MAIN HEADLINE --- OS&C Project Completed
Great news as the first TCL project with OS&C was completed earlier than scheduled by 4 days.
ADDITIONAL HEADLINES --- Random Supply Requests
TCL's CEO&COO has joined forces to support several supply projects in the sirius sector, Bringing the company over 160 million in revenue.
IMPORTANT NEWS ---NEW Operatives Needed
Transport Captains are urgently needed as new employees of Team Convoy Logistics OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENT
MAIN HEADLINE --- New Operatives
Just on a bit of a sidenote to all staff that we have increased our amount of operatives just this week and have managed to Secure more contracts to some more organisations within Sirius.....
MAIN HEADLINE --- Contracts Continue
Greetings all operatives, and thankyou all for starting the second contract for All World Enterprises at a moments notice and you have excelled at your jobs and some bonuses will be handed out.
Greetings all operatives,
Our new Research ships are being used to collect important data in different areas of Sirius and will also be used to find out about the areas and possibly new technology and other interesting data.