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A baffled laughter emerged from the cell as she observed Steiner himself being escorted in,
"Re-really... Him too?! Nahahehehehahah! I get that you had a problem with me, but really - Steiner? What the hell do you want with Steiner...? "
The last time Steiner saw Revenant, she was donning more cleaner and more regal robes at the time, representing themselves at the Bretonian-Auxo-Insurgent peace talks many years ago. However, now, she did not seem to be faring as well back then, and clearly had a change of attire. Now they seem to utilize a more utilitarian sense of attire, an overall with armor embedded, with a side sense of some coloured markings as minimalist fashion - brandished with scorch marks over the layers. Perhaps he would have mistaken her for another person, if not for the mask and her dork laughter.
Glaring at him being brought in to the cell, she continued to chuckle under her mask, tapping against her own containment cell.
"I wonder what he has of value to you... Perhaps more money, no doubt."
Well well well...Raven. How the mighty have fallen He said looking at her sorry state with a mixture of surprise and bemusmentIt's been a long time my dear he said with a cool voice, unhappy that of all people, she should be there. It seems that God has decided to play something of a joke on us eh? The once great, now humbled. How did you end up in this sorry place?
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Hooting a chuff of a chuckle, she entertained herself in the meanwhile, folding her arms - leaning back against the cramped containment cell.
"Hooh - well... I suppose it is a long story. But to say I was great? How charming. I was just another player in the field - and the game has long changed since then... I've done my part long ago...
Let's just say I went out to adventure alone, decided to take up a monumental research task and... got chased by a few age old enemies. But nevermind about me, I'm old and decaying.
...Why are you here? I thought you died years ago. How did you manage to piss off the kid?"
Old and decaying my ass was all he thought, he remembered her as a young, fit and healthy female of considerable intellect, how she let her guard down was almost unbelievable. Or perhaps things had happened and what remained of her pride prevented her from sharing what actually happened, that she simply got complacent.
Apparently someone wants to see me, and instead of sending a letter, like a civilized person, they sent a bounty hunter. Twenty Million, can you believe it? He scoffed, twenty million that was all? Oh well, beggar's can't be choosers. What happens to you now? He said quietly. Maybe he didn't like or trust her, but it was possible he wouldn't see her again. Maybe she was about to undergo some sort of agonizing death and he'd be the last 'friendly' face she saw, if so, he could give her some level of decent respect before she parted.
Or maybe she was just in this for fun...who knows.
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For a brief moment, she unclipped the mask from her head, yanking it off with considerable force, revealing her scarred face, her skin slightly faded in color from the lack of medication as well as other basic needs. A scorched streak was across the bridge of her nose, streaking her only natural eye. It seemed to be partially blinded by weapon fire - relatively recent wthin the past month, looking faded and off colour.
She wanted to prove what happened, seeing the disbelief in his face. Smirking, she made the best out of the worst, trying to keep her sanity together as long as possible, though the stressed quakes of palsy in her hands were evident as she placed the mask back on.
"Unsure. He will likely try to use me as a chip to earn information or money, and eventually kill me. "
Leaning back against the cell with a sigh,
"Doesn't matter. My affliction was supposed to kill me sometime this year. Dying was inevitable. I can only be grateful that I managed to do what I have done whilst I was alive. And I can only pray that people focus on the philosophy of knowledge, not to be pulled in to the abyss of Sirian Politics. If I die, well... I die. If I live, then ... woo-hoo...?"
While the two were having a conversation from one end of the room to another, Ego stood idle with both arms crossed defiantly and head tilted slightly to the side and forward. He was leaned against the wall facing one of the Nomad Power Cells. Its light shined with a cold blue tint, reflecting upon the mercenary's outfit.
He was listening in to the conversation they had, however he was also focused on something entirely different. Not the object itself, but the one standing in front of him. Berating him. Nobody could see him - only Ego could. It was a discussion taking place in his own mind. There was only an incomprehensible mumbling leaving Ego helmet - lightly muffled and progressively angry at the same time.
Eventually the mumbling broke off into silence. Ego's head turn to the left, facing Steiner. He spoke with a rather sarcastic tone.
"Well sorry I'm ruining your conversation with that lunatic, Steiner. I have a simple question. Sunderland - what do you know about it?"
"Test the sharpness of your sword against another. And when that is not enough, unsheathe your cunning as the hidden dagger that ends the fight."
He blinked at her, unwilling to allow his shock to be shown in any meaningful way, yet he couldn't help but catch his breath in his throat. He walked closer to the bars that seperated them, trying to get a closer look but as quickly as she revealed herself, she hid again. What in Gods name happened to you? He said almost in a whisper. He felt sorry for her in a way, not that he knew her well in the past, be he knew her before all this. She may have been a little odd, but she was never this...thing that now lay before him. Broken and bleeding, who knew how long she'd been here in this place, or of the circumstances of her arrival. Although he suspected they were less than pleasant. All those dreams you had, things you wanted to did it come to this? Is this the inevitable result of your life? Was it always going to end this way? Seeing her now, Steiner regarded her quietly, Raven had become a cautionary tale, unlike Henrich, was it pride that led her here? He had encountered so many old acquaintances lately, yet all of them were cracking, badly. Was this the result of shattered dreams and broken oaths? Was this the inevitable fate of the friendless and lost? He didn't expect her to have answers to these questions, but for his part, he felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of pity. I'm so sorry Sapphire Before she could say anything his mysterious and quiet captor returned, much to his annoyance.
Now why would you want to know about that? he thought, less than impressed that Sunderland seemed to be increasingly common knowledge Never heard of it He lied. It didn't matter if he was caught in the lie, he wasn't talking about Sunderland. That hellish city was nothing but a source of on going pain and frustration, but try as he might he could never seem to rid himself of the place. Even the Armed Forces wanted as little to do with it as possible.
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She humored Steiner with a response.
"I've done what I wanted to - well... most of them anyway."
Once again, Revenant could only offer a now sadistic chuckle after hearing Ego's interest. He truly was still interested in the Final Journey. Everything was slowly coming together.
"Ouooh... Now it makes sense. But trying to go in through kidnapping - really, Ego? Even you cannot be so stupid to simply walk in, posing as one of them. Coloured me entertained, why do you want to get into the City so badly?"
She mocked him, toying with his feelings, "... You know, you could have simply worked with me if that's what you really wanted, neheheh."
He was almost baffled by Steiner's answer. After the discussion they've had in space on their way home he just wouldn't believe that the Director of SIS would not be aware of Sunderland. He cackled maniacally, before stopping suddenly. Such was uncommon from Ego. The last time he had ever laughed was a day before his other self met a gruesome end.
"Her Majesty did not hire good liars. We will get back to it later. Need any food in the meantime? I'd let you out in the canteen, but my home isn't for public view."
He was still amused by the Director's comedic lie, but was sane enough to gesture the two droids in the room to pick up Raven and set her up in his Valkyrie. The time has come for her to depart his home. Both of them were more than adequately equipped to deal with the woman.
"As for you. I have no interest in ever working with you. You're a hindrance in your current state. A weight I would sooner get rid of than carry. You've helped me a whole bunch already, so our partnership now comes to an end.
"Test the sharpness of your sword against another. And when that is not enough, unsheathe your cunning as the hidden dagger that ends the fight."
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There was spite in her words, as they tried to drag her away. Believing she was going to be dragged off to the Order, she would not go down without a fight, almost immediately trying to grapple the first droid in a mad dash - but her weakness was too blatant and the previous injury from trying to force their restraints showed, they were not strong enough to take the advantage.
"Our collaboration ended because you were too stupid to follow simple instructions that a mere neanderthal could understand. All you had to do was listen to me, but no, you could not. You are intellectually stunted, too stupid to understand basic concepts. And uou need help. But you don't know where to find it. You don't even know how to help yourself. You're trapped forever within your broken shell of a mind - becoming the very thing you despised. A spineless snake. Lying and betraying... I hope Vincent kills you."
The droid held in the grapple smacked their joint backwards, knocking her back as she failed to have any constitution to resist such hits. The other metallic minion dashed up, bashing her in the side of the head with the stock of the weapon, enough to immediately cause her to smacked out unconscious - despite the mask absorbing some of the blow, thudding to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The drones would pick her up, dragging her away to the Valkyrie's hold.