Kudos to B| and [DSE] for the roleplay in Pennsylvania today, we would've liked to have a bit more time to chat, but that just wasn't in the cards today!
Kudos to the 47th, [LN], and various LSF indies for making an effort to keep the fight outside of Erie fair. You have our thanks, we'll be training.
Thanks a lot to the BAF people that logged today with me. Couldn't have had a nicer welcome back to the squad, even if we lost. I'll account for numbers better next fight(s), I was surprised myself to see that many unlawfuls in one place at once just from some few Discord pings.
A big kudos to @Luminium, too, for helping me out in planning this fight and perhaps more to come.
Kudos to both the Freelancer and Molly for the session just recently in Tau-31. A most interesting roleplay experience, turned into a little gambling duel, Thank you both.