[Communications ID: Captain Shepard Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet
[Recipient ID: Liberty Navy Command Staff The Liberty Navy Command Staff
[Subject: Standing Orders
[Priority: [Omega - Very High]
[Encryption: [Omega-1V - Unbreakable]
Evening Admirals,
After repairs at Norfolk Shipyard, crew rotation and training, weapons testing and more. The Vermont has been cleared by Norfolk Command and has deemed us as Combat Ready. I Captain Alice Shepard is once again taking command and is seeking new orders. We are eager, ready and willing to continue our service to the Republic of Liberty. I have attached Mine and the Vermonts file for your review
It would seem that Norfolk Command picked a rather good timing to release the Vermont from it's hangar bays as we're in need of all forces available for the final push in Vespucci. In case you have not been made aware due to your time off from space, Liberty's fleet - spearheaded by Battleship Delaware - has been advancing into Insurgency territory in an attempt to extinguish their threat once and for all. The Delaware and it's battlegroup are currently positioned in Vespucci after a long and hard push through Kansas. The Akhetaten herself is part of the Delaware's battlegroup along with various other assets.
The Vermont's help will be greatly appreciated and much needed, but Vespucci is not the only place you might be needed at. The Insurgency along with other criminal elements such as the Lane Hackers or the Technocracy of Auxo have been in full activity the past few weeks and they've threatened Manhattan with numerous attacks, the former going as far as to attempt to siege Long Island Station - unsuccessfully of course.
Your firepower will be of great help whether it's used for defensive or offensive reasons, I shall leave the call to you.
[Communications ID: Captain Shepard Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet
[Recipient ID: Liberty Navy Command Staff The Liberty Navy Command Staff
[Subject: Standing Orders
[Priority: [Omega - Very High]
[Encryption: [Omega-1V - Unbreakable]
Good Day Commodore Uhmen,
Taking into consideration how far we are from Long Island Station it seems only reasonable to head there first and set up a defensive position until the attacks have ceased. Do you have anymore information on the enemies assets or tactics we should be made aware of? Going into a potentially hot zone with little to no information can lead to unexpected outcomes, thank you for your time.
Captain Alice Shepard
Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet
L.N.S. Vermont Commanding
......Transmission Terminated]-----
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel