I'm pretty sure I told you not to get into too much trouble with the Rheinlanders last time we chatted. So imagine my shock and horror when I discovered that you and Bull made it onto the Rheinwehr's bounty list. You couldn't just not do that? I'm really rooting for you to turn a new page, so please at least try not to get shot and killed for acts of terrorism for a change.
Other than that, what's up? How are you and your merry mutineers holding up in the Omegas?
Pfft. Trouble would be overstating what actually happened, but for the record, I didn't shoot first. That time at least anyway.
The bounties are news to me though, guess that's what I get for letting the rookie leave with her life and her flight lead's pod intact. Probably shouldn't make that mistake again.
Aforementioned mistake aside, things have been quiet enough on our end, only thing of note was the aforementioned rookie deciding to go all the way out into the Omegas just to ask what spots in Liberty a tourist should avoid.
Other than that we've figured out how exactly we want to start the work on our own place, well I say we, mostly Law School and Contender's work there. I, on the other hand have the "pleasure" of making a deal with some of the local Guild miners about supplies, ain't I just the lucky one?
Anyway, 'sides from worrying about us, what've you been up to in Rheinland since I last spoke to you and the momma's boy?
I haven't been around Rheinland lately. Headed back north and west to Coronado a few days after our last chat. There was some flashpoint in the conflict between Crayter and the Auxesians involving an independent station in Inverness - or something along those lines. Anyway, I figured I might be able to earn some credits there and help make sure that the local freeport was respected. It wasn't. But at least the whole situation blew over pretty quickly, so I've just been enjoying some time off instead.
Haven't heard from momma's boy since our last meeting, either. Who knows, might've gotten himself killed in the mean time. Or maybe he got bored of Rheinland and moved on to the Sigmas.
So, what's this project of yours about anyway. A place to call home? Be nice to the Miners, they're good people - for the most part.
Sender: "Ridgenose" Recipient: Olivia Morreti Sable Subject: The Project.
I swear it's always Coronado or Inverness when something goes down in the Independent Worlds.
But yeah, exactly that, we're using modular cargo pods as a foundation once we've got some space carved out at the spot we have in mind.
And with that empty space comes expectations of what to fill it with. Turns out answering the question "what do you want your own space to look like or have in it?" with "a bed" isn't enough of an answer.
So, uh, if you've got any interior decorating tips, let me know. Otherwise I'll have to listen to Law School nagging at me for thinking so "small".
The independent worlds are all equally messy if you ask me. Vespucci, Kepler, Hudson. There's always something going on somewhere out there.
As for any hints and tips from me concerning your new home - well, the only real experience I have with decoration is refitting my ships' cargo holds into cramped living quarters. And turns out "a bed" was all it really takes to manage that.
Where are you building this new place of yours? In space? Planetside? Maybe I'll swing around some time and see if I can come up with any more useful advice.
Fair enough. I guess not all of you are as fond of me as you are, and the term Xenos didn't stem from nothing, after all. Let me know what they say. I might even bring some gifts if they agree. Some proper alcohol, maybe, instead of whatever sketchy piss you can get your hands on out there.
» Sender: Olivia Sable
» Location: Newark Station, New York
» Recipient: Ridgenose
Subject: Not dead yet
Yeah, the bastard and I had a talk. I tried to finish him off after the cops failed to manage, but one of his goons sat down on my six and put a bolt of plasma straight through my Stinger's reactor. So, that ship won't be flying for a while. Cobra got away, of course. Slithered back under whatever rocks he likes to hide beneath. But his luck will run out eventually and I'll be damned if I'm not there when it does.