Transmission received
Code recognised as Nag-609-KaHo-KUCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:Sakura Tengoku Administration Sender:Kaisho-ho, Kojima Orochi Date:23.11.833 A.S. Subject:Routine Inspection Priority:Medium
Administration of Sakura Tengoku Station.
Following a routine inspection of Planet Honshu's orbit, we found your installation's hull to suffer from extensive decay. Whilst we encountered personnel on board, they appeared to be without given orders or the required supplies to upkeep the installation.
We wish to inquiry about the status of your operations.
Are we to consider "Sakura Tengoku" as abandoned?
If not, are you in need of immediate assistance? We are able to divert emergency supplies to the installation if requested.
Please be aware that as per § VI, 7 Imperial Stellar Codex of Kusari, failure to contact us back within two weeks will mark the installation as abandoned and thus will face coordinated evacuation and dismantling by Kusari law enforcement units.
Transmission received
Code recognised as Nag-609-KaHo-KUCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:Sakura Tengoku Administration Sender:Kaisho-ho, Kojima Orochi Date:04.12.833 A.S. Subject:Routine Inspection Priority:Medium
Administration of Sakura Tengoku Station.
We are witnessing a rapid decline of structural integrity over the past days. As of today, the installation is in critical condition. The worrisome silence from your side prompted me to reach out to the Naval Operations Headquarters and the rest of the Admiralty.
§ VI, 7 Imperial Stellar Codex of Kusari is hereby overwritten due to the special threat - posed by your installations imminent structural collapse - to vital trade lanes within the Honshu system.
Sakura Tengoku Station will be boarded after a twenty-four hours grace period. Any remaining personnel will be evacuated and detained for interrogation purposes. The station will be dismantled through controlled means.
Transmission received
Code recognised as Nag-609-KaHo-KUCOM
Decrypting.... Recipient:Sakura Tengoku Administration Sender:Kaisho-ho, Kojima Orochi Date:06.12.833 A.S. Subject:Routine Inspection Priority:Medium
Administration of Sakura Tengoku Station.
Your installation has been successfully dismantled.
Two hundred fifty-three workers have been evacuated, out of which twenty-six have already been arrested for resisting state authorities.
Everyone else will undergo further interrogation.
Mr. James Smith, as registered owner of Sakura Tengoku Station, you are granted forty-eight hours to explain your lack of compliance and forward reasons for the utter lack of supervision of the remaining workers on board the station. Should you choose to continue this silent treatment, you will be barred from future business endeavors within the Empire and may be marked as target for capture by state authorities, the likes of the Bounty Hunter Guild and other mercenaries employed by the Empire.