>>> Be Honest, and Write a Feedback about it, you help me to understand why such hate better and let's make it a forget past, restart and fix it for future iteractions, give the opportunity to fix the issue, and help in improve this special (for me) character in how could be suited or wanna you to see in a further improvement <<<
Tenshi Kuonji Through Secure Channel, Tenshi would like to "Speak" with whole Active Community in Discovery *-*/'
(Maybe this is my death words but i prefer get a serious feedback and i hope 2 things, Admins/Mods don't get crazy and remove this post, and you be respectful in giving me the feedback i am trying to get and understand your position along understand my position with the character [if you insult well, i am not gonna take my time in reading it, this is a serious approach, not the "You are obbliged to this because i say it, no, that isnt how this works, but in order to became better, i come here for REAL FEEDBACK {altough, you can say good or bad things in here, but again, keep it respectful and follow the logical and doable things, do not try to forcefully change my character in such way i don't wanna right now}])
Hello everyone,
I’ve been receiving some feedback about my character, Polizei Direktorin Freyja (by a report and for such a Warning), and I’d like to open up a discussion about it (about the character itself only). Some members have expressed concerns about Freyja’s age and suitability for her role. I understand that these concerns stem from a desire to maintain the integrity and realism of our role-playing environment, and I appreciate that.
Freyja is between 28-33 years old, which might seem young for her position. However, I believe her age could add an interesting dynamic to the game, challenging traditional expectations and bringing a fresh perspective to her role.
The first photo I used of Freyja was meant to represent her when she enlisted in the Polizei, specifically the Hamburg system’s Polizei according to her RP lore. The second photo was of an older Freyja, but it seems to have been met with even more resistance.
I understand that as a Direktorin, you might expect a 40-60 years old female, but I prefer to give some life to the character. Sometimes when older, you lose skills, and while having the ability to get into bigger ships and so on, I like more the style that Freyja can suit almost any ship, even fighters or bombers where younger pilots usually rely on answer speed of skills and not in armor and shields. That doesn’t mean she dislikes the capital style, but it is usually more used when needed or something instead of the “usual only ship she flies” (And helping with a lot of people wanting to be more "Fighter Pilots in game now that we only see Caps, caps, CAPS everywhere, one wanna gave you and you denied, crazy i know)
The reason for such a young character in a high position was due to the lack of players willing to play as Polizei in Rheinland. The faction was practically extinct, and in an effort to revive it and make it more appealing, I asked to take the position of 1IC (First in Command), i got the 2IC and then later promoted to 1IC when people see my REAL interest in playing as such. We currently have five registered members and are working on “de-militarizing” Rheinland to show that playing as Polizei can be fun too, while leaving the “Rheinland Military” to do what militaries do.
I’ve noticed that some members are hesitant to role-play with me. If there are any issues or misunderstandings, I’d like to address them so we can all continue to enjoy our shared passion for role-playing. I’m not asking everyone to role-play with me, but I do ask that if no rule is broken, why should there be such issues?
I’d like to address the issue of being joined into a Discord server outside the official channels, and i belive the report cames from the BDM| Discord Server (Outside official channels) and because from there was where discussion started. I believe that all moderation should be done within the official channels and not in private or unofficial spaces (a faction channel should be an unofficial channel, even if official faction is there, i mean, there should be some freedom (with due respect) and if you need to address an issue, get to the private and talk it POLITELY with the offender and try find a solution before "SILENTLY" press the "REPORT POST BUTTON" like there is no more days (¬¬). If there are any issues with my role-play or my characters, I would appreciate it if these were addressed in the appropriate manner and not through unofficial means.
If someone wanna RP with the Polizei they will be welcomed, if you wanna bring a "Casual-Personalized" experience is well for me, push your "requirements" between slashes (//) and i will read it in OoRP Mode and apply to such experience you want to get it (or at least try my best)
I had done some nice RP recently (with AEGIS|CV-Citadel) running it by Antonio (Yes, the Developer man one) and asked about if my RP did the trick, well, the answer i received was "... It was nice, so inmersive like a real way of doing it, feels good and personally i liked it" ... (Words more words less, the idea was there)
People maybe will not understand, but it was so nice to even get a compliment of just doing it nicely, seriously not lies in here!
I’d like to remind everyone of our community rules and general terms & conditions. Let’s remember to respect each other, communicate effectively, and avoid metagaming and powergaming. Our goal should be to create a fun, engaging, and respectful environment for everyone.
That being said, I’m open to constructivecriticism and suggestions. If you have any ideas on how I could improve Freyja’s character or make her more fitting for her role, please share them. I’m here to contribute positively to our community and ensure everyone enjoys the game.
Along with all this text, i would like to people read this note, trust me you will be knowing why i belived could be a nicely idea for reviving a faction, personally i like it (while it says about small departments, well, isn't like we have all players to fill even the most basic roles anyway)
Lastly, I want to make it clear that this post is not intended to be a “trial-by-forum”. Rather, it’s a request for open, honest feedback. If you have reported my character or have concerns and have the bravery to say "I was who report along with this other players/users for this and that", I invite you to share them here or send me a private message on Discord. I’m open to discussion and willing to make changes where necessary. I believe in learning from experience and improving with each role-play opportunity. I’m not perfect, but I’m committed to growing and contributing positively to our freelancer community.
I could tell from where my RP experience was learned, but i prefer to not be saying it due how this is being handled
Remember: Report Violation Guidelines
The post insist in the following: The rules that were broken - [Discovery GC Server Rules] (Actually none, as long Forum Rules in such place)
And always ask yourself the following:
Am I filing a relatively petty report because I’m currently angry?
Is what this person did really worth removing all his credits and guns (or even the right to get modified and broken posts?)
Did you attempt to contact the offending party and work it out reasonably prior to this report?
*Yes or No*
Well i will answer the last one, NO, no one contacted me (be a good person and try communicate with me via a private channel, we can usually fix it if you give your likings into the table instead of just "I don't like it, Report"
So either give me the feedback and we tackle this problem, or make a concession. Dear community, these are the only two alternatives on the table, period.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and working together to enhance my role-playing ability and bring better Polizei-Style Experience.
With Love, Freyja Wolf Direktorin of KPR|
P.D: Hear this song meanwhile you read to not get "bored" and write a constructive answer to get better in all aspects
Discord : Tenshi Kuonji#3786 ✙|✙ Other Networks : Tenshi Hidden Links Best Ranks Ever: 1|IC Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinland (KPR| Tagged Vessels) The Arctic Trickster:Tales of Foxy Tenshi✙|✙ Links: (soon) Blogger | Amino | Medium | WordPress | DevArtStories
And so shall they fall, all who bear our mark. No matter who they are, no rank, nor title, nor power shall shield them. When the mark finds them, their time is nigh.
Hello. Its nice that you opened up about your concerns. Here are my two cents.
(03-15-2024, 01:15 AM)Tenshi Kuonji Wrote: Freyja is between 28-33 years old, which might seem young for her position. However, I believe her age could add an interesting dynamic to the game, challenging traditional expectations and bringing a fresh perspective to her role.
I don't think there is something of a fresh perspective or any interesting dynamic to her as a character. She's young. That's it. If there truly is some mechanic I'm missing then do let me know.
(03-15-2024, 01:15 AM)Tenshi Kuonji Wrote: The reason for such a young character in a high position was due to the lack of players willing to play as Polizei in Rheinland. The faction was practically extinct, and in an effort to revive it and make it more appealing, I asked to take the position of 1IC (First in Command), i got the 2IC and then later promoted to 1IC when people see my REAL interest in playing as such. We currently have five registered members and are working on “de-militarizing” Rheinland to show that playing as Polizei can be fun too, while leaving the “Rheinland Military” to do what militaries do.
I think players would've shown interest in the faction regardless of the character you made. It really didn't have to be a character with the appearance of a 13 y/o (or worse) kusarian/japanese girl to suddenly spark interest. You could've picked any other picture to showcase that yes, she's young, but she doesn't look like she was just spawned out of the uterus.
(03-15-2024, 01:15 AM)Tenshi Kuonji Wrote: I understand that as a Direktorin, you might expect a 40-60 years old female, but I prefer to give some life to the character. Sometimes when older, you lose skills, and while having the ability to get into bigger ships and so on, I like more the style that Freyja can suit almost any ship, even fighters or bombers where younger pilots usually rely on answer speed of skills and not in armor and shields. That doesn’t mean she dislikes the capital style, but it is usually more used when needed or something instead of the “usual only ship she flies” (And helping with a lot of people wanting to be more "Fighter Pilots in game now that we only see Caps, caps, CAPS everywhere, one wanna gave you and you denied, crazy i know)
I fancy the type of RP where the faction's literal leader doesn't go strutting about risking their life in fights and such. I'd expect a "Direktorin" or whatever to sit tight on paperwork and tackling logistics, or maybe just managing the people she/he leads. Especially when it's an official, lawful position. If I wanted to go about and fly ingame under that tag I'd make a secondary character for it. A boots-on-the-ground type.
...or keep the First in Command on more secure ships like cruisers and above, you know. That works too. I'm not a fan of caps either, but sometimes its better to keep the big people in big ships. Again, just my thoughts on it.
Hello hmm with the picture of my forum, you will know who I am, Fenrir.
Anyway, now that this discussion is on forum and not discord, I will drop some of my thoughts and you deal with it as you see fit.
1. I understand you want a character who has the ability to use any ship. The thing is, to all logic, even a 50 year old man can pilot a fighter to teach new pilots in any field such as police, navy, you name it.
2. Leadership for young character needs to be taken with tweezers. If you take by example a vast house such as Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, Gallia or Rheinland, even in real life, the chance a 28 year old woman would occupy the post of Director. But if you take, by example, Corsairs, chances are much more higher due of their nature and life conditions that are not the must favorable.
3. I don't really 'have' a problem in the general, but mostly the pictures you used (no I did not report for such) I think it would be preferable you use an AI picture generator. I know you want something like an albino young woman. With an AI, you can easily generate them as it was once discussed in a discord server. If you are not sure how it works, there are people who can help or even youtube... but all to say, I think 'all the drama' started with the pictures themselves.
No part of what I've seen of your written roleplay, nor anything to do with a preference for snubs or caps given your character's status is anything that I have any sort of qualms with.
My sole qualm is in your character's appearance. I've been informed that the cosplay(?) model is an adult, but assuming this is true, they very blatantly appear to be toeing the line of what would be considered a "childlike appearance", and it's both immersion-breaking and off-putting to me.
The wording of
Quote:Freyja is between 28-33 years old, which might seem young for her position.
Quote:I understand that as a Direktorin, you might expect a 40-60 years old female,
strikes me as sarcastic and backhanded, because in no way does your character as described appear to be around 30 years old--at least, in what I presume was the "first" picture described.
There are innumerable other female models of an asian (or "Kusari") appearance that don't look borderline childlike. I'm more than willing to accept a profoundly young (that is, as young as 18) character being catapulted to directing an interstellar militarized police force if there is convincing roleplay to couch such a thing in. In fact, if the community/moderators decided that the model I chose to represent my character with in ~2012 was a detriment to immersion or caused people discomfort for any reason, I would find a more suitable model; because their appearance is secondary to the sum of the rest of the character's parts.
What's been conveyed to me thus far is that the opposite appears to hold true for Freya. Perhaps I'm wrong, but it's unfortunately what I've interpreted from what I've seen and read.
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A strangely young character in a very high-ranking position is par for the course in Discovery, so while I don't think it's S-tier roleplay I don't think it's unusual enough to deserve negative feedback. It's often happened as a consequence of players joining a faction with a 19-year-old Ensign and blazing up the ranks. Even just being in the faction for a few years with such a character is very likely to naturally get you bumped up to mid- to high command. I've always personally "locked" characters deliberately and simply made new ones for high ranking positions as I find it slightly more immersive for my "GRN General" to be a middle-aged dude captaining a capital ship rather than the young(er) gun I'd originally joined the faction with. But again, while I think this is a cool rule to self-enforce it isn't exactly mandatory.
Your original character picture was literally a child. Not someone aged "28-33". Someone aged 12 or something. That is what players - and later staff - took issue with, and it should really come as no surprise. Perhaps it should've been caught sooner, so you maybe wouldn't have gotten as attached to the picture or whatever. Alas. You then found a cosplayer for the same character, and that woman is objectively not a child, but is still trying to do her best to look as childlike as possible. If staff request you change your character picture and you then try to stick as closely to the original as legally possible that does feel a bit.. disingenuous? Probably the wrong word. But you could've picked from uncountable mid-20s to 30s character pictures that simply looked their age, but went out of your way to basically keep the original with an asterisk. Why not avoid this whole debacle by picking someone who's clearly the age you want the character to be inRP?
Just for the record, I've really not involved myself with the staff decisions when it comes to your character picture. This is just my opinion as a player.
I think the concept of a character as young as ~30 being the head of the KPR is fine, as long as you roleplay out a decent explanation as to why that's happening in the first place. A recently fought civil war and the removal of more veteran police officers that may have sided one way or the other is at least reasonable if you play it out with that in mind. In fact the idea that the KPR is mostly made up of formerly junior officers that were forced to step up into the shoes vacated by the veteran officers that were forced into retirement could be an interesting roleplay perspective.
As far as the reference image for your character, I personally don't find a major issue with it, but I can see how others would. Perhaps you could simply use a less stylized appearance for your character, while still keeping the same look. Using cosplays of a character from an anime is going to lead to a look that overly accentuates the already youthful appearance you're going for. Your actual RP, has from what I've seen of it, been well thought out and written, but it may be overly zealous, though that may simply be the character itself coming through properly. I think perceptions of other players from the past may be influencing reaction to your character as well, 13-year old catgirl admiral is a very old joke around here.
All in all, I'd just look at using a more neutral and/or less stylized picture for your character. I have to agree with Luna, in that I don't really care what someone's character looks like because that's secondary at best to actually playing the character, but other people get held up on that, and you may need to make a concession to avoid the issue in the future.
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The roleplay I've had with you so far has been some of the most immersive I have experienced on Discovery from a law enforcement faction. I've yet to see someone else put so much depth and effort into making something as simple as a license request. From the extra bureaucracy steps (which, ironically, is also immersive when you think about RL) to a private encryption/decryption key and a custom .pdf file just for that one license, I can only recommend more people to roleplay with the KPR. I was genuinely pleasantly surprised how good the .pdf looked, given that I imagine you do this for every request and every different character or faction requesting it. Kudos for that.
The initial character picture was controversial for the reasons people above me explained. It did not impact the quality of our roleplay encounter however, as I've been here a while to see 16 year old catgirl admirals of the Liberty Navy. When it comes to the gray area of Discovery, such as a controversial picture of a character (child, extreme ideology follower, etc.) I follow a simple rule that goes something like this: If you think people (in this case more than a few) might interpret the picture as a child, and not a 28-33 year old, it's better to choose another picture from the start. This is a fictional universe, and there is an infinity of other pictures out there that will get the message across better. There's no reason to choose something controversial when an alternative can be found within minutes.
I'll give you an example from the past regarding character pictures: we had our fair share of drama with Nazi officers, some blatantly showing swastika marks. The same logic applied back then as it does now - surely there are countless uniformed men out there who would have done the job all the same, without the controversy. Additionally, nowadays we have AI which is only going to get better at generating images. While for some, including myself, that's not as important as we prefer to use real people's pictures as the character, it only adds to the possibilities and makes the process of finding/generating a character picture even more trivial.
I did not report you or interact with you in any way, so I won't be addressing your thinly veiled accusations disguised as appeals to maintaining a fun and respectful roleplay environment.
However, I've seen people claim that:
1) You used a picture of an underaged girl / character to represent your character. Your "initial" picture, I assume. I've never seen this picture.
2) You deliberately left out your character's date of birth, in conjunction with using the aforementioned picture.
3) When your picture was moderated, your next choice was a cosplayer acting as the same character. I've seen this picture. As someone living in an Asian country it did not look, at all, like what a 28-33 year old is expected to look like. The fact that your character has a name fitting for a Rheinlander but appears otherwise is a separate issue.
4) When you were confronted in one of the discords, you said this.
(03-15-2024, 01:15 AM)Tenshi Kuonji Wrote: Freyja is between 28-33 years old, which might seem young for her position. However, I believe her age could add an interesting dynamic to the game, challenging traditional expectations and bringing a fresh perspective to her role.
Your entire post seems to be arguing for this point, but that is not what people have a problem with.
(03-15-2024, 01:15 AM)Tenshi Kuonji Wrote: The first photo I used of Freyja was meant to represent her when she enlisted in the Polizei, specifically the Hamburg system’s Polizei according to her RP lore. The second photo was of an older Freyja, but it seems to have been met with even more resistance.
Because of 1) and 2), you have given the impression that Freyja is in fact, literally underaged. Not just by the standard of what is realistic for the Chief of Police, but by literally being legally underaged. Because you did not use appropriate pictures to represent her, and you left out her date of birth, nobody has anything to go by except the photos you used. Frankly this is suspicious on its own, most people don't have a problem putting their character's date of birth, and they certainly do not deliberately select underaged characters to represent someone of unknown age.
If the accusations are not true please clarify why you selected the pictures you did and why you left out the character's age (which you still don't have a specific number nailed down), and what did you mean by what you said in 4). Otherwise it is quite apparent just from the choice of pictures that roleplay fidelity is not what you're aiming for.
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Please try and keep this discussion civil and possibly even productive, everyone. There's a few posts here that aren't really helping. Maybe mine didn't, either. But this thread was on thin ice from the start and if we want it to stay open it'll have to, uh, be nice.
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I am not aware of most of the history behind your player characters nor most of the issues that others have bought up, so I will try offer an objective opinion as you may find it helpful.
I don't feel as if the aesthetic of the character is suitable for Freelancer RP, and I do think that there are some valid criticisms that others have bought up such as the suggested age of the character(s) and how your images have depicted them. In my personal opinion, I think that RP that is believable, or close to the original Freelancer universe lore is ideal and makes the most sense, and I don't think the character(s) would fit into the original Freelancer story or universe for several reasons.
It is also worth considering the contrast of that specific character against other players in the same faction or groups, it is quite different to what people normally expect and choose to portray as their character's identity, and this itself can cause issues because it can break the immersion for some people. If I was reading through pages of Rheinland-based roleplayers and their backstories and saw your character mixed in amongst them, I would think that it was significantly different to the rest and did not really fit in well.
At some point it may be worth evaluating if continuing with that specific character is worth it, even if it does invoke some negative reactions from other players, or if it would be more beneficial to create a new character that is more standard and fitting that other players may respond more positively to.