Name: Mhairi Rathburn Location:GFS New Colossus, Frankfurt Subject: Platform Open Network's Opening
Good morning,
This transmission post is to indicate the opening of the Platform Open Network, which, should you be considered among its numbers, you should now have access to. You may freely post replies and reports here, and are encouraged to do so particularly in regards to gleaned opportunities, operations and combat engagements, and anything else that might be of interest to the movement on an inter-cell scale. The better we can coordinate our efforts despite the encouragement of our diversity, the better for all of us--And hopefully, for Rheinland and beyond.
I'll submit an example message template as an attachment to this message, but you're free to use any readable template you see fit.
[float=right][size=x-large][font=Agency FB][color=#EEEEEE]| Port Closed[/color][/font][/size][/float]
Please watch this space for both a Strategic Briefing from yours truly and Klugmann, as well as a forthcoming speech transcript from the latter. To newcomers to the movement and wider struggle, I believe both together will answer the wider questions of what we're fighting for to the satisfaction of most.
To that end, I look forward to fighting and serving alongside you all.
Mhairi Rathburn
GFS New Colossus, Gloaming Flotilla
Operational log, CS, status report on the aftermath of the Mecklenburg prison break on 10.12.831 18:00.
It has been a few days after the Platform strike teams executed the prison break from Hammersee's orbital complex. A pair 'DM' and Gloaming flotilla heavy support ships took advantage of the Unioner and Corsair raid on the same station... It has been a while since we've dived in the depths of the local conflicts head on against the imperials that the 'DM' were hesitant to restart the bloodshed yet our fireteams were ready to board the station for frontline combat; the same can't be said for the crew of the GFS-Heydenrei beating their hearts for battle as they were willing to join along in our defence from stellar-bound threats. Arriving on the scene showed signs of a hot mess, the Unioners and Corsairs were already exchanging heavy fire with the Military, Police and Agency QRF teams that had responded to their prison break attempt. We took advantage of a window of opportunity for us to sneak in and around the firefight, as the Unioners were already attempting to fly away with their prisoner haul and we're dragging a large majority of the QRF team with them.
Thanks to previous intelligence provided by Guy Sajer of the GFS-Heydenrei on both the penal colony and the orbital installation, we were able to identify a route around Hammersee and Mecklenburg's defence systems to ensure the safest path in and out. Once we'd clamped around the airlock of Mecklenburg, the breaching charges we used (supplied by Lena and her corporate supply network) were perfect for violent entry to several sections of Mecklenburg.
Once onboard there was an amazing amount of bodies and confusion, with the fleeing of the previous Corsair transport we met little resistance upon entry to the complex but heading closer to the prison blocks we met a sudden rise of security. Our boarding party was composed of three fireteams: Gamma, Delta, Psi. With myself attacked to Psi, we took the initial security by surprise as they were trying to imprison any stragglers that had attempted to break free, fireteam gave them a chance to drop their weapons, we were met with responding gunfire immediately. Fireteams responded as similar and treated any further encounters with security personnel, Gamma and Psi were tasked with trying to locate and rally we filtered an amount of unknowingly desperate, unjustly imprisoned and Bundschuh sympathetic into our escape and take measures to secure an escape route.
Unfortunately fireteam Delta's further foray into the isolation cells took heavy fire, key individuals that we deemed VIP were in the middle of being checked for their presence by the security team. Delta initially held a stalemate, I'm told we lost 3 Thuringians in the clearing of the Isolation cells as they didn't hesitate to push due to our limited time. Once they'd cleared the section of VIP's and KIA Platformers for extraction they rendezvoused with us while we were filtering the last of the 'liberated' prisoners through while security teams began to trickle in from other sections of the prison complex. We found ourselves retreating under heavy fire resulting in 26 injured prisoners that... Well they were running, not fighting... And they fired at them like a shooting gallery. We lost 2 more Thuringians who covered the tail of the extraction, along with rescuing injured prisoners in the firefight.
Escape got hairy once we sealed the airlocks and force-demoored from the station, we damaged our port airlock during the escape, but thanks to supporting cover from the (=)GFS-Heydenre, Sajer and his crew managed to keep our ship covered the second we docked to the moment we cleared the station. Imperial QRF teams were just about responding to our presence as we cleared ourselves at full impulse initially. Sajer managed to screen our frigate from incoming fire, I'll owe him drink for discouraging any further disruption attempts on our cruise engines. While the top layer took some plasma scorching from the stations defensive systems, we got out without any further injuries.
Quote:[10.12.2023 18:07:51] (=)"Civil:Servant": Right then, how is your crew looking?
[10.12.2023 18:08:05] [OOC] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: we've been told to go
[10.12.2023 18:08:19] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: They are... adjusting admirably.
[10.12.2023 18:08:34] (=)"Civil:Servant": Good, how ready are they for the engagement ahead?
[10.12.2023 18:09:04] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: *He turns his head to look back at his command crew, simply raising one brow at them*
[10.12.2023 18:09:31] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: *Slowly, over a few seconds, a dull thumping can be heard reverberating through the entire ship*
[10.12.2023 18:09:42] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: They're ready.
[10.12.2023 18:10:10] BDM|Ricin.II: This is Spezialagent Ricin. We have hostiles on scanners at Mecklenberg prison. Need immediate backup.
[10.12.2023 18:10:27] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Good, we might be able to sneak in while thhey're busy.
[10.12.2023 18:10:31] [RM]KKS-Ostkantone: K: Jawuhl, setting on course to intercept
[10.12.2023 18:10:31] (=)"Civil:Servant": *Laughing, his helmet nodding in the viewscreen* I like what they're saying captain, We Thuringians are in agreement!
[10.12.2023 18:10:32] Herr.Loy: I am making my run! Keep them off me mein herren!
[10.12.2023 18:10:34] BDM|Viper.VI: Hostiles are of Corsair origin, proceed as fast as possible.
[10.12.2023 18:10:38] DTR-CNS>Maeve: drunk crew ready to engage
[10.12.2023 18:10:40] Katenbrot: Frigate: All gunners are loaded ready to defend
[10.12.2023 18:10:41] Jan_VonHaarlem: Defensive formation! Keep them away!
[10.12.2023 18:10:42] RNC-Kormoran: Fritz: men on high alert, be ready for combat!
[10.12.2023 18:11:10] RNC-Kormoran: Fritz: engaging!
[10.12.2023 18:11:19] BDM|Blitz: Weapons online proceed
[10.12.2023 18:11:23] Jan_VonHaarlem: Armed. Feurer frei!
[10.12.2023 18:11:34] AA<Angelica.Morterero: Engaging enemy fighters.
[10.12.2023 18:11:37] AA<Kyriakos.Arkoudas: Weapons primed.
[10.12.2023 18:11:42] AA<Angelica.Morterero: Let's cause a ruckus.
[10.12.2023 18:11:43] BDM|Viper.VI: Return fire!
[10.12.2023 18:11:45] BDM|Viper.VI: Return fire!
[10.12.2023 18:11:56] (=)"Civil:Servant": Right, Sajer... Military, Unioners, Corsairs are free to engage at will! Buro agents are return fire only! Understood?!
[10.12.2023 18:12:02] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Roger.
[10.12.2023 18:12:23] Herr.Loy: I've got them!
[10.12.2023 18:12:26] Herr.Loy: Maknig a run for it
[10.12.2023 18:12:52] (=)"Civil:Servant": Thuringians!
[10.12.2023 18:13:46] CNS-Agiya: Escobar: defend the frigates!
[10.12.2023 18:13:54] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: LEt's just make our run as if it were
[10.12.2023 18:13:55] [RM]KKS-Ostkantone: K: Multiple hostiles spotted, Engage them! Don't let these prisoners get away!
[10.12.2023 18:14:08] A.German.Guy: Hostiles in range, moving in to engage.
[10.12.2023 18:14:09] [RM]KKS-Ostkantone: K: Rheinwehr, Engage the enemy! For Rheinland!
[10.12.2023 18:14:13] [RM]KKS-Bismarck: K:All units be in position and focus on target!
[10.12.2023 18:14:15] BDM|U-605: RO: Backup has arrived. Moving in to assist.
[10.12.2023 18:14:17] Felfire: Enemies on radar, preparing to engage.
[10.12.2023 18:14:25] Katenbrot: Frigate down!
[10.12.2023 18:14:27] [RKM]KKS-Lingenfelter: Fur die Kaiser !
[10.12.2023 18:14:28] [RM]KKS-Bismarck: K:Warning! Start heavy bombing!
[10.12.2023 18:14:33] (=)"Civil:Servant": *Gunfire heard in the background* Seal that airlock!
[10.12.2023 18:14:46] BDM|U-605: RO: Prepare all weapons. For Rheinland!
[10.12.2023 18:14:48] Herr.Loy: He la0nded a hit
[10.12.2023 18:16:21] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Ha.
[10.12.2023 18:16:28] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: That went well.
[10.12.2023 18:16:55] (=)"Civil:Servant": *Coughing, almost gasping for air as he speaks* Sajer, take any fire...? Ship took a scotching... I got...
[10.12.2023 18:17:26] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Just some light damage, they seemed more interested in stopping you than dealing with us.
[10.12.2023 18:17:50] (=)"Civil:Servant": Sorry, I'm processing what just-- Happened...
[10.12.2023 18:18:53] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Anything particularly exciting?
[10.12.2023 18:19:20] (=)"Civil:Servant": I got the expected count of souls onboard... Unfortunately we took five losses of our team.
[10.12.2023 18:20:03] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Well, they at least died for a worth cause, for what it's worth.
[10.12.2023 18:20:24] (=)"Civil:Servant": I'm hit... Graze, arm...
[10.12.2023 18:20:34] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Go get some medical attention.
[10.12.2023 18:20:46] (=)"Civil:Servant": Nothing new, nothing I can't fix.
[10.12.2023 18:21:57] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: How many did we get out?
[10.12.2023 18:23:44] (=)"Civil:Servant": *He takes a rag from his waist pouch, covering it over the bleeding deep-graze over his arm* Alright! Orderly line!
[10.12.2023 18:24:23] (=)"Civil:Servant": *The tightly packed liberated convicts all turn towards CS as he's yelling at the airlock*
[10.12.2023 18:25:56] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: *As this is happening, Sajer turns to his command crew, a wide grin on his normally stoic face.*
[10.12.2023 18:25:59] (=)"Civil:Servant": Food, water, shelter and rest will be provided by Platform representatives. Any 'Thuringians' remain behind.
[10.12.2023 18:26:55] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Good work today, we got in and out with a quick precision strike.
[10.12.2023 18:27:07] (=)"Civil:Servant": *There's a lot of yelling, people moving in the background as he speaks*
[10.12.2023 18:27:38] (=)"Civil:Servant": We did, I won't deny us this.
[10.12.2023 18:28:32] (=)"Civil:Servant": *Once again, shouting towards the crowd* Anyone capable within specalist fields, medical, engineering, mechanical...
[10.12.2023 18:28:56] (=)"Civil:Servant": Consult a Platform specialist.
[10.12.2023 18:29:16] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: *He turns to look to a young blonde woman standing just behin him to one side.* Frau Fischer, break out the schnapps, a round-
[10.12.2023 18:29:21] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: -for the entire crew today.
[10.12.2023 18:30:12] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: *A cheer can be heard echoing through the ship a few moments later, followed by that same deep banging sound.*
[10.12.2023 18:30:47] (=)"Civil:Servant": Captain, your crew. Pride in freedom sharing I see...?
[10.12.2023 18:31:55] (=)GFS-Heydenrei: Pride in a job done well.
[10.12.2023 18:32:55] (=)"Civil:Servant": /--Get the medics in here, we got 26 wounded liberated... 5 dead, All Thuringians.../ *He's heard yelling elsewhere*
Platformers are assisting in recovery and humanitarian efforts on Bielefled, this is to support and flow the distribution of those rescued from Mecklenburg to other areas of space or to support their recovery. Several have found shelter under the platform, but also to build a manifest of those appropriate that are willing to aid our cause. But I must request any platform personnel able to aid in the effort of a temporary increase of human essential resources being delivered to Bielefeld Base this includes but is not limited to: Food, Water, Medical, clothing and other consumables.
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
Posts: 3,112
Threads: 271
Joined: Dec 2009
Staff roles: Server Administrator
| Platform Open Network
Name: Frank Harkainen Location:Battleship Klaxon Subject: Whaling prep
Pre-flight reports; February 24th, 834 AS. 0401 hours.
My personal Sabre has been fully retrofitted to use recovered Rheinland Military weapons and some live-fire tests have confirmed that everything is in working order. Commander Howe will be delivering a sermon in the chapel for all those who are interested in attending, though those already parked at Wichter will likely not make it in time. He's busy selecting a fitting reading right now, hence why I'm doing the pre-flight reports rather than him.
The Klaxon has been fitted with the new siege weaponry, though we have yet to have a chance to test it. Here's hoping that all the thermocouples work and the energy fields don't breach containment. Auxiliary thrusters are at 67% capacity; QM Schlesinger says it'll be good enough for whatever rag-tag defense these "neutral" morons manage to throw together. Starboard reactor containment is a weak point for us right now, with armor struts severely corroded due to our recent deployment in the Walker and exacerbated by the hyperspace jump back to Frankfurt, so we're essentially hoping and praying that OPFOR just happens not to target that section until we hear back from Wichter about some emergency refits.
I expect to see everyone who's in fighting shape at the operation in a few hours. We'll need every available hand to make sure this eviction goes smoothly.
Petty Officer Frank Harkainen The Black Flame “Iudicium per ignem”
Name: "Civil Servant" Location: Bruchsal Subject: Intelligence report - The Order
"CS here, got some news so listen in.
"Intelligence and analyst teams on Tennstedt have corroborated with intelligence supplied by Platform cells on recent actions by the organization known as The Order. If anyone hasn't been to our front of Bundschuh concern, they're a household name in xeno-alien related operations and usually carry a enigmatic stigma when dealing with them. Undoubtedly veterans to the Bundschuh will know them as the powerful and unyielding hand that assisted the Botzler's specialist attack force in toppling Chancellor Niemann and his dictatorial takeover of the Federal Republic in 801A.S. They've been an open supplier to the wider Bundschuh in terms of aid and arms, a frequent ally in combat operations during the opposition to the post-war Federal Republic and have kept the early malicious intentions of the Core mercenaries from spilling in.
"As you probably know, the Platform was involved in a recent skirmish in Sigma-15 consisting of Corsairs, Rheinland Law Enforcement, Order, Nomad entities. While the region has a high degree of instability and conflict, the Corsairs and Order seem to have an agreement that apparently triumphs whatever the Bundschuh held for decades. Now they turn their guns on someone they've known as a symbol of trust within the Bundschuh unless we co-operate with them without question at the cost of our own people."
[01.03.2024 21:04:38] (=)Erich:Klugmann: Order vessel, DISENGAGE!
[01.03.2024 21:04:44] (=)Erich:Klugmann: Whose side are you on?!
[01.03.2024 21:04:53] Order|Codename.Satyr: Then focus your fire at Nomads!
[01.03.2024 21:04:55] DTR-CNS>Andromeda: side of the freedom
"We can't take these actions lightly, a word given and then broken in an act of violence in a short time has forced us to re-evaluate the reliability and trust we can obtain from the Order enough that we are advising a general caution on presence of The Order within Rheinland and areas of concern. We are encouraging pilots to file reports to the Open Network If you encounter any suspicious and hostile activities concerning any Order affiliated vessels.
"On an additional note concerning this subject, I've had the enjoyment of conversing with an Order| agent some time ago... While I felt it was nothing more than my personal dislike for the Order, in hindsight it may be of some relevance to those who wish to know about the organization we call our 'allies' towards our political goals. Some of my concerns may be identified as serious ethical conflict and should be considered a serious threat the foundation and future of what we deem right... But I won't decide that for you. You'll also have to excuse my faux ignorance... Usually the best way to get the truth out of someone."
[13.10.2023 00:59:14] Order|Valkyrie: Bundschuh on scanner. Welcome.
[13.10.2023 00:59:32] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't think I need welcoming in my familiar space.
[13.10.2023 00:59:42] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Pilot, how are we?
[13.10.2023 00:59:58] Order|Valkyrie: You can call me Valkyrie, or Val.
[13.10.2023 01:00:06] Order|Valkyrie: and figured you'd enjoy being welcomed to your own home after all.
[13.10.2023 01:00:19] Order|Valkyrie: Haven't been to Rheinland in a while...
[13.10.2023 01:00:22] (=)-"Civil.Servant": We aren't a welcome people within our own home.
[13.10.2023 01:00:44] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Its a... Sticky predicament.
[13.10.2023 01:00:48] Order|Valkyrie: Your rock isn't the most cozy thing indeed, but I've learned better than to complain many years ago.
[13.10.2023 01:01:02] Order|Valkyrie: Hm? Things had turned out worse for you?
[13.10.2023 01:01:09] (=)-"Civil.Servant": We lost Bautzen.
[13.10.2023 01:01:16] (=)-"Civil.Servant": The mood isn't too great.
[13.10.2023 01:01:26] Order|Valkyrie: That will be second Bundschuh station lost in Dresden itself to my own memory...
[13.10.2023 01:02:11] Order|Valkyrie: It seems to be common theme everywhere in Sirius
[13.10.2023 01:02:13] Order|Valkyrie: Downward spiral.
[13.10.2023 01:02:31] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Well, I've been in the shit long enough to know.
[13.10.2023 01:02:42] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I think at this point I don't know any other life.
[13.10.2023 01:03:01] Order|Valkyrie: Is there any other life to look forward to in Rheinland to begin with.
[13.10.2023 01:03:13] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Yes, but not for me.
[13.10.2023 01:03:34] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Not that I mind though!
[13.10.2023 01:03:35] Order|Valkyrie: Then there isn't much of a reason to ponder on possibilities that do not exist.
[13.10.2023 01:03:47] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Oh but I disagree.
[13.10.2023 01:04:04] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I may not be capable of things a civilian life might fruit, doesn't mean I need to fight any less for it.
[13.10.2023 01:04:28] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I know its borderline romantical but... Whatever, I'm being useful I guess.
[13.10.2023 01:04:43] Order|Valkyrie: It feels like you're not fighting for yourself, but more for the others.
[13.10.2023 01:04:53] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Imagine that.
[13.10.2023 01:05:15] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Anyway, Order, this far out? Its been some time since the Bundschuh have had contact.
[13.10.2023 01:05:30] Order|Valkyrie: Not even a slight of... greedyness? Not the corporate money-thing, but... seeking something for yourself.
[13.10.2023 01:05:59] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Careful pilot, we're getting down to personal speculation.
[13.10.2023 01:06:07] Order|Valkyrie: We have to keep tabs on things, so sending out scouts is essential. I could be considered... one.
[13.10.2023 01:06:21] Order|Valkyrie: If only to at least asses the damage.
[13.10.2023 01:06:47] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Hah, not like it really should matter to you though. I figured support stopped a long time ago since the stagnation-
[13.10.2023 01:06:49] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Of the bundschuh.
[13.10.2023 01:07:14] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Last i heard, you were supplying suspiciously 'alternative' small arms to the movement.
[13.10.2023 01:07:17] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Then... Silence.
[13.10.2023 01:07:21] Order|Valkyrie: I am not all that versed in House politics.
[13.10.2023 01:07:39] Order|Valkyrie: Yeah... weapons we have more than enough and then some.
[13.10.2023 01:08:07] Order|Valkyrie: If you live in the Edge, living without a weapon is like having no clothes.
[13.10.2023 01:08:29] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Yes but I think I'm perfectly capable being a product of my time. A weapon comes and goes.
[13.10.2023 01:08:39] Order|Valkyrie: As for the stagnation. Things in Omicrons aren't any better.
[13.10.2023 01:08:53] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I'm not surprised, I keep tabs out on there.
[13.10.2023 01:09:13] Order|Valkyrie: The only thing that's changing is killcount, to which Hispaniards contribute a lot nowadays...
[13.10.2023 01:09:13] (=)-"Civil.Servant": But I've been dark for a little, but I get whispers here and there.
[13.10.2023 01:09:35] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Oh and... Remind me which organization it was that buddied up with the corsairs?
[13.10.2023 01:09:42] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Certainly wasn't the Bundschuh.
[13.10.2023 01:10:05] Order|Valkyrie: Hm?
[13.10.2023 01:10:31] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I've known Order operations for some time, your alliance with the corsairs. Let alone the fact I was warned--
[13.10.2023 01:10:49] (=)-"Civil.Servant": By order operatives not to fire on a Corsair ship in Xi?
[13.10.2023 01:10:55] Order|Valkyrie: The so-callied Alliance with Corsairs fisseled out in 818 A.S.
[13.10.2023 01:11:27] Order|Valkyrie: Were you? By a Black Fleet agent?
[13.10.2023 01:11:48] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Speculation Val.
[13.10.2023 01:12:16] Order|Valkyrie: You can talk straight to me, if there is an issue.
[13.10.2023 01:13:04] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I think I communicate rather well! People tend to say I have a good chat, /and ears./
[13.10.2023 01:13:33] Order|Valkyrie: Well if you have no complaints, fine then.
[13.10.2023 01:13:48] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Good, usually thats a good sign.
[13.10.2023 01:14:00] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Now, scouting details out here... What are you looking for?
[13.10.2023 01:14:33] Order|Valkyrie: Jumpholes, new supply lines, backdoor routes for our operatives.
[13.10.2023 01:14:41] Order|Valkyrie: You heard about The Pulse?
[13.10.2023 01:15:10] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Unfortunately I lost my jump capable ship and last time I went to Kusari I had a lot of eyes not liking my presence.
[13.10.2023 01:15:18] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Must have been the ship.
[13.10.2023 01:15:49] Order|Valkyrie: Kusari... I never really understood their culture.
[13.10.2023 01:15:49] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Kusari... Amazing culture. Suspiciously high conviction rate.
[13.10.2023 01:16:24] Order|Valkyrie: I can't entirely understand Rheinlanders either, but there's no xenophobia to speak of here.
[13.10.2023 01:16:29] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Oh you should, I think the underground have a more progressive outlook on their local cultures.
[13.10.2023 01:17:08] (=)-"Civil.Servant": And Rheinland...?
[13.10.2023 01:17:24] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Its lost itself a little, soon though... I'm sure it shall peice itself back together.
[13.10.2023 01:17:27] Order|Valkyrie: I wasn't born in the Colonies, lets just say that.
[13.10.2023 01:18:00] (=)-"Civil.Servant": And the Colonies never liked me, disassociation is hard to accept if you originally are... But I guess intergration for you is-
[13.10.2023 01:18:22] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Almost alien in feeling. Here's a tip, all the major stellar houses... Suck.
[13.10.2023 01:18:31] Order|Valkyrie: Quite common theme.
[13.10.2023 01:18:36] (=)-"Civil.Servant": We apparently let some king sit his ass on a throne somehow.
[13.10.2023 01:19:05] (=)-"Civil.Servant": People got tired of fighting, so the king just used what energy he saved by sending others to die, just to plop himself on a--
[13.10.2023 01:19:18] Order|Valkyrie: So... Bretonian.
[13.10.2023 01:19:24] (=)-"Civil.Servant": throne during peace negotiations. Intergrated, corrupted and destroyed.
[13.10.2023 01:19:35] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Oh, more alike that you think my friend.
[13.10.2023 01:20:34] Order|Valkyrie: I cant say I really understand how it feels to see your own House carved up, but I can attest the local atmosphere is that of..
[13.10.2023 01:20:37] Order|Valkyrie: big divide, perhaps.
[13.10.2023 01:21:38] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Frankfurt, Dresden, Munich and sigma-15. A sad story of new colonists realizing that the great Kaiser isn't what they're--
[13.10.2023 01:21:41] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Always out to be.
[13.10.2023 01:22:25] Order|Valkyrie: Not so different from Federal Republic then.
[13.10.2023 01:22:40] Order|Valkyrie: Swapped chancellor for a king.
[13.10.2023 01:22:58] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I think you mean the old corporates.
[13.10.2023 01:23:21] (=)-"Civil.Servant": The Federal republic could still prove a shift could take place. Although even then, its weakness was to allow a--
[13.10.2023 01:23:59] (=)-"Civil.Servant": seperate intention to support corporations as a central essence of the state and its people way of life.
[13.10.2023 01:24:09] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I got a tip for you.
[13.10.2023 01:24:15] Order|Valkyrie: Corporations are deffinately most perplexing part of your society to me.
[13.10.2023 01:24:37] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Well what is the Order then?
[13.10.2023 01:25:03] Order|Valkyrie: I do not quite understand your question?
[13.10.2023 01:25:09] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I mean.
[13.10.2023 01:25:11] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Aside from.
[13.10.2023 01:25:14] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Fighting.
[13.10.2023 01:25:28] (=)-"Civil.Servant": What is the Order outside of that? In a way of life?
[13.10.2023 01:25:51] (=)-"Civil.Servant": You can't just be born and serve a purpose of combatative rage?
[13.10.2023 01:25:52] Order|Valkyrie: You may have found a wrong person to ask that. Aside from fighting... blood ties, for me personally.
[13.10.2023 01:26:21] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Sounds like we can put a helmet on you and you might be no different.
[13.10.2023 01:26:43] Order|Valkyrie: When you have nothing left to fight for, what remains of your own family can be a motivation in itself.
[13.10.2023 01:27:01] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Funny, don't really have that myself.
[13.10.2023 01:27:21] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I guess I've just got blind hope that the public that I support have the right idea.
[13.10.2023 01:27:29] Order|Valkyrie: Living in the Edge Worlds is constant fighting. Granted, recruits from the inner worlds may have different outlook.
[13.10.2023 01:28:19] (=)-"Civil.Servant": But... You don't want to purpetuate that right?
[13.10.2023 01:28:38] Order|Valkyrie: Would you preffer to sit down and wait for them to kill you instead?
[13.10.2023 01:28:57] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I'd rather try and talk before dragging them to the grave with me.
[13.10.2023 01:29:14] Order|Valkyrie: Fighting is all you have left out there. They have food, you dont. Alternatively other way around.
[13.10.2023 01:29:29] Order|Valkyrie: Life is a fight itself.
[13.10.2023 01:30:06] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Life is a fight, maybe its a fight to grow crops, to learn that properties of the universe in an attempt to avoid a slow death.
[13.10.2023 01:30:31] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't know...
[13.10.2023 01:30:34] Order|Valkyrie: You're not wrong, but it still boils down to the fight.
[13.10.2023 01:30:46] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Still seems crazy that the Core fight for credits.
[13.10.2023 01:31:02] (=)-"Civil.Servant": In the edge of the sector.
[13.10.2023 01:31:06] Order|Valkyrie: you cant eat credits. But I suppose it can buy food.
[13.10.2023 01:31:36] Order|Valkyrie: Before my stint with The Order, I've been learning how to fix pirate ships that brought everything we couldnt produce ourselves
[13.10.2023 01:32:23] Order|Valkyrie: I wasn't directly in the fight, but without me, they would hardly be able to function
[13.10.2023 01:32:24] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Yes, but how can you value someone dodging tax loopholes and ruthlessly oppressing masses--
[13.10.2023 01:32:59] Order|Valkyrie: If tax was too opressive, we either abolished the tyrant, or left elsewhere.
[13.10.2023 01:33:14] (=)-"Civil.Servant": More than someone who advances in sectors or science or those who bring alive the fruition of life.
[13.10.2023 01:33:36] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Its not about abolishing taxes, I mean, that be great, but it comes down to trusting someone to help when you need it.
[13.10.2023 01:34:16] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Food not looking good this week? Neighbour has supplies, need a ship fixed, your guy will give you a hand in return for--
[13.10.2023 01:34:24] (=)-"Civil.Servant": -- a supply run of fuel.
[13.10.2023 01:34:39] Order|Valkyrie: That would work if we weren't living in a shithole.
[13.10.2023 01:34:45] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Who would have thought.
[13.10.2023 01:35:01] (=)-"Civil.Servant": We're ripping this sector of resources, and squandering them in war.
[13.10.2023 01:35:26] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Sucks but, we gotta try and do it all over again just to try a different way of life that doesn't circulate around corporate--
[13.10.2023 01:35:43] (=)-"Civil.Servant": interests, that use war to increase power and profits. Like a dopamine rush looking at a bank account.
[13.10.2023 01:36:02] Order|Valkyrie: It is simple, more base instincts at play in what I described.
[13.10.2023 01:36:19] Order|Valkyrie: But yes, greed of the corporates is something... almost alien.
[13.10.2023 01:37:15] (=)-"Civil.Servant": So whats the endgame of the Order then?
[13.10.2023 01:37:39] Order|Valkyrie: If you ask my personal endgame, I stay loyal to whats left of my family, that just happens to be in The Order
[13.10.2023 01:37:42] Order|Valkyrie: as for the Order itself...
[13.10.2023 01:37:52] Order|Valkyrie: They want to rid this universe of everything that isn't human.
[13.10.2023 01:38:08] Order|Valkyrie: Considering what those aliens are capable of, this is surprisingly selfless.
[13.10.2023 01:38:15] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't...
[13.10.2023 01:38:22] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't know how I feel about that personally.
[13.10.2023 01:38:35] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Isn't advertising that out a little... Pre-emptive to anyone else we might meet?
[13.10.2023 01:38:41] (=)-"Civil.Servant": As in... Other aliens?
[13.10.2023 01:39:00] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I'm not talking about--
[13.10.2023 01:39:07] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Them, but... Potentially others?
[13.10.2023 01:39:17] Order|Valkyrie: We know of two. Arguably three... or four. Depends on who you ask.
[13.10.2023 01:39:35] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't know.
[13.10.2023 01:39:51] Order|Valkyrie: Nomads, who simply want to rid this universe of humans.
[13.10.2023 01:39:59] Order|Valkyrie: Daam K'Vosh, who unleashed Nomads upon us.
[13.10.2023 01:40:11] Order|Valkyrie: the so-called AI from Kappa, as well as the Outcasts.
[13.10.2023 01:40:25] (=)-"Civil.Servant": You're assuming I know all these names.
[13.10.2023 01:40:43] Order|Valkyrie: Well, I can indulge you more, it isn't exactly classified knowledge.
[13.10.2023 01:40:49] Order|Valkyrie: I dont think I have to tell you what Nomads are, right?
[13.10.2023 01:41:45] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Uh, seen them. Very angry, In the omicrons.
[13.10.2023 01:41:47] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Yes.
[13.10.2023 01:42:14] Order|Valkyrie: You also probably know of those alien artifacts those pansies in New Berlin call "art"
[13.10.2023 01:42:25] Order|Valkyrie: Those artifacts aren't Nomad.
[13.10.2023 01:42:51] Order|Valkyrie: They're junk left by the original settlers - or so we think - of Sirius.
[13.10.2023 01:42:59] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Honestly I thought the glowing the the glass cases was just an light effect.
[13.10.2023 01:43:06] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Original settlers?
[13.10.2023 01:43:33] Order|Valkyrie: Their civilization for some reason dissapeared before we arrived. Whether they killed themselves off or just left, we dont know
[13.10.2023 01:44:05] (=)-"Civil.Servant": What was the name of that Civilization? Seems kinda weird that if they sound like they were all over sirius from you.
[13.10.2023 01:44:14] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Yet... I've never heard any news about them.
[13.10.2023 01:44:16] Order|Valkyrie: Daam K'Vosh, hard to pronounce.
[13.10.2023 01:44:34] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Dom Ker'V-- Ker...
[13.10.2023 01:44:37] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Nice alright.
[13.10.2023 01:44:39] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Okay wait.
[13.10.2023 01:44:50] (=)-"Civil.Servant": THey're the ones that released the nomads on us... Right?
[13.10.2023 01:44:51] Order|Valkyrie: Thats the closest we got to transcribe their name within human'ish sounds.
[13.10.2023 01:45:01] Order|Valkyrie: Correct. They have created the Nomads.
[13.10.2023 01:45:13] (=)-"Civil.Servant": But... They're long gone thought right?
[13.10.2023 01:45:35] Order|Valkyrie: Gone. We've only found bits and pieces. And their creations.
[13.10.2023 01:45:47] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Do you know they released us on purpose?
[13.10.2023 01:45:57] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Them, on us.
[13.10.2023 01:46:14] Order|Valkyrie: There ain't any alive in Sirius sector to tell us the truth.
[13.10.2023 01:46:38] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Then what makes you say they released them on us like... pushed a button to fire a missile or give an order?
[13.10.2023 01:47:04] Order|Valkyrie: They irresponsibly left behind a race of biomechanoid monsters hellbent on destroying everything that isnt them.
[13.10.2023 01:47:16] Order|Valkyrie: That sounds pretty damning to me.
[13.10.2023 01:47:16] (=)-"Civil.Servant": ...
[13.10.2023 01:47:24] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Sounds like a home security system.
[13.10.2023 01:47:48] Order|Valkyrie: As stupid as it sounds, they're more like slaves
[13.10.2023 01:47:53] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I mean, not saying that I think its bad on those Der Ka'vash for not expecting visitors but...
[13.10.2023 01:48:13] Order|Valkyrie: They were made purely to repair and maintain their other creations
[13.10.2023 01:48:25] Order|Valkyrie: They've done bad job, given there's barely of their creators around.
[13.10.2023 01:48:58] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Yeah but.
[13.10.2023 01:49:14] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Imagine some dude just walking around in your dead family's tomb.
[13.10.2023 01:49:27] (=)-"Civil.Servant": And then just picking their bones up and shit for... 'art'?
[13.10.2023 01:49:47] Order|Valkyrie: And yet they've tolerated Cretans digging shiny rocks for close to 800 years.
[13.10.2023 01:50:14] Order|Valkyrie: We don't know what triggered them.
[13.10.2023 01:50:34] Order|Valkyrie: One day, Freeport 7 blows up and they're all over the place propping us up for extermination.
[13.10.2023 01:51:25] Order|Valkyrie: There would be no need for The Order if these aliens came in peace.
[13.10.2023 01:51:30] Order|Valkyrie: Yet here we are.
[13.10.2023 01:51:42] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Shit dude, sounds like we walked in their bedroom during a home invasion and rolled up to our house and got payback.
[13.10.2023 01:51:56] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I mean, its obviously a breakdown of communication.
[13.10.2023 01:52:13] (=)-"Civil.Servant": All i get are screams, angry and the occasional nosebleed trying to fly away from them.
[13.10.2023 01:52:25] Order|Valkyrie: I've had the unluck to 'speak' to some of them.
[13.10.2023 01:52:37] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Really?
[13.10.2023 01:52:52] Order|Valkyrie: Cryptic as hell.
[13.10.2023 01:53:07] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't know about that, try me.
[13.10.2023 01:53:20] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I've seen how the politicians live, thats beyond inane.
[13.10.2023 01:53:30] Order|Valkyrie: One that I remember vividly to this day...
[13.10.2023 01:53:52] Order|Valkyrie: One Nomad showed me memories of my previous boss, making pact with said Nomad.
[13.10.2023 01:54:11] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Old boss?
[13.10.2023 01:54:13] Order|Valkyrie: Lohingren, was his name.
[13.10.2023 01:54:19] Order|Valkyrie: A rogue Outcast Don.
[13.10.2023 01:54:30] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Ah, Maltese?
[13.10.2023 01:54:40] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Weird.
[13.10.2023 01:54:49] Order|Valkyrie: He thought himself he could bring peace to Sirius, and settle down differences between Nomads and Humans alike
[13.10.2023 01:55:06] Order|Valkyrie: He ended up only killing more people in the process. Ironic.
[13.10.2023 01:55:43] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Like, he went out and agreed to let them slaughter people?
[13.10.2023 01:55:49] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Who outright does that, shocking.
[13.10.2023 01:55:59] Order|Valkyrie: More like he sought to establish some kind of... non-aggression pact would be correct word.
[13.10.2023 01:56:30] Order|Valkyrie: Whatever he did, it succeeded. Nomads didnt bother us at the time, strangely enough.
[13.10.2023 01:56:41] (=)-"Civil.Servant": They did?
[13.10.2023 01:56:58] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Odd, didn't expect that to even happen.
[13.10.2023 01:57:08] Order|Valkyrie: Can you imagine my face, seeing a Nomad just... ignoring me?
[13.10.2023 01:57:40] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Honestly.
[13.10.2023 01:57:44] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Sounds nice.
[13.10.2023 01:58:10] Order|Valkyrie: Hmpf... it wasn't so for everyone else though.
[13.10.2023 01:58:26] Order|Valkyrie: Nomads love blowing up civilian transports and the like.
[13.10.2023 01:58:31] (=)-"Civil.Servant": What they just... Wanted the nomads to try and attack them?
[13.10.2023 01:58:34] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Oh well--
[13.10.2023 01:58:39] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Pirates do too but.
[13.10.2023 01:58:46] Order|Valkyrie: Pirates at least want something.
[13.10.2023 01:59:01] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't know... The unioners gassed their own civilians on alster for...
[13.10.2023 01:59:04] (=)-"Civil.Servant": 'Support'.
[13.10.2023 01:59:12] Order|Valkyrie: I do not understand that either.
[13.10.2023 01:59:16] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Yeah like-
[13.10.2023 01:59:45] Order|Valkyrie: I've seen some atrocities happen, but I was too young to understand the true implication of all this bullshit.
[13.10.2023 01:59:48] (=)-"Civil.Servant": After your intepritation, as mundane as I see it. Man, we're some messy neighbours as a species.
[13.10.2023 02:00:42] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Even if the nomads are slaves to a command, thats hell of a lot more innocent than being... slavers.
[13.10.2023 02:00:51] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Well, I think they can be they just don't get it.
[13.10.2023 02:01:17] Order|Valkyrie: Word of advice: you ever get captured by Nomad, have a gun on you.
[13.10.2023 02:01:21] Order|Valkyrie: And a bullet with your own name on it.
[13.10.2023 02:01:22] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Or at least see slavery as a profit... More of a means for utilization of tools in war.
[13.10.2023 02:01:50] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Oh I wouldn't imagine what I'd do~
[13.10.2023 02:01:58] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Makes me uncomfortable.
[13.10.2023 02:02:15] Order|Valkyrie: This is single most screwed up thing I can think of. Easily beats those Unioners.
[13.10.2023 02:02:44] Order|Valkyrie: At least those civilians *died* in the end.
[13.10.2023 02:03:02] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Did the Order ever get live nomad prisoners of war?
[13.10.2023 02:03:22] Order|Valkyrie: Wilde? In a sense - yes. The Nomads themselves? No.
[13.10.2023 02:03:30] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Wilde?
[13.10.2023 02:03:39] Order|Valkyrie: Thats name some of us give to the infected pilots.
[13.10.2023 02:03:46] Order|Valkyrie: Nomad wearing skin of a human.
[13.10.2023 02:03:52] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Eugh--
[13.10.2023 02:03:56] (=)-"Civil.Servant": But why just Pilots?
[13.10.2023 02:04:20] Order|Valkyrie: Convenient tools of war that can blend in.
[13.10.2023 02:04:26] Order|Valkyrie: Spies. Operatives. Terrorists.
[13.10.2023 02:04:46] (=)-"Civil.Servant": How...
[13.10.2023 02:05:05] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I want to say 'conspiracy'.
[13.10.2023 02:05:20] Order|Valkyrie: It sounds like a bad aliens movie, right.
[13.10.2023 02:05:53] Order|Valkyrie: Thing is, the method by which those Nomads interact with their masters technology is not too dissimilar with human physiology.
[13.10.2023 02:06:28] Order|Valkyrie: Which we concluded that Daam K'Vosh must have mastered biology.
[13.10.2023 02:07:06] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Shit, they tell you this out of interrogation?
[13.10.2023 02:07:23] Order|Valkyrie: None survived interrogaiton. Typically they terminate themselves.
[13.10.2023 02:07:32] Order|Valkyrie: We however learned a lot dissecting them.
[13.10.2023 02:08:04] Order|Valkyrie: They were humans. Its just their nervous system is being hijacked by a specialized Nomad sub-species.
[13.10.2023 02:08:43] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Fuck man. We dissected them? Like after we killed them?
[13.10.2023 02:09:09] Order|Valkyrie: Yes. Wild will kill itself before disclosing any tangible information.
[13.10.2023 02:09:25] (=)-"Civil.Servant": How cliche.
[13.10.2023 02:09:25] Order|Valkyrie: I've only heard Kusarians could do such a thing...
[13.10.2023 02:10:05] Order|Valkyrie: As for the Nomad captives themselves... have you ever attempted to arrest a gunboat-sized lifeform?
[13.10.2023 02:10:50] (=)-"Civil.Servant": The moment you say gunboat-sized in reference to an Alien, i'd rather not.
[13.10.2023 02:11:02] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I don't think they'd understand our concept of arrest under laws anyway.
[13.10.2023 02:11:20] Order|Valkyrie: They aren't piloting ships. They are the ships.
[13.10.2023 02:11:39] Order|Valkyrie: You can't force one to eject, and be captured like some common thug in Liberty.
[13.10.2023 02:12:09] (=)-"Civil.Servant": They are the ships? Thank kinda explains why I can see space slightly through their ships.
[13.10.2023 02:12:15] (=)-"Civil.Servant": If it wasn't for the blinding light.
[13.10.2023 02:12:31] Order|Valkyrie: *nods on the camera*
[13.10.2023 02:12:49] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Okay but then... How do they like.
[13.10.2023 02:12:59] (=)-"Civil.Servant": " Get in ya' " ?
[13.10.2023 02:13:22] Order|Valkyrie: Their smallest form is conveniently sized to get though your mouth by force.
[13.10.2023 02:13:29] (=)-"Civil.Servant": EUGH--?!
[13.10.2023 02:13:49] Order|Valkyrie: They will take over your spinal cord, and brain without killing the host.
[13.10.2023 02:13:50] (=)-"Civil.Servant": God, I wouldn't want to be the poor soul pinned under that.
[13.10.2023 02:14:06] Order|Valkyrie: Few had seen it, but trust me we have witnesses.
[13.10.2023 02:14:15] Order|Valkyrie: I wish I was making that shit up.
[13.10.2023 02:14:32] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Truth is in the eye of the beholder, Val.
[13.10.2023 02:14:59] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I imagine what we percieve as a horror... They probably won't know that.
[13.10.2023 02:15:20] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Just a method. Nuts eh?
[13.10.2023 02:15:30] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Can't say we have our fair share of humans that think like that.
[13.10.2023 02:15:35] Order|Valkyrie: They do understand pain.
[13.10.2023 02:15:50] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Everyone should.
[13.10.2023 02:16:01] (=)-"Civil.Servant": It whats helps remind you what happiness is.
[13.10.2023 02:16:27] Order|Valkyrie: Anyway, Order would preffer for humans to endure without a threat from the Nomads.
[13.10.2023 02:17:08] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I feel like I've hard that before. But just... Swap the names around a bit.
[13.10.2023 02:17:23] Order|Valkyrie: Its us or them, allright?
[13.10.2023 02:17:33] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I've heard that many times before.
[13.10.2023 02:17:34] Order|Valkyrie: Xenocide is the word you're looking for.
[13.10.2023 02:18:32] Order|Valkyrie: Anyway. I need to rest. We could continue it the other day.
[13.10.2023 02:18:43] Order|Valkyrie: Talking to someone from the Colonies without guns blazing does feel refreshing, after all.
[13.10.2023 02:18:51] (=)-"Civil.Servant": You ever considered the Order seems to encourage psychotic personalities.
[13.10.2023 02:18:57] (=)-"Civil.Servant": And yes, do...
[13.10.2023 02:18:58] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Uh.
[13.10.2023 02:19:06] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Keep talking to people instead of shooting them.
[13.10.2023 02:19:17] Order|Valkyrie: They typically fire first.
[13.10.2023 02:19:18] (=)-"Civil.Servant": Thats seems good for your health.
[13.10.2023 02:19:21] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I mean.
[13.10.2023 02:19:25] (=)-"Civil.Servant": I hear that a lot too.
[13.10.2023 02:19:49] Order|Valkyrie: Dont think I would be able to hold this kind of conversation wtih Rheinland Imperial Police
[13.10.2023 02:20:37] Order|Valkyrie: Be seeing you.
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
"CS here again, I think all of you better get used to my Intelligence updates if you haven't already.
DM intelligence obtained information of a new organisation within the MND called "Division-7". Insider assets have pointed towards a large amount of detail missing in the background of this organisation and any of our current IFF databases indicates that their transponders are not currently in active service of MND intelligence or being masked by covert devices, at this moment of time we are unable to confirm the identity of these agents but I will continue to advise anyone to report on the activities of any suspected intelligence operative attempting to contact us or their actions within our areas of operation. We've also noted that the organisation has contacted the Platform and wider Bundschuh for the reasons of "getting to know us", recommend you don't say anything until we've clarified any further details... I don't want to find out our loose lips are responsible for them having a listed profile on us and others that we harbour against authoritarian and brutal regimes.
Personally, I also suggest that anyone take any beneficial promises made by intelligence agents with a mountain of salt, they have an objective like you and I but are willing to put trust underwater if they're desperate enough... Or if they're conditioned and influenced to do so even against their will.
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
Félice, It's about time I got in contact with you, ever since our assault on the Imperial convoy, the combined efforts of many others resulted in a dramatic shift in our favour.
I know you've been active on the battlefield front against the imperials within Rheinland but their diplomatic tragedy in Gallia has caused a... Weird simultaneous cry of support and help combined with inflammatory insult to a friendly response. Our... Contact method is limited. We're out of our area of comfort with this situation as our Sirian conflict backgrounds have unfortunately occupied our ability to learn about it. Potentially we might consider having to do a little analysis of Gallia to improve our ability to negotiate with them. Denying their presence now would be a big mistake since our own monarchy is building ties deeper with the royalists cousins in Gallia, it will be a catastrophe if ignored... I'll consult with the militia if you'd volunteer to respond to this Maqui cell, they're are a wild pair it seems but we're waiting on a response now. But if you could fill us in on anything to note about the Maqui in general when it comes to handling them in our eventual encounters, we'd appreciate any disclosure of information.
In the meantime time, the Platform always invites you to explore many locations that surround us, if you're wishing for some time to deploy on long range ventures, exercise your skills in the field of covert recon or potentially delve into subterfuge against the corporate industry of Rheinland... It's a tricky game and some actions won't particularly be of good nature to settle with, but reading your records from the military database, I think you're perfectly suited to understand what might be required in sudden circumstances.
Also, I may have some questions to ask you when we're on patrol together, I wouldn't mind the conversation to understand fellow Platformers.
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
"In agreement with our oath to The Platform and its people, the Damnatio Memoriae submit this report which outlines the events that have unfolded in the system of Thuringia, as to which we deem highly sensitive so disclosure beyond this is not recommended; But we will respect Cell autonomy and hold future decision in good faith. This report is extensive, so please see to the following sections below for points-of-interest. Tennstedt had been evacuated at the time with only the responding combat team positioned ready for deployment and to leave the station temporarily empty until the experiment has ceased. As of now, Tennstetd is back to operational capacity and awaiting repairs on minor systems.
"On 7/4/834A.S. an MND offensive took place against the quarantine zone of the Salzungenebel of known Nomad and Nomad infected hostiles. The offensive also contained a MND fabricated prototype WMD that was fired towards the quarantine zone. What the MND were not prepared for was the responding force that had laid dormant within the quarantine zone that had intelligence on when that offensive was taking place. How this counter-offensive was so effective and well timed is not known as DM intelligence couldn't establish the exact time the operation was to be executed, our responding force could only deploy as soon as SIGINT could confirm mass deployments by both Nomad and MND forces.
During the combat, the MND commanded vessel RNC-Kolleda had been deployed along side a fleet of Rheinland intelligence, military and even police forces. Considering the circumstances and our intelligence on nomad intentions within the system, we had decided to support the Imperial Government forces against the nomad counter-attack fleet. What we observed during the firefight was a mess, MND and military ships were highly disorganized that the Kolleda had already taken massive damage before she could bare to fire the prototype into the Salzungenebel. The weapon itself took the last remaining strength of the Kolleda to fire before its reactor ruptured, leaving it dead in the water and Nomad forces focused at denying escape to its crew.
The Kolleda had managed to retain cover by the remnant Imperial forces that the Nomads had retreated back into the cloud of the Salzungenebel, what we can conclude is that both sides have taken significant losses to their fleets and compositions but the Nomad forces may have taken the biggest blow with the potential destruction of their stronghold within the graveyard of the Salzungenebel.
"The Imperial task force consisting of intelligence and military forces were present within the system to support the conduct of this experimental deployment. With the mainline military becoming involved in matters concerning Thuringia, it is inevitable that the interests of this system will include corporate ones when the technologies and assets of this place will become intertwined with the Military industrial complex. This system has a great deal of knowledge to be unearthed on sub-space, jump-hole and alien precursor research. With the constant war and skirmishes inside Thuringia... They have more than just security against the nomads when it comes to the goals of securing this system.
"The nomads on the otherhand, they've been resident combatants to this system since the purge of Rheinland after the 801A.S. colony wars and have been a target of clean up ever since from Rheinlands internal core worlds. The proximity of Thuringia to those core systems has presented an everlasting scourge to the stability of Rheinland and they've been under strict censorship to ensure that their abilities of malicious infection doesn't spread. But with the sudden collapse of multiple jumpholes throughout Thuringia they've been put on the backfoot, or so we like to presume... Their ability to work the material function of anomalies in space has been one of their advantages and even with the potential destruction of their base of operations in Thuringia, they're likely have a contingency to reinforce their position one way or another and usually not my practical means... We're observing the system for any potential activity around anamouls points of interest."
The Suhl, one of Thuringia's most deadly stellar bodies that spans the several sectors of the system. Pre-marked positions by MND ships have shown a stable route into the center of the anomaly, Bundschuh ships are not advised to trespass. It is highly discouraged from entering the anomaly due to its dense pockets of gravitational sub-space distortions that are borderline impossible to see, they riddle the region with the capability of tearing ships apart and instantly killing the crew. Some instances resulted in ships being caught between subspace anomalies, wrecks litter the path within the heart of the Shul which have found to be dragged deeper as a result of the anomaly's expansion outwards across Thuringia and accelerated by multiple events; one of them being the firing of the prototype.
While multiple attempts of graviton-based containment systems have been implemented by the MND to slow the expansion of the Suhl, none have been able to fully restrict it's growth and the repercussions are showing more and more signs every day. Tennstetd's automated systems found a large concentration of energy either being collected or formed within the Suhl once the Kolleda had fired it's weapon, either directly from the prototype itself or resulting from its energy being made a catalyst in some form. What concerns us the most is that this anomaly has seen higher activity ever since the jumpholes to several linked systems have collapsed in the area, potentially connecting these jump-space related events together to form the expansion of this destructive anomaly. One potential feature this could describe is that the Suhl itself is not a naturally occuring anomaly... At least not on this physical plane.
Planet Gotha, or what's left of it, was once was a sizable but barren planet, but is now only known as the shattered world with it's core remaining in orbit of Thuringia's star, along with it's remnants that now settle as an asteroid field known as the Nordhausen Fragments. It's molten core sat untouched due to its hostile nature as exploration teams have to contend with no atmosphere and a molten surface that gives off considerable amounts of harmful radiation. Thankfully our station is shielded for what we know as it's regular energy output, but with intelligence from the Direktor to the platform herself, we managed to evacuate the station prior to the assault and prepared automated systems to analyse the region. While several areas of the station are in need of repair from the discharge and asteroid debris that rippled from Gotha's core, the Operations post had taken major precautions to preserve its observations. What we found was the same energy that had originated from the Gotha incident of 820A.S, it's unknown if the resulting pulse was known by the MND before they fired their prototype, but we will continue to monitor Gotha in the case of increased risk
Weimar, the MND trophy from the conflict that took place in this system roughly 30 years ago, the only habitable planet within the system and forbidden to access by anyone other than approved personnel. Security and monitoring on the planet is beyond excessive and notable regions around the planet are heavily reinforced by automated MND defences in both ground and air vectors, orbital defences consist of rapidly deployable heavy support ships and quick reaction fighters. The planet was subject to heavy tectonic activity during 820A.S. from the explosion of Gotha, showing similar signs to the detonated planet yet maintaining it's cohesion. We have no intelligence regarding the planet after the firing of the MND's experimental weapon other than energy emissions from that sector elevating considerably in parallel to the pulse given by Gotha.
Several jump holes in the system are reported to have collapsed during the Jump-Gate blackout of 831A.S. and now project dangerous amounts of slip-space energy that results in uncontained radiation damage. Unlike phase-aligned jump holes, once a breach has formed within the jump tunnel, the resulting energy leak can be highly damaging to normal space and it's atomic integrity. With several collapses in the system, the Suhl has somehow been siphoning off this dangerous energy from multiple sources, it's advised to stay clear of these collapsed jumpholes by all means along with extended exposure from the path of energy being transferred from these collapsed jumpholes towards the Suhl.
The DM itself is highly concerned about future operations within this system, our objective to contain this complicated conflict within it's system is becoming less and less likely. We've deemed it appropriate for this disclosure to alert our compatriots in arms of what could potentially be spreading out to Rheinland core worlds and the homes of our Platformers.
We will be observing alien and government activity closely, the intricate nature of goals concerning parties involved are mysterious, dangerous and likely to cause great instability for us if left unattended, as such the DM will be:
- To reinforce the capability, resilience and survivability of the Platform as an community, peoples and a movement in an ever expanding and developing Sirius. Identifying future threats, entities and events for the Platform to make careful and considerate decisions that could have effects on the greater Bundschuh community.
- Invest significant efforts to improve the Platform and Bundschuh electronic and automation infrastructure to offset the imbalance of available militia manpower against numerously equipped opponents, augmenting information cohesion and rapid emergency response of platform civilian services.
We expect this information to be questioned and expanded upon, if you have any questions concerning the details of this report, we will try to answer them to the best of our abilities.
Stay strong, Platformers.
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform
Name: Mhairi Rathburn Location: GFS New Colossus, Sigma-15 Subject: June Briefing
Good morning,
I would like to preface this briefing by stating that Klugmann is likely to be returning home to our territory "soon", as he put it. I've conferred with the work he's seen to abroad, and the Flotilla is making public the opportunities that said diplomatic and cartographic efforts have opened up to us. In essence, the Bundschuh has approved of a wider operational range considering these opportunities and circumstances.
Because of the multiple theatres for the Bundschuh to consider operations within at present time, they'll be divided into several attachments demarcated by region.
With one glaring exception, Rheinland's operations are liable to remain "status quo". Most of our stations and strongpoints are in no more elevated a risk of existential harm; and I'm informed that Bielefeld's gas mining and Saverne's "Naiad Project" proceed about as well as could be hoped, given the circumstances.
This glaring exception is Tennsdedt and the general situation in Thuringia. The remnants of Planet Gotha have begun to display alarming readings -- Though the astrophysicists and Order consultants aboard Tennsdedt do not believe the station is at immediate risk. Our proximity to Gotha and the attention the system will receive from all manner of eyes and ears are worrying in themselves, however, and we will likely have to keep an elevated level of security in the system if we hope to maintain our presence there for much longer. The "mutual accord" with the Buro is unlikely to hang on by the thread it has, should the Empire begin benefitting from their own research here.
In summary:
- Continue operations against Corporate and Regime targets of opportunity.
- At your discretion, attempt to educate the undecided or wavering on the cruelties of the Empire's ideologies and practices.
- Target traffic to, from, and upon Hammersee and its prison-industrial complex where possible.
- Pending Cell referendums, actively keep all parties save the Bundschuh and Order AWAY from the Gotha field in Thuringia.
As you by now know, the Bundschuh have approved of operational extension to all Sigma-cluster systems until otherwise specified. In general almost all permanent stations in the cluster are held by the Gas Miners Guild; as such, consider fuel-efficient conversions of your VP-series engines over those favoring performance should you operate in these systems. Stations that we possess reliable docking access to are very few and far between, solely clustered in Thirteen and Fifteen.
Our objectives in the Sigma systems include the following:
- Harass GMG mining and Miuran prisoner-industrial shipments -- The Guild are experts at flexible, guerrilla defense. Be careful.
- Interdict the Cardamine/Stabiline trade.
- Carefully explore the Crow Nebula for promising sites for fortification or exploitation.
- Potentially, launch raids on Corsair-administrated Freeport Nine's biodomes, to alleviate the relentless sledgehammer pressure the Corsair Empire levies on Rheinland and Omega-5.
Klugmann has sent up-to-date navmap charts to your respective Cell leaders in advance of his return -- Unfortunately, we've had far less luck securing a reliable and "safe" route of entry through Liberty's border systems. Both Bering and Hudson are held by forces decidedly unfriendly to perceived "competition" or intrusion into their turfs, though the Bristol Corporation's neutral and Freeport-esque standing towards most polities likely makes Bering the safer route. Talks regarding collusion or cooperation with those fighting against the Republic of Liberty from its underbelly are thus far inconclusive.
Because of this, safe havens for docking are not much less few and far-between than in the SIgma systems: the only three in our approved operating range we know of are Bristol Bay, Beaumont, and (as a last resort) Bethlehem.
Our objectives in Texas and Pennsylvania include the following:
- Begin operations against Libertonian armed forces and aligned corporations.
- Strike at the Texan prison-industrial complex, as well as Pennsylvanian commerce.
- Until further notice, treat "unlawful" elements in Liberty with non-aggressive neutrality unless in self-defense.
- Many Zoners quietly chafe under Liberty's rule but have yet to take active action against it -- Do not needlessly endanger them through your actions.
We have also been granted clearance to operate in the Zurich side of the Alsace Passage, as well as in Omega-3. While we've clearly a phenomenal amount on our proverbial plates as-is, we should remain aware of opportunities to respectively aid anti-Gallic Union forces and the Molly movement, respectively.
Our objectives for our Western Frontier include:
- Striking at the Zurich mining operations to hamper the Gallic Union, considering the Treaty of Oerlikon's implications.
- Harassment of Kingdom of Bretonia-aligned assets in Omega-3 to try to draw attention away from Dublin's defense.
- Assessment of the teeming population on Planet Sprague for both relief and radicalization efforts.
Please feel free to contact me if you've any questions or concerns. Good luck, Platformers.
Mhairi Rathburn
GFS New Colossus, Gloaming Flotilla What if?
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Name: Augustus Howe Location: Battleship Klaxon, Sigma-15 Subject: Situation Report
Friends and comrades,
I've reached out to our partners in the ALG on behalf of the Black Flame, providing them with a full list of present material conditions regarding the Klaxon insofar as they present challenges relating to the vessel's continued viability as a warship. The report was compiled by Lt. Cmdr. Schlesinger, with input from Lt. Cmdr. Stirner, Deck Crew 13, and myself, and it paints a grim picture indeed. Firstly, I have attached an access code for my conversation with the ALG representative, and I shall include here the summary of the report.
Auxiliary thrusters have degraded to approximately fifty percent capacity. Even the sixty-seven percent output we were receiving during the Norddorf operation was insufficient for maneuverability, likely exacerbated by the conditions of the nebulae, but restoring full functionality to propulsion is a major concern. This will likely require sufficient overclocking of the reactor core. The primary agent cause of degradation remains unknown.
Starboard reactor containment struts are critically damaged, with corrosion having progressed rapidly from last assessment two months prior. A few well-placed shots could breach reactor containment entirely, leading to runaway plasma discharges with catastrophic consequences. As is, a single hyperspace jump is a risky bet. Quality titanium-alloy replacement struts are exceptionally hard to come by, particularly given the vastly different dimensions of prefab materials utilized on the 'Monument'-class versus comparable Rheinland designs, and inferior materials would be entirely insufficient for the task assuming that reactor core overclocking proves to be necessary.
Primary drive system efficiency has been greatly lowered over time due to the necessity of frequent ion scrubbing. The lack of proper warship berths and associated equipment has meant that frigate-scale ion scrubbing systems have been employed and fuel catalyst transport mechanisms have physically degraded as a result. Several catalyst conveyances will likely require full replacement. The matter is further complicated by our inability to fully depower the reactor core -- necessitating full shutdown of all systems, include life support -- as neither Bruchsal nor Bielefeld possess sufficient capacity to hold the Klaxon's entire crew in addition to the large populations of refugees still awaiting resettlement currently aboard both installations.
The aging reactor core, an Ageira M87-A2Bf "Hailstorm" model dating from 784 AS, is perhaps the most grievous concern. Due to specific design considerations of the 'Monument'-class, it is integrated into the ship itself to such a degree that a full replacement would be infeasible without months of work at a properly-equipped military shipyard. As such, we are limited to spot repairs and patch jobs. Every such repair is extremely hazardous even with full shutdown of all non-essential systems, and supplies as basic as insulated gloves fit for internal systems electrical work have been in short supply aboard our home for multiple years running. With the arms race in Sirius showing no signs of stopping, and indeed accelerating in pace with ever-increasing haste, drawing sufficient power for new and advanced weaponry becomes less a question of fuel management and more a question of crew safety -- our last engagement saw an electrical fire break out in a gunnery cabin before a single shot had been either fired or taken. We require a solution that is more than short-term, yet even with the ALG's resources at our disposal, a truly long-term management strategy may be infeasible. The situation is exacerbated by the Klaxon's special-access equipment, namely the LIS-EX-816-issue cloaking device and hyperspace jump drive. Platform engineers have been hard at work devising an alternative to our conventional cloaking device, yet the winds of change are blowing us in the direction of also requiring even more advanced long-range scanners so as to afford us sufficient time for pre-battle positioning in engagements against the empires of both Crete and Berlin alike. Managing this issue will be our most severe long-term challenge.
It remains to be seen how capable of addressing -- or willing to address -- these issues our collaborators within the ALG will be, but given their invaluable assistance thus far, I have high hopes for our continued partnership. With the blessing of the other cells within the Platform, I intend to reach out to other parties for assistance with various phases of the repair process. If all proceeds as well as can be hoped, perhaps limited modernization work can even be undertaken. I do believe that the Independent Miners' Guild would be amenable to such cooperation given our notable assistance against the Imperialist and Corsair threats in Omega-7 during the recent silver boom.
Regarding the inter-cell talks approving an expansion of operational areas, I would like to extend my congratulations to all involved delegates for affirming the necessity of such bold steps, and pending the repair of the Klaxon, submit a declaration of intent for the Black Flame to take the lead within the Platform vis-à-vis operations within Liberty, as it is, after all, our original home turf. Not only are the hundred-odd long-time members of the Klaxon's crew from prior to our integration within the Platform veterans of the Insurgency Campaign, with some having served within the Legion itself, many within the Black Flame hail from the Zoner communities of Pennsylvania and have long yearned to return to take the fight to their direct oppressors.
Lastly, on behalf of the Black Flame, I would like to inquire with the Damnatio Memoriae, the Gloaming Flotilla, and the various independent actors within the Platform what we can do for you and for the movement as a whole as we undergo this critical process of repair and rearmament. Quartermaster Schlesinger is prepared to oversee the logistics required to operate smaller transport vessels and stock fighter squadrons as needed within Rheinland to provide the necessary support to the rest of the Bundschuh movement, and we are fully committed to pulling our own weight.
With dedication and perseverance,
Cmdr. Augustus Howe The Black Flame “Iudicium per ignem”
Name: "Civil Servant" Location: Bruchsal Subject: Klaxon Deployment ID Target: Augustus Howe
Captain Howe, its good to see your vessel finally getting the attention she deserves, but I hope she will soon be ready to burden the fires that we're about to fight through.
I've notified the wider Platform of your request to deploy your ship to Liberty in efforts to co-ordinate the platforms goal of fighting state oppression and injustice wherever it lies. We will hopefully get word back to grant the deployment of the Klaxon once her repairs are completed.
As representative of the Damnatio Memoriae, I am more than happy to permit a detachment of our Cell to be based upon the Klaxon for combat and crew duties, although I must give advice that they are more than willing to participate in intelligence and clandestine needs if the duty is required. We have a hands and some wings to spare as the number of our Ghosts grow, may they follow your orders to the letter, they wish to give the best they can service in the name of the worthy. I will notify others of the vacancies so you shall hear back from them soon if they wish to deploy along side the black flame.
I will also take into consideration a communication to the IMG, we are in need of resources for Saverne to continue manufacturing new vessels for our growing numbers, so we'll need refined materials and assembled components to improve upkeep. It's also my advice to request manufacturing equipment and industry infrastructure they could spare in this regard too, our growing salvage presence might be drawing eyes of some junkers in the region. We've started hitting military shipwreck fields with the support of sympathetic patrols turning a blind eye. They might be seeing us as competition in the underground, so for the sake of civilian interests we need to leapfrog their efforts to free the for-profit attitude in a market that is already considered the bottom line; accessibility above all. This might be something to also network in with ALG, they may be a corporation but they have interests against the junkers and imperial corps that we can leverage with.
As for reaching out to who you need to in assistance to repair your vessel. That is the right of you and the people that serve under your flag and live within their homes, be it even the ship they fight in. It is your delegated authority in this anarchist agreement to act with the best interests of the collective masses. Contact who you need and operate autonomously within lines of Platform and Bundschuh objectives and Tenets. As long as this is maintained then we are willing to mutually support your efforts and goals in exchange.
May the Void guide you well, Commander.
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Unity within The Platform