If you have not read the Information Thread yet, wehighly suggest you do it before applying.
You have two options when applying.
Option A: You apply for standard membership and are granted the rank of Initiate. (That's the boring option.)
Option B: You join the Core Rookie Boost Initiative (We highly suggest this option) and we give our best to make a great Core pilot out of you, no compromises.
The Core's Rookie Boost Initiative
Are you new to the Core or the server in general? Are you unsure how to play as Core in the Omicrons? Maybe you want to join the faction in the old fashioned way and grind your way through the starter ranks? Well, we’ve got you covered!
The Core Rookie Boost Initiative is just for you! Let’s break it down in a few steps and review them.
You apply for the Rookie Boost Initiative in our Recruitment thread
Should you be accepted, you’ll receive a basic Core| tagged fighter
*All Initiative ships have the following naming convention:
Core|<Color>-<Number>[R]. The [R] stands for Rookie
After you’re all set up, you have up to four weeks to complete a few basic conditions in order to progress to the next rank. The conditions are as follows:
-Join our dedicated Discord Server
-Make a minimum of four message dump posts documenting actual ingame events.
-Log a minimum of three hours of game play time per week. (Twelve hours monthly total)
-Behave yourself up to par with the already established community standards.
But wait, you might say, what do I get in return? Well, it’s simple.
We promise to:
Do our best to help new players and show them the ropes.
Teach you how to be part of the best lawful evil faction.
Strive to generate as much fun as we possibly can.
Improve both your PVP and RP skills
Treat all people with the respect their deserve.
Now then, we have just a few requirements.
Follow the server rules, to the letter.
Respect our faction’s diplomacy and play according to our guidelines
Treat all people with respect, be it friend or foe and everything in between
[color=#ffffff]Are you applying to join our Rookie Boost Initiative?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Why do you want to join the The Core?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]What is your Discord ID (Could be sent over PM)?:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Have you been sanctioned/banned? If so, provide links.:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Are you familiar with the [url=https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2334]Rules?:[/url][/color]
[color=#ffffff]Do you agree to follow the [url=https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=2334]Rules?[/url] Any rule violations may/will have consequences.:[/color]
[color=#ffffff]Do you agree to leave your prejudice behind and be excellent towards other players?:[/color]
We hope we'll be hearing from you soon. Why join Core|?
The Core encourages players to try an experience that, which is not found within other discovery factions: the role of 'Lawful Evil'. Playing the good guy gets boring fast, and being so open about how cruel and immoral you are is so cliche. Why not try something unique? Your actions and methodology are within the bounds of law, but ultimately you seek to bring your evil desires to fruition. The Edge Worlds are a beautiful environment for people to try something new, without being tied down by the houses.
Beyond roleplay, The Core frequently engages in raids against their enemies. Systems raids by The Core lead to awesome fleet battles taking place. We've got a lot of enemies, which means there's a lot of things to shoot.
If you don't want to get heavily involved in shooting things, why not try joining Core|APM-? You can trade and make money, you'll also be able to mine. You can take part in some of the heavier RP projects, where APM conducts twisted science of a likes Sirius has never seen before. Or you know, just builds awesome new ships.
Generally speaking, Core| always has something to do. If you're the kind of player who struggles to find things to do elsewhere, Core| should be a good faction for you.
Most importantly, what matters to us the most is your ability to generate fun, both for yourself and other players.
We will not tolerate toxic behavoir, trolling,flaming, insulting and general bad behavoir. It is our goal to have fun, but not at the expense of other players.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Bretonia
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Escort pilot for various Bretonia and Liberty shipping companies.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): Hailing from Leeds, Jason worked initially as a maintenance worker in the ship hangar before finally saving enough money to by a ship. Once he had done so, he started hiring himself out as a freelance contract pilot. He found several convoys over the years to fly with and loved to explore the Sirius sector. He was closely watched, however as he was not the nicest person to be around and he could be brutal when making a kill in defense of the convoys he was escorting. He was escorting an Ageria convoy in Liberty when the news hit of Leeds getting glassed. When he returned a couple weeks later, he was silently horrified at what was left of his home. He silently escorted another Ageira convoy out to the Freeport 11 in Omircron Delta and they ran across a Core fighter squadron. He was immediately intrigued by the pilots and asked them who they worked for and they explained. He lit up and thought he found a place to call home after his previous one was destroyed.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: To serve and to expand Core interests in the Omicrons
Recite Our Motto: Power is nothing without control.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: Over 2 years
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: Played a Core character a little bite. Yes i have read the lore. It is a paramilitary organization in the Omicrons dedicated to protect humanity at all costs
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: roughly 7/10
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 7
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 4 in cap 2 in snub
Why do you want to join the The Core?: I want to join because I like the idea of a ruthless people who will get stuff done no matter the cost Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Requiem VHF, Blacktip bomber, Bullhead BC
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: GMT -5
What is your Discord ID (mandatory)?: Wolverine518#9320
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: Yes i have/am
Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship Perditrix, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Jack Daniels
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 16.1 Rev.4
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents
Jason McPherson, your application has been approved.
Complimentary ship and handheld weapons are waiting for you on Yaren Base. I have decided you are worthy, don't make a liar out of me.
Daniels, out.
~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, Guildmaster of the Core and STILL the most hated person in the Omicrons.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Omicron Rho, Alabama Shipyard
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: The Core Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Freelancer/Captain/I already have some experience, i would have to answer some filed questions.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born into a rich family. Even at 15 years, i excelled in physical, psychic or mental prowess. I also had the gift of command. My parents thought about military school but i just had business and investing in my heart. I got into business school, then studied law for a while. Since we had money, everything was easy. After graduation, i went discovery to Sirius. At the end of 26 years, i went into the military. I led a few missions, fought a few big battles against the Order, but it wasn't enough, so i became a special agent for 4 years. After many experiences i bought my own first ship, with which i defused many enemys, alien objects (Bases). I last appeared in Omicron-48 in Battlefield.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: The Core is one of my many favorite factions, i enjoy PvP as well as RP for Core. I love Edge, Omicrom systems most of all. I would like to focus on developing my RP amongst experienced Core| players.
Recite Our Motto: Power is nothing without control.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 2016
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: Yes i know
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: very well
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 7
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 8/10 Cruisers and bigger
Why do you want to join the The Core?: I'd like to be part of something bigger than me.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Mako
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: GMT +2:00
What is your Discord ID (mandatory)?: ʙʀʏᴄᴇ#7128
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: Yes i did
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Bretonia
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Former Bretonian Navy Pilot, Edge Worlds Mercenary.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better):
Caleb Hawke was a Bretonian pilot and a member of the Harrier Squadron that operated in Edinburgh during the Gallic invasion of Bretonia. The Gaians that raided the nearby station on a regular basis were the least of his troubles when the valors made their entrance on the battlefield. During one such Skirmish, half his squadron was wiped out due to a miscommunication from his superiours, something which he could never forgive them. He took what he could and deserted the navy, feeling betrayed by the ones he served.
The next couple of years he worked as a merc in the edge worlds, taking on whatever jobs suited him, but never anything that went against his principles. That line of work brought him into close contact with the Core and eventually brought him into contact with Jack Daniels, who he saw as an inspirational leader and someone he could rely on. A couple of months later he decided that he would leave his mercenary life behind and join the Core to fight for something that mattered again, not just the money.
Why do you want to join The Core?: To have something worth fighting for.
Recite Our Motto: Power is nothing without control.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 5 years
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: I know the basics, but still learning all the lore as I go along. Implo is a good teacher and I just follow his lead.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: Played the Edge Worlds as multiple factions, but Core is new.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 7 or 8
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: Somewhere between a newbie and Wesker. Main class are bombers and fighters
Why do you want to join the The Core?: Got kidnapped and am here against my will. Ransom can be sent to Implosion.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Made my VHF already. Bomber will follow.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: European time zone
What is your Discord ID (mandatory)?: You have it.
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: When they shoot, shoot back. Serious answer: Yes.
Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship Perditrix, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Jack Daniels
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 16.1 Rev.4
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents
Caleb Hawke, Wilmer Barker, your applications has been approved.
Do not fail our trust.
Daniels, out.
~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, Guildmaster of the Core and STILL the most hated person in the Omicrons.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Bretonia
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Former Bretonian Navy Pilot, Edge Worlds Mercenary.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): Raised in Bretonia, where he completed fundamental studies and training at Cambridge Military Academy, he participated in the bretoniac military cause against Gallia, where I fought the invaders. Lately I've been working as a transporter of valuable materials between important government houses.
Why do you want to join The Core?: Because Core is an ideal well within the desired topic for any pilot who wants to venture into a battle happily..
Recite Our Motto: Power is nothing without control.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 04-03-2016
yes, I've played it, but it looks like now there's some difference I'm going to have to learn. From what I've read, you're better off interpreting./color]
[color=#ffffff]How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: I played edge worlds as various factions, with Core as well..
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 5 or 6
How would you rate your PvP skills out of What ship-types are you good in?: I prefer Caps, but I'm learning snubs and bombers.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: Because I played Core and after it was undone, I'm sorry, but I've always been here on the expectation, which rewarded me again with the restoration of the faction.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: I have from snubs to Mako WV-Stagen.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: Brazil GMT-3
What is your Discord ID (mandatory)?: You have it.
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: When they shoot, shoot back. Serious answer: Yes.
Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship Perditrix, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Jack Daniels
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 16.1 Rev.4
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents
Carl Furlain, your request to join our ranks have been approved.
We hope you will live long and prosper.
Daniels, out.
~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, Guildmaster of the Core and STILL the most hated person in the Omicrons.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Rheinland
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: AP Manufacturing.
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Staff Chief Ballistic Systems Engineer, Daumann Heavy Constructions.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): Descendant of Maltese settlers in fifth generation making their way into Rheinland, Chiavallati spent most of her time on Stuttgart and briefly on New Berlin, during university years and later enterning internship at Daumann Heavy Constructions as assistant engineer. Civil war and unwillingness of dealing with wartime economic upheaval prompted her to move to Nauru and seek employment in the APM with a short-lived contract in Polaris Advanced Engineering, a recently dissoluted subdivision startup. Currently lives off of a hefty fortune she'd received after the company dissolution as one of higher ranked employees.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: To continue the career after Polaris dissolution. Nor I feel like returning to Rheinland just yet.
Recite Our Motto: Power is nothing without control.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: About five years? I sort of stopped counting.
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: Yes.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: Know them like the back of my palm.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 7/10.
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 6/10, no real preference. I am still getting back into it.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: Blame the bearded man for calling me back for fun experience.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Still have my fighter and bomber from Polaris, at least.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: UTC +4.
What is your Discord ID (Could be sent over PM)?: I'm already in there.
Have you been sanctioned/banned? If so, provide links.: It's... probably out there somewhere.
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: Yes.
Incoming Video Feed
Source: Alabama Shipyard, Omicron Rho
Comm ID: Gabrielle Daniels
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 6.9 rev.4
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents
Oh good, someone who knows what they're doing. That's a welcomed change. Welcome to the ranks of the APM. You're entitled to complimentary life insurance and a closed casket funeral, in case something goes wrong.
Enjoy your stay!