I want to gauge a few opinions of yours, specifically regarding Thuringia, The 'new' Burodirector Viper -- who she is, what she's done, and what it could mean for Rheinland.
Name: "Civil Servant" IFF/ID: The Platform Encryption access:[TRACE ERROR] Location:[ERROR] Subject: Information Request
"It's never a 'Hello, how are you?' Just a 'Leave or I'll kill you.' or the occasional 'I need something from you.' before disappearing and leaving me in the dusk for dead. You're reminding me of him a lot.
"Do I look like a walking databank to you? Dispense the privacy of others on demand, I'm sorry but I've got some bigger issues to deal with unless you're bringing something to the table. I sense there is some means to this but-- come on... I expected better from you. No small talk, not even a sob story or a sense of urgency that might threaten my life or beliefs...
"Unless you forgot how diplomacy works, let alone the game of information. Get back to me when you can assess a reasonable means of offering help in our direction. Otherwise you can take your questions to the Neural Net search engine, they'll probably be easier but you get what you pay for."
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
Now, now, I have approached with intrigue in the past.
I'm just a little wrapped up in a situation that could leave me and many others dead. I'd love to share a drink with you sometime but matters are forcing me to go around the place. I don't particularly appreciate mocking a dead man, let alone someone who was by my side.
Oh, you want to play this game? Very well. What a shame. Not even going to intrigue yourself on what this could be about? There may be a greater reason as to why I'm calling.
Does it not interest you why I'm investigating her?
Name: "Civil Servant" IFF/ID: The Platform Encryption access:[TRACE ERROR] Location:[ERROR] Subject: Information Request
"Don't throw such a thing at me expecting me to play, because I think you'd have some level of respect to come down and discuss why you want something so potentially sensitive instead of just leaving it like dead air.
"If I asked you the for something similar, I don't think I'd get the answer you wanted to begin with. I don't want to play this game at all... It's stupid, wastes time and we can certainly do better for each other. You've left me with more answers than questions for the past few years and I think I've realized that I've probably not had the best personal experience with the 'Technocracy' but for some inane reason I've given you the benefit of the doubt.
"Tell me what this is about and be thorough. Its the least you can do... I think I'm numb to the idea this could potentially leave me for dead again."
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
You had a bad experience with Hunt, and his lineage of the Initiative with the merger. The Battlegroup and the Initiatve were flawed, and had to be streamlined out. I am not him. I don't play the games he did with his daggers. And I am living on rented time as of now.
No, my inquiry was to implicate an invitation to discussion, up close. I'd rather not leave these things on the comms. Had you asked me of anything, I would have simply replied with simplicity rather than playing skip and hoops.
I want to know if Viper is going to be dangerous to work with, if they'll harm Rheinland and her citizens. And it most certainly affects /you/. I owe you nothing, but you will owe yourself your own safety for not providing me forewarnings. It is not within my plan to work against you. That is why I'm asking you.
But, of course, if I had malicious intentions, I would not even be asking in the first place and I would have insinuated about placing a chain on you via blackmail. No. I'm not looking to do anything against you. I am not looking for blackmail on her, I just want to know if there is a conflict of interest.
I have been very busy, "CS" -- A lot has been happening throughout the past few years. It hasn't been long since I returned to Sirius. The entire sector is on a ticking time bomb with the reveal of some active machinations of the DK. The Houses are gunning for dominance with their new findings.
Name: "Civil Servant" IFF/ID: The Platform Encryption access:[TRACE ERROR] Location:[ERROR] Subject: Information Request
"Finally, Sweet Sirius we're working with a little context. If you would have at least elaborated a little I would have valued your request sooner...
"If you even felt like I was worth warning then I at least appreciate even the vague sentiment of it, I know I owe nothing to you but you should at least bring the courtesy of telling me exactly what you need and why you need that from me. I'm sure the encryption that we maintain can at least subvert these details... But you are correct in saying this is a matter we speak in person from here on out.
"Maybe for once my home might not be more appropriate for such a conversation, no comms or interruptions in space. Things are usually quiet around here... But not usually around these matters.
"Knock on my Tomb, I'm sure we can find somewhere silent."
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
Name: "Civil Servant" IFF/ID: The Platform Encryption access:[TRACE ERROR] Location:[ERROR] Subject: Lost and Found
"Revenant, I apologise if my contact recently has been riddled with anxiety... It's hard to wake up in a war zone that I've fallen behind on intelligence matters and I've come to terms that I'm not going to get by with where I am alone.
"I may need you assistance in matters regarding finding some lost property, I can't turn to agency assets too quickly or as effectively, Viper hasn't been exactly too welcoming of help from anything labeled as a 'terrorist' under decisions made by the Kaiserreich. I'll need some means to locate a 'Hard-to-be-seen' object within the Omicrons via spacial anomalies that may have been dragged through with her during an emergency jump, in return I'll could try and provide you with any answers to questions you want to ask about our mutual agency contact.
"Thuringia is home to us like Valravn to you, but I again I my fears of this system erupting puts my focus on securing a means to defend the Platform, Bundschuh and civilians who might get caught in this mess... They don't deserve this war, but they certainly deserve the chance to defend themselves."
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
Oh. I see. She did mention you were her hyperspace expert in regards to the Suhl. This is quite a curious incident, I've been reviewing some data on the anomalies within the sector. Indeed, it is not pretty. I have to provide a forewarning, you may need to prepare yourself to lose Thuringia. The possibility is quite likely. I'm not sure for certain how they're attempting to use the relics on Weimar to manipulate the Suhl, but I can foresee it being troublesome.
Quote:[09.12.2023 22:29:31] BDM|Viper: I'm suprised he isn't dead.
[09.12.2023 22:29:37] A/)-Revenant: He was always a slippery one.
[09.12.2023 22:30:08] BDM|Viper: He's my expert on slipspace technology.
[09.12.2023 22:30:15] A/)-Revenant: Heh. The Zealous.
[09.12.2023 22:30:20] BDM|Viper: Yes.
[09.12.2023 22:30:37] BDM|Viper: If anyone has the information to stop Suhl, it's him.
[09.12.2023 22:30:51] BDM|Viper: But he's under a microscope.
[09.12.2023 22:31:16] A/)-Revenant: Mmmmrhh. Tricky circumstances. Tell you what, I'll try to consult my databanks, but I will need another
[09.12.2023 22:31:48] A/)-Revenant: scan of the anomaly and the world. I've since upgraded my sensors data-theory to adjust to hyperspatial
[09.12.2023 22:31:50] A/)-Revenant: disturbances.
[09.12.2023 22:32:27] A/)-Revenant: Well, regardless of whether you permit me or not, I will still sneak in regardless.
[09.12.2023 22:32:29] BDM|Viper: I can send you what we know as of now.
[09.12.2023 22:33:04] BDM|Viper: Once you see the scans you'll see why I fear our method of containing Suhl more than I fear Gotha exploding.
[09.12.2023 22:33:09] A/)-Revenant: Indeed, but it will not be sufficient, the raw data is what I desire from these modified sensors.
[09.12.2023 22:33:14] A/)-Revenant: Naturally.
[09.12.2023 22:33:33] BDM|Viper: Let's take a look.
[09.12.2023 22:36:24] A/)-Revenant: Good lord, my charts are still up to date.
[09.12.2023 22:36:38] BDM|Viper: Only difference is Suhl getting larger by the month.
I noticed she was exceptionally upset when you were involved within the prison breakout. Do not know why she would value those prisoners so highly.
The Omicrons, hmmm... Are you for certain it is out there? I can pull a few strings to search for clues, but I am heavily overextended with matters now. The Sentinels, these anomalies... Kavash technology faltering, dark matter storms getting out of hand, the conquest of Gammu... Hm. I will need something to compensate my re-allocation of resources to help you find this. I'm already quite stretched thin.
Name: "Civil Servant" IFF/ID: The Platform Encryption access:[TRACE ERROR] Location:[ERROR] Subject: Lost and Found
"Viper... I don't like speaking about my former colleagues behind their backs but what irks me is she thinks I'm her specialist on hyperspace theory. I doubt I'll be in for a comfortable future if I'm considered a target for being taken alive by force.
"Concerning the ship, you've seen her, although I did do a good job at keeping what was inside a secret... I hope. I had and still carry a non-integration policy on Dom Ka'vash technology into our arsenals, while the major risks of compromised technology turning against us was very real, it seems I might have to make an effort to further my research into nullifying these risks to keep up with the competition. But I'm not being so callous and hasty compared to Viper.
"Speaking of competition, Viper mentioned a third party in that region that could assist "us" in locating the ship in the Omicrons. (And yes I'm sure it's there) But I've grown concerned with her ethics if my assumption on who that party is turns out to be correct. The agency won't likely make peace with the Order due to their previous transgressions concerning alien technology, the Zoners and Outworld Assembly groups are unlikely with the their continued instability in the region, the recent downfall of power with the Outcasts along with their recent slave-revolt suppression is a PR nightmare to be attached to. Which leaves the Core, probably the easiest solution to source Ka'vash and other alien technologies; Albeit at a cost greater than the product they provide to the unaware. I'd rather work out a deal with you and the technocrats as it seems more favourable compared to many other options.
"But one thing is correct from Direktor V, she's right about me, I am under a microscope. But for some reason she seems content of destabilizing the formation of the Platform before we even begin. Klugmann has been victim to one of her covert visits...
Quote:[12.12.2023 22:18:48] BDM|Viper: I don't like fighting if I can help it.
[12.12.2023 22:20:02] (=)Skarja: I really don't like this.
[12.12.2023 22:20:38] BDM|Viper: So I'm going to give this a shot.
[12.12.2023 22:20:40] (=)GFS-Kunolt: It's fine, if they wanted to kill us, they would be doing it by now.
[12.12.2023 22:21:03] (=)Skarja: Them being quiet is not helping.
[12.12.2023 22:21:16] (=)GFS-Kunolt: Relax.
[12.12.2023 22:21:50] (=)Erich,Klugmann: Unless "that shot" ceases being vague and directly communicates its intentions in direct, clear language, I can't claim that--
[12.12.2023 22:21:54] (=)Erich,Klugmann: --I'm terribly interested.
[12.12.2023 22:22:34] BDM|Viper: It's pretty cut and dry, stop killing people and disrupting the house's day to day operations.
[12.12.2023 22:22:50] BDM|Viper: I can pitch a word in and make our return the same.
[12.12.2023 22:23:09] BDM|Viper: You'd do better to use words instead of killing people if you want to bring about real change.
[12.12.2023 22:23:26] (=)Skarja: What? They want us to not fight?
[12.12.2023 22:23:54] (=)Skarja: So what to do when they fire at us?
[12.12.2023 22:24:24] (=)GFS-Kunolt: They want us to use words instead of weapons. It means that they think we're an actual threat.
[12.12.2023 22:24:28] (=)Erich,Klugmann: Unless I'm terribly mistaken, you're in effect ordering us to disarm?
[12.12.2023 22:25:30] BDM|Viper: I'm in effect asking you to disarm and stop this fighting. Yes.
"It took me a while to question the actions of my predecessor that maintained the status quo... Unfortunately she's lumping the Bundschuh into the same basket of self-interested short term gain pirates and terrorists. I believe she thinks I've been corrupted in some way, lost my focus, but she can't see past the fact the Klugmann has been the best chance of 'Humanity' I'll ever reach for a while. I think they're worth protecting."
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
Mm. She has indeed been using the Core to obtain materials for herself. Very well, I can trace it down with the assistance of some Gammu.
I understand the risks at play here, but... I will require something in return, we still have to deal with the threat of the Sentinels and the Nomads scheming. Perhaps something of technological value for studies, this will be most useful when it comes to developing a new line of fightercraft to resist hostile lifeforms.
Perhaps you could outsource us a Valkyrie? Or perhaps one of the The Order's Anubis - at least the internal scans of the craft? We will need something to help mitigate lost potential progress here.