RECIPIENT: All Raptors - CC : Admiralty
SUBJECT: Performance Reviews
Salutations All Raptors and Admiralty,
Today I am communication to tell you all that your performances in the field has been exemplary for this quarter of the year.
Impressive performances have been done by various operatives, and it is about time that all other operatives that have been introduced into the squad will get the relevant training and also have the chance to be reviewed.
Raptor presence within the Liberty area will be stepped up within the next few hours, and also there will be some light training of new operatives and also some personal training sessions from myself.
It is about time you Raptors stepped up to the mark and finally get the credit you deserve by beating your Commander, who has the best record for either catching or recognising Smugglers within Liberty.
So now it is time to pass on my skill sets to every single one of you, and make you the best of the best. As you all know our unit is not classed as a combat unit, but we will engage hostiles if there is no other choice.
Raptors are renowned for their stealth and prowess at being able to aprehend their targets, and we will be training you to be better and better.
I will be sending you all a personal review of your performances for the next quarter of the year, so as to give you an insight on how you can improve or make it easier for you to operate. These performance reviews will be conducted by myself, and any issues that any operative has, will be kept confidential and will be addressed.
Furthermore I would like to congratulate Libby Harrison, my good friend, for making it it Commodore within the Armada, and theoretically being second in command, dare I say it.
Well done Ma'am, and keep up the good work, your father will be so proud of you, god rest his soul.
SO ..... Raptors prepare for the future and keep Liberty free from smugglers.
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: new York
RECIPIENT: The First Armada
SUBJECT: Old enemy returns
After a lengthy period of peace following the defeat of the insurgency, it seems that our old enemy, the Outcasts, have returned. We have intercepted massive shipments of Cardamine over the past two weeks heading for Pennsylvania. This might be related to the foreign Zoner warmongers; it may not, but one thing is clear.
The Outcasts are back in Liberty. Today, a massive fleet engaged us. We managed to take down one of their ships through a masterful manoeuvre, bypassing their entire fleet. However, in the end, we had to retreat as we were at a slight numerical disadvantage, as you can see.
Officers, our resolve is being tested once again. The Outcasts have returned, but we won't back down. We've faced tough odds before and emerged victorious. Now is the time to dig deep, tap into your training, and rely on each other. Remember your purpose, remember your training, and remember your fellow comrades by your side. Our spirit, our grit, and our determination are unmatched. We stand together, shoulder to shoulder, ready to defend our home. Let's show the Outcasts what we're made of – bravery, loyalty, and an unyielding will. Stay strong, stay focused, and let's face this re-emerged challenge head-on.
Blake Wayne Van Leer - Admiral of the Armada - 1st Armada
SENDER: Commodore - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer
SUBJECT: incresed patrol structures
Salutations Admiral,
It has been a long time since I did a communication regarding patrol protocols for the Armada. I know that we have introduced some new squads and new personnel over the last few months.
Now that it seems the smuggling traders are not visiting Manhatten any more and obviously found another location in which to sell their wares, we are in a situation where they will be dodging our patrols.
Since the new squad of Gunboats we have introduced, and implemented accordingly, we will need these valuable assets to bolster the Raptor patrols within Liberty.
I will be contacting Vanguard within the next few days to go over some changes that could be implemented within the Raptor squad, and also some tweaks to their protocols. As I have also noticed the Raptors have been our most succesful squad so far and I must comment Vanguard for the work put into this so far.
I will also be sending you some more information on possible vessels that could help in the fight against the smugglers and also the situation with hostiles. Now to the hostile situation, which is quite concerning for me. I believe that some Rogues have attacked our fighter vessels in Scylla Destroyers, which is to me a very worrying situation.
I will be in touch as soon as possible Sir, and will arrange a meeting with ourselves and Vanguard, so we can adjust the situations accordingly.
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: The First Armada
SUBJECT: Prototype run
The Office of Naval Intelligence testing of our newly developed prototypes that are attempting to harness the unique branch of Liberty's engineering of over 19 years is here. I have taken 1st|ONI-Ptah for a spin, it's a bomber that feels slower, but at the same time more intimidating than the Upholder. While on a test run, I ran across two freelancers in two illegal vessels at the same time - NHI-T>El.Correu in a L'Ane and Voltera in a Pitbull Pirate Train.
They both paid a fine and were informed they could not return - the first run is successful, perhaps the intimidation factor is here, but I am unconvinced the Ptah will bring an advantage over the Upholder unless in specialised missions.
[05.11.2023 14:23:24] 1st|ONI-Ptah: please hold
[05.11.2023 14:23:24] NHI-T>El.Correu: Uh, hey navy
[05.11.2023 14:23:31] NHI-T>El.Correu: Yes, sure, tell me my friend
[05.11.2023 14:23:33] NHI-T>El.Correu: What happened?
[05.11.2023 14:23:49] NHI-T>El.Correu: We are a crew of 10 just delivering some supplies across Sirius
[05.11.2023 14:23:58] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Right, right
[05.11.2023 14:24:03] 1st|ONI-Ptah: tell me about your vessel
[05.11.2023 14:24:11] NHI-T>El.Correu: Its a vessel with pink engines
[05.11.2023 14:24:17] 1st|ONI-Ptah: voltera hol
[05.11.2023 14:24:28] 1st|ONI-Ptah: cut your engines
[05.11.2023 14:24:30] NHI-T>El.Correu: Whats wrong with you navy?
[05.11.2023 14:24:34] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Seems like both of you arent aware of our laws
[05.11.2023 14:24:35] Voltera: You don't have to yell.
[05.11.2023 14:24:42] NHI-T>El.Correu: We are
[05.11.2023 14:24:49] NHI-T>El.Correu: My crew and I i mean
[05.11.2023 14:24:55] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Are you aware that black market technology is outlawed in liberty?
[05.11.2023 14:25:00] 1st|ONI-Ptah: And so is the Pirate kind?
[05.11.2023 14:25:00] NHI-T>El.Correu: Yes
[05.11.2023 14:25:06] Voltera: Ermm, really?
[05.11.2023 14:25:16] Voltera: I just want to deliver this Gold to Pueblo.
[05.11.2023 14:25:19] Changing screen mode=full
[05.11.2023 14:25:20] Voltera: That's all.
[05.11.2023 14:25:32] Death: +Cryer+Morphine suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[05.11.2023 14:25:35] NHI-T>El.Correu: I am with hull segments to build houses for the poors
[05.11.2023 14:25:39] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Well, both are flying illegal vessels
[05.11.2023 14:25:40] Voltera: I'd love an escort there to make sure cargo gets delivered safely.
[05.11.2023 14:25:43] NHI-T>El.Correu: You imperialistic
[05.11.2023 14:25:43] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Care to explain that?
[05.11.2023 14:25:49] NHI-T>El.Correu: I don't know the other guy
[05.11.2023 14:26:05] Voltera: A trader must find any means to make a living.
[05.11.2023 14:26:05] NHI-T>El.Correu: For me he can go and drink rum until getting lay down
[05.11.2023 14:26:18] NHI-T>El.Correu: Yeah man right, we have to get mony man
[05.11.2023 14:26:24] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Well Correu, the fine stands at 20,000 credits for using a L'ane
[05.11.2023 14:26:24] NHI-T>El.Correu: I have a family of 15 kids to feed
[05.11.2023 14:26:39] 1st|ONI-Ptah: or your kids will go hungry
[05.11.2023 14:27:07] NHI-T>El.Correu: -searching for the wallet-
[05.11.2023 14:27:15] NHI-T>El.Correu: one second mr not friendly agent
[05.11.2023 14:27:22] NHI-T>El.Correu: -runs across the ship searching for the wallet-
[05.11.2023 14:27:24] Voltera: May I proceed?
[05.11.2023 14:27:26] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Voltera, you have pirate technology unfortunately and high value cargo, the fine stands at 35,000
[05.11.2023 14:27:43] NHI-T>El.Correu: -sits again at fine payment desk (//toilet)
[05.11.2023 14:27:46] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Both of you must be departing Liberty right after
[05.11.2023 14:27:49] Voltera: But I am delivering this cargo to one of a liberty's corporation base. [05.11.2023 14:27:51] [2023-11-05] 14:27:50 You have received 20.000 credits from NHI-T>El.Correu
[05.11.2023 14:27:56] NHI-T>El.Correu: There you go mr not friendly alaskan agent
[05.11.2023 14:28:08] NHI-T>El.Correu: No I am getting away before you start saying libertonian things again
[05.11.2023 14:28:11] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Correau, I will file a report, you are not allowed to enter Liberty inthis
[05.11.2023 14:28:13] NHI-T>El.Correu: Have an horrible day
[05.11.2023 14:28:16] NHI-T>El.Correu: -smiles-
[05.11.2023 14:28:18] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Once you leave, do not return on the same vessel
[05.11.2023 14:28:26] NHI-T>El.Correu: Yes yes what ever
[05.11.2023 14:28:28] 1st|ONI-Ptah: Voltera, the Law is the Law
[05.11.2023 14:28:28] NHI-T>El.Correu: Go eat sand
[05.11.2023 14:28:30] NHI-T>El.Correu: -shows the finger- [05.11.2023 14:28:31] [2023-11-05] 14:28:31 You have received 35.000 credits from Voltera
Blake Wayne Van Leer - Admiral of the Armada - 1st Armada
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: The First Armada
SUBJECT: Sobhekotep first stress test
My test of the prototype 1st|ONI-Sobhekotep, a fighter so heavy that it can sustain a super heavy fighter shield went much worse.
When faced with a Rogue, Sammael Hydios, I wanted to test the vessel right away. Unfortunately, it felt very heavy, the Firestalker missiles couldn't track my agile enemy.
I wondered - what went wrong? Did the ONI engineers take the worst aspects of the technology we discovered near Toledo and fail to create a competitive new prototype? Were the armaments incorrect for the type of vessel? Or, god forbid - is this simply a skill and compatibility issue, and I need to go back to the drawing board and simply re-learn what I have forgotten in the simulator? Whatever the case, the Sobhekotep needs to be tested much more.
[04.11.2023 23:31:51] 1st|ONI-Sobhekotep: Anywho, you will do rogue, we have a mission, and weapons are ready, I hope this thing won't fall apart
[04.11.2023 23:32:01] 1st|ONI-Sobhekotep: Let's do some testing of the weapons systems!
[04.11.2023 23:32:03] Sammael.Hydios: Uhh
[04.11.2023 23:32:04] Sammael.Hydios: Okay.
[04.11.2023 23:32:12] Sammael.Hydios: Seems like an excuse to kill Libertonians.
[04.11.2023 23:32:18] 'Valkyrie': You both do you, I suppose
[04.11.2023 23:32:24] Sammael.Hydios: Sure. [04.11.2023 23:38:03] 1st|ONI-Sobhekotep lost a fight with Sammael.Hydios (100%)
Blake Wayne Van Leer - Admiral of the Armada - 1st Armada
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: The First Armada
SUBJECT: Ankhesenamun test
This time I took 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun for a spit - a very Executioner-like frame, this vessel is agile and nimble yet intimidating - it might be a feasible Executioner alternative afterwards!
I have caught and fined a freelancer in a Bullmastiff and advised another vessel to leave one ID behind.
[05.11.2023 16:11:34] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: hold please
[05.11.2023 16:11:39] Raton.Gris: Greetings!
[05.11.2023 16:11:51] Raton.Gris: Anything wrong?
[05.11.2023 16:12:03] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Well Raton
[05.11.2023 16:12:16] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Are you aware of the Laws of Liberty
[05.11.2023 16:12:27] Raton.Gris: Hmm, not realy
[05.11.2023 16:12:37] Raton.Gris: what do you mean exactly?
[05.11.2023 16:12:47] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Ah I see
[05.11.2023 16:12:54] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: You see we have factions dedicated as "hostile
[05.11.2023 16:13:02] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: And pirates are one of them
[05.11.2023 16:13:08] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: and you happen to be flying Pirate technology
[05.11.2023 16:13:20] Raton.Gris: emm, mate, i'm not a pirate
[05.11.2023 16:13:20] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Were you not aware?
[05.11.2023 16:13:42] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Where did you get this vessel
[05.11.2023 16:14:05] Raton.Gris: It was long long time ago, mate
[05.11.2023 16:14:16] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: I see, well, since you weren't aware of the laws
[05.11.2023 16:14:29] Raton.Gris: don't raely remember even, but it wan some freelanser's base mey be
[05.11.2023 16:14:42] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: I will simply issue a fine of 20,000 and ask you to not use it in Liberty next time as it is illegal here
[05.11.2023 16:14:45] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Is that fair enough?
[05.11.2023 16:15:28] Raton.Gris: Do you want some cash to your own pocket mate?
[05.11.2023 16:15:35] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Negative
[05.11.2023 16:15:49] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan: woah! People!
[05.11.2023 16:15:56] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: This goes towards our budget, it's a fine designed to make you remember your infraction
[05.11.2023 16:16:03] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan:been a while since I saw any out here in all honesty...
[05.11.2023 16:16:12] Raton.Gris: aaahh, now i see.
[05.11.2023 16:16:14] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: That's not good Freelancer!
[05.11.2023 16:16:17] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: We need to patrol more then
[05.11.2023 16:16:18] Raton.Gris: well, why not/
[05.11.2023 16:16:21] Raton.Gris: fine
[05.11.2023 16:16:37] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan: what's the situation out here, officer?
[05.11.2023 16:16:41] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Sure raton, please pay the fine, and get a better ship next time, or avid Liberty
[05.11.2023 16:17:04] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: These Pirate bustled together things are a danger to you too
[05.11.2023 16:17:04] Raton.Gris: Hi there Freelancer mate!
[05.11.2023 16:17:19] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan: hi... hmmmm
[05.11.2023 16:17:31] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan: why would you need a cargo scanner on a transport?!
[05.11.2023 16:17:46] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Thank you, you may proceed!
[05.11.2023 16:17:54] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan: what a waste of money in all honesty *COUGH COUGH*
[05.11.2023 16:17:59] Raton.Gris: So mate, something alse?
[05.11.2023 16:18:05] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: that is all, proeed
[05.11.2023 16:18:07] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Proceed rather
[05.11.2023 16:18:12] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Fedball please hold
[05.11.2023 16:18:23] Raton.Gris: good luck pilots
[05.11.2023 16:18:26] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: It seems like you have two identifiers sir
[05.11.2023 16:18:48] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Fedball please dock and sell one ID (Identification)
[05.11.2023 16:18:58] Fedball: Understood
[05.11.2023 16:19:01] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: You are only permitted to have one
[05.11.2023 16:19:04] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan: welp, deal with e'm on your own. I got some guns waiting for me since my old ones are out of fashion
[05.11.2023 16:19:06] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Thank you very much, please proceed
[05.11.2023 16:19:14] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Pearl, all is good, please proceed
[05.11.2023 16:19:19] 1st|ONI-Ankhesenamun: Thank you for your compliance
[05.11.2023 16:19:21] Dazzling_Pearl: Evan: good luck sir
Blake Wayne Van Leer - Admiral of the Armada - 1st Armada
SENDER: Blake Wayne Van Leer
SOURCE: New York
RECIPIENT: The First Armada
SUBJECT: Skirmishes
Once again we are taking the lead in protecting Liberty Ontario
The Xenos have shown their head in the open in Ontario, assaulting a local base, the battle with them took a long time but their numerical advantage tipped the balance of the battle into the corned in the end. California
A small fleet of rogues assaulted one of our vessels, they trembled in fear as they used their numerical advantage to challenge us - no honour amongst the hoodlums of course. Kansas
The Insurgency has returned, side by side with Auxesia and the Reavers. An excellent response came from Liberty, however, as we amassed a large fleet, and took down over 11 hostiles alongside mercenaries. The Insurgency remnants and Auxesians will not give up easily something tells me, however, Kansas operations will continue. Once again the First Armada is the leader of Liberty, the ones protecting our house and leading our Republic's forces into battle. I hope our dominance will continue!
Blake Wayne Van Leer - Admiral of the Armada - 1st Armada
SENDER: Commodore - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer CC : All Armada Divisions and Command Ranks
SUBJECT: New Protocols and Important Issues
Salutations Admiral and all Command staff,
As you are all aware, my father was James Horatio Creed, and was a highly respected Fleet Admiral within the Liberty Navy.
Certain situations that have come to light over the last few days would make him turn in his grave to see Liberty forces so divided, and against defending civilians.
As you are also aware, we had a request from a civilian installation within the Kepler system, who requested aid from all Liberty forces to repel a base attack from Liberties enemies.
These main culprits are the Technocracy, who have literally no regard for reasoning, or diplomatic outcomes when it comes down to it. It also seems there are more enemies of Liberty assisting these enemies, and engaging our forces within Kansas. Their tactics are to say the least, beastly, and beyond anything we have encountered before.
Quantum outpost had also sent requests to Primary fleets of Liberty, to at least send SOME assets to help in the defense of their installation, but this has just been brushed away and ignored.
As Liberty Navy we are showing the other fleets, how we should ensure the safety of Libertonians and also civilians who rely on us for protection. I am appauled by the responses from the Primary fleets, and am asking for all assets to adjust their protocol as follows.
After discussions with Admiral Van-Leer I have already instructed Vanguard from our Raptor squad and also Viper Commander, of our intention to send a sizeable force to Kansas, and let their assets ensure the safety of the house systems while we conduct this operation.
ALL Warden Gunboats will be moved to Kansas and have been heavily armed to adjust to the situation in Kansas.
All Heavy assets will be transferred there aswell, but there will be a sizeable amount of those assets on standby within house space as backup.
Communications are being drawn up now to request more secondary assets to join us in Kansas to repel these enemies, and also we will be extending this operation within Pennsylvania, due to the added presence and sizeable Zoner assets who have been assisting the Technocracy.
Operation HAMMERFALL is now at green status and will be kept that way for the foreseeable future until we can assure the citizens of Liberty, that we can secure areas like Kansas, Texas, and Pennsylvania, where it seems every one of these hostile groups are making inroads, and it seems some of the Primary fleets are turning a blind eye.
It is now up to the 1st Armada, to secure our borders, and show these hostiles that they will not bully us or make any attempts to take a hold on areas that can be covered by our forces.
I am asking for all available operatives to show what they are capable of and force back these hostiles and prove their worth in battle and make Liberty safe as we push through this operation.
I will be liasing closely with Admiral Van-Leer, and will be informing him of anyone who performs beyond the call of duty, and multiple awards and promotions will be handed out, guaranteed, to commitment and extended operating hours for all of our operatives.
That is all for now, so get your'e squads and fleets ready for the operation and make sure all rosters are updated and sent to me as soon as possible.
SENDER: Commodore - Libby Harrison
RECIPIENT: Admiral-Van -Leer CC : All Armada Divisions and Command Ranks
SUBJECT: New Protocols and Important Issues
Salutations Admiral and all Command staff,
Operation Hammerfall latest update...
The Armada has shown great strength over the last few days and stage 1 of opertion hammerfall is completed, and I do have to say that every 1st Armada asset has shown exemplary contributions to all of our sorties.
The defense of Quantum Outpost so far has been a hard slog, and we have managed to repel the hostiles and also we have made our first hammer blow to their operations, which will be updated later.
Stage 2 of operation hammerfall is now under way, and everyone has had an encrypted message sent of the next task in our mission to keep Liberty safe.
Updates will be broadcasted by Admiral Van-Leer as usual, and we should all be proud of the way the operation is going so far.
Once everyone has their orders, we will convein at 900 hrs within the main briefing room to discuss our next steps of the operation.