Hello user. Out of curiosity what is everyones most played ship and how much time have they spent on it?
Personally my most played is : a Defender(changed it to avenger a while back) character named Dayvon.Bennet (first ever character made) around 353 hours on it.
To absolutely nobody's surprise, Lillian Olson, likewise also the first meaningful character I made and very much the character I Got Good™ on. Only 186 though.
[03.07.2024] LNS-Beast***: we can do this every day but you have to buy bigger stronger ships...and i'll help you
For me it's the Defender, combining more than 150 hours on only my 46th tagged ships.
"Tiz", formerly Noel.Tizona, is the char with most hours but I have plenty ones going with that name. All using a Defender.
After checking twice, I've played the Sabre probably just as much.
Sabre is the ship I've learned boxing PvP on
Back in the day, I'd have to wager Konpaku, my Spatial, pre-model update.
Now? I'm all over the place, really, but I'd say the Lich (Namely Struikas' and Mieko's, combined). She's an ugly bitch and I can't stand flying her for it, but everyone says it's the best, so beggars can't be choosers. That being said, I'd say the one I really enjoy flying is the Broadsword and Falchion.
unfortunately i do not have any of my original ships due to being wiped by inactivity (permabans hurt.) but likely some sabre from 2012-2013 that I played every day till my permaban
oh, right, also possibly maybe my original GRN| lynx. played that a lot too.