Name: La.Dominadora
Location (ingame): Tau-31
Time (GMT): 14:00 UTC like 5 min before now
Date: 14 May 2024
Reason: I'm sorry I got Disconnected in the middle of a battle. Power Outage due to massive Thunderstorm.
Name: BAF|A-HMS-Royal
Location (ingame): Tau-31
Time: now during event
Reason: i dont know how many times disconnected and joined battle and what happened but game play was terrible everything was stable without showing any problem but whole event i was bussy with terrible lag. 0-0
Name: MNS-Sospettoso
Location (ingame): Tau-31
Time (GMT): 21:01 utc
Date: today
Reason: game crashed
(01-01-2024, 12:15 PM)Ravenna Nagash Wrote: In a live role playing environment, you are not owed or mandated to be given a duel. Fights develop differently every time and people have varying degree of time to log on their hands or have their own plans.
Name: BAF|A-HMS-Crecy
Location (ingame): Tau-31
Time: During leeds event
Reason: ping was 90-100 and after that increased to 300 - 400 ( couldnt see and do anything )