The Final Push New York System
Celebrating the end of the Convergence on Manhattan Event
¤¤¤¤¤The relentless defense of Planet Manhattan proved it to really be a fortress, and despite being far from the wilder Taus or the discordant Omicrons, its peace was enforced with a big stick. Dreadnoughts at each major intersection, Police, Intelligence, Navy, or all patrols even the farthest corner of Liberty. Its current crackdown on the Insurgency also showed that Liberty is no more of the sleeping giant it was, and starts moving.
¤¤¤¤¤The drug, and artifact dealers eventually met on a shady bar near the landing pad, ready to fire at one another, until one, stood out in the crowd, suggesting that we should go all in, and instead of playing each for its own gain: use the very own tactic Liberty seems so fond of - rushing, and getting as much through and killing as much as possible. Everyone had holstered down, and sat down, no words were muttered, but everyone understood it was the best course of action to get as much commodity as possible - destroying the Liberty Navy. Was it possible? Probably not. Will it get some commodities through eventually? It already did...
Event Duration:
Active now until the Converge on Manhattan Event ends - No Respawn Cooldown Timer for deaths occuring in NEW YORK SYSTEM ONLY for the duration of the event.
Respawn Cooldown Timer effectively REMOVED for the duration of the Converge on Manhattan Event in NY SYSTEM ONLY.
Commodity and Kill bonuses are unchanged. Although the event commodities are for participants only, the Kidnapped VIPs can be transported by freighter, to any of the six unlawful locations, by any player who wishes. Since the weekend event DOES NOT HAVE RP CONSEQUENCES, this sub-event will NOT have ANY RP CONSEQUENCES either.
This event is intended to spur FUN in the region and for the associated factions, with Role Play being strongly encouraged. Your actions will have NO RP consequences whatsoever - JUST LIKE THE EVENT ITS CELEBRATING.
(06-26-2022, 10:46 AM)pillow Wrote: the respawn timer was put into the game for a reason
Yeah no shit, then why did we have so much no respawn timer periods events then? And why, STRANGELY ENOUGH, these were fun? Stop being a bitter vet for once. Please read the following...
That's the fun of it. I know a lot had fun, even completely outnumbered - because none of this matter.
The end lesson I initially planned was to help players finally learn to just have fun, and accept defeat when it happens, and be humble when they win a fight. Instead of alt+f4, sanctionlancer, waiting for an hour to kill the guy who just killed you... etc.
This is simply a notification about that.
That's also why all unlawfuls are technically together against Liberty, to "balance" things, for the "Final Push" to Manhattan.
This is also a good way to learn to fight in actual fighting situation, while keeping the no-RP consequences. Every unlawful will continue to haul, but instead of waiting for the liblawfuls to go to sleep, they'll have to rely on the unlawful coalition for example.
Of course I am no admin, so any more technical questions have to be asked to them. This is only commentary.
(06-26-2022, 12:27 PM)Kherty Wrote: This is only commentary.
Passive aggressive commentary over an event that has now lost all semblance of its initially intended purpose, which was to be a high risk and high reward scenario with plenty of competition from both sides of the law. I can't help but notice how a vast majority of that risk is now gone and instead replaced with the outright slapstick comedy that will be a Connecticut-esque free for all outside Manhattan. Suspending the entirety of all the roleplay for a vague notion of fun, has in fact killed most of the things that would have appealed to the kind of people that play this game. The roleplay is what makes it fun, that's the entire point of this server. It's now taken a backseat at best, and outright been shelved at worst. I'm genuinely confused as to how this was signed off on by the administration, since the event seemed to have a clear premise to begin with. This was supposed to be a competition, I suppose none of that matters now.
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Joined: Nov 2014
Staff roles: Art Developer
If people are memeing and turning it into Connecticut with low effort garbage spewed out, just report people for:
Quote:Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP is a roleplaying server. Roleplay is mandatory on the game server and in roleplay sections of the forum. Roleplay is taking on the persona of a character and acting or responding in the way the character would.
Quote:2.6 - Every character must have only one type of ID equipped and must play according to the role and restrictions of that ID.
(06-26-2022, 12:56 PM)Kauket Wrote: The respawn event should have had a time slot.
I had to point out that when this was originally posted, it didn't even have a timeframe other than "The Final Hours". It took asking when it actually started, and here we are with a full day's worth of respawn killing and getting 10mil each time you kill someone who just comes back and nova rams you.
A few players voiced their annoyance of this as they were active during the previous two days and put a lot of effort into stopping smugglers and engaging unlawfuls to get to the top of the leaderboard. With it now a full day respawn event, who ever gets top is just who can avoid Lemon's nova ramming funny big haha strategy, or the Insurgency cloaking battleship that uncloaks behind you and fighting it nets you nothing reward wise. It undoes a lot of prior trying for the competition.
To be fair, I was asked for the last two hours of the event to have the respawn timer removed. The only reason I extended it from the time of the request to the duration was for my own sake. The last two hours of the event is 12:00 am - 2:00 am for me. I couldn't arrange my affairs to be around that time to setup everything that needed to happen during those hours. If anyone wants to blame someone for the lack of RP this has devolved into, blame me. If anyone has issues with NY being shredded, blame me. It was a request from several players, but I pulled the trigger on it. I'm willing to accept whatever frustration/consequences that come my way.