You all know how much a hate Forum's?
and you all know how much i Loath having to use them.
But to some on here and see THIS DRIVEL, Really annoyes me.
Generalisations are indeed sometimes True. the =CR= will sometimes when faced with a battleship or a spam of cruiser's against two or three fighters will run.
Again it is true from time to time when the "Owner's" of the battleships/cruisers make it Very obvious through idiotic lolwuttery OORP, OOC Etc.. comment's on their traders, yes, they get ganked?
You say why not take screenshots of such thing's and report them?
Why bother getting all frustrated over one evening of being pvp ganked/sworn at/etc and then ruin that person's game for X ammount of time?
i mean, we all swear? skype, in genneral when something bad hapens in life? i mean of course i am am not supporting any such actions.. just stating there is no actual point in sanction's. in the many faction post's i see on skype channels or alike-[like this thread came to my attention with a sanction report] it was all a joke to the one who posted it ? This to me states that it isant even because of rule breaking the sanction report was even posted, its simply because that sanctioning somone for many it seems is a "+1 and lol".
This is pathettic.
With reguards to all of you in the thread above..... your all a perfect example ofthis right here.
Oh.. and you think i am one side'd? I Hapily RP both sides, and hear the absolute Horse manure from both sides.
but then again, for most out there, when has it ever been about the RP ?
Pinkeh out..
Completly agree, since Rp is mean to get to pvp, if there was no pvp no one would play this game.....
' Wrote:If you're a transport, either way, you're ganked because transports can't really fight against pretty much anything.
And when it concerns smugglers, different rules are afoot.
We have never claimed we make it even for smugglers, because we don't, and it'd be stupid if we did.
Honor among soldiers in opposite sides has a place of value among us (in-RP), and therefore we do tend to try and keep things sporty.
As for smugglers, in-RP they indeed are something we try with all our might to squish under our boot.
Smugglers most probably will not get much mercy, ever.
They can drop their contraband or they can perish, really. There's perhaps a -bit- of wiggle room in-RP, but it's very hard for me to think of RP persuasive enough as to get a bunch of border patrol ships to just let a smuggler get away with his contraband.
Thank you for the honest response.
' Wrote:We are fighting against the orange dream , by any means necessaries. If that means we have to destroy the traders , so be it , but we always asks the trader to stop , drop his contraband and then we let him go .
However , i think that the patrol done exactly that , am i right ? They asked you to stop , yet you refused ( i think cause i was not there ) , you continued on impulse toward Cali.
And if you saw the forces around you , why didn't you dropped it and in that way you would keep your ship and your crew alive ?
Every smart captain of a smuggler ship would had dropped his cargo and then he would move along.
anyway , is always fun when you come around the Tau 23 *smile*
Look, I realize that getting ganked is part of being a smuggler on this server. Just for future reference, though- telling me to stop is not enough to open fire on a trader. I highly suggest that you have a preset message telling smugglers to drop their contraband, so you can actually make the necessary demand before you engage.
And yes, it is usually fun when I come around there. Take care, and see you in space!
' Wrote:Thank you for the honest response.
Look, I realize that getting ganked is part of being a smuggler on this server. Just for future reference, though- telling me to stop is not enough to open fire on a trader. I highly suggest that you have a preset message telling smugglers to drop their contraband, so you can actually make the necessary demand before you engage.
And yes, it is usually fun when I come around there. Take care, and see you in space!
k i was not preset to this event but i always have 8-9 preset mesages for smugglers..or enemy ships....
i always ask to stop and porepare for scan, and if i find contraband i tell then to drop it or i will open fire....and i give timer like 30 sec ( wich i think is more then enough to drop cargo even with lag) in wich most player go smart and try to escape...well bad choice for them....
' Wrote:k i was not preset to this event but i always have 8-9 preset mesages for smugglers..or enemy ships....
i always ask to stop and porepare for scan, and if i find contraband i tell then to drop it or i will open fire....and i give timer like 30 sec ( wich i think is more then enough to drop cargo even with lag) in wich most player go smart and try to escape...well bad choice for them....
haha your policy is fair enough; just make sure that the newer members of =CR= do the same and there should be no problem.
If they are wrong send me a a PM and we will take care of them , however , cali is near Tau 37 jump hole , if a smuggler don't cut his engines and go there on impulse we have to act . Just next time stay and there s more possibilities that you get out alive.
Always nice flying with you as my IMG character, but it would be nice if you kept the really oorp chat to a low roar when your flying with people form outside of the CR. Thanks
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
All ya need to do is ask, we sometimes prefer to go OORP, lulz around a bit, in group of course. If you want it the other way, just pop a "//Can we go RP only please?" and that's that.
Even the Keepers oorp in group. That is, especially the Keepers RP in group, so it's no big deal. Olol.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
' Wrote:So...Reengaging is part of your flight training now?
Scan a fighter, has zero regens. Runs to the base, disappears. Target fled right?
Nope, reappears 10s later full of regens.
Archon, I don't know what you were thinking, but when half the crew tells this to you, it happens. Too bad we were fighting 4v9 to bother SSing.
So I guess it's pics or it didn't happen huh? Even though we know it did.
This is Kaze. First of all, all around a good fight. Second... I saw that happening and i heard your complaints from Victor.
This will be dealt with. On my word. And you know you can trust it.
I'm sick and tired of seeing this happening with the person in question.
He will face the penalty on it.
Love to you all QCP, specially Mr. 'Bloodhound' Fraser *winks*.