Vessel Name:1st|Gold-New.York Target's Name:Jerry.Anderson ID KILL Report:Insurgent fighter in New York Amount Owned:10,000,000 Credits Transfer To:Big.
Vessel Name:1st|Fury-27 Target's Name:Nomads ID Amount Owned:10,000,000 SC Report:More Aliens! This time one threatened New York! Credits Transfer To:1st|LNS-Righteous
Vessel Name: Blake Wayne Van Leer on 1st|LNS-Righteous Target's Name:Birdie ID Amount Owned:10,000,000 SC Report:Birds! Birds are all over the place!
Actually, just the one - Birdie Credits Transfer To:1st|LNS-Righteous
Once again, The First Armada and me, Admiral Blake Wayne Van Leer are proving we are the best of the best not just in Liberty, but probably the Universe at large.
First, a Unioner Frigate Leon-Straub fell into my gunboat crew's cunning trap.
[28.07.2022 14:31:33] 1st|LNS-Slayer: It appears our weight is too high!
[28.07.2022 14:31:42] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Jettison the Unioners
[28.07.2022 14:31:53] Leon-Straub: What ? You sick Bastard
[28.07.2022 14:32:02] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Well, we can't have them talking can we
[28.07.2022 14:32:05] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Ready the execution
[28.07.2022 14:32:19] Leon-Straub: Engaging rescue mission Fuer meine Br?der
[28.07.2022 14:32:21] UN]-Klaus.Adler: Adler: It looks like trouble finally found you
[28.07.2022 14:32:23] Leon-Straub: Engaging
[28.07.2022 14:33:41] Leon-Straub: I got them
[28.07.2022 14:33:49] Leon-Straub: let's return
I have later commandeered a good old retrofitted Heron in a battle of wits against a corsair who refused to talk, DTR-CSS>Tapas. I am not sure who the pilot has encountered before, but he made a grave mistake of assuming the First Armada could be in any way bribed or corrupted. We serve Liberty, no matter the cost.
[29.07.2022 08:20:52] 1st|T-Zephyr: This is the First Armada Patrol Transport Zephyr, DTR-CCS>Tapas cut your engines and ready for inspection!
[29.07.2022 08:21:10] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: Greetings sir, this vessel is empty
[29.07.2022 08:21:30] 1st|T-Zephyr: Well well, you better start talking
[29.07.2022 08:21:37] 1st|T-Zephyr: Identify yourself.
[29.07.2022 08:21:45] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: Nothing to say, just a lost Corsair passing by
[29.07.2022 08:21:59] 1st|T-Zephyr: Where is your point of origin?
[29.07.2022 08:22:14] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: This is none of your concern
[29.07.2022 08:22:29] 1st|T-Zephyr: You have 10 seconds to answer the query
[29.07.2022 08:22:40] 1st|T-Zephyr: Or you will be disabled
[29.07.2022 08:22:44] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: How much is this pesky government paying you? Probably not enough
[29.07.2022 08:22:53] 1st|T-Zephyr: What is your point of origin
[29.07.2022 08:23:11] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: I can pay you double the monthly salary to turn a blind eye
[29.07.2022 08:23:26] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: I know you guys like them credits
[29.07.2022 08:23:29] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: You are new to Liberty Corsair aren't you
[29.07.2022 08:23:47] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: Not at all, no. I know your shenanigans well
[29.07.2022 08:23:56] 1st|T-Zephyr: We are the First Armada, we will stop at nothing to protect our house
[29.07.2022 08:24:07] 1st|T-Zephyr: And you just attempted Bribery
[29.07.2022 08:24:16] 1st|T-Zephyr: Only way you survive this is if you start talking
[29.07.2022 08:24:19] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: You protect your house from an empty transport? How pathetic is that?
[29.07.2022 08:24:37] 1st|T-Zephyr: What is the base you have originated from
[29.07.2022 08:24:54] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: We're a powerful organization, your name will be on the news if this goes south
[29.07.2022 08:25:10] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: Believe me, we stepped on bigger toes.
[29.07.2022 08:25:22] 1st|T-Zephyr: What is the base you got here from
[29.07.2022 08:25:22] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: I can assure you that you haven't
[29.07.2022 08:25:59] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: My patience is running out
[29.07.2022 08:26:04] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: Why would it matter to you? I'll just head on my way and you won't see me again
[29.07.2022 08:26:37] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: You are making your choice now, answer or be taken down!
[29.07.2022 08:27:00] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: Oh boo hoo, why don't you take the money and go your merry way? I know you want it
[29.07.2022 08:27:15] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: And I have plenty
[29.07.2022 08:27:25] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: Now, when has this worked for you and with whom in Liberty
[29.07.2022 08:27:35] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: Pretty much every cop
[29.07.2022 08:27:54] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: How much will it be? Will 15 mil do the job?
[29.07.2022 08:27:54] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: Any names you care to share?
[29.07.2022 08:28:07] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: You seem to misunderstand the situation here
[29.07.2022 08:28:17] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: Alright, 17?
[29.07.2022 08:28:33] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: I am not a cop, I am of the First Armada. Money is no concern to us, we are incorruptible.
[29.07.2022 08:28:43] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: I'll make sure nobody knows
[29.07.2022 08:28:45] 1st|T-Zephyr: So start talking or you are going down
[29.07.2022 08:28:47] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
[29.07.2022 08:28:52] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: But if you start shooting, we got connections
[29.07.2022 08:29:18] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: Now you want me to just shoot you. There is nothing greater than giving one's life in the service of Liberty!
[29.07.2022 08:29:18] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: I know I'll be safe in my escape pod, but your career will be done for
[29.07.2022 08:29:53] 1st|T-Zephyr: Van Leer: I think I will tempt my destiny. Tell me who you want. Tell them The First Armada is the bane of your kind. Tell them
[29.07.2022 08:29:57] 1st|T-Zephyr: to send whoever they want!
[29.07.2022 08:30:05] DTR-CCS>Tapas: Omer: 20 mil? Final offer
[29.07.2022 08:30:13] 1st|T-Zephyr: For Liberty! Weapons online, defend yourself! Your feeble attempts are pathetic
[29.07.2022 08:33:18] Death: DTR-CCS>Tapas was put out of action by 1st|T-Zephyr (Gun).
Money owed to 1st|LNS-Righteous: 10,000,000+10,000,000=20,000,000
Manhattan was under attack by multiple Xenos. Their newest recruit, [LN]-Nicole.Hayes, has decided to allow them to roam completely free without intervention.
[01.08.2022 15:31:12] [LN]-Nicole.Hayes: Under the circumstances, given that you're a known rogue element, I don't think I will be assisting you.
I had to act at all costs - no matter how many corrupt officers the Xenos will recruit, The First Armada will stand as the shining beacon in defence of our house.
The Insurgents have joined hands with the Xenos, report will follow. I have first attempted to take down the Xenosurgency Battlecruiser FRS-Raonoke, before being ambushed by it's fighter supports. I had no choice but to use extreme violence against XA-Scarlet.