► Source:Lichtenberg Station ► Encryption:port RM-HC-R88-HHTT-EMT ► Submitter:Flottenkapitän Lukas von Mayer ► Recipant:New Horizon Industries
► Subject:Contract Offer
Guten tag meine Damen und Herren.
Let me introduce myself real quick, im Lukas von Mayer Administrator of the Kaisers Military Base in New Berlin and also Flottenkapitän of the Rheinwehr.
Some time ago, a Freelancer was on our Station at the Bar.
We talked about Sirius, Rheinland and about some of the best Freelancer Companys, there he told me about your Work.
Im glad to hear such a Company works also in our Space, here an Contrtact offer meine Herren, we are builing a Docking module factory on Lichtenberg and looking for some new trusty hauling company to work with.
Here you will have a list of everything we need, if you will accept this contract start at the nearest possible time!
The Payments will be send after you showed me some proofs.
Please add to this Proofs the price you are calling up for the Commodities you delivered.
Guten tag, Herr von Mayer. My name is Jen Strathmore and I am an NHI contractor and captain of the Ruby Phoenix. I would be happy to deliver these items for you. I will provide proofs when the job is finished.
► Source: NHI Ruby Phoenix
► Encryption: port NHI-HM-R74-JJSS-EML
► Submitter: Captain Jennifer Strathmore
► Recipient: Flottenkapitän Lukas von Mayer
Herr von Mayer,
When I arrived at Lichtenberg Station I noticed that one of my colleagues had beaten me to punch with regards to your Hull Segment delivery. This message is to confirm the delivery of the following
Robotic Hardware - 20,000 units
Industrial Hardware - 10,000 units
Optronic Arrays - 5000 units
I appreciate the opportunity to do business in Rhineland and will be leaving the New Berlin system with a few crates of Rheinbeir on board. So many people back home drink Liberty Ale in some misguided attempt at patriotism but the discerning beer drinker knows that stuff is swill. You can get Rheinbeir in Liberty but it's sold at a premium, so might as well stock up while I'm here.
I have forwarded proof of delivery to your personal correspondence and will await payment. I hope we can do business again in the future.
Jen Strathmore
New Horizon Industries
Captain, NHI Ruby Phoenix
► Source:Lichtenberg Station ► Encryption:port RM-HC-R88-HHTT-EMT ► Submitter:Flottenkapitän Lukas von Mayer ► Recipant:New Horizon Industries ► Subject:Contract Offer
Guten tag Frau Jennifer Strathmore.
We received you deliverys, our Cargostation Manager was a bit surprised in postive ways how fast you delivered everything!
In name of the Military i can say Danke.
Your Company will be considered at the next Contract's of cause.