»ID:The Core High Command »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Application »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
A very simple alias but sometimes simplicity is the best. Considering your performance during assault of Corsairs asset in Omicron Xi the High Command decided to ACCEPT your application to the Core and grant you a rank of a Guardian. Report to Yaren to recieve your handbook, uniform and first assignment.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Liberty
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: The Core Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Mercenary
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): Mist was already my codename as a mercenary. I got bored to eliminate simple targets. When I heard that The Core is coming back, I waste no time to reach the Omicrons and apply to the secondary division. However, today, I apply for the main division.
I'll be as useful as necessary.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: Hunting nomads and other type of aliens began to please me. I'll eliminate as many as needed and collect their remains for the Research and Developement division.
OoRP Form Are you applying to join our Rookie Boost Initiative?: Yes.
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: Since 2020
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: No, I never played a core before. No, I didn't read the lore but I know just the basic knowledge. (I will learn more.) I know a bit what is The Core.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: I am familiar with the Edge Worlds. I know it like my pocket.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 6/10
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: I am a big noob. Maybe 4/10
Why do you want to join the The Core?: Well, it's simply to have fun with friends.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: I have an indie ship, a Requiem.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: -5 UTC
What is your Discord ID (Could be sent over PM)?: I am already in the discord.
Have you been sanctioned/banned? If so, provide links.: No.
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: Yes.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Rheinland
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: Core Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Escort at Daumann Heavy Construction
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born on Planet Hamburg to a middle class family. I have spent my childhood reading books as my parents were very strict when it comes to education. Naturally, I have finished school in time and graduated from the University of Hamburg. Upon receiving my diploma, my father got me a stable job at The Ring in New Berlin.
The job I had wasn't difficult as I worked as an accountant. It wasn't very exciting, both me and my close friend that I went to school with decided to get a transfer to a more exciting job, namely as escort pilots. In order to get a transfer we had to go through a special training program. Six months after we passed the training and received a certificate which allowed us to fly as escorts for Daumann Heavy Constructions.
Both of us worked as escorts for four years. Unfortunately, after the Rheinland coup we lost our jobs and were forces to look for one elsewhere. We have been trying to find a proper job with a stable salary for months now, but Rheinland is not in the good state. In order to find a suitable job, we had no other option than to leave Rheinland.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: I am looking for a stable job and The Core really seems like a good place to be.
Recite Our Motto: Dolor transit, gloria aeterna est.
OoRP Form How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: A very long time.
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: I do.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: I am the Edge World.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 9.99
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: DoubleNova/10 Bombers/Fighters (with MR).
Why do you want to join the The Core?: To shoot people.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Not yet.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: Uganda/Serbia.
What is your Discord ID (mandatory)?: Venkman#9351
»ID:The Core High Command »Location:Durban Station, Omicron Rho »Subject:Application »ENCRYPTION:INVINCIBLE
We are glad to see you again in our ranks. Your rank will be fully restored, rights and passwords will be updated. We have something new, the command is waiting for a personal meeting. Welcome.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Border Worlds, Edge Worlds
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: The Core Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Very Heavy Fighter- and Gunboat pilot. Zoners, Omicron Kappa.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better):
Over 10 years ago in my early days as an independent Zoner, I joined the Omicroners in Omicron Kappa. There I ended up staying for a few years as a fighter pilot, defending our Freeports and NFZs, escorting our traders and battling the Nomad threats, among other sporadic threats from Outcasts and Corsairs. I was also involved to some extent in diplomatic missions, which ultimately led me to own a Hathor gunboat from The Order, in my partaking in the war against Nomads. It wasn't only through diplomacy however, but also from these battles against the Nomads where I could be seen in the midst of the fray. Not surprisingly in my task to protect Freeport 11 at that time.
I could argue my activity at the edge of this resistance may have been higher than most Zoners, for various reasons. My dedication to securing Omicron Kappa, Freeport 11 and other systems wasn't always met by the same dedication from my fellow peers in the grand scheme of things and The Order didn't care about anyone but themselves and ultimately left us to fend for ourselves and Zoner lives were lost on several occasions because of this. In the end, the Omicroners were disbanded and rebranded as Phoenix, but I decided I had to move on to somewhere more fitting. The Core as it is today did not exist at this time, and I was an independant Freelancer until further notice.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?:
The Core's dedication to securing and stabilizing the Edge Worlds and exterminating the Nomads are in line with my own core values as it was before. I may be born a Zoner, who can survive anywhere but they only do that; survive. We need action, dedication and force to establish a stable rule and survival in the end. When I was a Zoner, the Corsairs and Outcasts among others had no real interest in the Edge Worlds security, but only their own vile agendas. I can say the same about The Order, who left us to die more than once for the same reasons. I heard about The Core on the neural net, and immediately felt your cause lined up with my own. After visiting Dagger Outpost in Omega-55 I realized it was time to apply for this cause.
OoRP Form Are you applying to join our Rookie Boost Initiative?: Yes*.Edit: Not sure if it is needed, I'll let you decide what is best.
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?:
I first joined in May of 2010 and played for a few years, then took a long break (because life). I re-visited here and there but I got back into it for real again late 2022.
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?:
I haven't played a Core character before but I have read all the lore, rules and information. I will try to remember and re-visit these often to memorize the important things for as good RP as possible.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?
I used to play in them daily as an Omicroner with their main base in Omicron Kappa. Since then there are a few more systems and bases I have yet to visit. Shouldn't take long to learn the new bits and I have a nav map .:
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 7-8/10 with room for improvement.
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?:
Back in the day: 8-9/10 in a snub. Maybe a 6/10 in a gunboat due to not playing it as often. Now I am a bit rusty but should get back to it decently I hope. I was good in a VHF. I am hoping to pilot larger vessels this time around in the end.
Why do you want to join the The Core?:
I wanted a main faction to spend time and RP on again now that I am back. Just like my RP lore, I think the Core best fit my style, RP character and you are also in the systems I used to play in on the daily. It is a unique faction with a clear "mission" and interesting lore and I like that. Hopefully it would bring good RP and fights, as well as good times with fellow members.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?:
No. I have no issue purchasing either one of them when possible however.
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: Sweden GMT+1
What is your Discord ID (Could be sent over PM)?: Whesto#0001
Have you been sanctioned/banned? If so, provide links.: No.
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: Yes.
Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship Perditrix, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Jack Daniels
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 16.1 Rev.4.
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents
Mr. Dwanian, we'll be delighted to have you. Your application is ACCEPTED. Expect your briefing very soon.
~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, Guildmaster of the Core and STILL the most hated person in the Omicrons.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Originally from Liberty
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: Core Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Previous jobs is a good one ... here we go ..
Joined the Liberty Navy following my Father who was eventually Fleet Admiral of the 46th Fleet (deceased)
My training was extensive for 2 years and I am fluent in unarmed combat and fire arms of all categories.
Once trained I managed to move up to the rank of lieutenant and had 3 years fighter experience and then became a simulator trainer.
Later in my Naval career I stepped up to commander and eventually commanded my own Battlecruiser in the Secondary Ranks.
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): My father was a Fleet Admiral in the 46th Fleet and was very well respected until he unfortunately had to leave the ranks due to illness. My mother is originally from Planet Nauru and is a Core lady through and through. It has been tough through my life but I am willing to learn new skills, and hopefully add some of the skills I already have to increase my standing within your ranks. I do hope that my training can bring me some success and my application is succesful. I am dedicated to working hard and upholding any Laws that the Core have to dish out.
Under my years as a Naval Officer I am disciplined and very fit and healthy and I never back out of a confrontation no matter what the odds are against me. I am an only child, and I think with that being the case, I have endured alot of hard work and sweat to get where I am today.
I have big dreams and plenty of ambition, to try and make my father proud of me.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: I wish to start a new career and help the Core to establish a much higher respect from other houses and bring them to where they need to be in the future, and make them a driving force for more citizens to join and make the Core great again, if they are not already .... that is.
OoRP Form Are you applying to join our Rookie Boost Initiative?: I will leave that up to you to decide ... but if so be it then ... yes
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 8 years - been having a break
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: I have not played Core Character but I have read the Laws and also the Core is a paramilitary group who also have the APM Logistics side.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: I have been there under other different faction characters
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 8
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 5 - Ships include Bomber,Fighter, Battlecruiser, Battleship.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: For a new challenge
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: No core ship yet
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: United Kindom
What is your Discord ID (Could be sent over PM)?: Renegade#9174 ... You already have it
Have you been sanctioned/banned? If so, provide links.: NO
Have you read our information thread and are aware of diplomatic relations towards other factions: Yes
Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship Perditrix, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Jack Daniels
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 16.1 Rev.4.
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents
Welcome to the fold, Ms. Harrison. Your app is ACCEPTED. Report to Yaren for your medical exam and briefing.
~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, Guildmaster of the Core and STILL the most hated person in the Omicrons.
Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Liberty, Possibly New York
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: Military
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Capital Ship Captain, Fighter Pilot, Nomad Hunter
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): This is HIS story
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: After the Nomad conflict, the Core gave Taden new life at the H+ Clinic. Wants to repay the Core with his service.
OoRP Form Are you applying to join our Rookie Boost Initiative?: YES
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: Freelancer = LONG time|Discovery = ~ 3 months
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: Never played as a Core before. LOVE the lore! Basically former Bounty Hunters that now control and bring civilization to the border systems.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: Only slightly, but I'm a very fast learner
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: In Game: 5-6| OOG: 8-9
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: Honestly, not sure. Anywhere between 3 & 7. HF, VHF, and bomber are the classes I have PvP experience with. I want to hone my skills and learn how to PvP with Caps as well.
Why do you want to join the The Core?: LOVE the lore, like playing a BH, super into the elevated tech, so I think this is a natural fit.
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: Yes: Blacktip
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: USA, New York, (UTC-5?)