My name is Henry Jackson, and I am an authorized member of the Insurgency to negotiate with other Sirius organizations. At least for the time being, the High Command is busy with more important things, and I am now in the role of diplomat.
As far as you may know, the Liberty and Bretonian fleets launched a military operation that originated in the Magellan and Kansas systems. The final target of the two fleets' "march" was the Vespucci system. Soon our home system, where some of your assets are located, will become a real battlefield.
We would like clarification as to the status of your assets in our system, the number of personnel and ships. It is possible that all of your people will soon be evacuated from our system for an indefinite period of time, although this information is inaccurate. If you can provide the data, now is the time to do so. Lives may depend on it.
I hope for your timely response.
Henry Jackson
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SENDER: Cliff Hunter
POSITION: CEO - Deep Space Engineers
TO: Henry Jackson
Vespucci System
To: Henry Jackson
Deep Space Engineers wishes to thank you for the communique. As a non-combatant commercial operation DSE| has no interest in fostering this war and maintains strict neutrality. As an organisation we are made up of individual franchisees and sole traders working under the one banner, having broken clear of the repressive control of the (cough) "officially recognised" other DSE organisation.
That being said, we advise there are NO assets belonging to DSE| in Vespucci. We do request continued safe passage through Insurgency-controlled and influenced areas.
War is destructive. Should it be required, we can and are willing to offer support to the civilian populations - many who are relatives to some of our pilots and staff. To that end we have leased a suitable liner to help with rescue, repatriation and refuge of any civilian or wounded combatant from either side. Old Trafford, our former HQ, is being readied as a safe haven for any refugee and as a strictly neutral hospital.
We are glad for a prompt response and your concern for our civilian population. Unfortunately, I am not in a position at this time to provide the exact route plan for the refugees, but detailed information will be available soon.
I will let you know as soon as I have the information. The High Command does not impose restrictions on your movement, but you should refrain for some time from building any installations in our systems: it is quite possible that people on them could get caught in the crossfire and be exposed to danger.
Henry Jackson
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