernetics that haven't been serviced in ages.
[28.02.2022 22:52:42] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Well sir i am ready when you are
[28.02.2022 22:52:49] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: sir haha
[28.02.2022 22:52:50] Muramoto.Tenshin': Interesting story.
[28.02.2022 22:52:56] Mochizuki_Yasushi: xD
[28.02.2022 22:53:24] >BD<Crimson.Hound: So I'll just fight it out for technical insigint, there is not a lot of Dragons who have my level of knowledge on the inner-
[28.02.2022 22:53:27] >BD<Crimson.Hound: works of fighters.
[28.02.2022 22:53:43] Muramoto.Tenshin': Now draw your Bokuto and show us something.
[28.02.2022 22:53:47] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: hey uh
[28.02.2022 22:53:49] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: neon
[28.02.2022 22:53:56] Mochizuki_Yasushi: lets do it
[28.02.2022 22:53:56] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: your ID is freelancer
[28.02.2022 22:53:57] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Hostile target aquired,Weapons ready!
[28.02.2022 22:53:59] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Are you ready Yasushi-dear? Remember the rules, we can dry ourselves out almost.
[28.02.2022 22:54:00] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Moving in to intercept hostile targets!
[28.02.2022 22:54:04] Muramoto.Tenshin': lol
[28.02.2022 22:54:07] >BD<Crimson.Hound: pretend you didnt see that
[28.02.2022 22:54:15] >BD<Crimson.Hound: // sec controls
[28.02.2022 22:54:20] Mochizuki_Yasushi: //ok
[28.02.2022 22:54:33] Muramoto.Tenshin': I have a 2015 flashback
[28.02.2022 22:54:35] >BD<Crimson.Hound: //k go also dont mind the FL ID forgot to chage it
[28.02.2022 22:54:38] Muramoto.Tenshin': when everything was more lolwutty
[28.02.2022 22:54:46] Mochizuki_Yasushi: //lets go
[28.02.2022 22:54:53] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Lets rumble then, show me the techniques.
[28.02.2022 23:08:49] Mochizuki_Yasushi: 0-0
[28.02.2022 23:08:49] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: lag out
[28.02.2022 23:08:49] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: lol
[28.02.2022 23:08:49] Mochizuki_Yasushi: damn
[28.02.2022 23:08:49] Mochizuki_Yasushi: was fun
[28.02.2022 23:08:52] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: oh he back
[28.02.2022 23:08:58] >BD<Crimson.Hound: // ye
[28.02.2022 23:09:04] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: RESUME THE CARNAGE
[28.02.2022 23:09:04] Mochizuki_Yasushi: =]
[28.02.2022 23:09:05] >BD<Crimson.Hound: // ye pc froze
[28.02.2022 23:09:10] >BD<Crimson.Hound: g\
[28.02.2022 23:09:15] Mochizuki_Yasushi: g
[28.02.2022 23:11:46] Rules Tip: Pirates need to keep their demands reasonable. Cargo and Monetary demands that exceed the maximum profit of a trader are viewed as unreasonable. ''Empty'' traders are not excempt from piracy, but the demands asked from them should reflect this.
[28.02.2022 23:13:10] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: oh no not again lol
[28.02.2022 23:13:20] >BD<Crimson.Hound: pc is freezing sometimes
[28.02.2022 23:13:26] Mochizuki_Yasushi: g?
[28.02.2022 23:13:27] >BD<Crimson.Hound: g
[28.02.2022 23:13:30] Muramoto.Tenshin': have you tried unfreezing
[28.02.2022 23:13:36] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: stop downloading terabytes of hentai
[28.02.2022 23:13:49] Mochizuki_Yasushi: LOL
[28.02.2022 23:13:59] Mochizuki_Yasushi: hentai is too strong lol
[28.02.2022 23:14:03] >BD<Crimson.Hound: lmao
[28.02.2022 23:14:05] Muramoto.Tenshin': less talk
[28.02.2022 23:14:06] >BD<Crimson.Hound: ggg
[28.02.2022 23:14:07] Muramoto.Tenshin': more fight
[28.02.2022 23:14:08] Mochizuki_Yasushi: ggg
[28.02.2022 23:14:13] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: more gun
[28.02.2022 23:14:17] Muramoto.Tenshin': yes
[28.02.2022 23:14:19] Muramoto.Tenshin': more brrrrrrt
[28.02.2022 23:19:21] Mochizuki_Yasushi: well this will take a while
[28.02.2022 23:19:27] Mochizuki_Yasushi: g
[28.02.2022 23:19:47] >BD<Crimson.Hound: this is enought for the rp tbh
[28.02.2022 23:19:54] Mochizuki_Yasushi: ok
[28.02.2022 23:20:26] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Well friend even with half of my cybernized eyesight, you held up well. I tried a lot of my gimmics to see how you would react.
[28.02.2022 23:20:48] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Thank you for the honor
[28.02.2022 23:20:56] Mochizuki_Yasushi: I have much to learn
[28.02.2022 23:21:12] >BD<Crimson.Hound: No, thank you for the honor of helping this washed up combatant witness a rising talent.
[28.02.2022 23:21:40] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I have a lot of practical training from my time in space, and I have been fighting ever since I was young, but my body is-
[28.02.2022 23:22:01] Muramoto.Tenshin': Getting old, are we?
[28.02.2022 23:22:09] >BD<Crimson.Hound: giving out, so I only take care of our diplomatic things, or leading strike squadrons.
[28.02.2022 23:22:31] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Well, I'm only 30 so far, but Nauru ground assault takes a tool on a woman. Anyway.
[28.02.2022 23:22:43] Mochizuki_Yasushi: once i hit 30 my aiming went -900000000000000
[28.02.2022 23:23:14] Mochizuki_Yasushi: All that is left now is the question
[28.02.2022 23:23:19] >BD<Crimson.Hound: He shows promise, and if you, Yasushi-san and of course Ubukata allow it, I am willing to adopt you as a Hound of the Nesho'en.
[28.02.2022 23:23:24] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Am i going to the scrap yard or into your ranks
[28.02.2022 23:24:05] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I have taken quite an interest in you, so Tsuya, if you allow him as you have the final word, the Nesho'en would be glad to-
[28.02.2022 23:24:14] >BD<Crimson.Hound: make him a Hound of Shirouma in training.
[28.02.2022 23:24:50] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Let's see what Shana can make of you. I'll allow it. Just make sure he doesn't stick his nose into any sensitive stuff just yet
[28.02.2022 23:24:55] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Plus, a Renzu fighter would be quite useful to have around.
[28.02.2022 23:25:08] Mochizuki_Yasushi: Understood
[28.02.2022 23:25:22] Muramoto.Tenshin': In my opinion he should prove himself more.
[28.02.2022 23:25:29] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Oh please, you know I always have my kin keeping an out on any new ones.
[28.02.2022 23:25:39] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: You will have to, of course, scrub your credentials of all traces of being an officer. In the field.
[28.02.2022 23:25:51] Mochizuki_Yasushi: I will do so
[28.02.2022 23:25:53] Muramoto.Tenshin': It was a bit too easy to recruit him, who's not saying he'll just join the enemy the next time he is offered to "defect"?
[28.02.2022 23:25:57] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Hai, I'll take him under my wing, maybe even introduce him to the Ravenous, as he is the leader of the Bloodhounds where I-
[28.02.2022 23:26:06] >BD<Crimson.Hound: eventually intend to station him.
[28.02.2022 23:26:30] Mochizuki_Yasushi: The heat of the fight and the honor here tastes better i will make you proud
[28.02.2022 23:26:36] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Yasushi-san, you don't mind being a part of a vanguard strike force. The Hounds are elite, and they take on high-risk missions-
[28.02.2022 23:26:38] Mochizuki_Yasushi: English level -9000
[28.02.2022 23:26:41] >BD<Crimson.Hound: and combat.
[28.02.2022 23:27:12] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Prove you have the courage to face the true enemy. When next we meet, I'd better see that the rookie police officer I met today
[28.02.2022 23:27:20] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: is now a new Dragon.
[28.02.2022 23:27:39] Mochizuki_Yasushi: We shall meet again soon
[28.02.2022 23:28:02] >BD<Crimson.Hound: Shall we take him home then, he wont be able to leak information as a new arrival. It'll take a lot of time for me to trust him
[28.02.2022 23:28:04] >BD<Crimson.Hound: fully.
[28.02.2022 23:28:11] Death: TirEl suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[28.02.2022 23:28:25] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I'll take him under my wing, and his fighter would be a fine addition to our collection.
[28.02.2022 23:28:42] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: Very well.
[28.02.2022 23:28:47] Muramoto.Tenshin': Why don't you show him the private rooms as well?
[28.02.2022 23:28:49] Mochizuki_Yasushi: *Senpai*
[28.02.2022 23:28:50] >BD<Crimson.Hound: I mean just let him dock and give him a BD ID in conn and problem solved, I would very much like him as a member
[28.02.2022 23:29:01] >BD<Crimson.Hound: he'd be a good wingman to me when Wesker is not around.
[28.02.2022 23:29:30] >BD<Ubukata,Tsuya: train me and id be a better one kek
[28.02.2022 23:29:43] >BD<Crimson.Hound: The private rooms. Oh dearie, I wouldn't mind adding him to my personal mixed harrem, but I'd rather forge him into a combat-
[28.02.2022 23:29:46] >BD<Crimson.Hound: machine.