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The radial scanner begins to ping, each wave from the monitor brings the dot closer to the centre. Eyes look out past the reinforced glass of the Arcturus, seeing Ikarus Station grow in size as the ship approaches. Somewhere in there, Albert thinks, is the rest of equipment he has missed for a few months now. His time has been occupied by the facilities on board the Arcturus, however separation anxiety has slowly grown since his last visit. Another wave passes over the scanner, and a handful of lights turn on next to the communications station. The surrounding asteroids positioned in such a way to give a clean line of sight.
"Let's not disappoint Leon. Remember, we're here for one thing and one thing only. Try to avoid overstaying our welcome."
Two switches are flipped, pointing one of the antennas towards Ikarus. A slight buzz is heard, with a click. A crew member nods, telling Albert that the audio transmission signal is solid.
"This is Albert McKenzie of the Starflier Arcturus, I believe we are expected."
A thump is heard, a small asteroid comes in from the left, obstructing the view of Ikarus Station. Albert's concern about the exterior plating remains non-existent, his attention diverted to Ikarus Station and their reply.
"Sir?" Sailas heard an intern say as he sat bolt upright at his desk, a research paper sticking to his face. He cleared his throat and responded.
"Someone from Starfliers is here to see you? They're requesting permission to dock."
"Ugh, Albert." Sailas said, his mood immediately souring. He sighed and rose to his feet. "Alright, let's get this over with."
He walked down the hallway towards the command and control section of the station. After he entered the small room, he keyed the mic while looking at the monitors.
"Arcturus, you are cleared to dock to mooring point Charlie. You will find your equipment located there in section 2 of the same area. I will meet you there to assist in overseeing the process."
He released the mic and crossed his arms, waiting for a response and overseeing the ships mooring operations before departing.
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"Understood. Proceeding to mooring point Charlie."
The crew scrambles to their positions. Preparations are made for the Corvo-Class to setup alignment and dock with the assigned point. Ikarus was marginally bigger than the Arcturus, however the outside had clear signs of an organised research team. Each mooring point was clearly marked, with equal spacing between. With the ship moving into position, Albert takes a moment to think how he'd address Sailas. Their last conversation was rather abrupt, and Albert would rather not clash heads against a fellow researcher. With the docking clamps engaged, and the hissing of the atmospheric pressurizing complete, a small team assembles behind Albert.
"Let's get our equipment and go home."
The team murmurs in agreement. The switch is flipped and button above it pressed. The circular airlock door spins, then each half separates. The other side of the door stands Sailas.
"Hello, Sailas. Been a few months."
Scanning the room, Sectors 3 and 4 were visible from within the airlock. Albert considers the possibility that Sector 2 may be on the opposite end of the docking bay.
Sailas's eyes narrowed but he remained calm. He had to remember that whilst Albert was a total asshole, he was still a he had the relationship with Leon and the other Starfliers to consider. Best to be prim, proper, and professional. He could do that at least.
Leon probably sent him on purpose just to be an ass.
The inside of the ship behind Albert was a clearly a customized Corvo Research Vessel, it's airlock showcasing the Starfliers symbol as well as their colors. No doubt with a distinct lack of weapons as most Starflier vessels.
"Dr. McKenzie, right this way. I'll show you to your equipment." he said, trying his best not to snarl at the end of his sentence.
Sailas spun on his heel and began walking towards section 2 where the Starfliers equipment was stored.
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"Albert will do, thank you."
Was that too much? Albert quickly thought of something that came up recently to change the subject whilst everyone was on the move.
"I... took note of your station's status. It has been developed upon since my last visit. Reminds me of my former lab."
Albert's pace matched Sailas', however a few steps behind him. The team trying to catch up to them both. Their path took them around the Arcturus, and towards a door appropriately named "Sector 2".
Sailas gritted his teeth but maintained his composure.
This fucking guy.
"Ikarus Station is in a near constant state of construction in preparation for our Ikarus Phase 2 project in which the entire station will be effectively dismantled and rebuilt for the purposes of our research." he stopped near the door labeled Section 2 and stopped to face Albert, making a point to look at him in the eyes. "Research which is classified."
Without another word, he opened the door and allowed the momentum of it's opening to silently thud on the wall.
"Your equipment is inside. If you need assistance moving it, please be sure to let my team know and we will do our best to assist. Bay doors are on the opposite side of the room with access to the hallway behind us for the larger items."
His communicator chirped and he opened it to answer the call. A young woman's voice came through.
"What is it, Dr. Emery. We have guests that I am supervising." Sailas said curtly.
"Uhm...well OSI reps are here to review the Biodome project for Ikarus Phase 2. Would you like me to--"
"Direct them to Mooring station Alpha, I will be there as soon as you arrive to replace me. Mooring platform Charlie, section 2."
"On my way...sir."
He closed the communicator and looked to Albert once more as his crew entered the room.
"As soon as Dr. Emery arrives, she will assist in supervising the removal of your equipment. I have other tasks that need doing."
With that, he leaned against the nearby wall and gestured for him to enter the room where his equipment was stored.
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The tiny communicator was loud. Enough to make out a few words at a close distance, however he wanted to keep his attention to his own equipment rather than prying another researcher on their classified research.
"Let's see how much dust my equipment has gathered."
The room was quite large, empty shelving on all sides, a singular large curved light in the centre of the ceiling, lighting up the room. In a pile most would describe as an organized mess was all the equipment Albert has left behind here. Fully intending on assembling his lab here, Albert's plans were many and all of them were to not see the light of day if he continued to study here. Familiarity with Tau-23 and his constant head-butting with Sailas would eventually drive him mad. In any case, Albert walks up to one of the larger mountains of hardware and places his hand on the tarp. Knowing what it is due to the shape and size, the tarp is pulled off. Albert stands back, taking a deep breath in. What stands before him is a fully functional holographic simulation suite, complete with a full control panel to set variables for such tests.
"I remember performing De Marco's tests using this."
Silence fills the room for the moment. The team still, as no instructions were given yet. Albert raised his hand and motioned the team to start moving the smaller items into the Arcturus. Two switches were flipped on the underside of the suite. It took a few moments for the holographic display to start flickering on, showing the results of De Marco's jump drive tests. The eyes of the Starflier lit up, before his equipment suddenly powers off, dimming the lights in his eyes. Quickly looking around, no power conduit was seen connected to the unit. Albert considers the possibility of the hardware still having enough charge to turn on before shutting down a few seconds later. After acknowledging the fact that suite had never been used since it's relocation, he turns to Sailas with a slight change in his demeanor.
"You will very likely won't see me again after this. Godspeed on your biodome project, I'm sure you will need it. If anything comes up, Dr. Emery will be who I will next address it with."
Sailas narrowed his eyes and sneered unintentionally.
"As I mentioned before, research on Ikarus is classified. I don't appreciate you eavesdropping our our communications despite being near me, even more so mentioning them out loud in an unsecured area. Additionally, you will not be speaking to me or any of my employees moving forward, doctor. From here on, I expect Leon to be communicating with me, not you. Lastly, I expect you to be off of Ikarus within the next couple of hours. Any further time discrepancies will be met with unfavorable situations."
At that moment, a short redhead woman emerged from an adjacent hallway with two security guards in tow. Good, his daughter had picked up on his irritation over the communication.
"This security team will ensure that you do not stray from the areas where your equipment is stationed and your vessel is docked. I would advise you not stray from those areas. Dr. Emery will answer any questions you have moving forward. Finally, I feel it prudent to mention to you that you are no longer allowed on any SLRC base, station, or research offices due to a breach of security protocol 4.3 subsection two paragraph seven wherein 'Any unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information related to ongoing SLRC projects, by any individual employee or otherwise, will result in the guilty party to being banned, stripped of any associated rank or responsibilities, and ejected from the stations confines.' Be glad I don't throw you and your entire crew back into your ship without your precious machines...I only do that as a courtesy to Leon and our friendship.
"Good day, Dr. McKenzie. Safe travels."
He sneered one last time and spun on his heel. As he departed the area, he briefly made a mental note to send a communication to Leon. Albert's boss would hear about his employees flippant mentioning and eavesdropping of one of their more sensitive projects.
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Whilst Sailas was laying it into Albert, the Starflier team finished relocating all the boxes into the Arcturus, the only piece left to go was the simulation suite. The rest doesn't matter as much as this piece of hardware, as it was specifically designed by Albert for his own goals. Becoming reunited with his old work changed something within him, something that came out and struck a chord with Sailas, enough so where one more word could really mean getting pushed into an airlock, or worse, back onto the Arcturus without the one thing he was really after. A vacant stare is all Sailas got from Albert after they had spun and disappeared further down the corridor. Albert's brain switches back to reality.
"Unfavourable situations? Two hours? I believe you, Sailas."
Albert's attention redirects to the red-head woman, now with a sense of urgency.
"Dr. Emery is it? I am short on time here and need my holographic simulation suite relocated onto my ship. Have you any tools to make this happen?"
His own team plus the security detail will not be enough to lift the suite, as Albert's design for this suite was for it to be feature rich, heavy and bolted down permanently. How times have changed. Now standing within an empty room, the only item remaining is the suite itself. Taking up what could only be described as an elongated pool table, the suite has a blue and black coloured paneling tessellated across the top with switches and dials along one side of it. On one end of the unit had a display and keyboard mounted onto an extendable arm, cables circling the arm connecting the display and peripheral to the suite itself. Albert motions Dr. Emery to come closer as he prepares the machine to make it easier to transport.