As of the next Server restart, the following changes will happen:
1) Wear and Tear (W&T) tick has been increased from 1 per 120 seconds to 1 per 20 seconds. This will have the effect that Bases will use 8,640 RA (or another Repair Material) per day (currently 1,440 RA per day).
Other effect is that Bases will now degrade 6 times faster. So instead of 'hanging' around for 460+ days, this will be reduced to @76 days.
2) Repair Rate has been increased from 2,000 per tick to 6,000 per tick. Bases will repair quicker and Core 3 & 4s will no longer use a second RM (or double if only one is available) at each W&T tick.
3) If your Base has less Crew than is required by the Core Level, then the W&T rate will be doubled. This will have the effect of further reducing the time non-maintained POBs 'hang' around.
EDIT: It has been decided that Points 1 & 2 will go live in 2 weeks time (12th of April) and Point 3 will go live tomorrow as that won't affect those people who 'care' for there Bases.
Changes to the above, as of 12/4/23
As of the next Server restart, the following changes will happen:
1) The Wear and Tear (W&T) tick has been increased from 1 per 120 seconds to 1 per 60 seconds. - Will reduce the time non-maintained Bases survive.
2) Repair Rate has been increased from 2,000 per tick to 4,000 per tick - Bases will repair quicker.
3) If your Base has less Crew than is required by the Core Level, then the W&T rate will be increased by a factor of 6 - Thereby further reducing the time non-maintained POBs 'hang' around.
4) When Repairing a Base, they will now use 3 of each Repair Material instead of 2 - This will have the effect that a Base will 'use' 4,320 RA per day.
5) This overides the changes mentioned in the OP.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
(03-29-2023, 05:59 PM)Karst Wrote: Very good and long-overdue changes, although I probably would've given people a little more advanced warning....
agreed. Should be warned with 2 months in advance
Suggestion delaying for 2 months, leaving warning hanging for all to notice within this time, and then turning on then
(03-29-2023, 05:59 PM)Karst Wrote: Very good and long-overdue changes, although I probably would've given people a little more advanced warning....
agreed. Should be warned with 2 months in advance
Suggestion delaying for 2 months, leaving warning hanging for all to notice within this time, and then turning on then
+1 on warning. Would be nice to know so that we can rearrange stock so that we're not running supply every day
Kudos on the changes. I still believe that the tick change should be reversed in that bases should be easier to maintain but once they are no longer in repair status, the rate of decay should be rapid. The repair rate change will help with that for we who cannot log in every single day.
Will be fun to see a graph of the daily POB population going down in time though
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.
(03-29-2023, 06:19 PM)MechaCheff Wrote: RIP to all the bases who's owners have a life.
I agree there is a better method, but the repair rate should nullify any degradation. I think the seconds in the tick should increase but the rate of degradation jacked way up. Shouldn't need a daily supply for a base. Once a week for the current pop would be reasonable.
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.