A troubling report has crossed my desk. Yesterday, at roughly 17:00 Sirius time, one of our vessels witnessed your newly dispatched PEGASUS units opening fire it's weapons in the Manhattan security grid. As you are well aware of, this security grid is commonly populated with freighters, traders, and civilian traffic. There was no hostile activity reported at the time. After reviewing the report and the ship's transmissions, the PEGASUS unit, tagged 1st|PEGASUS-Astrosailor, stated that they were conducting a weapon's test.
Is this true? Does the commandment of the 1st Armada deem it safe to dispatch such orders to the rest of the armada in a commonly traveled zone? Despite no mishaps, such actions is a safety issue. What if a weapon's malfunction causes damage to nearby vessels and infrastructure? What if a turret is not correctly calibrated and fires at a civilian instead of it's intended target? I'm sure I do not need to elaborate further on the safety discrepancy this action enabled.
I implore the staff of the 1st Armada to investigate this to determine if a ship was acting in free will or of the ship was given this order and why. I will hold forwarding this to our security department for we do not want to issue a travel advisory against the Liberty Navy that is sworn to protect the citizens, not place them in danger. We look forward to seeing this matter resolved and, on behalf of AWES, I thank you for your service to Liberty and her interests.
Brandon Hendricks
Chief of Logistics All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
Sender name and rank:Genoveve Black, Enlisted Clerk Recipient:Brandon Hendricks, Chief of Logistics All Worlds Enterprises & Securities Subject:Apology and reparations
Hello Mr. Brandon Hendricks!
This matter has been passed on to my desk by my superiors. I want to make sure you know that First Armada takes this matter deeply seriously! The Astrosailor has indeed embarked on its maiden voyage, and it has tested its weapons in the presence of the AWES-Sol.
We understand that civilian pilots are not used to weapons being discharged merely several clicks near them without warning. Even though these were more or less harmless transport pulses and Charon weapons fired at a safe distance, it was a deeply insensitive gesture. Your pilots have the right to feel safe. We would like to sincerely apologize for any harm that our weapons testing engineer's actions or words may have caused. As members of the privileged enlisted group, we recognize that we have unconsciously perpetuated systemic oppression and contributed to the marginalization of a member of the civilian community.
We understand that we must all take responsibility for our actions and work together to create a safe, just, and equitable future for all. Moving forward, we pledge to take active steps to educate our engineers on the impact of their actions, to learn from those who have been affected by our behavior, and to use our platform to promote peace, inclusivity, and understanding.
For triggering their response, making them feel unsafe and violating the personal space of your crew, and causing the immense trauma of witnessing this weapons test without prior warning I am pleased to announce that I have been given the authority to issue reparations to the tune of 9,999,999 credits that have been issued to AWES-Sol that should aid their journey towards emotional recovery.
I thank you once again for bringing this matter to our attention!