From: Lord Chaos Location: Beaumont Spire - Omega 3
Recipient: Junker Congress Secondary Recipient: Sirius Wide Junkers
Dear esteemed members of the Junker Congress,
I trust this message finds you in good health.
Today, I reach out to you as a representative of Beaumont Spire, a steadfast Junker installation, seeking your urgent assistance and support in a dire situation that has recently unfolded.
Situation Overview:
Beaumont Spire, faces an imminent threat from the Independent Miners Guild (IMG).
The situation has escalated unfairly, with the IMG making demands upon Beaumont Spire and subsequently planning an attack despite Beaumont Spire agreeing to their terms.
This action not only violates the accord reached but also puts the integrity and security of our Junker installation at great risk.
IMG's Unfair Actions:
Despite diplomatic efforts and compliance with the initial demands made by IMG, they have chosen to proceed with an attack on Beaumont Spire. This move is not only a breach of the agreement but also sets a dangerous precedent that undermines the principles of cooperation and fair play that we, as Junkers, strive to uphold.
Plea for Assistance:
In light of these circumstances, we humbly request the support of the Junker Congress in preventing this unjust attack on Beaumont Spire.
The IMG's actions not only threaten our installation but also jeopardize the collaborative spirit and stability within the Omegas and the broader Junker community.
Proposed Actions:
Diplomatic Intervention:
We request that the Junker Congress engages in diplomatic efforts to mediate and persuade IMG to reconsider their aggressive stance against Beaumont Spire a Junker and BMM-BMF Joint venture.
Coordination of Defense:
In the event that diplomatic measures fail, we seek the assistance of the Junker Congress in coordinating a collective defense effort to protect Beaumont Spire from any unwarranted attacks.
Preserving Junker Unity:
The resolution of this matter will not only safeguard Beaumont Spire but also contribute to the preservation of unity among the Junker.
Beaumont Spire has been a proud and loyal member of the Junker community, contributing to the prosperity of our shared interests for many years.
We believe that, through the solidarity of the Junker Congress, we can overcome this threat and continue fostering a thriving and collaborative environment for all.
Your prompt attention and support in this matter are crucial, and we trust that the Junker Congress will stand united in the face of adversity.
.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: Diplomacy's a B****:.
So Mr. Chaos
Let me see if I understand this correctly, Bretonian Mining and Fabrication now primarily operates Beaumont Spire, and because of your historical hostilities you've brought war to a My People's Doorstep? And now, you want us to come bail you out?
First of all, you make a lot of claims with out giving me much to work with. It's no secret Bretonian Mining Corporations and the IMG have been at each others throats for centuries. How should I know that this isn't all some clever ruse to try to utilize us Junkers are just another pawn in your little game of chess.
Secondly, one doesn't just gain control of an installation and suddenly become kin to the previous owner. If that were the case I'd basically be every organization in Sirius at this rate.
You're lucky though, I like Bretonia, they treated me fairly compared to other Houses and gave many of My People safe haven during The War. I'll reach out to IMG and hear their side of the story, in the mean time I'd deeply appreciate being given read-only access codes to IMG's hostile communications.
From: Lord Chaos Location: Beaumont Spire - Omega 3
Recipient: Junker Congress Secondary Recipient: Sirius Wide Junkers
Greetings Arbiter Rick Tiltman,
I understand your concerns and skepticism regarding the situation at Beaumont Spire.
The tensions between Bretonian Mining and Fabrication (BMF) and the Independent Mining Guild (IMG) are indeed longstanding, and I appreciate your willingness to seek a balanced perspective.
In the interest of transparency and building trust, I can provide you with some additional context.
The recent acquisition of Beaumont Spire by BMF was intended to be a legitimate business deal.
However, unforeseen circumstances, the IMG's attack in particular, have complicated matters.
We believe the attack is a result of the historical hostilities you mentioned.
We acknowledge that gaining control of an installation does not automatically establish a kinship with the previous owner.
The decision by Beaumont Spire Junkers to cancel the sale to BMF reflects their dissatisfaction with the turn of events and their desire to maintain a neutral stance.
I appreciate your willingness to reach out to the IMG for their side of the story. I assure you that BMF is open to a diplomatic resolution and seeks to avoid unnecessary conflict.
The read-only access codes to IMG's hostile communications can only be provided by the Beaumont Junkers.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.