(04-12-2023, 01:49 AM)monmarfori Wrote: Only a clarification can settle this argument. Still, I think the Bustard is a carrier, as it can atleast mount capital ship turrets.
Agreed. Statements like "I think" will only get you in trouble. Somebody ping a staffy!
It ain't about what you are capable of, it's about what you're willing to do.
Even more confusing is the fact that the Bustard is listed separately in another part of the rules:
To keep things simple, and to avoid hotpatching, simply adjusting the Ship Classifications here from
For the purpose of server rules, the following ship categories are defined:
Fighters: Light Fighters, Heavy Fighters, Very Heavy Fighters, Super Heavy Fighters and Bombers
Freighters: Trader ships with cargo holds smaller than 650 units
Transports: Trader ships with cargo holds larger than 650 units, including Liners and Frigates
Cruisers: Destroyers, Cruisers and Battlecruisers
Battleships: Battleships, Dreadnoughts, Juggernauts and Carriers
Capital Ships: Gunboats, all Cruisers and all Battleships
For the purpose of server rules, the following ship categories are defined:
Fighters: Light Fighters, Heavy Fighters, Very Heavy Fighters, Super Heavy Fighters, Bombers and Fighter Bombers
Gunboats: Gunships, Gunboats,Corvo
Freighters: Trader ships with cargo holds smaller than 650 units
Transports: Trader ships with cargo holds larger than 650 units, including Liners, Frigates, Dunlin and Bustard
Cruisers: Destroyers, Cruisers and Battlecruisers
Battleships: Battleships, Dreadnoughts, Juggernauts and Carriers
Capital Ships: Gunboats, all Cruisers and all Battleships
That should really be enough to keep the classifications up-to-date. If these things are in the Server Rules, which already have a classification part right there, people don't have to open FLStat or use any other third party tool to view the game files, or go to a ship vendor to see what the actual class is. I've also added the new Fighter Bomber class despite the silly name, just for completion. I've also added the Dunlin given it is called Retrofit Explorer but the Infocard also refers to it as Poor Man's Corvo, which is a gunboat, while the Dunlin also has a Shield Upgrade slot. I think all other misfit ships have a clear class name in the info card. I know the Scarab is correctly titled Armored Transport despite having gunboat slots, and the Raba, the Grendel, the Salvager, the Taureau and the Peregrine are called frigate.
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I've personally always found it incredibly jank that ships that are clearly not Liners or Gunboats got shoved into those technical classes (used for things like "game logic") just to make them work with the rules.
Maybe the rules should make room for them directly by listing these two ships as exceptions to the rule instead of making a Cruiser a Gunboat and a Carrier a Liner (Based on the OP this seems to have once been the case).
The downside I can see is that, hypothetically, in the long term listing ships as exceptions under their classes could get a bit silly and unwieldy (imagine if we had another two dozen Corvo/Bustard-type ships and how dumb the rules would get). Maybe that was the reason for the change.
This is indeed a very frequently asked question. The Bustard has capital ship weapons, shield, and cargo space. You pretty much just have to know that it's classed as a transport.