It could be a stupid topic, or a mess about it, but ... ¿is there a way to add bustard 1 gun placement (for battleship secondary) on the lower side?
The bustard is quite large, and some people "Ah, but it is a transport" ... man, a transport that is kinda useless it at least bringing enemies a little match, if a bomber get your lower side you are death with a nice wave of torpedos
It has the power of a light battleship (7M with 220K of Recharge)
Adding it 1 gun (Secondary Battleship Gun) will not be a deal-breaker to improve his strike capabilities but to improve his defensive capabilities, the lower side of a bustard is seriosly defenseless
About cargo, i could understand about "Cargo things" on carrier, but man, Bustard is kinda a Transport-Carrier ship, is possible to little improve the Bustard cargo space?
Because adding it with a Survey Module you only are able to sustain 1 survey before fuel get depleted ... people use Bustard as a Farey ship to survey and do bustard things, but personally i belive this 2 changes will aid to the literally most costly ship
Thing about it, with a UAU (which don't take cargo) + Survey Module MK II you get left 1125 of cargo left, if using H-Fuel need 7*100 = 700 units, can we make it holds 1400 units? is just a 275 units more of cargo
Or bring at least it could carry 1200 units of MOX that will increase about 75 units in cargo (considering MOX is also 1 unit of cargo per unit of mox)
I don't know, at least i could like use a little better ship, even if is still so basic for people ...
but to make something fun on it.
The Bustard is supposed to suck, specially on combat. It's a RP platform and mostly a means to give jump drive access to factions that do not have access to large capital ships like for example GMG or a Freelancer or Pirate player faction, it's not a trade ship, nor a combat ship, and i find unlikely it will get any improvement.
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The only thing it should receive is to have its top front battleship secondary moved on its belly, so it can cover itself 360° with flaks. Otherwise, it is a light carrier meant for picking up snubs and other ships with its JD and moving them elsewhere. It is a civilian-made capital ship, not a transport. Its classification as a liner is only there so it can be easily accessible for all kinds of IDs.
Also, keep in mind that if it had more cargo space, it wouldn't be able to use Advanced Cloak mk. II and had to rely on a transport cloak with batteries taking up cargo space.
Oh, right, i don't take about the Cloak MK II Adv ...
But even having a little bit coverage in guns, placement of another gun or move the gun slot so it at least make a little more sense and cause having 7M of Power core, if is civilian it should be somewhere 5M at max, but i think that is better than anything, so it will at least make a little more efficent in combat (i know isn't made for combat, but C'mon!, his lower side is defenseless by any means), i think i should make any ship receive some love with <3
So, can we get the turret moved in? ^^ that would be nicely for it